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Lesson Plan in English (4 A’s Approach)

English 10
Quarter 3: Week 3


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a. Know the techniques in persuasive writing
b. describe the importance of the technique/s used in a persuasive text, and
c. write a short persuasive essay using the different techniques


Topic: Persuasive Writing Techniques

Instructional Materials: Power point presentation, laptop, internet and projector
References: Learning Activity Sheet
MELCs: EN10WC-IIIb14.1.2: Use a variety of informative, persuasive, and argumentative writing
Strategies: 4 A’s Approach (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application)

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
I. Preliminaries
a. Greetings
Good afternoon everyone! Good afternoon, Teacher Lea!
b. Prayer
Please stand for a prayer. Orlando, lead.
Yes Ma’am!
c. Attendance
Say present when your name is called.
Yes Ma’am.
d. Review
All right, so before we proceed to our topic for today,
do you still remember what we have discussed last
week? Yes ma’am! Last week we discussed about
Informative writing techniques.

Very good! This means that you did listen well

yesterday. Good job! So what were the
parts/structure and other features of an informative Students will answer The introduction, body,
and conclusion ma’am. The other features are
the tone or attitude and specific topic.

Those words are transitional words like first,

Great! And what do you call those words that are second, third, and, again, and then, besides,
necessary to make the essay smooth and equally important and many more.
e. Grammar Drill
Choose the correct linking words to complete the
1. Persuasive writing allows a writer to clearly
present their ideas ________ it is structured and
convincing. (because/because of)
2. ___________introduction is the first paragraph a
person reads in an essay, the writer should catch the
reader’s attention. (since/because of)
3. ______ the writer creates a persuasive text; they
must sway the readers to a particular point of view.
(as, because of)
4. Strategic repetition can be an effective way to
persuade readers _______ they gradually remind the
readers of your message. (besides/because)
5. Rhetorical question does not really need an
answer, ___ the answer is quite obvious.
(as/because of)

What do you think is the word in number 1? Anyone?

The student will answer: Persuasive writing
allows a writer to clearly present their ideas
because it is structured and convincing.
Because is the answer maam.
All right, very good. How about number 2? Andrea?

Andrea: _________introduction is the first

paragraph a person reads in an essay, the
writer should catch the reader’s attention. For
me the answer is since.

Awesome! The number 3? Cassy? Cassy: 3. ______ the writer creates a

persuasive text; they must sway the readers to
a particular point of view. The answer ma’am is

Great, proceed to number 4, Miles? Miles: 4. Strategic repetition can be an

effective way to persuade readers _______
they gradually remind the readers of your
message. The answer ma’am is because.

Gio: 5. Rhetorical question does not really

need an answer, ___ the answer is quite
All right! How about number 5? Gio?
obvious. The answer for me is “as”.

Very good veryone!

f. motivation
Now, I want you all to read this text.

“I was going to die, if not sooner, then later, whether

or not I had ever spoken to myself. My silence had
not protected me. Your silence will not protect you.
But for every real word spoken, for every attempt I
had ever made to speak those truths for which I am
still speaking, I had made contact with other women
while we examined the words to fit a world in which
we all believed, bridging our differences”. The
Transformation of Silence into Language and Action
by Audre Lorde

So now, based on the text you read, what can you

observe about the speech?
(The student will raise her hand.)
Student: I observe ma’am that the speaker is
trying to convince her audience or listeners to
Very good, Messy! Indeed! The speaker is speak just like how she did it.
persuading her audience to speak, especially
women, to transform their silence into language and

So now, do you have any idea as to what would our

topic for today? (A student will answer).
Student: I think our topic for today ma’am is all
about persuasive text.

Great catch! Our topic for today is about persuasive

writing techniques.
II. Lesson Proper
A. Activity
Before we discuss the tips and techniques in
persuasive writing, we will have an activity.

Instruction: Match the persuasive writing techniques

in column B that you think fit the best with the
definitions provided in column A. Write the answer in
the space before the number.

____1. Language a. Persuasion

selected to evoke
____2. Occurs when b. appeals
words are repeated in
order to make a
stronger impact on the
____3. Is any material c. Hyperbole
or information used in
support of an argument.
It can be: Facts and
statistics, expert
opinion, and research.
___4. Numbers, tables d. Anecdote
and graphs,
percentages and ratios
used as evidence to
support an argument.
____5. A positive or e. Attacks
negative implication.
Words or phrases with
“loaded” language that
promotes a positive or
negative feeling or idea.
____6. Criticizing or f. Cannotations
opposing an individual
or an idea.
____7. A short story g. Statistics and data
usually recounting a
personal experience.
____8. Also known as h. Evidence
gross exaggeration---
used for a dramatic
____9. Attempt to i. Repetitions
persuade through
emotional manipulation;
targeting of particular
interests or concerns.
Have different types of
____10. Used to j. Emotive language
present ideas in order
to influence the
audience or to convince
them to perform a
certain action.

B. Analysis
Now, let’s check your answers. I will call names then
so just read and answer.

But before we answer the questions, let us know

what is persuasion, persuasive text and its

So persuasion is a technique that is used to present

ideas in order to influence the audience or to
convince them to perform a certain action.

What is persuasive text? A persuasive text is any text

where the main purpose is to convince, motivate, or
move readers toward a certain point of view or
opinion. A persuasive text can be an argument,
exposition, discussion, review, or even an
advertisement. The techniques of persuasive writing
are emotive language, repetition, evidence, statistics
and data, connotations, attacks, anecdotes,
hyperbole (exaggeration), and appeals.

All right! So let’s start answering!

For question 1. Language selected to evoke

emotions. What do you think is the answer? Let me
call on Alicia.
Alicia: I think the answer to number 1 is
Very good! Why emotive language? Because aside Emotive language ma’am.
from the language selected to evoke emotions,
emotive language or words also make you feel a
particular way.

For example:
“The mother cried when her son won the award
because she knew that he had done it for his best
friend who was sick to run.”

Now, how about number 2, Kirby?

Kirby: 2. Occurs when words are repeated in
order to make a stronger impact on the
audience. My answer ma’am is Repetition.
Correct! Repetition occurs when words are repeated
in order to make a stronger impact on the audience.

For example:
“The people of this city deserve a mayor that they
can trust, a mayor they can respect, and mayor that
they can count on.”

All right! Let’s proceed with number 3. Kashmier?

Kashmier: 3. Is any material or information

used in support of an argument. It can be:
Great! You got it right Kashmier! Evidence is any
Facts and statistics, expert opinion, and
material or information used in support of an
research. For me the answer is Evidence.
argument. It can be: Facts and statistics, expert
opinion, and research.

For example:
“The cities 1.5 million households used over 500
billion liters of water”

“Wind power generates fewer pollutants than burning

fossil fuels.”

Okay for number 4, Quruven?

Quruven: 4. Numbers, tables and graphs,
percentages and ratios used as evidence to
support an argument. The answer is statistics
and data.

Correct! Numbers, tables and graphs, percentages

and ratios used as evidence to support an argument.
By the way, statistics is the science of interpreting
and analyzing information of numerical data in large
quantities, especially for the purpose
of inferring proportions in a whole from those in a
representative sample.
(Presents samples in the powerpoint presentation)

Now, how about number 5, Angelou? Angelou: 5. A positive or negative implication.

Words or phrases with “loaded” language that
promotes a positive or negative feeling or idea.
The answer is “Cannotations.

Very good, Angelou! Cannotations are positive or

negative implication. Words or phrases with “loaded”
language that promotes a positive or negative feeling
or idea.

For example:
“The children were slaughtered as they slept.”
“Her reckless behavior was questioned.”
“The Anzac legend”

Let’s have number 6. Zandro?

Zandro: 6. Criticizing or opposing an individual

Okay! Attacks is about criticizing or opposing an or an idea. The technique is “attacks”.
individual or an idea.

Fro example:

“Her comments are a little more than childish

“Mr Smith must be held accountable for the terrible
test results.”

Number 7, Lianne? Lianne: 7. A short story usually recounting a

personal experience. This is “anecdote”
Great! Anecdote is a short story usually recounting a
personal experience.

For example:
“ when I was 12 years old I was I was on the train on
the way to zoo. I have never been so frightened in all
my life.”

For number 8, let’s have Lonilo.

Lonilo: 8. Also known as gross exaggeration---
used for a dramatic effect. The answer is
Very good! Hyperbole (exaggeration) is also known Hyperbole (exaggeration).
as gross exaggeration is used for a dramatic effect.

For example:
“ I’ll be the only 16 year old in the universe who’s not
allowed to go to the party.”

“We are all being brainwashed by mind numbing TV

programs like ‘big brother’.”

How about number 9? Ymah?

Ymah: For number 9, Attempt to persuade
through emotional manipulation; targeting of
particular interests or concerns. Have different
types. My answer is “appeals.”
All right! Appeals attempt to persuade through
emotional manipulation; targeting of particular
interests or concerns. Appeals has types as well, the
appeal to reason, emotional appeal, and the appeal
to authority.

Appeal to Reason (Logos)

Definition: This is persuasive writing that appeal to
the part of humans that likes to think. It tries to
persuade us by giving what appear to be good, solid
reasons to share the author’s point of view. It uses
facts, definitions, cause and effect, and etc.

For example:
“Many studies show that the most successful way for
a student to improve his reading level is to READ!”

Emotional appeal (Pathos)

Definition: This It’s when the writer appeals to
powerful emotions, such as our love of country,
family, peace, and justice, as well as to our fear and
hatred of the things that threaten us.

For example:
“Students, if you truly care about your grades and
your futures, you will study day and night!”

Appeal to Authority (Ethos)

Definition: This is when writers rely on their authority,
credibility, or general character. They present
themselves as trustworthy. They may have education
or personal experience that makes them an authority,
or they may or they may get information from others
who do, mention mentioning experts as sources to
lend credibility.

For example:
“The year 7 English teachers know from experience
that the most successful students are those who
come to school every day, pay attention in the class,
and complete all class assignments.”

All right! So let’s proceed with the last number.


Lawrence: 10. Used to present ideas in order

Very good! Persuasion is used to present ideas in to influence the audience or to convince them
order to influence the audience or to convince them to perform a certain action. The answer for this
to perform a certain action. ma’am is “Persuasion.”

Great job everyone! Let’s clap our hands for a job

well done!

C. Abstraction
Since we have already discussed the techniques in
persuasive writing, I want you to describe the
importance of the technique/s used in a persuasive
text? The student will answer: I can say that using
techniques that build trust is one crucial way of
connecting and that’s why using it in a
persuasive text to sway someone and
convince them to believe you is important. An
audience is more likely to see you as an
authority on a subject if they trust you, and
that's essential for establishing credibility
especially in any text or essays.

All right! Great answer! Persuasive techniques in

writing is indeed important because it gives you the
guidance for framing an argument and a way of
organizing the pros and cons of an issue into one
document. This type of writing can help you develop
critical thinking skills and build your self-confidence.

Now let’s have a recap! Again, what is persuasion?

Students will answer: Persuasion is a
technique that is used to present ideas in order
to influence the audience or to convince them
to perform a certain action.

A persuasive text is any text where the main

What about persuasive text? purpose is to convince, motivate, or move
readers toward a certain point of view or
opinion. A persuasive text can be an argument,
exposition, discussion, review, or even an

The techniques of persuasive writing are

And what are the techniques? emotive language, repetition, evidence,
statistics and data, connotations, attacks,
anecdotes, hyperbole (exaggeration), and

All right! Great job everyone!

D. Application
Now, to assess if you have learned something from
the discussion, I want you to write a short persuasive
essay using different techniques.

(See attached paper for the rubrics)

The students will write a persuasive text.


Instructions: Complete the diagram with the correct answer from the choices in the box. Write
your answer on a piece of paper.

authority facts and statistics persuasion feelings

emotion reasonn credibility

“Cigarette smoke contains over 4,800 chemicals, 69 of which are known to cause cancer. So why
start smoking?”
“Dentists all over the world are telling their patients the same things. You must floss regularly.”
“You have been poorly treated. You have been taken advantage of. Now is the time to take action.”

1. Pathos is also called Appeal to .

2. Examples of pathos can be seen in language that draws out from the audience.
3. Example of Pathos- _________
4. Logos is also called Appeal to .
5. The use of logos provides audience with .
6. Example of Logos- __________
7. Ethos is also called Appeal to .
8. Ethos is the establishment of the writer’s or speaker’s as s/he speaks or writes.
9. Example of Ethos - _________
10. is a technique that is used to present ideas in order to influence the audience or to
convince them to perform a certain action.

V. Assignment
Instructions: Write your own persuasive sentences using different persuasive techniques
for each of the following scenarios.

1. You are trying to persuade members of your class to volunteer to tutor

underprivileged children.
2. You are trying to persuade members of your class to volunteer to tutor
underprivileged children.

3. You are trying to convince your friends to donate for those affected by the

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