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***This is a reminder that a cited reference must be included within or following your

CTQ answer. If the question seems to ask for your opinion you are still required to use
and cite a reference. The reference can be from our text, a journal or the internet.
This requirement refers to all CTQ’s for the semester, no exceptions.
Please be reminded that you are required to answer only one of the questions below
and your answer should be at least 200 words.
1- What are the various definitions of art? Why is the definition of art different than it was a few
decades ago? How are definitions of art not universal?
2- What are the benefits of the global thematic approach over chronological and geographically
limiting courses in art history? Why does the global thematic approach seem more relevant today?
3- What are some of the various purposes or functions of art? What examples in the text are good
examples of the listed functions of art? Which functions of art do you find most important? Least
important? Why?
4- What are some "ingredients" for creativity?
5- Differentiate between fine art, popular culture, and kitsch. Provide an example of each
6- In what ways does Tim Hawkinson's Bear fit into a definition of fine art?
7- What is the value in studying popular culture? What can one gain from that experience?

Fine art is mainly associated with museums or galleries. Fine art is often looked up to and
many believe that it is higher than the average human art. It is considered to be among the highest
cultural achievements of humans and produced by those with unique skills and talents within art.
Fine art can include sculptures, photography, prints, performance, etc. Popular culture or popular
art is often considered more accessible, cheaper, colorful, entertaining, commercial, and even more
naïve. Each day we are surrounded by popular culture while fine art is not always seen in everyday
life. Some examples of popular culture are magazines, television, comics, graffiti, tattoos, commercial
photography, websites, etc. Kitsch is artwork that is considered calculated to please or sentimental.
Many consider kitsch art to be poor quality as well as ironic and excessive. This type of art can also
display an emotional appeal and can feel superficial. It is somewhat difficult to provide a worded
example of kitsch art however, a piece of art that I would consider kitsch is A Friend in Need by
Cassius Coolidge. It is an art piece that is considered very out there but is very fun to look at. Some
would consider it too different but it is not art that everyone likes.

Coolidge, C. M. (1AD). A friend in need, 1903 - cassius marcellus coolidge. www.wikiart.org.
Retrieved August 28, 2022, from https://www.wikiart.org/en/cassius-marcellus-coolidge/a-friend-
Lazzari, M. R., & Schlesier, D. (2016). Exploring art: A global, thematic approach. Wadsworth.
I used our PowerPoint on Chapter 1: Art and Art Making

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