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Problem Set 1: Introduction to Probability

Instructions: Show full solutions to the following, including writing out formulas and providing there-
fore statements. Form will be considered during grading. Submit a PDF of all of your work, in order, to
the corresponding assignment dropbox prior to the due date.

1. Considering two standard dice, determine the theoretical probability of rolling doubles. (3 Marks)

2. A standard die is rolled 24 times and turns up a 5 six times. (6 Marks)

What is the experimental probability of rolling a 5 on a given trial?

What is the theoretical probability of rolling a 5?

Explain why these answers are different.


3. A standard die is rolled and a card is drawn from a standard deck of playing cards. (8 Marks)
Which of the following is more likely to occur? Justify your answers with mathematical reasoning.

- An even value will be rolled and a heart will be drawn

- A value larger than 4 will be rolled and a face card will be drawn

4. Tao has three pencils, two blue pens, and a red pen in his pencil case. Suppose he randomly
withdraws one writing tool, followed by another, without replacing the first one. What is the
probability that Tao randomly draws a pencil followed by a blue pen? (6 Marks)

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