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Name: _________________________________________________ Period: _____ 3Gs and the New World

The 3Gs and the New World

“In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue.”

The idea that Columbus “discovered” the continent of North America is not entirely true. Native Americans had
crossed from modern-day Russia to Alaska 20,000 years before the voyages of Columbus, and at least one
Viking expedition reached what is today Canada in the 1000s (ten-hundreds). Nevertheless, the four voyages
of Columbus to the continents of North and South America kicked off European exploration of what they called
the “New World.”

Columbus and his voyages were sponsored by Spain. However,

other countries on the continent of Europe soon joined the
scramble to explore and colonize the New World. The most
important of those countries were France and Great Britain

Each country claimed vast stretches of North and South America

for themselves. Spain’s territory was the most expansive,
stretching from the western half of South America, through
Central America and Mexico, and up into future parts of the
United States including California, Texas, and Florida. French
colonies were squeezed between those of Spain and Britain,
centered on the Louisiana Territory and a part of Canada called
Quebec. Finally, the British (English) found themselves on the
eastern coast of North America, between Florida and French
Europeans explored and colonized North and South America for three major reasons (the “3Gs”):

1. God (religion): The Europeans, particularly the Spanish in Spain, wanted to spread
their Christian religion to the Native Americans and within the New World through
mission settlements. Meanwhile, smaller Christian groups like the Pilgrims and
Puritans in Britain were persecuted and mistreated for their religion. These Pilgrims
and Puritans sought to create British colonies in North America in order to escape
their mistreatment.

2. Gold (economic): European explorers encountered rumors of cities of

gold from Native Americans when they reached the New World. While
some countries like Spain did manage to find and mine large amounts
of gold and silver, most colonists earned their money through the cheap
land of North America. For example, the French in Canada and
Louisiana Territory traded with Native Americans to acquire furs and
beaver pelts, which they resold in Europe for profit. In the southern part
of the British 13 Colonies, cash crops like tobacco, rice, and indigo
became profitable to grow and sell.

3. Glory (political): Individual explorers like Cabeza de Vaca, Hernan de

Cortes, and Sir Francis Drake wanted the chance to become famous in
Europe as adventurers and conquerors. Meanwhile, countries like Spain,
France, and Britain all saw colonies as a chance to gain power over each
other and build empires.

Analysis Questions: Match the following country descriptions with one of

the three countries in the box below. You will use each word more than once.
France Britain (England) Spain

1. This country made economic profit by trading for furs. _____________________________________

2. This country controlled colonies in Texas, Florida, and California. ____________________________
3. This country earned economic wealth by growing and selling cash crops. ______________________
4. This country controlled Canada and Louisiana. ___________________________________________
5. This country used missions to spread Christianity. _________________________________________
6. This country controlled the eastern coast of North America. _________________________________
7. The Pilgrims and Puritans created colonies for this country. __________________________________
8. This country mined large quantities of gold and silver. _______________________________________
9. This country wanted political power over other countries. ____________________________________
Quickwrite: Which of the 3Gs would motivate you to move to the New World? Why?




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