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Future Simple, Present Continuous czy going to?

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u�ywaj�c czasu Future Simple, Present Continuous b�d� konstrukcji going to.

1. Tony ............................. a friend tomorrow.(meet)

2. I think it ............................. soon.(snow)

3. Perhaps I ......................... New York one day.(visit)

4. What time ........................... tomorrow?(leave/you)

5. Who .......................... the next World Cup? (win)

6. I'm sure you ....................... the exam next week. (not fail)

7. I ........................... my parents at the week-end. (visit)

8. Don't touch that dog. It ...................... you. (bite)

9. They ........................... for a meal tonight.(come)

10. Look at those clouds, it ........................... .(rain)

11. I think I .............................. (be) very rich when I grow up.

12. .............................. (you stay) with him?

13. I .............................. (probably pass) the exam.

14. Look at the clouds. It .............................. (rain).

15. Where is he for so long? I .............................. (kill) him when he's

back, I promise.

16. Where are you going Matt? Well, I .............................. (buy) some
food for the evening.

17. Don't be afraid honey. Everything .............................. (be) OK.

18. I .............................. (not tolerate) such behaviour.

19. Hi Kate, I .............................. (organise) a party. Do you feel like


20. We're going to Ireland next week. Well, I think

I .............................. (join) you.

21. We're going to the cinema tonight. .............................. (you join)


22. Will you go with us? No, I think I .............................. (give) it a


23. I feel so terrible. I .............................. (be) sick.

24. I promise I .............................. (not tell) anybody about this

25. Our plane is on fire! We .............................. (die)

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