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MId Term Examination

Subject: Adat Law

Even Semester 2021/2022

Name : W. B. Oktavianto
Student Number : 8111422270


1. Answer the questions below by selecting one of the answer choices by providing an explanation that
contains, at least definitions, concepts, and/or theories (expert opinion) to justify it.

2. The maximum time to work on the questions is 60 minutes.

3. The maximum score of each question is 25.


1. A and C have different views regarding the applicability of adat law. According to A, adat law must be
preserved because it is a cultural heritage and national identity. C agrees with the opinion and reasons
put forward by Ana. But according to her, empirically customary law can change.

Do you agree with C's opinion?

a. Yes, I do b. No, I do not.

The Living Law is generally not codified, therefore customary law is easily changed and can be adapted
to the development of society.


2. B has the view that the application of customary law in Indonesia is weak since the application is
without a clear legal basis.

Do you agree with B’s opinion?

a. Yes, I do b. No, I do not.

The implementation of living law is determined by the local people it self. They believed that If the law
that has been in force for a long time is violated, then the person who violates it is believed to be
subject to disaster or community sanctions as a form of punishment. So it will always be run by them as
they culture.

3. Soepomo stated that there are different views regarding the relationship between individuals and
society in the concepts of Western Law and Adat Law. The difference lies in the way of looking at the
meaning of existence and the role of the individual in society.

Do you agree with the statement?

a. Yes, I do b. No, I do not.

Western law also divides law between public law and private law in customary law does not recognize
the division of the law because of all forms the interests of indigenous peoples' rights are determined by
the respective regional customary heads.


4. There are three theories known in adat law, namely the theory of receptie, the theory of receptie in
complexu, and the theory of receptie a contrario. If an indigenous people adhere to their customary law
which does not conflict with Islamic teachings, it means that they apply the theory of receptie in

Do you agree with the statement?

a. Yes, I do b. No, I do not.

According to L.C.W. Van Der Berg, namely a society that embraces certain religion, then the customary
law of that society concerned is the religious law that he embraces.


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