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Summative Assessment 1 – Rizal

Argumentation and Debate (30 pts.)


1. Group yourself into 5.

2. Get 5 pieces of paper and label the first and second pieces “A”, the third and fourth pieces “B”, and the
fifth piece “C” then conduct a draw lot.
a. (Two) Student As (Pro) should provide at least 5 arguments with references on why we should
accept the proposition.
b. (Two) Student Bs (Con) should provide at least 5 arguments with references on why we should
not accept the proposition (or accept a different version of the proposition)
c. (One) Student C (Adjudicator) should synthesize and provide a decision with at least 3-5
arguments supporting it.
3. Use APA as your referencing format. Use Times New Roman (Font), 11 (Size), and 1.5 line spacing.
4. Submit your output in Canvas on/or before October 4 (Tuesday) at 11:59 PM in MS word format.
5. File name: [Section #_Rizal_Surnames]

Choose one among the following propositions to resolve:

1. Congress must legislate a law officially declaring Rizal as the national Philippine hero.
2. Mandatory ROTC will do better in cultivating students’ sense of nationalism than mandatory Rizal class.
3. If Rizal is alive today, he will be red-tagged.

Pro Con
Student Name (A) Student Name (B)
Give at least 5 arguments in favor of the proposition Give at least 5 arguments against the proposition

Student Name (C)

Synthesis and decision with at least 3-5 arguments

Essay (20 pts.)

The group should answer the following questions completely based on the discussion materials provided, as well as
your analysis of the readings. Always answer the questions with a logical sequence and necessary supporting
evidence. A good essay is concise, precise, and logical.

1. What conceptions and misconceptions did you have about Rizal prior to reading/watching the materials and
participating in the discussion? What changed after reading/watching the materials and participating in the
discussion? (Note: Answers must come primarily from your own perspectives and points of view) (350 –
500 words)

Reading and academic materials that will help you answer the question:

1. Rizal Law and commentaries

2. Veneration without understanding by Renato Constantino
3. Rizal sa Landas ng Paglaya:


Data (40%) Analysis (40%) Manner and Style (20%)

Information is taken from The critical issue/problem is stated All sentences are well
source(s) with enough clearly and described comprehensively, constructed and have varied
interpretation/evaluation to delivering all relevant information structures and lengths. The
develop a comprehensive analysis necessary for full understanding. author makes no errors in
or synthesis.  grammar, mechanics, and/or

Note: Do not forget to use Turnitin to assess your plagiarism score. Those who will be caught plagiarizing will
automatically receive 0. Repeated acts of plagiarism and cheating will be dealt with according to the University
rules and regulations against intellectual dishonesty.

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