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Final Exam for Algebra, K55 (Advanced

Program), 90'
l, Denote by C the field of complex numbers, l, Solve the equation on
C: (2 + 1) = 2, 2. Plot the woots of the above equation on the c
equation fouw an equilateral pentagon on the complex plane,
omplex plane, Prove that the points of roots of this

l, Find the values of a and b such that the following system of

linear equations has a solution
x + 2 y + 7z - to - 3 17N + Qy - 62 - 2 = 6
| to y - 42 + at = b, With the found values, write
the all solutions of the system, 2, Let \ e MAU R) be fixed and let the
Mont R), Consider the map f: Maxi(R) - Maxis R) defined by f(N) - AN
h for all Ne MMU R), Find the vector Be Mexi(R) such that fis a linear
map, loor suclı lî, tìnd the dimension oflımf
l II,

* - + * * * - l, An elastic membrane in the \O)-plane with boundary

circle 4x44y = 24 is stretched so that
a point P(x, y) goes over into the point Q(\ }) given by
\ T 9 || .‫יו‬

Y’ 2 7 || y Find the principal directions, What shape does the boundary

circle take under this deformation?
! () -\\ l

*Y - * * 0 and R = | -?
2, Consider the matrices 4 -
S -2 -6 l

Find the vector \ q Mu(R) which minimizes the length AA-Bll for all
Xe Mski ( R),
IV. 1. On the space Oxyz consider the following quadric
- * *--- - Y * 5x’-12xy - 12x2 +Sy’- 12yz + 52 + 3x-
2y+42+1=0 Find the changes of coordinates to
transform this surface to principal axes
2, Let A and B be n-square real mati
ices such that X'AY Fo X

BY for all X and Y e Mau(R).

Prove that A * B. -
Note: Students are not allowed to use materials or revibooks (Lur ዞ)
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