English Exercises - Meeting 11 - ST Masliha - 64210100

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           : SITI MASLIHA
NIM                : 64210100
CLASS           : 64.2G.05


I. Read again the article. Where do you think it is from? Check (√) the correct answer.
□ a newspaper = √
□ a magazine = √
□ an advice column = √
□ an advertisement

I. Match the phrases in part A with the appropiate information from part B. Then
compare with a partner A.

1. Before the automobile, = b. Pollution is becoming a serious problem.

2. Before there were supermarkets, = a. People used to shop at small stores.
3. About five hundreds years ago, = g. People played the first game of golf.
4. In most office today, = f. People work more than 40 hours a week.
5. In many cities nowadays, = d. People didn’t travel as much from city to city.
6. Soon, = e. There will be probably be cities in space.
7. In the next hundred years, = h. Doctors might find a cure for the commond cold.
8. Sometime in the future, = c. Most people are going to work at home.

Exercise: Complete these sentences below using conditional sentences rules

1. If I came home earlier, I would prepare dinner.
2. If we lived in Rome, Francesco would visit us.
3. If Tim and Tom were older, they would play in our hockey team.
4. If he was my friend, I would invite him to my birthday party.
5. If Arina studied harder, she would be better at school.
6. If they had enough money, they would buy a new car.
7. If you did a paper round, you would earn a little extra money.
8. If Michael got more pocket money, he would ask Doris out for dinner.
9. If we won the lottery, we would fly to San Francisco.
10. If I met Brad Pitt, I would ask for his autograph.

Choose the best answer.

1. Loss or harm resulting from injury to person, property, or reputation is called?

b. Damage
2. The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates
is called as?

e. Environment

3. The children __ (to be) happy if Johnny __ (to teach) them English.

c. Will be happy, teach

4. Today, many people ____ in the internet

a. shop

5. If Arina ... (to study) harder, she ... (to be) better at school..

e. Studied, Would be

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