Name: TRẦN LÊ HOÀI THƯƠNG - Student ID: 21F7510961 Reading Text

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Name : TRẦN LÊ HOÀI THƯƠNG - Student ID : 21F7510961


The significance of medical decision making, as mentioned previously, is huge. On a personal

level, decisions can alter the lives of patients. But on a more broader scale, decisions can
result in health care system changes. This impacts the spheres of government, finance, health
care, politics, and infrastructure. Thus, many different factors and individuals may be
involved in medical decision making, with varying consequences, according to different
players and settings. For example, medical decision making is not, and cannot, be the same in
the United States, as it is in Bosnia and Herzegovina (4). Of course, there are wide differences
in GDP between those two countries, and differing ethical beliefs as well. These two small
examples illustrate larger differences in financial and cultural factors that constitute
differences in these two countries.

A vital component of medical decision making is evaluation. Decision makers must concisely
evaluate situations, in order to make better choices. For example, when examining a health
care system, their decisions should consider the following questions, such as, what is the
health status of the given population? What economic resources are at the disposal of our
patients, and government? How effective is the current healthcare model that is already in
place? Does the existing social system pay enough attention to the healthcare protection?
Does the organisation structure of the healthcare system satisfy? Are the existing practice and
the healthcare technologies secure, effective, and suitable? Are the planning, programming,
determination and the choice of priority the adequate to the needs of people? How are the
monitoring and evaluation of healthcare system quality organised (2)? These are a few
examples of evaluation in medical decision making.

It is important to familiarise oneself with the exact definitions regarding medical decision
making. Doing this allows us to delve deeper into more intricate options present within
medical decision making. Simple put, a decision is a choice between two options. The person
or entity conducting that decision is the decision maker. The exact definition is (4) “Under the
decision should imply some specific action which is selected from several variables or which
satisfies the expectation that is previously set”. Specifically, the bases of medical decision
making lies largely with the primary decision maker, that is, the doctor. Doctors must analyse
many factors while deciding, including risk, routine, certainty or lack thereof, and potential
problems that may arise. They must also remember the past, to make better decisions in the
future. Some of these past examples are well known, like when a doctor uses “clinical
pathways for certain conditions…for example, in (the) case of (a) breast lump he will perform
(a) biopsy avoiding intermediate steps. Such action is based on previous experience and
knowledge” (6).

There are several schools of thought concerning medical decision making. These include the
model proposed by Katz and Kahn, which considers the pressure on the decision maker, the
problem type, the conductance of information retrieval, and the consideration of alternative
answers (4).
A sound decision made specifies that connection between the means and the outcome. A
rational decision maker will choose the best possible outcome that involves the least amount
of resources. A rational individual will consider many different factors. Applied to the fields
of medi-cine, these may include, but are not limited to, price of treatment, effectiveness of
treatment compliance of the patient, pain and satisfaction of the patient, rules and regulations
of the healthcare system, and many other factors. Of course, rational individuals, to maximise
their outcomes, should be an expert, as will be mentioned in the following paragraph.

It is of the utmost importance that the rational decision maker is highly knowledgable, and has
immediate and almost unlimited access to information. If this is the case, our decision maker
is in the position to make better decisions. Of course, this is where modern technology and the
organisation provided by medical informatics serves a crucial role. However, even the best
doctors and decision makers are susceptible to error. These mistakes stem from a wide array
of problems, particularly the fact that the human mind is limited in its ability to calculate
multiple probabilities, as well as its occasionally tendency to lapse in judgement as well as
memory. It is known that doctors often have problems while attempting to incorporate
medical information regarding potential diseases outcomes into their decisions (1).

Perhaps most importantly, human emotion is what often alters the course of action conceived
by medical decision makers. Doctors may change their choices due to sympathy or lack
thereof, and so human emotions that are expressed may help or even hurt patients.

As a result of these factors and influences, the theory of adapted decision making emerges.
This is one of the oldest theories, and it involves trial and error. It is upon the medical
professional to concoct a plan of action for the patient, and then to periodically check to see
the outcomes. If the patient is not improving, a new decision must be made. Doctors may,
throughout this adapted decision making, analyse new facts, gather new information, alter
existing decisions and treatment, or simply await for a solution (4). The progress must
accurately and concisely noted, to serve as an instru-ment for current or future work.

The significance of medical decision making, as mentioned previously, is huge. This
impacts the spheres of government, finance, health care, politics, and infrastructure. But on
a more broader scale, decisions can result in health care system changes. Thus, many
different factors and individuals may be involved in medical decision making, with varying
consequences, according to different players and settings. A vital component of medical
decision making is evaluation. For example, medical decision making is not, and cannot, be
the same in the United States, as it is in Bosnia and Herzegovina (4). There are several
schools of thought concerning medical decision making. On a personal level, decisions can
alter the lives of patients. Decision makers must concisely evaluate situations, in order to
make better choices. The person or entity conducting that decision is the decision maker. It
is important to familiarise oneself with the exact definitions regarding medical decision
making. How effective is the current healthcare model that is already in place?
ethical the relating to beliefs about thuộc đạo đức
adjective ethical dilemmas surrounding gene what
tic is morally right and wrong
  /ˈeθ.ɪ.kəl/  research
component The factory supplies electrical a part that combines with bộ phận cấu thành
noun [ C ] components for cars. other parts to form somethi
ng bigger
evaluation Evaluation of this the process of judging or c sự đánh giá
noun [ C or U ] new treatment cannot alculating the quality, imp
take place until all the data has ortance, amount,
  /ɪˌvæl.juˈeɪ.ʃən/ been collected. or value of something
disposal the disposal the act of getting rid of hành động vứt bỏ cái gì
noun [ U ] of hazardous substances something, especially by
 throwing it away
priority The management did something that is quyền ưu tiên
noun [ C or U ] not seem to consider office safety a very important and must
priority be dealt with before other
  /praɪˈɒr.ə.ti/ things
intricate The watch mechanism is extremely  having a lot complicated
adjective intricate and of small parts that
very difficult to repair. are arranged in phức tạp
  /ˈɪn.trɪ.kət/ a complicated or delicate 
analyse Researchers analysed to study or examine somet phân tích
verb [ T ] the purchases of 6,300 households. hing
in detail in order to discov
(US analyze)  / er or understand more
ˈæn.əl.aɪz about it
clinical She recently underwent a used to refer lâm sàng
adjective clinical evaluation in hospital. to medical work or teachin
g that relates to lạnh lùng, dửng dưng
  /ˈklɪn.ɪ.kəl/ the examination and treatm
ent of ill people
biopsy a tissue biopsy the process of removing an sinh thiết
noun [ C ] d examining a small amou
nt of tissue from
  /ˈbaɪ.ɒ a sick person,
in order to discover more
about their illness
retrieval The box can the process of finding and  sự tìm lại được, sự lấy lại
noun [ U ] be opened mechanically to allow re bringing back something được
trieval of medications.
concoct He concocted the to make something, pha chế
verb [ T ] most amazing dish from usually food,
all sorts of leftover food. by adding several bịa ra
 /kənˈkɒkt/ different parts together,
often in a way that
is original or not planned

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