School: - Course: English Class/Semester: Viii / 2 Time Allocation: 2 X 40 Minutes Language Skill: Writing and Reading

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Lesson Plan

School : -

Course : English

Class/Semester : VIII / 2

Time allocation : 2 x 40 Minutes

: Writing and
Language Skill Reading
A. Standard Competence
12. Expressing meaning in functional written texts and simple short essays in the
form of recount and narrative to interact with the surrounding environment

B. Basic Competence

12.1 Express meaning in the form of simple short functional written text using a
variety of written language accurately, fluently and acceptable to interact with
the surrounding environment

C. Learning Objectives
At the end of the course students are expected to be able to:
• Write a narrative text through pictures
• Write characteristics of a narrative text

D. Materials

• Story of “Rawa Pening Legend” 

Characteristics of narrative text.
• Six picture stories (see appendix)

E. Teaching method

 Contextual Teaching and Learning

F. Learning activities

Step Activity Description Time Allocation

1 2
1. Pre-Activity a. Preface  Teacher 10 minutes
greets the students by
asking “Good
morning? How are
you?” / “What is your
feeling 10 minutes
today?”. (friendly)
 Teacher checks
students’ attendance
by asking “Who is
absent today? Where
is she/he?” (attention)
 Teacher asks
several questions to
students randomly:
“Have you ever read
about a legend
story?”; “What is tittle
of the story?”
 Teacher writes the
students’ answers on
the white-board
 Teacher mentions
the material.
2. Main Activity a. Activity 1 60 minutes
 Teacher tells a story
of “Rawa Pening
Legend” twice.
 Teacher divides
students into five
groups to discuss:
“What is the text
about?”; “Identify
characteristics of the
“Rawa Pening
 Teacher explain the
expression used in the
narrative text. b.
Activity 2
Teacher asks
students to write a
narrative text through
picture in 30 minutes.
Teacher asks each
student to choose the
picture story by
throwing a pensil to a
round board.
Teacher collects the
students’ writtings
3. Post Activity  Teacher asks the 10 minutes
students whether
they enjoy the lesson
or not. (honesty)
 Teacher reviews the
materials by asking
students what they
have learned today.
 Teacher closes the
lesson by saying
“good bye” (caring)

80 minutes
H. Scoring
a. Technique : Written test
b. Procedure : Writing a narrative text
c. Instrument : Write a narrative text from the following
picture story.

The frog prince:

A cat in boots:


Lutung Kasarung dan Purbasari:

Ciung Wanara:

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