FA1-Curiosity and Questions - Capapas

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Capapas, Gem Tristan Peter G.

GED0120 Section 8

FA1: Curiosity and Questions

During the Question Formation Technique (QFT) exercise, we followed these steps:
1. Produce questions.
2. Improve questions.
3. Prioritize questions.
4. Discuss next steps.

PART A. Complete the table below on your chosen topic: (30 POINTS)

QFT STEPS Distance learning during the pandemic was not effective and
only highlighted the digital divide in the country.
1. Questions Produced 1. How did distance learning highlight the digital divide in the
(Generate 10 questions) country?
2. What was the reason for the transition to distance learning?
3. Why was there a need for distance learning?
4. What are the main challenges or reasons that have
contributed to the ineffectiveness of distance learning during
the pandemic?
5. What is digital divide?
6. What are the causes of digital divide?
7. How was distance learning facilitated?
8. How ready were the teachers and students for distance
9. What steps can be taken by the Government to address this
concern or similar crisis situations in the future?
10. Did the students learning in the implementation of distance
learning during the pandemic?

Capapas, Gem Tristan Peter G. GED0120 Section 8

2. Improved Questions 1. How did distance learning highlight the digital divide
among learners in the country? (Open)
2. What caused the transition to distance learning? (Closed)
3. Why was there a need to transition from face-to-face
learning to distance learning? (Open)
4. Why was distance learning ineffective during the pandemic?
5. What is digital divide? (Closed)
6. What are the causes of digital divide? (Closed)
7. How was distance learning facilitated by teachers? (Open)
8. Were the schools, teachers, and students ready for distance
learning during the pandemic? (Closed)
9. What steps can be taken by the Government to address this
concern or similar crisis situations in the future? (Open)
10. Did the students learn in the implementation of distance
learning during the pandemic? (Closed)

Open-ended questions (Advantages and Disadvantages):

These questions allow more information to be given hence can
yield detailed essays. Open-ended questions enable us to probe
until we get a desirable and reasonable answer to our questions
and it also allows us to put more insights in our work. The
downside of open-ended questions is that it is time-consuming
and you can be faced with plenty of irrelevant information.
The role of this questions during my inquiry process is for me
to gather more qualitative data for my essay.

Closed-ended questions (Advantages and Disadvantages):

Capapas, Gem Tristan Peter G. GED0120 Section 8

These questions are less time-consuming and helps remove

irrelevant information. It is also easier to compare data from
different credible sources before coming up with a synthesis.
The downside of this type of questions is it limits our ability to
provide more information to complex questions. The role of
this question in my inquiry process is to allow me to gather
more quantitative data to support my claims in my essay.

Turning Closed question to Open question:

What are the main challenges or reasons that have contributed
to the ineffectiveness of distance learning during the
pandemic? (Closed)
Why was distance learning ineffective during the pandemic?

Turning Open question to Closed question:

How ready were the schools, teachers, and students for
distance learning during the pandemic? (Open)
Were the schools, teachers, and students ready for distance
learning during the pandemic? (Closed)

3. Prioritized 1. Why was there a need to transition from face-to-face
Questions learning to distance learning?
(Select 5 questions only) 2. How was distance learning facilitated by teachers?
3. Did the students learn in the implementation of
distance learning during the pandemic?
4. Why was distance learning ineffective during the
5. What steps can be taken by the Government to address
this concern or similar crisis situations in the future?

Capapas, Gem Tristan Peter G. GED0120 Section 8

PART B: Discuss the next steps to develop a cohesive essay. Arrange the questions
chronologically. Write 2-3 sentences explaining the position of these questions in your
essay. (20 POINTS)
1. Why was there a need to transition from face-to-face learning to distance
This question will lay down the foundation as to why our educational system
transitioned to distance learning despite the system not being fully ready and equipped for it.
This question will be part of my introduction to set things up before I lay down my points in
my essay.
2. How was distance learning facilitated by teachers?
This question will be answered on the first paragraph of the body of my essay.
This is an essential question as it will show us the different modes in which the class was
delivered in the adoption of distance learning during the pandemic. It is also a build up for
my next contention.
3. Did the students learn in the implementation of distance learning during the
This question is still under the body of my essay and is set to confirm whether
or not the modes used in distance learning were effective. It is also the part where I could
provide quantitative data to supplement my claims.
4. Why was distance learning ineffective during the pandemic?
This part is still under the body of my essay. This question will further solidify
my claims by exposing other reasons that may have contributed to the problem in educational
system during the pandemic aside from the modes adopted in distance learning.
5. What steps can be taken by the Government to address this concern or similar
crisis situations in the future?
I will answer this question in the conclusion part of my essay. I put this in the
last part because I believe that there is a need to provide solution to the learning gap created
by the pandemic and also in order for our government to be ready when the same problem
arises in the future.

Capapas, Gem Tristan Peter G. GED0120 Section 8

PART C: Using credible resources, complete the table below with relevant, valid
research on your topic. Arrange them according to the positioning of your questions.
Use APA 7th Edition. (Include a minimum of five (5) sources.) (20 POINTS)

Question 1: Why was there a need to transition from face-to-face learning to distance

Source 1: Mahase, E. (2020). Covid-19: WHO Declares Pandemic Because of ‘Alarming

Levels’ of Spread, Severity, and Inaction. BMJ. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m1036

Source 2: Singhal, T. (2020). A Review of Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19). The

Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 87(4), 281–286. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12098-020-03263-6

Question 2: How was distance learning facilitated by teachers?

Source 3: Malaya, B. (2020). DepEd Distance Learning: Here’s What You Need to Know.
WhatALife!. www.whatalife.ph/deped-distance-learning-heres-what-you-need-to-know

Question 3: Did the students learn in the implementation of distance learning during the

Source 4: Ismael, J. (2021). Survey: Distance Learning Not Working. The Manila Times.

Source 5: Magsambol, B. (2021, July 20). Distance Learning in the Philippines: A Year of
Hits and Misses. Rappler. www.rappler.com/newsbreak/in-depth/distance-learning-

Source 6: Mendoza, J. (2021, July 23). Education Gets Poor Grades under Duterte.

Capapas, Gem Tristan Peter G. GED0120 Section 8

INQUIRER.Net. https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1463031/education-gets-poor-grades-under-
Question 4: Why was distance learning ineffective during the pandemic?

Source 7: Fairlie, R. W. (2004). Race and the Digital Divide. Contributions in Economic
Analysis & Policy, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.2202/1538-0645.1263

Source 8: Mau Kasi, Yohana Eva, et al. (2021). Parents’ Involvement in Students’
Academic Achievement in Distance Learning Process During the Pandemic of Covid-19.
International of Education and Linguistics Science Journal, 2(1), 76–88.
Question 5: What steps can be taken by the Government to address this concern or similar
crisis situations in the future?

Source 9: Carrasco, Rafael, Dingus, David, et al. (2021). Beyond Covid-19: what can
countries do to address the learning loss caused by the pandemic?. G20 Insights.

PART D: Finally, answer each question using the sources with paraphrasing,
summarizing and quoting technique. Use either narrative or parenthetical citations. (30

Question 1: Why was there a need to transition from face-to-face learning to distance
Source 1:
On January 30, 2020, it was announced by the World Health Organization (WHO)
that the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was already a Public Health Emergency of
International Concern and on March 11, 2020 was declared as a pandemic (Mahase, 2020).

Source 2:

Capapas, Gem Tristan Peter G. GED0120 Section 8

This disease is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-

CoV-2) and can be contracted through droplets, infected surfaces, aerosols, and even by
asymptomatic individuals (Singhal, 2020).

Question 2: How was distance learning facilitated by teachers?

Source 3:
Classes were delivered upon the choice of the parents for their child and was divided
among the three types of delivery modalities: Modular Distance Learning, Online Distance
Learning, and Blended Learning (Malaya, 2020).

Question 3: Did the students learn in the implementation of distance learning during the
Source 4:
According to Ismael (2021), Pulse Asia conducted a survey from February 22 to
March 3, 2021 which involved 1,200 adult respondents nationwide and showed that less than
half (46 percent) of the parents said their children were learning.

Source 5:
A more recent study was conducted by Movement for Safe, Equitable, Quality and
Relevant Education (SEQuRE) and the results showed that from 1,299 Grades 4 to 12
students, 86.7 percent, 74 percent, and 66 percent under modular learning, blended learning,
and online learning, respectively – said they “learned less” under distance learning as
compared to face-to-face learning (Magsambol, 2021).

Source 6:
Mendoza (2021) stated that 52 percent of teacher-respondents said that 4-6 out of 10
of their students struggled with their studies especially in submission of requirements and
overall attendance while 77 percent of the parents had a hard time helping their children in
answering the modules.

Question 4: Why was distance learning ineffective during the pandemic?

Capapas, Gem Tristan Peter G. GED0120 Section 8

Source 7:
According to Fairlie (2004), digital divide, which is the lack of access to reliable
gadgets, internet connectivity, and educational technologies and innovations, is one of the
major challenges in the quality of distance learning for students and teachers alike (Fairlie).

Source 8:
Distance learning is a great challenge for students whose parents are incapable of
teaching and guiding them due to a lack of knowledge and familiarity with the lessons, and
those whose parents or relatives are not available to facilitate learning at home (Mau Kasi et
al., 2021).

Question 5: What steps can be taken by the Government to address this concern or similar
crisis situations in the future?
Source 9:
Carrasco et al. (2021) stated that the State plays a vital role in restoring the learning
loss during the pandemic through their financing reforms, generation of favorable conditions
and mobilization of alliances within and between sectors to cater the needs of students.

Capapas, Gem Tristan Peter G. GED0120 Section 8

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