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Mass media often times shapes our world view of things and issues and influences our

actions. It is upon us to fact check and to analyze the intended meaning of the media content so
that we could separate facts (including cultural implications) and myths to arrive at an objective

Activity 1. Using the key concept of media literacy, analyse an advertisement where women
models are in bikini clad.

Are You Beach Body Ready?

As a user of media and technology, it is our responsibility to analyze the information we

cite in different media. To do this, it is essential to remember the five key concepts of media
literacy: the ability to criticize the authorship, format, audience, content, and the purpose of the
For instance, the image above is an example of a campaign advertisement. It is a poster
created by the marketing team of Protein World headed by Richard Staveley to advertise the
company’s product. Protein World is one of the fastest-growing lifestyle nutrition brands in the

The advertisement uses imagery. Imagery is visual symbolism or figurative language that
creates mental images or other impressions, particularly in a literary work but also in other
activities such as psychotherapy and advertising. But why? Protein World used imagery to evoke
negative feelings in viewers and a desire to resemble the model featured in the commercial. This
advertisement’s bold visual makes a powerful and unambiguous statement to its target audience.
The actual advertising shows a picture of a “toned body,” highlighting a range of weight loss
products that this particular company sells. In addition, young people are drawn to the bright
yellow background because they see a model with a “perfect figure” and the words “Are You
Beach Body Ready?” written in bold straight behind it. Underneath the image is the phrase “The
Weight loss Collection,” designed to encourage young women to purchase this item. The
advertisement uses an emotional appeal since it makes you feel guilty for not having a “beach
body” in order to sell their product.

Teenage girls are already pressured to have a certain body image. This imagery causes
eating disorders and low self-image. Protein World markets its product as the one solution that
can transform a person’s appearance into the desired appearance for that person. This increases
the pressure on the targeted adolescent girls to purchase the product. Protein World’s marketing
suggests that society will welcome you if you have a “beach body,” which their product will
provide. They describe the product’s benefits without providing evidence. This advertising
strategy makes it simple for teenage girls to believe what Protein World is preaching.

This affected not only adolescents but even women. When women see this in advertising
and notice the consistency in each body shape, it becomes necessary for them to achieve this
Photoshopped, unrealistic body shape. Instead of accepting who they are, “women go to
tremendous efforts to control and alter their features and bodies” to comply with this standard.
This demonstrates how this product’s advertising influences women’s health.
As a result, the advertising caused a stir in 2015 throughout social media, as users
inquired about the meaning of the term “beach body.” This advertisement promotes eating
disorders in a world where the risk of eating disorders and discussing these events are not as
publicly discussed as they should be. We can no longer be ourselves in a world where it is
common practice to sell weight reduction pills with no regard for the potential adverse effects or
in which everyone is jumping on the newest diet craze without anybody having the slightest
consideration for their physical or mental health. The advertising conveys the incorrect idea that
a weight loss diet plan is what is necessary to achieve perfection in on e’s appearance.

Overall, the company succeeded well in making itself known and gaining new customers.
Even though this advertisement was successful, it is unethical since it conveys an inappropriate
message that may do more harm than good.

more conscientious of our activities and push for the preservation of the environment.

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