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pin Create a calm, cosy and clutter-free living space home Feel happier and more relaxed ea Style » Culture Ilabits » Lifestyle » Recipes * Crafts ‘Scandi ost ofushaveabasic understanding of what ‘meant by Sandi design - simplicity, minimalism and functionality. We may even claim to understand the concepts oflagom or hygge. But these buzzwords are simply seratching he surface of what is a significant design movement that emerged! in Scanclinavia morethan a hundred years ago. It's easy to apply Scandi design principles to ourown homes, with no real parpose or understandingof why we're doing what we're doing, and ‘hen wonder why our homesdon’t quite look like the Scandihomesof Instagram, or why we'renot getting that warm, cosy Feeling everyone talksabout. Inthe pages that follow, we're going to deve into the culture ‘and ethos ofthe Seandinavian people, examining their values and, lifestyle. Afterall, the Scandinavian nations consistently rank inthe top ‘en happiest countries in the work. By learning these baste principles before gettingintothe design details. yourliving spaces will make more ssenseand youwillbe able to reap the benefits of a Scandi inspired home. Packed fullofexpert advice fromdesignersand stylists, learn howto declutter, organise and create balance in your home, then curate a comfortable living space that's warm, cosy, calm and tailored to you. From furniture and layout toseft furnishings, colour schemes, textures and much more, discover everything you need to knowtocreate your tomn Scandi home. We've also included step-by-step craft ideas, crochet nd knitting pattems, and delicious recipes soyou can fully embrace the ‘Scandinavian ffestyle and complement your new ving space. A 5 FUTURE I rT Scindi bible "ANDI BIBLE contents 8 glossary lifestyle 10 welcome to Scandinavia “4 the joy of Scandi living 100 _Scandi-living essentials 108 crochet a blanket lagom 12 knit acushion cover 4 knit a basket 22 lagom: pursuing a 116 upeycle old furniture balanced life 120 recipe: smerrebrad 26 declutter your home 122 recipe: Scandi bectroot knots 42 aplace for everything 124 _ recipe: Swedish meatballs 46 secrets ofa professional 126 _recipe:cinnamon buns organiser 52 20 simple storage solutions hygge 64 getting hygge with it 68 the art of Scandi furniture 74 how to decorate Scandi style 82 how designers use natural textures 88 _letttherebe light 90 warmhome, happy home 94 display your houseplants glossary Do you know your hygge from your koselig? Get savvy with our guide to the Se Denmark ‘The smallest oftheScandinavian ‘countries, Denmaricis geographically ‘separated from Norway and Sweden, sitting further south and borderin Germany. is capital is Copenhage ‘whieh is known for its colourful vaterfrontsand big eyelingculture. Diistidning Swedish term meaning ‘death cleaning’ its farmore practical nd less morbid thant may sound Thisisthe custom of decltteringyeur belongingsto snake things easier for lvedones when you pass vay. Involves geting id “anything that could be distressing or embarrassing for them, as wells organising things ke popervork Fika Roughly translated as‘colfeeand acake’, fika sa break taken by many Swedes in the mid-morning and afternoon tomect, ‘upwith Friends or colleagues for achat ‘and asweet treat, is usually Ioager than arogular break, typically taking botweon, ane 30 minutes. Kjord ‘deep, narrow body of water set between ‘dramatic cif orhillsdes, created bya slacker. Norway is particularly famous for ite fords and some including eroyford~ are lassedas UNESCO World eritagesits. Fleeskesteg ADanish roast pork dish, often served with gravy and caramelised potatoes. t's ‘traditional meal for special aceasions, particularly at Christmas (see Ju). Fredagsmys “The Swedish tracition of ‘cosy Friday,a bigFriday night in thac encompasses ‘mysig(eeright.Itminly involves watching TY or playing board games, anc ‘eating snacks. Tacos are populares are pick i'mix, Norwegians share this ‘custom, and calli fredasskos, Friluftsliv Pronounced free oofts leev’ a Norwegian word meaning’ outdoor ie ‘This refers to the Norwegian love of spending timeinthe great outdoors. I's allabout being outside inall weathers \whether you're hiking, running, eyeling, ‘skiing, camping or simply relaxing, Gravadlax ApopularNordic ish of salmon cured ‘with il. 1c Susually served san appetiser with hovmastarsis,a dill and ‘mustard sauce. Husmanskost Specific to Sweden, this refersto traditional, everyday home-cooked food. Ioften refers to hearty meals mace using, readily available ingredients like potatoes, meatballs, pork ancl fish, sch asawarmingmoat stew ith mash. ‘andi words and terms you need to know Arico Scendinavian snd Japaness, Jopond styles ‘minimal yet cosy Hygge Probably the most farnous term tocome ‘ut of Seandinavia, the Danish hygge (pronounced ‘hue-guh’) can be roughly translatedas'cosiness" It's about ‘ereatinga cosy atmosphere of warmth and contentment, usually with friends, or family. tes more commonly associated with the colder months, but summer ean also behyggeligt (the adjectival form of hye). Kev | Ice swimming Otherwise known as cold water swimming ‘orwinter swimming, thisis literally the act of plunginginto and swimmingin Jce-cold water - preferably after warming. ‘upina hot sauna beforehand. Japandi _Acombinationof Japanese ancl Scandinavian styles in interior design. ‘Typically, it blends the warmth and cosinessofhyggewith web sab =the Japanese eoneept of finding beautyin imperfection. Think uncluttered spaces natural materials neutral colours and qualtyeraftsmanship. Jul Usually considered aDanish event, although is also celebrated in Norway ‘and Sweden, julis the Scandinavian version of Christmas, Throughout December, the Danes celebrate with a numberof traditions, concluding with Juleatten, abig feast on Christmas Eve Koselig Sometimes refered toas Norway's rye kowdig evokes cosinoss, comfort ‘a intimacy ~ but vargas more sroundedin social eonoostion eth rea outdoors. Thinkof awinterstay with fiends in amountain cabin witha raring fie anda hoe drinkinhanes Lagom Swedish termmeaning‘not tool, not too much lagom is about balance =n Interiors. food. and in ie e encompasses living sustainably andis oftencredited withbeingthe source of Swedish contentment Lykke The Danish word for happiness and the subject ofa book by Meik Wiking, CEO of the Happiness Research institute, which Jooks at wivy the Danesare some ofthe ‘happiest people onthe planet. Minimalism Aconcept andlifestyle centred around living with les. it's not necessarily about _gettingrid of everything you own: rather, iesabout simplifying yourlie and only keoping quality things that you love and that serve apurpose, Morgondopp Enjoyed first thingin the moming, mongondopp is Sseclsh for moming dip ‘a quick swimin the sea orone ofthe myriad kes in Sweden when the weather gees slightly warmer (making itdifferent from ice or winter swimming) Mysig Along with the noun mys thisiseften referred toas the Swedish version of hhyege thanks toes association with cosines: It alsohas alot to dowith foods GLOSSARY isall frodagsmys (ee lef), for exam about evokingmys (‘cosiness’ with food and watehingsome good TV. Nordic Aterm referring tothewider region of northern Europethat includes the Scandinavian countries of Norway, Sweden and Denmark, plus Finland, Ieelane and their associated territories. Norway ‘The northernmost Scandinavian county, with Oslo beingits copital ety. Famous for its mountainous landseape and its ‘outdoors-loving population, Norway sharesa border with Sweden and isa popular skiing destination. Plogging A combination ofjoggtng.and picking up Fitter that began in Sweden in 2016 and has gradually gained popularity around theworld Itactsasaworkout by combining eardiovascular exercise with bending and stretching. andhelpskeep cities, towns, and beauty spots like parks and beaches, freeofiter. Scandinavia A subregion of Northern Europe comprising Norway, Swadenand Denmark, allof which speak Scandinavian Janguages. It doesnot include Finland or Tekan together with the Scandinavian ‘countries, they male up alarger area called the Nordicregion, Smérgiisbord from the Swedish words for‘open sandieW and"table, asmoegicbordis a buffet-style hunch that encourages socialising while you eat. At Chrietmas, party hosts willoffer ajulbord,or a “Christmastable’ Hyggeis all about evoking cosiness through your ‘onvironmant and the ‘ectivities youde Sweden “The easternmost Scandinavian country ‘and the largest ofthe three, with neatly ‘ouble the populationofeither Norway or Denmark Stockholmisits capital and cultural centre, Sweden shares a mountain range with Norway, and isalso Famous for tsnumerousislands - more than 267500 of them, infact. Tandsmor A Danish torm meaning tooth butter’ ~ when butters spread sothickly onaslice ofbbread that youleave tooth marks wher, ‘you bite ntoit, Delicious! Tulpanens dag “TheSwedish Dayof the Tulip. The Netherlands s most often associated with tulips, but Swedestuy moreot the flower thanany other country. People use Uhisdayesa chance obringeulourinto theirhomes with fresh blooms. “Justas it sounds, the opposite of hygge:a fecling of discomfort, spookiness,or ‘something unsettling, rather than ccosiness and warmth, Think Halloween! Ie'snatalwaysalbad thing, ether it's reflected in popular Nordic noir thrillers and ereepy folklore tales that are part of the Scandinavian cultural heritage. Utepils ANorwogion word thot translates to “outdoors lager’ tery, theact of hravinga beer outside,comerrain or shine. Wienerbrod Referred tooutside of Denmarkas Danish pastries these delectable specialiias come in different shapes, sizesand flavours, but are often braided, ‘contain fruit, and drizzled with icing. welcome to Scandinavia It conjures up images of snow-capped mountains and picturesque towns, but what i: ndinavia? Let this be your introduction to northernmost Europe WORDS Ellen Finch methin Trotturga, jutting out high above Ringodalevatnet ie ‘one of Scondinavia's mos ‘Photagraphed lacations “for good reason Since we've taken so much inspiration from this small pat of porthern Europe,it seems only right tofind out exactly what we ‘mean when we deseribe something as Scandinavian. From stunninglandseapestoquirky traditions, this collection of countries hasalot going ort. where exactly is Scandinavia? You probably havean idea of roughly what constitutes Scandinavia, but the answers actually abit more complex than ‘you might chink. Geographically, it's widely determined that Scandinavia is ade up of three countries: Norway,Sweden and Denmark. The terms"Seandinavian’ and Nordic’ are often used interchangeably but the Nordicregion actually refers to avwicler ‘group of countries, provinces and territories including Finland and Iceland. One way of thinking about it is through language: Norwegian, Danish and Swedish are all Scandinavian languages, hile Finnish comes from the same groupof languagesas Estonian and Hungarian. That said, Swedish also an official languageof Finland, what's itlike in Scandinavia? When you think of Scandinavia, you might picture beautiful, rugged landscapes and skies lit up with the northern lights and you wouldn't be wrong. Afterall, the Scandinavian ‘Mountains run through Sweden and Norway (aa vellas part of Finland), and the countries sit close tothe AreticCircle, ‘making them some ofthe best places to sce the aurora borealis Inthewor. However, mountains aren’t all that Scandinavia has tooffer. ‘The landscape is incredibly varied across the region, from ‘dramatic, deep-cut fords and lush forests of pine, birch and spruce, t9 low-lying towns smattered with buildings in pastel rainbow hues. Sneden sche biggest of the three countries, known Forts beautiful lakes, while Denmark, the smallest, ie more densely populated and has plenty of farmland, As of February 2020, the three Scandinavian countries havea ‘combined population of less than 22 million people, with more than 10 millon of those beingin Sweden. Compare that tothe Likes of italy, whieh has 59 millon people, the United Kingdom, with 66 millon, or Japan, with 125 million, and you can appreciate ust how relatively quiet ie must be! what's the One ofthe most popular assumptions of Scandinavia is that its cold - but in reality, the climate varies depending on how Far northor south you are. Temperatures are surprisingly mild for parts of the year, though visitingin winter usually means packing your snow boots and an extra searf ar two. Inthe summer, Denmatk can reach an average of around 17°C (68°F), museum and a collection of Vking shpson aisplay at the Vikingskipchusot ‘atienel museum, 9 stunning palace, and the amusement park Tiel Gardens. )SCANDINAVIA where to go in Scandinavia Inspied te plon a tip to Scondinaria? Here are our top five places to vist on your tovels COPENHAGEN. (OSLO, NORWAY STOCKHOLM, ROMS, NORWAY | GOTHENBURG, DENMARK Nerway' eapitalis a SWEDEN Norway's gatoway to SWEDEN Denmark's copitalis a | cultualeentre with an Head to one of the Arctic Teemosits | Lovers of art and ‘great destination for a ‘opera house, a Stockholm’smuseums | 400k (250m) from the | _exchitecture wil Ctybraae.Itfesturess | contemporary at | and galleries inctuding | Avetie Circle. Have you | adore Gothenburg ‘Sanson — an open air rmuseurn and Nordic roohomato bears. wolvoe and mace, While Norway reaches between Sand 16°C (46.and 61) in the orth and 18 to 22°C (55and72°F) in the sout average temperatures drop as ow as 7°C (16°F). Duc to its proximity tothe Arctic Cele, some northern parts of Scandinavia have extreme ight conditions at the height of ‘Seasons, t00. In winter, the sun stays down and the resulting ‘polar night? sces the darkness of nighttime last for days on fend, whilein summer, the sun stays up even at night -2 phenomenon called ‘midnight sun. in the winter, cultural differences While Norsay, Sweden and Denmark share many characteristics, thanks in part to their geographical proximity and also to thei shared history, each country has istincr traditionsand cultural quirks. Norway ‘Allthree Scannsvian countieshavea reputation for being ‘utclorsy but Norway is perhaps he country that most ives up tothis. ts fords areworldfamous~deep cut inlets formed by sfaciors from the ee Age. thas more than L600 sacar, manok ‘whichyou canclinbs And beeauseitsaso the most mountainous Thecolourtl waterfront of Nehavn in Coperhagen is the perfect place fora cycle wath ite naoeiasical style. expansive galeries and stunning waterfront ‘can experience the extremes ofthe north, suchas polar nights and midnight suns. WELCOME TO S ofthothres countries, it’s thobest placeto visitifyou'rea keen skier~afterallthere'sa reason it has more gold medalsat the (Winter Olympics than any other nation! You'lalzo find the Famous Troltunga in Norway -a slice rock that juts out of the elif, around 700 metres (nearly 200 feet) above Lake ‘Ringedalsvatnet. thas atracced hundreds of thousandsof touristsas theultimate sefie spot. you love adventure, Norway \s definitely theplacetoge, Like its neighbouring countries, Norway isa kingdom with a ‘monarehy. Is rich history of rulers means there are stunning, historieal buildings across the country, inchiding the Akershus Fortress in Oslo. Bach May, Norway colebrates Constitution Day, ‘anannual publicholiday where people often dressin tradi outfits callod bunad, and across the country children and ‘marching bandstake partin parades. na Sweden While Sweden sharesa mountain range with Norway, t's perhaps better known forts numorousislan’s - more than 257500.0f them - many of which are accessible via ferry. Swedenisalso ‘great for hiking, with some of the most spectaculartrailsin the world covering everything from Arctic wilderness to deep forest. Like Norway,Swedon has. right to roan’ rule, which means you inwalk, cycle, ski and camp on most non-private land Aswellas plenty of green space, Sweden has arich cultural history, including producing oneof the most famousmusical acts ofall time, ABBA -heard of them? I's also well known for ltsdesign credentials - the affordable flarpack furniture brand IKEA revolutionised! the way many of us furnish ourhomes, ancl ‘embodies many ofthe country’ traditional design principe, including functionality any increasingly, sustainability Coffee is big part of Scandinavian culture, but nowhere. ‘more so than Sweden, where there's even a special word forthe "ANDINAVIA, ‘tual of taking break for coffee and something to eat ~ fka.OF course, your cup of coffeeis best paired with the Snedes’ favourito bake, the delicious cinnamon bunt Denmark While Denmark s geographically separated from and significantly smller than the other Scandinavian countries, t's the saureeof some of the most famous Seancl-Anspited trends, including hygge. The Danes are also often touted as some ofthe happiest people in the world ~and it's no wonder. Danish towns are famous for their uplifting aesthetic ~ Copenhagen's Nyhavn, a waterfront district in the capital is ined with colourfulhouses that areas beautifulinrellife as they look on Instagram, CCyelingculture is bigin Donmark. Copenhagen iseven known asthe capitalof bikes, as it's one ofthe most popularand convenient waystoget around. the region, The country is also knowen as beingone of the most socially progressive culturesin the world, including being the firstin the work’ to legally recognise same-sex unions. Its biggest traditions jl, the Danish equivalentof Christmas, which iscelebrated throughout December and ends with juleaften, a big Feast on Christmas Eve. Denmark also hasastakein the world of iterature, being the birthplace of Hans Christian Anderson, farnousforvriting fairy talesand storiesincioding The ile Mermaid, The Snow Queen and The Ugly Duckling. Folklore in general is abig part of Danish tradition, with tales handed down through generationsand filled with thedeeds of goblins, eesand other mythical beings. Scandi savvy ‘Now we've got our heads around these thre fscnatingculture, i’stimeto dive deeper intoall things Scandi andhow the ethos, litestyleand trends ofthe region ould transform the way welve, forthebetter. ‘The three Scandinevien countries share rch heritage land traditions. along wath the joy of Scandi bytes From their beautiful, streamli Ore MT RNeKeOU| THE JOY OF SCANDI LIVING. hhyare we so fascinated by Scandinavian life? Our collectiveinterestinall things Scandiis so high thatthere are ‘countless books and articles dedicated toeverything fromhomedesignto lifestyle tips. But what sit about Scandi livingthat we're so drawn to? Iemight come aso surprise that the annual World Happiness Report, publishedby the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, the Scandinavian eountrios~aswellas Finland and iceland ~consistently rankin the top ten bappiest countries inthe worid, Themystery of Nordic happiness isso sought after that there’seven a whole chapter dedicated toit in the2020 roport. Soit’s no wonder that we'realllooking to adept the habies and ifestys of Seandinavians into our own ives ~ after all,why wouldn't you want tobe happier? Here, we'llbedelving nto how to embrace the Seandi way of living, especiallyinyour home. the place we spend the most time, whether we're resting, playing oF working, our homes benefit from some serious thought around how we want them to ‘makeus feel -and with its focus on beingealm, cosy and welcoming, Scandi styleisa great starting point for creating scheme that makes you Fee appy and relaxed. Of course, once we're done designing our spaces, we need to starclivingin them and wove got plontyoftips on how toembeace Se: i ‘other areas of your life, from work co exercise. So, grab your notebook and well dive right io. curating calm \Whatdo you peture when we say ‘Scandi home"? quick image searchonlinereveasallof the key characteristics we associate with Scandinavian inteiors:cot cal palettes, natural textures, plenty oflightand lots nd lots of rugs cushions and throws. Scandinavian stleis one of the most popular tyes inthe world thanks toWstimelessnessand achievabity. and awell done schemes homely, considered and mindful “Minimalis Seantinteriors have elements of minimalism in thom:spaces are generally uncluttered and where there sre collections of items, these are artfully arranged. However, there's still room for manoeuvre in a Seandi scheme - it should feel streamlined, but still homely andiivable. Thinkabout the famous William Morris quote, Havenothing in your houses that youdo ‘hat know to be useful or believe cobe bewutifuthisphilesophy is, key tothe functional but beautiful design that Seandinavia is knovin for Colour palettes You son find bold, garish colours or patterned walls in Scandi homes: instead, they prefera calmer palettemade asyoulibedriinga | often shipped from vahere you can, and vp largely oflight, neutral colours such as white, beige and grey. ‘That doesn't mean to say Scandi homes aren't impactful: the walls andiloors are simply treated ae the backdrop to showof® ‘designer furniture finds andupeyeled treasures. The other side ‘of Scandi style is a darker, moodier scheme, with subtle shades of ‘green and blue. These colours are mare ikely tobe used in places. Tike the kitchen, where dark units might be contrasted with white walls,ors muted Teature walle’ in theirovn right. Light Part ofthe allure of Seangilinteriors is that they always feel fresh and bright. Natural ight is ushered in through ig, clean ‘windows with minimal dressingssthe bright colour palette helps tobouncelight around the room, as does acareful use of mirrors Ofcourse, Scandinavia isknown for its deop, dark wintors, ond Scandi style isin equal partsabout using other light sources to brighten up these gloomier days. Bright white bulbs and central calling lights are shunned in favour oFlow-Javellamps.and plenty ‘of candles - the ukimate moodlighting, Outdoorsin Biophilc design - the use of nature in ourhomes is, Important to-any room seheme, but works especially wol with Scandirooms, as ithelosto soften pared-back colour palettes {and brings personality in through plants. Palms, ferns andthe large-leafed Monsteradeliciosa are popular andare found all ‘round the home,but particularlyin living areas that benefit from big, statement foliage. design for life Sustainabiityisot the core of Scandinmanlife,not astin design. Oneof the region biggest homeware and furniture exports, ke, has made it part ofits thos, focusing on phasing cutsinge-umoplastioptng for renewable materalsond ven ttalinga rental scheme orks furniture, tating wth Switzerland. Of course, thoe ar groving ways to bo mare sustainable in our homes. and Scandingviisjust one many [los embracing innovetivenew techndlogie,fromeoler pover tossmart systems: Bucaswell asthe bigger plcture things here are some of the smaller, achievable principles at the heart of Scand design Invest in quality Nordic designs timeless, andlrather than picking upand dropping trendsas they come and go.out of style, ‘most Scandinavians prefor to dress their homes in aston, considered way picking out quality tems tat willstand the test ‘oftimesand never look deted. I's nt unusual forhomes tobe flied with furniture that's been handed down through the years ‘and that has developedits own charactor or patinacxer time. Rather than replacing items when they look little seufed oF ‘worn piecesare cared for and repaired, sustainable Scandi living Planet friendly liing i huge part of Scand fe Here are some waye youcon embrace ling mare sustainably at heme SHOP LOCAL | EATSEASONALLY(OR ) _USELESSPLASTIC save ENERGY Recvote seppinglocatybmsts | “GROW YOUROWN) | — Optiorgoods | Rediemg waste sone | AND REUSE wrariportemistions, | Ostofzcasonfoods re | without packaging | ofthemost importa | Fd woystorouse ‘nays to Ine more what you have: from shorterdistance or, | across the world Grow ‘used jars oF sustanaby.and that | oldjam jars used as ‘even better, not driving | yourownfrutervegin | carisleretostock up | includes energy waste. | repainting atall-trywaking | your garden, or simply | ondried goods ifyou | Switchooff appliances | _anunloved chair = foreyeling to your nurture afew potsof | eal shopermarket | whennotinuse and | youll add character resrett supermarket. | herbsin your kitchen. conabice tis. turn heating down to yourhome, #20 THE JOY OF SCANDILIVING ‘Natural materials Scendi schemes are created from the ground Lup with naturel materials. Wood floors are favoured! over carpets, and ether painted white for abscachy fel or covered in rugs for ‘added texture, Sot furnishings made from woo) or cotton take precedenceover man-made fibres ike polyester, and are allthe caster fort Buying second hand’Thojoy of scouring floamarkets,carboot sales or online second-hand marketplaces until you find the pporfect vintage treasure vastly outweighs the quick thllyou get roman impulsive fast-fashion or homeware buy. and Scandinavians know this well.Shopping or antiquesis abyggelit pastime (see page 62 for more on hye), and pieces arevalued for their rich history and thelives, and stories, they represent: ‘nding now home fora mid-century sideboard or beautifully crafted armchair isa special pleasu ofitsown, \Whonyouerperionce fairly extreme winters with long, dark nights ane freezing temper (greater awareness of the seasons, That’ why living ceasonallyis 20 Important omany Scandinavians i's aay not only of tuningin with nature, but also of acclimatising oneself to theconcitionsand {ying tofind the beauty every month the year ‘There aretwo key ways to ive seasonally:eatingand styling. The Nordie diet, encompassing Finland and Ieeland as well as Scandinavia, focuses on locally sourced food, so eating seasonally ‘comes naturally. Eating only that has been provided by the earth stainable way of consuming, ast relies lesson Imports from other countries. Inthe summer months, utes like Scandinaviansdo, you gana 6 Scandi socialising sal about creating atmospor with hyage ighting, good feed and Scandinavians enjoy a glut of fuits and berries, while inthe winter, trusty favaurites lke leeks, beetroot and potatoes, dominate; fresh ish, abig partof the Scandiiet, varies by the month 00. ‘When it comes tothe home, Scandi style embraces the seasons through accessories, too, Rather than buying new items, every three or four months, styling is based on the natural ‘materials evailable in that season: fresh bloomsin thespringand summer, berriesand ewigsin the later months. The wreath st just for Christmas, with variations for every soason, from lush green versions in the warmer months and tones of red,orange and yelow through autumn and inter. Inexpert Marker’s annual study of the most productive countries based on GDPand average hours worked Norway, Denmark and ‘Sweden consistently rank in the top 0, Even moreimpressive though is that they do ths while having a better work-life balance than many thor countries, including the US and the UK. The average Dane, forexample, willelock off at around pm every day topick up theirchildron or stort their evening activities, and all three countries have kits mandating minimumof 25 days pal annual leave. It'sfair to say, then, chat we could lear something from the Seandinavians when it comes tojuggling work and everythingelse. ‘What they’ee tappingin tois simply balance. Rather than For total success, Scandinavians know that the key to is found in non-work passions and time with family and fiends, as muchas itis parsuingacarer that youove. Working xtra hoursis actively discouraged and most people wil take make Scandi work for you “THE JOY OF SCANDILIVING. their full holiday quota, because the Seandi people valve their timeas much as any extramoney. After alli? you're working until or Spm every day, when will youfind time todo what you love? time for fika Insweden, peopletaketime out every day toenjoy fka~a wordt that roughiy translates as ‘aceffee andeake break’ but that encompasses awider ethos of soisleonnection. Twiee a day, Swedes take 5 to 30 minutes out of theirday toenjoy@hot drink tnd a baked good cinnamon buns rea popular option, somuch sothatthere'sevena day dedicated to thesieet treat -andstep uvay from their work orhouschold chores tomect with iends or colleagues, Thesocialaspectof ka is what setsitapart froma quickcoffee-o-go break. tt strengthens relationships and. encouragesconnection ona deeper level -and thereare also suggestions that when done at work, it improves produetivty too. embrace the outdoors Scanclinavans have long knowin thebenefits ofthe outdoors for hhumanhhappiness. Evidence from numerous psychological studies suggests that being exposed tonatural environments improves mental wellbeing, with reduced stress and increased positivoemotions. Onaless direct level, greon environments encourage us to get outside and exercise or socialise. Have you ever noticed strong feelings of grogginess and fatigue, only to realise you haven't taken even onestepcutside that day? Well know that aquick walk in the lool park or eountryside does wonders toclear our headsand relax our bodies -I’sjust that Scandinavians have made the outdoors much more a part of daily lifethan many other countries have, Whenit comes to exercise, Scandinaviansdo most of theirs ‘outdoors, go thoy get the combined benefits of moving their body and geitingsomefresh air at the same time. Hiking almost a rational pastime, particularly in Norway, where the stunning ‘mountain views are second to none. Cyelingis a popular vay to ‘got around, espectallyin Denmark, ane many also achieve thoir dally steps in the formof ogging. There’sevenan eco-friendly ‘Add edge to a paredback ‘schome with an induct clement, ike this concrete: style textured wal version ofthe latter, called ‘plogging’ where joggers combine their daily runswith picking uplitter~a movement that began in ‘Sweden in 2016 and has since picked up momentum in other ‘countries, too, Give it go there might be. local group near you, ‘or consider setting one up yourselt! stop comparing One ofthe ost interesting conchisionstocomecutof the Word Happiness Reportnas the fact that people n Nordic countries hve lower 'stats anciety thanother counties thats they careless abouthow successful they ar compared to societal ‘expectations, probably party thanks to thofaet that thece Ccantres have strong elfare sates that protect those wth low incomes andre the societal gap baboon rchand poor 1 seems possible thereport says, "that keeping up with the cles docan't carry asmch weight in Nordic countries asin theUSand many oer countries? reach out ‘According to the World Happiness Report, Nordic countrieshave hhighor levels of trust and social connections than many other places around the world. This connectedness isso povverfuh it's cited asa factorin those countries higher wellbeing, But how can we fosteras nse of community - especially or those of us Iiving alone, in bigcitios or isolated places? Voluntocringica {great way to get involved in thingson a local level, and helping. ‘othersalso makes usfeelbetter about ourselves. Anather is to Joina group for people with similar interests to you, whether that'sa bookorflmclub, acrafts class ora political movernent. ‘And finally there's nothing better than hanging out with agroup offriends,sotry orxanising regular meet-ups - acoffee shopisa ‘reat place for a casual catch-up,or try pieni in your local park Inthe warmer months, Foelingeexcited about ereating a Scandi inspired home of your ‘own? Good! Use the rest of chs Bibleas your guide to embracing the Scandilifestylein every comer ofyour space, from your kitchen and iving spaces to your garden, 9 26 42 46 52 AGOM gom lagom: pursuing a balanced life declutter your home aplace for everything secrets of a professional organiser 20 simple storage solutions 20 lagom: pursuing a balanced life Ina world overflowing with excess, many Swedes have chosen to embrace a way of life that provides them with exactly what they need WORDS Bee Ginger fton dubbed the secret of Swedish contentment lagom encourages us tocreate a happy life by choosingto lve a balanced existence. Lagom isall about moderation and {ts definition ean roughly be summarised as: not too Tittle, not too much “just right. Pronounced ‘awgohm? (ith emphasis on tho’s), itis philosophy and approach tolling your life ina balanced way, with everything functional ‘and sustainable, Feveryone takes a lagomamount from life then they will bbe content and leawe just enough for everyone elseto do the same, Tho eld aying lagom 3 bist” lager is best. o ‘everything Inmoderation) encapsulates ‘everyday if in Sweden Getty ings LAGOM: PURSUING A BALANC Scandinavian stylois based ‘round a prido in tracition heritage and huge ‘enviranmantal awareness ‘The concept oflagom is essential tothe Swedish identity, permeating through every aspect of daly fe. One cou even argue thatthe Swedish model of economics and social policies \was influenced by the philosophy of lagom, a itcombines elements ofboth capitalism and soctalism. ‘Common to many Scandinavian countriesis theinformal ule krounas Jancelagen, cr the Tawa ante’, This isa socieraleode that is primarily based! around the principle that nobody is better than anyone else. People do not show off their socal status or boast about theirachievements because the Focus of Jante is on everyone being equal This applies toll levels of society. Perhaps itisnosurprise, then, that Sweden is world leader in gender equality, with almost half ofits representatives in parliament beingwomen. lagom and Scandi living ‘Through lagom wo couldimprove so many parts of our dally lives. By embracinglagom and takinga step back fromunsustainable consumerism, you can reassess your priorities. A 2019 survey by Barelayeard reported that oneinthreeExtish people think that they would bhappler if they earned more money. Honever, by spencngon whst we realy need (rather than everything we want) and eying tosavea itlecach month, wecouldalltakealeaFout ef the Swedes’ book. By taking‘lagom mycket (wbat we ned and nothingmore), we may beable vo reduceourfhancal wortesty teeatingour earnings mare responsibs. Changing what we perceive to be wealth ean help toimprove our onmbappiness. 2D LIPE Lagom really is rare example of moderation and modesty in a ‘world thatis forever craving more. The core belief of lagorn runs through the Swedish identity [Not taking more than your share, not dominating aconversation, and allowing others to have their turn withoutinterruption. The ‘Swedish take pride in knowing when tosay enough, the ileal scate bbeingreached wien theres aclear balance between wants and eeds. Having moreis not nays better and does not alwayslead tozhappier outcome, practical ways to achieve lagom in the home Living minimally and without oxoose clutter ean make your life less stressful clean and minimalist home is easy to achieve. By having fewer poscessions youwillalzo appreciate whet you do brave, plus you willereate room formore breathing space. Focus ‘on high-quality, meaningful pieces that wl last, Less reallyis| ‘more, and by steering clear of mass-produced, flimsy throwaway items, your impact on landfilland the environments positively Impacted! as well For example, over the past 20 years, Sweden thas seen arevolution in recycling. with 997% of locally produced waste being either recycled or used to generatoenergy. A just ‘enough approach really lends itself to sustainable ving. ‘Alagom home should be purposeful. Good design can {improve both your mental and physical wellbeing. Many Swedish homes are functional, filed with light and muted colours,and havea clean aesthetic throughout. Particularly relevant in today’s throwaway culture,lagom encourages us to think of our planer and buy products made from sustainable materials. It may ‘cost more initially to buy something crafted by a specialist, butin thelongrun twilllase, Nomore money wasted on replacements ‘when low-quality items break: Upcycting, sourcing sevond:-hand items witha story, and choosing wisely where to spendyour ‘money areall ey elements oflagom, ass respect for nature and connecting with theenvironment. We nced to approciatewhat ‘the world has given us by incorporating agom in ourlives and by ‘ot takingtoo much, Wearo currently stripping the world bare of resources and leaving nothing fr future generations. Lagom canbe applied to every part of your life - even food, ‘when applied to cooking, lagom means embracing food that 00d for your body and your soul,eating something that is elicious, but also unfussy and nourishing. Eating healthily is especially important, as avoiding fad cieis and unhealthy body ‘expectations. Keep lagom in mind when you plan your meals Appropriate portion sizes, storing food correctly, usingleftovers and recycling waste arvall great ways toreduceyour carbon footprintand becontentin the here androw. lagom and hygge Lagom inflences Swedish language. culture and Iifein a similar way that yage doesn Denmark, No translation rally dees either of them justice, a they are both loaded with meaning, The wo philosophies complemert each other beautifully ough. Lago IR about finding happiness and harmonious balance while hygge focuses on fesing cosy and af, taking time out and appreciating the smal joysin Ife How lagom apelies to you entively depends on how you choose to view it, tis more about a way of ife based on balance and faimess while hygge ighights the importance of moments cf reflection or pleasure throughout your day. However. by jeiring the two together you can ereate a more proportcned fe al round. Ency 8 simpler nay of ieby ving in @ more erirormentaly conscious way while sillallowing yours tho smal pleateras that make every day revareing Lagom quality over