Vocalic (Adj) : Related To Vowels (U, E, O, A, I) - Arbitrary

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Vocalic /vəʊˈkæl.ɪk/ (adj): related to vowels ( u,e,o,a,i).

Arbitrary /ˈɑːr.bə.trer.i/ (adj): using unlimted personal power without people’s wishes, rights.

Litterally /ˈlɪt̬ .ɚ.əl.i/ (adj): using real and origin meaning of a word or a phrase ( nghĩa đen).

Signifier /ˈsɪɡ.nɪ.faɪ.ɚ/ (n):

Represent (v)= symbol ,illusstrate, to be a good example of....

Symbolic : represent sth else

Almost single language system which is made-up of symbols.

Primarily = mainly

Govern  /ˈɡʌv.ɚn/ (v): to control and direct public business of a county, a city,…

Universal : tính phổ quát

Innate: bẩm sinh

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