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1. I have to run out of the house for a minute.

Do you think you could _____ an eye on my kids for 5-10


2. I think you _____ a mistake on question number two.

3. When I was a kid, I always _____ my homework as soon as I got home from school.

4. Please _____ attention to your teacher when she’s talking.

5. Could you please _____ a picture of me in front of the statue?

6. Why don’t you ever listen to me? You never ____ my advice. (two possible answers)

7. You should _____ the plane now before it takes off without you. (two possible answers)

8. I had to _____ some errands this afternoon. I went to the bank and the post office. (two possible

9. I try to _____ money by buying used clothing at thrift shops instead of buying new clothes.

10. My doctor told me I’m not _____ enough exercise. (two possible answers)

11. _____ me the truth. What really happened?

12. I ____ my English test yesterday. It was easy. I’m sure I got a good grade.

13. He’s one of the top young Republicans. Many people think he’s going to _____ president in the next

14. Could you please _____ your cigarette? The smoke is bothering me.

15. He _____ a bad grade on his final exam.

16. It’s normal to _____ some weight during the holiday season. (two possible answers)

17. I have to do some yardwork this weekend. I have to _____ the grass and trim the hedges.

18. I _____ the doorbell, but no one answered. I don’t think they’re home.

19. Kevin _____ three different sports when he was in high school: football, basketball, and baseball.

20. Could you _____ me a favor and turn the music down a little bit?

21. Studies show that if retail stores _____ music in the background, they can affect their customers’
buying habits.
22. I asked everyone for advice before I _____ the decision. (two possible answers)

23. Becky got in the car, put the keys in the ignition and _____ the car.

24. Before seeing the doctor, the receptionist told me to _____ some forms about my medical history.

25. I was scared the first time I _____ a horse. I thought I would fall off.

26. She gave the delivery guy twenty dollars and told him to _____ the change.

27. I celebrated my birthday last week. I _____ 30 years old.

28. To change the language on the TV, you need to _____ the button that says “menu.” (two possible

29. Did you pass or _____ the test?

30. If you want to make friends, maybe you should _____ one of the groups at school.

31. I’m going to _____ the trash. The garbage collectors come tomorrow.

32. Little Johnny is in first grade. He is learning how to _____ time.

33. I thought he was going to break his promise, so I was pleasantly surprised when he _____ his word.

34. He _____ us a story about how he met his wife.

35. Before _____ an investment, you should carefully consider the risk.

36. In English class last night, we ____ an activity to practice using the grammar we learned.

37. Crystal doesn’t vote. She claims that voting won’t _____ a difference.

38. I’m sorry, Mrs. Klein isn’t in the office at the moment. If you’d like, I can ____ a message.

39. You’ll never improve your English unless you _____ an effort.

40. Sometimes the only way to get what you want is by _____ a risk.

41. What you’re telling me doesn’t _____ sense. How can that be possible?

42. Michael Phelps _____ many records during his career as a swimmer. (two possible answers)

43. Every morning I wake up and _____ my dog through the park.

44. Make sure you wear a jacket so you don’t _____ a cold.

45. The driver _____ control of the car and drove it into a tree.

46. It snowed for five days and I didn’t leave the house once. I was starting to _____ crazy.
47. I work hard during the week, but the weekends are for _____ time with my family.

48. During summer vacation, we used to _____ my mom crazy. She was always happy when we went
back to school.

49. For our chemistry final, I looked at my friend’s paper and copied off of him. It was the only time I
ever _____ on a test.

50. He’s married, but he doesn’t _____ any kids yet.

51. I wouldn’t tell her about it if I were you. Everyone knows she can’t _____ a secret.

52. Don’t let it affect you. You need to _____ the positive attitude you’ve always had. (two possible

53. I’m trying to ____ time by shopping online instead of going to the store.

54. That corporation has repeatedly ______ the law and gotten away with it.

55. The people of the United States _____ Jimmy Carter as president in 1976.

56. I do the cooking, and my wife _____ the grocery shopping.

57. The police were able to _____ the criminal when they received an anonymous tip about his location.

58. Gary woke up late this morning and _____ the 8 o’clock bus. He had to take the bus at 9 AM instead.

59. People who can _____ more than one language have a distinct advantage over monolingual people.

60. My neighbor’s dogs were _____ a lot of noise last night. I had trouble sleeping.

61. Please _____ your shoes before you come in the house. We just cleaned the carpets.

62. I’m going to _____ copies of these documents in case we lose the originals.

63. I need to ____ Frank a call and see how he’s been doing. I haven’t talked to him in a while.

64. You should find some clothes hangers and _____ your clothes in the closet so they don’t get
wrinkled. (two possible answers)

65. I didn’t ask for it, but he _____ me his opinion anyway.

66. Sharon _____ a photography course when she was in college.

67. Sometimes I _____ my bike to work if the weather is nice.

68. I’d love to take a flight training course one day. I’ve always wanted to learn how to _____ a plane.

69. Mike got a bucket of water and _____ the fire.

70. Did he _____ his promise or did he keep it?

71. My son _____ an experiment in his science class today. (two possible answers)

72. Let’s go somewhere else. When you see the waiter, can you _____ the check?

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