PA 102 Human Behavior in Organization

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SYLLABUS Page 1 of 13

Course Code PA 102
Descriptive Title Human Behavior in Organization
Credit Units 3
Contact Hours/Week 3
Prerequisite None
Time Allotment 54 hours
The course deals with the character of organizations and its impact the behavior of organization members.
It also deals with the environmental factor such as socio-cultural economic or political which influence
Course Description
actual behavior within the organization. The course inquiries into the causes of the behavior particularly
human motivation and the techniques for eliciting the desired response such as effective leadership.

This syllabus, prepared and submitted by the Graduate School Professors for the PA 102 students has been REVIEWED and APPROVED for the use
by the faculty and students of the GRADUATE SCHOOL.

Recommending Approval: Approved:


Dean President

Date: Date:

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Vision Northeastern College was envisioned to stand as one “True Mint of Wisdom” this part of the region could be proud of.

Northeastern College was founded with mission to:

1. Contribute to the literacy uplift of the valley;
2. Build-up the social, moral and spiritual values of its educands;
3. Produce well-prepared individuals for economic responsibilities;
4. Assist the community discover its potentials towards the enjoyment of progressive and peaceful life of its
God – Loving, Patriotic, Socially Responsible, Effective Communicator, Multi – Disciplinary Professional, and, Life Long
Institutional Outcomes
Northeastern College believes that quality education is affordable not only to those who are economically capable but
also to those who are economically insufficient.
Philosophy It believes that through quality education, its educands could break the economic barrier, develop their God-given
potentials, attain maximum growth, assume diversified social duties and responsibilities and withstand the challenges that
come along life’s varied avenues.
Core Values Nurtured and Competitive
The Northeastern College, Inc. in Santiago, Isabela now Santiago City, founded in 1941, is a stock, non – sectarian
Mission Statement of the It was founded on the objectives of developing and training its constituents and students into useful and productive
Graduate School citizens. It aims chiefly to direct and develop learner’s potentials where they can be tapped to the utmost in order to attain
maximum development in all aspects of life such as intellectual, spiritual, moral and social aspects, all of which are
expressive of the values of a well – rounded life.
The Graduate Program of the Northeastern College is entrusted with the task of providing leadership in the pursuit of
General Objectives of the
academic excellence in consonance with the mission of the college to provide advance professional and technical training in
Graduate School
arts, humanities and technology.

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1. Develop effective and efficient leaders in public administration, business management and education.
Specific Objectives of 2. Upgrade competence in research, institutional management and supervision: and
the Graduate School
3. Promote basic and applied researches in education related fields geared toward national development

This is a course designed to initiate the student to get into the field of research in Education branching out into different
fields and aspects which could be contributory towards growth and development and particularly enrich the field of educators.


(Human Behavior in Organization)
In order to achieve the outcomes of this course, learners will go through this learning plan:

Intended Learning Intended Learning Assessment Instructional

Course Topics Time Frame
Outcomes (ILO) Activities (ILA) Tools/Tasks Resources
Familiarize themselves on Orientation 3 hours Recite and Familiarize Online Essay Laptop
the mission, vision, a. Mission, Vision, themselves on the
philosophy of the institution; Philosophy of the mission, vision, Online Graded
Institution philosophy of the Recitation Internet Connection
Identify the topics to be b. Course Content institution e-copies of lectures
discussed as coverage of the c. Course
subject for the whole Requirements
semester; d. Grading System
Discuss the course e. Other matters
requirements of the subjects, related to the
and program subject

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Know the grading system of

the program.
Apply effective organizational Laptop
behavior in one’s concepts of A. Fundamentals of 8 hours Online Discussion and One-minute reflection Internet Connection
place of work Corporation Brainstorming through Online Examination e-copies of lectures
1. Characteristics of Zoom Discussion using Google Form
Organizations and
nature of people. Utilizing Data Retrieval
2. Interaction of people Chart
and organizations
3. Fundamental
concepts on the
nature of people in
the organizations
4. Approaches to
behavior in
4.1. Cognitive
approach and the
applications of
cognitive theory.
4.2. Reinforcement
Concept and the
application of the
informant theory
to organizational
4.3. Human

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4.4. Contingency
4.5. Productive
4.6. Systems
4.7. Formal Approach

Identify varied approaches to 8 hours Online Discussion and Online written test Laptop
understanding human B. Organizational Brainstorming via Internet Connection
behavior in organization Behavior and the Zoom Conference e-copies of lectures
Wider Culture
1. The Philippine
2. The Self-discipline in
the Government
3. Formal
organizations in the
motivation, behavior
structure and
4. Philippine
5. Filipino philosophy
of work-leisure
6. Models of

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- Autocratic Model
- Custodial Model
- Supportive Model
- Hybrid Model
- Individual
differences and
factors in
Implications for
communication and
performance evaluation
Recognize indifferent bases 8 hours Online Discussion and Online written test
of individual behavior and C. Bases of Individual Brainstorming via
how they improve or reduce Behavior in Zoom Conference
effective actions in small Organizations
groups. 1. Motivation and the
Reward System
1.1 Motivation drives
1.2 Human needs
1.3 Behavioral
1.4 Goal Setting
1.5 Appraising and
2. Models of individual
2.1 Expectancy

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2.2 Behavior models
2.3 Differences
expecting and
2.4 Comparison
3. Individual Decision
3.1Models of
individuals as
decisions makers
3.2Decision making
process: a
normative model,
The decision making
physical and social
M I D T E R M E X A M I N A T I O N S (2 – 3 hours)
Identify sets of D. Bass Group Behavior 8hours
characteristics, which 1. Interpersonal Online Discussion and Online written test Laptop
produce stability and effective attraction and group Brainstorming via Internet Connection
action in small groups formation Nature of Zoom Conference e-copies of lectures
The bases of

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A model of
2. Group Development
and structure
Group development:
developing power
and authority

Recognize factors, which 5 hours Online Discussion and Online written test Laptop
explain individual human E. Groups and Social Brainstorming via Internet Connection
behavior and form managerial Behavior in Zoom Conference Online Critique paper e-copies of lectures
strategies for increasing Organization
individual productivity 1. Social Culture
1.1 cultural change
1.2 the work ethics
1.3 Social

2. Status
2.1. Status
2.2. Status symbol
2.3. Sources and
significance of

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3. Communication
- The
- The Structure of
- Organizational
- Communications
in research and
4. Group Decision
- Elements of
Group Decision
- Group decision
making process
- Outcome of
group decision
- Effects of group
processes on
group members
- Deciding when
to use groups: a
model helping

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5. Helping Cooperative
and competing.
6. Conflict
7. Influence and Power

Forms strategies which can 5 hours Online Discussion and Online written test Laptop
be adopted in resolving F. Leadership and Brainstorming via Internet Connection
conflict situation in group organizational Zoom Conference Online Critique paper e-copies of lectures
behavior within an Change
organization. 1. The nature of Column Writing
2. Path-goal models of
3. Leadership style
4. Contingency
approach to
leadership style
5. The nature use of
6. Interpersonal and
group dynamics
7. Managing change

Formulate approaches to G. Organizational 6 hours Online Discussion and Online written test Laptop
changing organizations Environment Brainstorming via Internet Connection
structural, technological and 1. Classical Zoom Conference Online Critique paper e-copies of lectures
people approaches, for organizational
implementing change in theory Column Writing
organizations. 2. Contingency
organization design
3. Technical change

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4. Work systems and

5. Information
FINAL E X A M I N A T I O N S (2 – 3 hours)


As evidence of attaining the above course outcomes, students are required to do and submit the following during the indicated dates of the term. The

rubrics these outputs will be provided.

No Required Output Performance Target Due Date

Research Paper on the problems and issues on human behavior 100% of the students are able to submit the 2 weeks before the end of the
in organization research paper. semester.

Rubrics will be identified both the professors and the students. This will create an active participation within the mentioned parties.

a. Understanding Human Behavior 4th Edition New York by: Mc Connell, James
b. Behavior in Organizations Revised Ed by: Reltz, Joseph
c. Kalayaan Press Marketing Ent. Inc.: Quezon City 1992 by: Martinez, Conception Rodil
d. Human Behavior in Business Organization National Book Store Copyright by: Mision, Ian B.

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e. Human Behavior in Organization 2004 Copyright, National Book Store by: Zulueta, Francisco
f. Human Behavior in Organization 3rd Edition Rex Book Store 2004 Copyright
g. Governance and Civil Society: The Roles of Philippines Civil Society Boards 2005 Copyright UP-NCPAG by: Domingo, Ma. Olivia Z.
h. Human Behavior in Organizations 3rd Edition Rex Book Store 2006 Copyright by: Martinez, Conception Rodil
i. Organizational Behavior and Management in the Philippine Organization 2006 Copyright Rex Book Store by: Zarate, Cynthia A.
j. Organizational Behavior: Human Behavior at Work, 12 th Edition 2007 Copyright Mc Graw Hill by: Newstrom, John W.
k. Strategic Management Text Cases 2007 Copyright Mc Graw Hill by: Dess, Gregory G. et al.

Human behavior on organization articles reading on human behavior - Bing
Human Behavior: The Complete Pocket Guide at iMotions


A. Class Standing – 40% Midterm Grade (MG) = (CS x 40%) + (ME x 60%)
1. Quizzes
2. Recitation Final Grade = MG + (CS x 40%) + (FE x 60%)
3. Requirements (Minor and or Major)
B. Major Examinations – 60%
The Final Grade will be submitted by the Professors after the scheduled end
1. Midterm Examinations (ME) of the semester. Students should pay their balances before the professors

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2. Final Examinations (FE) submit their grade sheets.

1. At the first day of classes, all faculty members should explain the coverage of his course syllabus.
2. A student who has incurred 20 percent of 54 hours absences unexcused absences is automatically dropped from the course. The absentee gets the
equivalent grade of FA (Failed Due to Absences.
3. No student should be allowed in any class who has not presented his/her COR (Certificate of Registration) duly validated by the Registrar’s Office.
4. Sit-in in a class maybe upon the approval of the Dean. No grade shall be given to the student.
5. As much as possible faculty members are enjoined to come in class on time. However, in extreme cases, if the class meets once a week, i.e., three
hours once a week, the professor may be late for 30 minutes.
6. A faculty may hold extra hours on Sundays to make-up for lost days is subject to the Approval of the Dean.
7. All electronic devices such as beepers and cellphones must be switched off or turned on the mute mode during class hours, seminars and the like.

Northeastern College True Mint of Wisdom

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