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ED 409 445 CE 074 374

AUTHOR Bardine, Bryan

TITLE Teacher Research: Getting Started. Research to Practice.
INSTITUTION Kent State Univ., OH. Ohio Literacy Resource Center.
SPONS AGENCY National Inst. for Literacy, Washington, DC.
NOTE 5p.
PUB TYPE Information Analyses (070)
EDRS PRICE MF01/PC01 Plus Postage.
DESCRIPTORS Adult Basic Education; Adult Educators; Adult Literacy;
*Educational Research; Literacy Education; *Noninstructional
Responsibility; Research Design; *Research Methodology;
Research Needs; Research Skills; Teacher Effectiveness;
*Teacher Researchers; *Teacher Role

Typically, teacher research is conducted because teachers
want to have some questions answered. Starting effective teacher research
begins by framing the question in a way that will yield the best research.
Three important suggestions when framing teacher research questions are as
follows: the question needs to be open ended enough to allow possibilities to
emerge; teachers should choose research by considering what interests or
intrigues them in their own classrooms; and teachers should investigate
broader teaching dilemmas that have arisen. Two suggestions for teachers as
they proceed include the following: adopt the research stance as a world view
and view research as a way of questioning. The following forces propel
teacher researchers forward: they search for what is behind their success;
they address their concerns; and they search for their students' cutting
edges. Teachers fulfill several different roles throughout their inquiries.
They act as researchers as they build theory, as curriculum designers based
on research results, and as teachers as they adjust their teaching based on
study conclusions. Adult educators can find time to conduct research by using
the following strategies: keeping a journal of classes; asking questions
about ongoing teaching; and using the summer to write articles, do research,
and prepare conference presentations. (YLB)

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O hio June 1997

L iteracy Enhancing adult literacy in the State of Ohio

enter Research to Practice


Offic d Educational Resefecn and Improvement

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By Bryan Bardine
reproductiOn Oualdy

Points of viewer Opinion, stated in this deco.

ment do not neteSsarily repmeent official
OERI position or policy.

What is teacher research? starting effective teacher classrooms" (Hubbard &

Depending on who is asked, research. This article is the Power, 1997, p. 20). Hubbard
the responses could yield first in a series that will and Power stress the impor-
screams of horror or excited examine teacher research from tance of developing research
shouts of joy. Teacher a variety of perspectives. questions that are specific; the
research is a broad and questions should not be
important aspect of Teacher research means "aimed at quick fix solutions to
development not only for the different things to different errors in classroom technique"
teacher-researchers themselves educators. To some it may be (p. 21). Rather, it is important
but also for the colleagues with something as simple as that the questions "involve
whom they share results in observing a class and keeping a understanding students and
writing or at conferences or journal about observations. To teaching in profound ways"
meetings. Teachers are doing others it may be as complex as (p. 21).
research at all levels of a longitudinal study examining
education, from examining the reading development of Once an idea for a
kindergartners' ability to several students over several question has been determined,
synthesize materials to years. In "Researchers in Our it should be framed in a way
exploring adult GED students' Own Classrooms: What that will yield the best research.
writing improvement using Propels-Teacher Researchers?", Hubbard and Power (1997)
journals. The positive effects Jane Hansen says, "A teacher list three important sugges-
of conducting research in the researcher, among other tions when framing teacher
classroom are tremendous, and things, is a questioner. Her research questions. The first is
without research we are losing questions propel her forward" that the question needs to be
a valuable resource in our own (1997, p. 1). Typically, "open-ended enough to allow
as well as our colleagues' research is conducted because possibilities to emerge" (p. 23).
development as teachers and teachers want to have some Essentially, the authors
learners. Further, by not questions answered--hence the advocate not using "yes and
conducting research we also development of the teachers' no"- type questions because
hurt the primary focus of our goals for the research. These these responses fail to yield
careers--our students. This questions "often develop much specific or detailed
article provides answers to the gradually as teachers try to information. Questions that
aforementioned question by figure out why certain things begin with "how" or "why" or
giving some suggestions for are happening in their "under what conditions" often

lead to richer, more useful outstanding characteristics of We need to examine those
information. teacher research. The first, she parts of our teaching that have
says, is to adopt the research worked well with our students
Hubbard and Power also stance as a world view. By this and be willing to share those
suggest to choose research by she means that "teacher re- experiences with other edu-
considering what interests or search represents an approach cators. By conducting research
intrigues you in your own toward teaching in which that tries to understand why
classroom. Think about a teachers learn from and with certain techniques, classes, or
student who is having trouble their students" (p. 3). Teach- strategies have been successful,
in a certain area, and try to ers should not expect to help teachers can learn more about
focus on some things in your their students learn without themselves as instructors and
teaching that have helped that learning something from the about the ways that students
student with her difficulty in students in return. This world perceived those successes. By
the past. This type of infor- view or attitude about inquiry understanding student percep-
mation can be the starting can provide a powerful model tions, teachers can try to teach
point for research. for students of what it means in ways that will duplicate
to be an educated person. those experiences for other
Third, Hubbard and Students will see that learning students.
Power advise teachers to is indeed a lifelong process.
"investigate broader teaching A second force that
dilemmas that have arisen" Hansen's second charac- Hansen sees propelling teacher
(p. 23). For instance, the teristic is that teacher research researchers forward is that they
authors mention that rather is a way of questioning. Essen- "address their concerns" (p. 6).
than focusing all research on a tially, this refers to teachers' It's just as important for us to
particular student, teacher desire to ask and attempt to try to understand why some
researchers may find it easier answer questions they want to things are not successful in our
and more telling if they expand learn about, not those that classrooms. By conducting
the scope of the study to others assign or give to them. research in our classrooms,
include a group of students or These "real questions" (Brady asking students to respond to
an entire class. Conducting a & Jacobs, 1994) are imperative our questions, or doing library
study that focuses on the for teachers to develop and research about similar experi-
effectiveness of using writing learn about the research ences, we can better examine
journals to improve student process. If teachers cannot our own teaching strategies
essays by focusing on only one research what interests them, and make adjustments to
student would not be as then often the motivation and improve instruction. Without
conclusive or as informative as desire to complete that re- teacher research into the value
administering the same study search will be difficult to of wait time, for example, we
to 25 or 30 students. sustain. wouldn't know that simply
remaining silent (for two
Once teachers have Hansen continues by seconds) improves students'
developed their research discussing some important ability to recognize unknown
questions and begun to search forces that propel teacher words.
for the answers, what are some researchers forward. First, she
characteristics or tips for them comments that "teacher The third force that
as they proceed? Hansen researchers search for what is Hansen sees propelling teacher
(1997) discusses two behind their success" (p. 3). research forward is that good


teacher researchers "search for inhibiting their own growth refers back to the teacher's role
their students' cutting edges" because of the myriad of as questioner. She says that
(p. 9). Those teachers who do experiences they will not en- she asks herself the same
this "stand on their tiptoes, counter. Moreover, research questions as a researcher that
look over their students' makes informed decision- she does as a teacher. For
shoulders, and listen with making possible--we know example, in both roles she
perked ears to spot a what changes to make in asks, "What do I know about
student(s) who is going off in a instruction, and we know how each student? What do I know
direction that surprises and to evaluate the impact of the about how each one best learns
excites the teacher" (p. 9). changes. this content or this process?
The impetus for this research What support can I provide?"
But we are all very busy. (p. 28). Isakson continues by
comes from the students'
How do we find the time to explaining she uses the
thinking and new discoveries.
organize and prepare our summer to do those aspects of
The students' "Aha's propel
lessons, teach our classes, her research that are not
these teacher researchers
spend time with students, and included in her teaching-
forward" (p. 9). For instance,
do teacher research? Isakson things like writing articles,
students' excitement over
and Boody (1993) have some doing library research, and
understanding some writing
suggestions. Isakson, a high preparing conference
convention as a result of mini-
school reading and English presentations.
lessons may stimulate a
teacher in Provo, Utah, found
teacher's desire to do more
that keeping a journal of her Conducting research can
research in this area.
classes was a very successful be an important aspect in all
So, teachers are choosing tool in her research process. teachers' professional lives. It
td conduct research for several She says, "I had already dis- provides a means for educators
reasons, and they fulfill covered that keeping a journal to learn about themselves, their
several different roles through- was valuable for preparing for students, and other teachers'
out their inquiries. First, the next day. My notes helped findings. By conducting some
teachers act as researchers as clarify things for me: ideas for form of research, we find a
they "build theory concerning supporting a particular student new world of information not
the particulars of their circum- would occur to me while I only about ourselves and our
stances through reflection, reviewed them, anomalies or teaching styles but also about
inquiry, and action" (Patterson unusual occurrences would students' attitudes and learn-
& Shannon, 1993, p. 10). surface, and significant ques- ing styles--two things that can
Next, teachers act as curric- tions would arise" (p. 28). In be difficult to understand with-
ulum designers based on the essence, the journal becomes a out research. The preceding
results of their research. way to examine not only her pages detail some suggestions
Finally, they again play the teaching but also her students and methods for ways to begin
role of teacher as they "adjust and their responses to the conducting research in your
their practice based on their different techniques and strat- classroom. Future articles will
conclusions from the study" egies she uses in the classroom. focus on some more specific
(p. 10). Obviously, these three Further, Isakson sees a parallel aspects of teacher research. If
roles are critical in the devel- between finding time to teach you have any preferences
opment of the teacher as and to do research, "because about the focus for the next
researcher and classroom for me they are the same" article, please contact Bryan
practitioner. Without doing (p. 28). To explain this she Bardine at the OLRC.
the research, teachers may be


Brady, S., & Jacobs, S. (1994). Mindful of others: Teaching children to teach. Portsmouth, NH:

Hansen, J. (1997). Researchers in our own classrooms: What propels teacher researchers? In D. Leu,
C. Kinzer, & K. Hinchman (Eds.), Literacies for the 21st century: Research and practice (pp. 1-14).
Chicago: National Reading Conference.

Hubbard, R. S., & Power, B. M. (1993). Finding and framing a research question. In L. Patterson, C.
M. Santa, K. G. Short, SI. K. Smith. (Eds.), Teachers are researchers: Reflection and action (pp. 19-
25). Newark, DE: International Reading Association.

Isakson, M. B., & Boody, R. M. (1993). Hard questions about teacher research. In L. Patterson, C.
M. Santa, K. G. Short, & K. Smith (Eds.), Teachers are researchers: Reflection and action (pp. 26-
34). Newark, DE: International Reading Association.

Patterson, L., & Shannon, P. (1993). Reflection, inquiry, action. In L. Patterson, C. M. Santa, K. G.
Short, & K. Smith (Eds.), Teachers are researchers: Reflection and action (pp. 7-11). Newark, DE:
International Reading Association.


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