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“How does feminist criticism change the way you would interpret a work of art?

Before reading about this I honestly did not know what feminist criticism had to do with art

at all. I knew that a feminist is a person that supports equal rights for the sexes but I did not know

that there was a part of this that was involved in art. Throughout the years several women have been

looked over in the art world because men and women are still not seen as equal. Women are not seen

as equal when it comes to many other things as well. Many art critics called “feminist critics”, have

went back and dug through art created by women throughout history that was ignored in the past.

This art is extremely important for the history of women and is very telling of what they had to go

through in the past. These feminists have broken down walls so that women now can have more

recognition in the art world, as well as economically, socially, and politically. After researching and

learning about feminist criticism it definitely changes the way that I interpret art created by women,

especially older pieces. When thinking about how ignored they were, it adds more emotion and a

deeper meaning to their art work. We always hear about people like Picasso and Van Gogh but never

about a famous female artist recognized like them. I have a greater appreciation for the feminists

who have researched these ignored art pieces created by women so that we are able to experience

them today.

Work Cited

Lazzari, M. R., & Schlesier, D. (2016). Exploring art: A global, thematic approach. Wadsworth.

Feminism & art. Art History Teaching Resources. (2016, December 23). Retrieved September 9, 2022,


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