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COVID-19 change our daily life routine we loss our income, loved one, friends.

We force to stay at home

and stop our work even the school are affected.

I adjust to this crisis by following the rule and regulations of government after they implement the rules

that limit or don't go outside of the house because of risk of getting COVID-19 after a few months

decreasing the rate of people who get the corona virus the regulations also get change or updated I can

say I'm ready to this pandemic. The rule and regulations of the government that implement I

apply when I going outside and wearing a face mask, face shield and keeping my distance to other it can

help me to not get infected by the corona virus because of the corona virus, our expenses exceed to our

normal expenses because we are always stay inside to limit to go outside and we are using the

electronic day and night and the online school that i need everyweek to have load my phone.

I start minimize my expenses because of our minimum income and the good affect of staying at home

because of the rule and regulations that we need to stay inside of our house i start to improving myself

in my drawing skill. Because of wide spread of corona virus and affect all people in the earth and cause

so many death to people I can say I'm ready and prepared to face the COVID-19.

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