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Final Exam for Alebra, 452 (Advanced Training Program), 90° 1. Denote by C the fizld of complex numbers [ \ V. Solve the equation on C: 2"= (3 +i) +4=9. d QB Let p(z) be a polynomial of degree n>! with real coefficients. Prove that if the equation p(z)=0 has a solution 2 = 29 € C, then it also has the solution 2= Zo It. V- Using Kirchhoff's laws, find the gurrents in the following the electronic circuit Q 247 15 oben 25 ohm dq? 10 olum| 20 chm aaa it IC eee inne Ren ame aciieeiomee atic \REW) then V=W. i. 1. An elastic object in the 0 P: fe xi4y42? = | js stretched so thal A (13 x) 268 calli] ca eee 2) Aa she) (a3n)' 24 5 tions. What shape docs the boundary sphere take under this deformation? Find the principal sirecti A v. i pel A be an mxn matrix and B be an mx1 matrix. Prove that the a cae equations ATAX=A'B always has a solution, 96 py ~ ala é fv. 1. On R? consider the following quadratic-form q = 8x? -2xy ~ 2xz +8y? — 2y2 + 822. Find an orthogonal change of coordinates which diagonalizes q. ie @ Let A be an n-square real symmetric matrix and y4(2) be its characteristic polynomial. Prove that all SOlutions of the characteristic equationy,(4)=0 are real numbers. Note: Students ure not allowed to use materials or textbooks. - = ome 20

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