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Senior High School

Physical Education
and Health (H.O.P.E. 4)
Quarter 3 – Module 1:
Moving On: Adapting the
“New Normal”
Physical Education and Health (H.O.P.E. 4) Grade 12
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 1: Moving On: Adapting the “New Normal”
First Edition, 2020

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of
the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or
office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit.
Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalty.

Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks, etc.) included in this book are owned by their respective copyright holders. Every
effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their
respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership
over them.

Published by the Department of Education – Division of Cagayan de Oro City

Schools Division Superintendent: Dr. Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, CESO V

Development Team of the Module

Writer/s: Melody Fair C. Jomuad, MSPE

Reviewer/s: Welyn B. Ragasi, MAED-TPE, Roy L. Melendez
Illustrator/s and Layout Artist/s: Ryan Boyd M. Pahapay

Management Team
Chairperson: Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, PhD, CESO V
Schools Division Superintendent

Co-Chairperson: Rowena H. Para-on, PhD

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Lorebina C. Carrasco, OIC-CID Chief
Sylvio C. Carciller, PhD, EPS-MAPEH
Joel D. Potane, LRMDS Manager
Lanie O. Signo, Librarian II
Gemma Pajayon, PDO II
Evelyn Q. Sumanda, School Head
Cely B. Labadan, School Head

Printed in the Philippines by Department of Education – Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

Office Address: Fr. William F. Masterson Ave., Upper Balulang Cagayan de Oro City
Telefax: (08822)855-0048
E-mail Address:
Senior High School

Physical Education
and Health (H.O.P.E. 4)
Quarter 3 – Module 1:
Moving On: Adapting the
“New Normal”

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed

by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and or/universities. We
encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their feedback,
comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education at action@

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

FAIR USE AND CONTENT DISCLAIMER: This SLM (Self Learning Module) is for
educational purposes only. Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems,
pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks, etc.) included in these modules are
owned by their respective copyright holders. The publisher and authors do not
represent nor claim ownership over them. Sincerest appreciation to those who have
made significant contributions to these modules.
What This Module is About

This module deals with the psychosocial interventions that will help students
realize the importance of staying connected with their loved ones in this time of pandemic.
It suggests ways of coping from this problem by appreciating their simple personal daily
routines at home and turning them into worthwhile recreational activities so they can
maintain mobility and reduce boredom.

The following are the lessons contained in this module:

1. Lesson 1: Facing the Giants—I Can Do It
2. Lesson 2: Finding Joy in the “New Normal”

What I Need to Know

➢ At the end of Lesson 1, you should be able to:

1. Validate feelings and normalize your reactions;

2. Calm down and control your emotions;
3. Identify people and agencies whom you can approach for help;
4. Identify your sources of strength.

➢ At the end of Lesson 2, you should be able to:

1. Manage your physical reactions;

2. Manage your thoughts and emotions;
3. Seek solutions and social support;
4. Resume positive activities; and
5. Move forward.

How to Learn from this Module

✓ For the Learner:
The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
1. Follow closely the instructions in every activity.
2. Be honest in answering and checking your exercises.
3. Answer the pre-test before going over the material to find out what you already
4. Answer the exercises at the end of every lesson.
5. Review the lesson that you find difficult to understand.
6. Seek assistance from your teacher if you need help.
7. Ask permission from your parents/guardians whenever you have research and
requirements to be conducted outside your home.
✓ For the Teacher/Facilitator:
The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
1. Communicate with parents and students regularly for updates and feedback
2. Make sure that all activities are complied before accepting them. .
3. You may contextualize or localize your activity as long as it is still within the
bound of the learning competency..

✓ For the Parents/Guardian:

The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
1. Closely monitor your child’s progress.
2. Do not answer the activities for your child. Just guide them in doing it.
3. Support your child. Talk to him/her about his/her journey with this module

Components in Each Lesson

This part contains
learning objectives that
What I Need to Know
are set for you to learn as
Learning Objectives
you go along the
This is an assessment as
to your level of
knowledge to the subject
What I Know?
matter at hand,
meant specifically to
gauge prior related

This part connects

What’s In?
previous lesson with that
Review Activity
of the current one.

An introduction of the
new lesson through
What’s New? various activities, before
Motivational Activity it will be presented
to you

These are discussions of

the activities as a
What is It?
way to deepen your
Lesson Proper
discovery and under-
standing of the concept.

These are follow-up
activities that are in-
What’s More?
tended for you to practice
Performance Task
further in order to
master the competencies.
Activities designed to
What I Have Learned? process what you
Generalization have learned from the
These are tasks that are
designed to show-
What I Can Do? case your skills and
Application knowledge gained, and
applied into real-life
concerns and situations.
This evaluates your level
Assessment of mastery in achieving
Post-Assessment the learning objectives of
the lesson.

What I Know


Test I. Multiple Choice. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write
your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. It refers to the invisible enemy that causes global health crisis at present time.
2. The following are best practices to avoid COVID-19 transmission, EXCEPT:
A. Hand-washing C. Staying at home
B. Malling D. Wearing of mask
3. Which of the following government agencies head the IATF-EID?
4. It generally refers to the people who are directly involved in the COVID-19
response efforts
A. Barbers C. Front desk officers
B. Entertainers D. Frontliners
5. The following recreational activities can be done at home during this pandemic,
A. Doing Exercise C. Urban gardening
B. Shopping Watching movies D. Watching movies

Test II. Give the meaning of the acronyms

6. COVID-19 _________________________________________________
7. IATF-EID _________________________________________________
8. DOH _________________________________________________
9. ECQ _________________________________________________
10. GCQ _________________________________________________
11. DOLE _________________________________________________
12. DBM _________________________________________________
13. DA _________________________________________________
14. DTI _________________________________________________
15. DFA _________________________________________________


Facing the Giants - I Can Do It

(Full Psychosocial Interventions)

What I Need To Know

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. Validate their feelings and normalize their reactions;

2. Calm down and control one’s emotions;
3. Identify people and agencies whom they can approach for help;
4. Identify their sources of strength.

What’s New

Activity 1: KNOW ME WELL

Find the meaning of the acronyms below.

1. COVID _____________________________________________
2. DOH _____________________________________________
3. IATF-EID _____________________________________________
4. LGU _____________________________________________
5. DOLE _____________________________________________

What Is It?
Stay at home. Wear mask. Always wash your hands. Observe proper hygiene.
Practice social distancing. These are just a few of the many reminders of the
government for us to strictly and religiously follow during this pandemic. Far from the
normal ways of life where we can freely go to the malls, beaches, parks or church,
host or attend parties and big events, travel to places we plan for vacation, and the

like, this situation brings so much adjustment in many aspects of our lives: emotionally,
socially, physically, financially --- to mention a few.

Corona Virus Disease (COVID)-19 is an invisible enemy.

We do not know where it is coming from, when it will hit, who its
vector (nagdadala) is and how it will end. Until now, a very big
question of uncertainty keeps on ringing in our minds --- “When
will it end? (Kailan ba ito matatapos?’). How about you? Did you
ask yourself the same question? Yes or No, feel free to share your
thoughts in the space provided below.







Be aware that the government is exhausting all its effort to combat this disease.
It is working hand in hand with the frontliners (health workers, police force, military
personnel, local government units (LGUs), basic services providers, volunteers, and
others) in finding ways to provide continuous social services to the general public
through public service, health care, financial assistance, peace and order, to name a
few. Chaired by the DOH, the Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious
Diseases (IATF-EID) composed of the DFA, DILG, DOJ, DOLE, DOT, DOTr, DTI, DA
and DBM, work together to address the spreading of the disease across the country.

It is the government’s initiative to create and mobilize all the health sectors in the
country form the national down to the barangay level in order to give quick response to
any situations related to COVID-19. In the case that one experiences COVID-19-related
symptoms, one has to report to the proper health authorities in your locality. Likewise,
those who have travel history from other places are subject to monitoring. Whatever
quarantine level our place belongs, let us all support the effort of the government to help
end this problem by following the “new normal” way of life.

We all experience the same thing. I am worried, you, too. I am afraid, you, too.
I am bored, you, too. We are on the same boat except that we have different levels of
experience and acceptability about the situation. We use technology to access news.
Television, radio and social media are some of our sources of information. We rely so
much on the updates given by these platforms to the point that our minds are overloaded
with thoughts (both reliable and fake) that are causing us psychologically and
emotionally affected. With this, let us be mindful of the things that we are going to feed
our minds in order to lessen our worries and be at peak of good decision-making. It is
necessary for us to stay calm, focused and be optimistic despite of the difficulties that
we are facing now. Let us always be vigilant. Show more compassion to one another.
As a student, staying at home at this moment in time means having more time for
yourself to relax/recreate, to hone your talents/skills and to have more bonding time with
your family. Enjoy every moment of it as you journey towards the “new normal”.

What’s More?


1. Look around you. Choose an object to represent yourself. Draw it.

2. Based on the concepts in Lesson 1, describe your drawing and make a
connection by discussing your thoughts and feelings about your experiences
during the quarantine period.
3. Use one (1) long bond paper for your drawing and explanation.

Notes To The Teacher

Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 2. (Rubric may be
changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the learner).

Rubric for Drawing

Criteria Rating
The drawing clearly expresses the 5 4 3 2 1
information and message.
The drawing highlights important 5 4 3 2 1
information relevant to the topic.
The drawing is creative and artistic. 5 4 3 2 1


1. Reflect on the sacrifices of the frontliners in our community.

2. Write a letter of appreciation to them for serving selflessly and risking their lives
(buwis-buhay) just to give us a better and safer life during the pandemic.

Notes To The Teacher

Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 3. (Rubric may be
changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the learner).
Rubric for Letter-Writing
Criteria Rating
The content relates entirely to the 5 4 3 2 1
assigned topic or issue.
The content conveys a genuine personal 5 4 3 2 1
view regarding the topic or issue.
The work is original. 5 4 3 2 1

What I Have Learned


1. Describe your role as a citizen-student during this pandemic.


What I Can Do

1. List down the things you can do at home as a citizen-student during this

Finding Joy in the “New Normal”
2 (Integration of Psychosocial Activities in the Lessons)

What’s In

Home is your safest refuge this time. This is where you can protect
yourself and your family from the deadly COVID-19. As a student and citizen
of this country, this is the best thing you can do to help our frontliners in this
fight. Continue to support and help them in your little ways.

What I Need To Know


At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. Manage their physical reactions;
2. Manage their thoughts and emotions;
3. Seek solutions and social support;
4. Resume positive activities; and
5. Move forward.

What’s New?

Activity 1: GUESS WHAT?

Arrange the jumbled letters until you get the right term.

Jumbled Words Answer

1. NRARIETCOE _____________
2. EWN RNLOAM _____________
3. TRUEQNAAIN _____________

What Is It?

The quarantine level in each area is changing every fifteen days as decided by
the government and the IATF-EID. Depending on the risk level, changing the

quarantine status (i.e. ECQ, MECQ, GCQ, MGCQ) may vary from one place to
another. This means that the way of life in a certain place must also conform to the
existing rules and regulations. Honestly, community quarantine affects us all. We are
still facing the uncertainties of tomorrow. The COVID-19 pandemic forces the
government to implement the “new normal” in order to move forward. Programs and
policies are made to help the society adapt to this. Still, we need to practice social
distancing, continue to wear masks and wash hands more often as we continue to face
this battle. How about you? Have you adjusted already to the “new normal”?
What did you do at home during quarantine period? Did you gain weight? Did
you use your free time wisely? Did you sleep well? Did you still exercise? What
recreational activities did you do? How did you feel about your so-long-stay at home?
Did you feel bored? Were you happy for not going out with friends like what you were
used to do? How about the people around you and your family? Did you spend more
time with them in doing recreational and positive activities to relax and to have fun?
Feel free to briefly share your most unforgettable experience during the quarantine
period in the space provided below.

Recreation does not stop during this pandemic.

There are so many recreational activities you can do at
home to kill boredom. Have you tried gardening? Seeing
the healthy plants in your garden can make you smile. Did
you do some household chores like sweeping and
scrubbing the floor, fetching water, feeding the pets or
even watering the plants? Doing them all with a big smile
on your face is already a form of recreation. How much
more if you are doing them with your loved ones! Turn
your boredom into fun. Learning to like and love what you
are doing will lead you to finding real happiness in
overcoming adversity. Relax, enjoy, have fun, smile, and
most of all, MOVE FORWARD.

What’s More?

Activity 2. ME AND MY FAMILY

1. Think of the recreational/positive activities you and your family did during the
quarantine period.
2. Describe how you and your family support and help each other to move forward
through these activities. Did you find enjoyment in what you did at home? Write
your observations below.


Notes To The Teacher

Use this rubric to evaluate the output of Activity 2. (Rubric may be changed
depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the learner).

Rubric for Essay

Criteria Rating
The paper relates entirely to the assigned topic 5 4 3 2 1
or issue.
The paper conveys a genuine personal view 5 4 3 2 1
regarding the topic or issue.
The work is original. 5 4 3 2 1

Activity 3. #COVID-FREE

1. Think of a recreational activity that you dream of doing when the pandemic is over.
2. Draw it inside the box.
3. Write your reflection below your drawing

Notes To The Teacher
Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 3. (Rubric may
be changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the

Rubric for Drawing

Criteria Rating
The drawing clearly expresses the information
and message. 5 4 3 2 1
The drawing is creative and artistic. 5 4 3 2 1
The drawing highlights important information
relevant to the topic. 5 4 3 2 1

What I Have Learned?


1. Visit and observe your neighbourhood by the window. Based on your observation,
write a reflection on how the people there do things that bring significant changes
and contributions in the society during this pandemic. Did they follow the existing
rules and regulations set by the local government unit for everybody’s safety? How?

What I Can Do?

1. During this time, list down positive activities that you can do at home. You may
consider planning for an urban garden, starting to do changes in the
arrangements of your furniture, house repainting, general cleaning, and the like.
Somehow, these are ways to see change in this trying time. These activities will
help you move forward. Invite your family in this new normal and enjoy every
minute of your recreation with them. Have fun!

• Corona Virus Disease (COVID) – 19 is a pandemic and is considered as an
invisible enemy because we cannot see them. We do not know where it is
coming from, when it will hit, who its vector (nagdadala) is and how it will end.

• Stay at home, wearing of mask, frequent washing of hands, observing proper

hygiene and maintaining physical distancing are the best practices to combat

• The government is working hand in hand with the frontliners (health workers,
police force, military personnel, local government units (LGUs), basic services
providers, volunteers, and others) in finding ways to provide continuous social
services to the general public through public service, health care, financial
assistance, peace and order, to name a few.

• The Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID),

chaired by the DOH is composed of the DFA, DILG, DOJ, DOLE, DOT, DOTr,
DTI, DA and DBM, who work together to address the spreading of the disease
across the country.

• It is the government’s initiative to create and mobilize all the health sectors in
the country form the national down to the barangay level in order to give quick
response to any situations related to COVID-19.

• The quarantine level in each area, as decided by the government and the IATF-
EID, is categorized into ECQ, MECQ, GCQ, MGCQ.

• The COVID-19 pandemic forces the government to implement the “new normal”
in order to move forward. Programs and policies are made to help the society
adapt to this. Still, we need to practice social distancing, continue to wear masks
and wash hands more often as we continue to face this battle.

• Doing recreational activities at home can reduce boredom. Doing gardening,

petting animals, watching television, playing board games are a few examples of
activities you can do during this time.


Test I. Multiple Choice. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write
your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. It refers to the invisible enemy that causes global health crisis at present time.
2. The following are best practices to avoid COVID-19 transmission, EXCEPT:
A. Hand-washing C. Staying at home

B. Malling D. Wearing of mask
3. Which of the following government agencies head the IATF-EID?
4. It generally refers to the people who are directly involved in the COVID-19
response efforts
A. Barbers C. Front desk officers
B. Entertainers D. Frontliners
5. The following recreational activities can be done at home during this pandemic,
A. Doing Exercise C. Urban gardening
B. Shopping Watching movies D. Watching movies

Test II. Give the meaning of the acronyms

1. COVID-19 _________________________________________________
2. IATF-EID _________________________________________________
3. DOH _________________________________________________
4. ECQ _________________________________________________
5. GCQ _________________________________________________
6. DOLE _________________________________________________
7. DBM _________________________________________________
8. DA _________________________________________________
9. DTI _________________________________________________
10. DFA _________________________________________________


Senior High School

Physical Education
and Health (H.O.P.E. 4)
Quarter 3 – Module 2:
Outdoor Recreation

Physical Education and Health (H.O.P.E. 4) Grade 12
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 2: Outdoor Recreation
First Edition, 2020

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in anywork of
the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or
office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit.
Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalty.

Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks, etc.) included in this book are owned by their respective copyright holders. Every
effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their
respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership
over them.

Published by the Department of Education – Division of Cagayan de Oro City

Schools Division Superintendent: Dr. Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, CESO V

Development Team of the Module

Writer/s: Melody Fair C. Jomuad, MSPE

Reviewer/s: Welyn B. Ragasi, MAED-TPE, Mary Jane C. Tolentino
Illustrator/s and Layout Artist/s: Ryan Boyd M. Pahapay

Management Team
Chairperson: Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, PhD, CESO V
Schools Division Superintendent

Co-Chairperson: Rowena H. Para-on, PhD

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Lorebina C. Carrasco, OIC-CID Chief
Sylvio C. Carciller, PhD, EPS-MAPEH
Joel D. Potane, LRMDS Manager
Lanie O. Signo, Librarian II
Gemma Pajayon, PDO II
Evelyn Q. Sumanda, School Head
Cely B. Labadan, School Head

Printed in the Philippines by Department of Education – Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

Office Address: Fr. William F. Masterson Ave., Upper Balulang Cagayan de Oro City
Telefax: (08822)855-0048
E-mail Address:

Senior High School

Physical Education
and Health (H.O.P.E. 4)
Quarter 3 – Module 2:
Outdoor Recreation

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed

by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and or/universities. We
encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their feedback,
comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education at action@

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

FAIR USE AND CONTENT DISCLAIMER: This SLM (Self Learning Module) is for
educational purposes only. Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems,
pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks, etc.) included in these modules are
owned by their respective copyright holders. The publisher and authors do not
represent nor claim ownership over them. Sincerest appreciation to those who
have made significant contributions to these modules.

What This Module is About

This module deals with the concept of outdoor recreation and its impact to
overall health of a person. Nature has so much to offer to keep you moving. The more
you engage in physical activities, the more you will appreciate the beauty of life that
good health brings. Keep on walking, do household chores, engage in family
recreational activities – it improves your health.

The following are the lessons contained in this module:

1. Lesson 1: Concept of Recreation
2. Lesson 2: Aquatics
3. Lesson 3: Mountaineering Activities (Hiking, Trekking, Camping,

What I Need to Know

➢ At the end of this module, you should be able to:

5. Discuss the nature of different recreational activities (PEH12FH-IIa-20);

6. Engage in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at least 60
minutes most days of the week in a variety of settings in- and out-of school
(PEH12FH-IIa-t-8); and
7. Demonstrate proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and equipment

How to Learn from this Module

✓ For the Learner:
The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
8. Follow closely the instructions in every activity.
9. Be honest in answering and checking your exercises.
10. Answer the pre-test before going over the material to find out what you already
11. Answer the exercises at the end of every lesson.
12. Review the lesson that you find difficult to understand.
13. Seek assistance from your teacher if you need help.
14. Ask permission from your parents/guardians whenever you have research and
requirements to be conducted outside your home.

✓ For the Teacher/Facilitator:
The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
4. Communicate with parents and students regularly for updates and feedback.
5. Make sure that all activities are complied before accepting them.
6. You may contextualize or localize your activity as long as it is still within the
bound of the learning competency.

✓ For the Parents/Guardian:

The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
4. Closely monitor your child’s progress.
5. Do not answer the activities for your child. Just guide them in doing it.
6. Support your child. Talk to him/her about his/her journey with this module

Components in Each Lesson

This part contains
learning objectives
What I Need to Know thatare set for you to learn
Learning Objectives as you go along

This is an assessment as
to your level ofknowledge
What I Know? to the subject matter at
Pre-Assessment hand,meant specifically to
gauge prior
This part connects
What’s In? previous lesson with that
Review Activity of the current one.

An introduction of the new

What’s New? lesson throughvarious
Motivational Activity activities, before it will be
presentedto you
These are discussions of
the activities as away to
What is It?
deepen your discovery
Lesson Proper and understanding of the
These are follow-up
activities that are intended
What’s More?
for you to practice further
Performance Task in order tomaster the

Activities designed to
What I Have Learned? process what youhave
Generalization learned from the lesson

These are tasks that are

designed to showcase
What I Can Do? your skills and knowledge
Application gained, andapplied into
real-life concerns and
This evaluates your level
Assessment of mastery in achieving the
Post-Assessment learning objectives of the

What I Know


Test I. Multiple Choice. Direction: Choose and encircle the letter of the correct

1. Recreation comes from the Latin word recreare which means


A. to be refreshed B. to eat C. to play D. to work

2. Which of the following is an example of passive recreation?

A. hiking B. playing rugby C. reading books D. swimming

3. Which of the following is an example of outdoor recreation?

A. biking B. playing scrabble C. reading books D. watching TV

4. It is a sport or activity of propelling oneself through water using the limbs

A. boating B. fishing C. rafting D. swimming

5. It is the activity of being moved quickly in a raft (small boat filled with air)
along rivers where the current is very strong

A. boating B. fishing C. rafting D. swimming
6. It is a sport or pastime of riding a wave toward the shore while standing or
lying on a surfboard

A. boating B. fishing C. surfing D. swimming

7. It is the activity of catching fish, either for food or as a sport.

A. boating B. fishing C. surfing D. swimming

8. It is an activity of rowing or sailing in boats as a sport or form of recreation.

A. boating B. fishing C. surfing D. swimming

9. This activity is quite challenging, allowing the trekkers to pass through an

uncharted paths.

A. camping B. hiking C. orienteering D. trekking

10. It is an outdoor activity that requires you to follow a specific sequence of pre-
set course with the help of navigating devices, specifically maps and compass
to go through an unfamiliar terrain.

A. camping B. hiking C. orienteering D. trekking

Test II. Matching Type. Match the picture with the different recreational activities.
Write the letter only.

Column A Column B

_________ 11. A. Swimming

_________ 12. B. Surfing

_________ 13. C. Fishing

_________ 14. D. Boating

E. Bamboo Rafting
_________ 15.

Concept of Recreation
What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Discuss the nature and background of recreation;
2. Identify the different recreational activities.

What’s New

Activity 1: LET’S DANCE

Stretch. Stretch. Stretch. I know that you are already bored at home. But hey,
break the ice by dancing to the music of your choice. You want Budots or Tik-Tok?
Let all the family members take turn in dancing your hearts away. With this activity,
you will not only forget the boredom you experienced the whole long vacation but
unknowingly, you have stretched your muscles. It’s a good bonding with the whole
family, too!

What Is It?

It’s been months that you are staying at home. It was a longer vacation that
you experienced because of the threat of the COVID-19. You may be bored but don’t
worry. You can turn the things around you into something that gives you self-
gratification. There are many recreational activities you can do to relax and to enjoy.
Any activity that takes place during your free time is referred to as recreation.
It does not follow standard rules; it can be done anywhere; and most of all, it gives
enjoyment and self-satisfaction. Recreation is derived from the Latin word, “recreare”
which means to be refreshed (mapasigla), to relax or to enjoy. Participation in
recreational activities varies from one person to another depending on one’s intention,
reason or belief.
How do you spend your free time? Recreation is categorized into active
recreation and passive recreation. Active recreational activities include jogging,
swimming, hiking, biking or gardening while passive recreational activities include
watching television, listening to music or reading books. Moreover, active recreational
activities can be done indoor or outdoor. Where do you prefer to do recreational
activities? It depends on you. Whether indoor or outdoor, what matters most is its
holistic impact on you as a person.
Having in touch with nature can give so much relaxation. Walking on green
grass by the woods or just watching birds early in the morning while holding hands
with your loved ones (family) is a unique bonding time away from the day-to-day
routine. Others love to do these activities in water while those adventurers would
prefer more on air. Our country has many places to explore and to start many
recreational activities, whether on land, in air or on water. In your community, what
activities can you offer? Have you tried it before?

What’s More?

Activity 2. WHERE DO I BELONG #1?

1. Classify the recreational activities. Draw a sun if the activity is

an active recreation. Draw a moon if it is a passive recreation.

____________a. Swimming

____________b. Collecting stamps

____________c. Biking

____________d. Jogging

____________e. Reading books

Activity 3. WHERE DO I BELONG #2?

1. Classify the recreational activities. Draw a heart if the activity

done indoor. Draw a star if it is done outdoor.

____________a. Fishing

____________b. Camping

____________c. Watching TV

____________d. Collecting sea shells

____________e. Picnic
Activity 4. WHERE DO I BELONG #3?

1. Classify the recreational activities. Write L if it is on land, A if it is in the

air and W if it is on water.

____________a. Boating

____________b. Skydiving

____________c. Rock climbing

____________d. Bamboo rafting

____________e. Hiking

What I Have Learned

1. Based on the lesson, what type of recreational activities did you do with your
family during free time? Is it important to spend your leisure time with them?

What I Can Do

1. List down as many recreational activities you can do at home during this
pandemic. Plan out how the whole family can participate in this activity/ies.

What’s In

Nature offers a lot of opportunities for you to enjoy life and have fun with your
loved ones (family and friends). Regardless of your reason for joining, you can do
these anytime, anywhere, anyhow. You have all the choices whether you will have it
on land, in the air or in water.

What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Discuss the nature of aquatic recreational activities;
2. Identify the different aquatic recreational activities.

What’s New?

Activity 1: GUESS WHAT?

Arrange the jumbled letters until you get the right word/s.

Jumbled Letters Answer

1. GNISIMWM _____________
2. HGFIISN _____________
3. DGIIVN _____________
4. OOMBBA FTRIGAN _____________
5, IGSILAN _____________
What Is It?

Water or aqua provides environments that are beneficial to you. An array of

recreational activities can be done in rivers, beaches, swimming pools, and the like.
These activities are a good source of relaxation, enjoyment and exercise. What
recreational environments do you have in your community? Feel free to briefly share
your most unforgettable experiences in these environments long before the community
quarantine in your place started, in the space provided below.

Because our country is rich in natural resources, we have varied outdoor

aquatic recreational activities to choose from. These common recreational activities
in the Philippines include the following:

Picture Definition

the sport or activity of propelling

oneself through water using the limbs

the sport or pastime of riding a wave

Surfing toward the shore while standing or
lying on a surfboard
rowing or sailing in boats as a sport
or form of recreation

the activity of being moved quickly in

a raft (small boat filled with air) along
White Water rivers where the current is very
Rafting strong

the activity of catching fish, either for

Fishing food or as a sport

the activity of traversing the rivers

Bamboo usually using a raft made of bamboo
Rafting to carry people and goods on
extended journeys
What’s More?


3. Think of the outdoor recreational activities you and your family did before the
quarantine period.
4. Describe how you and your family support and help each other in planning and
realizing such activity. Did you find enjoyment in what you did? What lesson
did you learn from this activity? Write your observations in a 1/2 sheet of

Notes To The Teacher

Use this rubric to evaluate the output of Activity 2. You may also require them
to paste a picture that supports their explanation about the activity. (Rubric may be
changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the learner).

Rubric for Essay

Criteria Rating
The paper relates entirely to the
assigned topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The paper conveys a genuine personal
view regarding the topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The work is original.
5 4 3 2 1

Activity 3. MY BUCKET LIST

1. Think of one or more recreational activities that you dream of doing with your
loved ones (family or friends) when the pandemic is over.
2. Draw it in one (1) whole bond paper. Make your drawing colorful.
3. Write your reflection below your drawing.

Notes To The Teacher

Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 3. (Rubric may be
changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the learner).
Rubric for Drawing
Criteria Rating
The drawing clearly expresses the
information and message. 5 4 3 2 1

The drawing is creative and artistic. 5 4 3 2 1

The drawing highlights important
information relevant to the topic. 5 4 3 2 1

Activity 4. WORD LOOPING

Encircle the words related to aquatic recreational activities. Write them also inside the
box provided below.


What I Have Learned

1. Based on the lesson, how important are the aquatic recreational facilities to
your family and the community as a whole?
What I Can Do

1. Modify an aquatic activity you can do at home with your loved

Explain briefly how you are going to do it.
(Hiking, Trekking, Camping, Orienteering)
What’s In
How was your aquatic activity at home? Did you just enjoy a bucket of water in
taking a bath or you just had a very relaxing time while singing under the shower?
Perhaps, you made your own version of a bathtub or a swimming pool where you
completely submerged your body to be refreshed from the very hot days during your
vacation. Only if you were allowed to go out on hiking or jogging and feel the cold
breeze early in the morning, you would have been doing it on a daily basis in order to
stay fit. Did you miss it already? Relax and enjoy as you are about to explore the
caves of knowledge and climb the mountains of activities this lesson is going to offer

What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Discuss the nature of mountaineering;
2. Identify the different outdoor recreational activities related to mountaineering;
3. Advocate community/home efforts to increase participation in outdoor
recreational activities.

What’s New?

Activity 1: #EXTREME TREKS

1. Find the correct answer by matching the provinces in Region X (Northern

Mindanao) in Column A with the names of the mountains found in Column B Write the
letter only.

Answer Column A Column B

1. 1. Bukidnon a. a. Mt. Malindang

2. 2. Misamis Oriental b. b. Mt. Hibok-Hibok
3. 3. Camiguin c. c. Mt. Sumagaya
4. 4. Lanao del Norte d. d. Mt. Kitanglad
5. 5. Misamis Occidental e. e. Mt. Inayawan
What Is It?

Are you planning a walk after the community quarantine? How about a longer
walk with your loved ones (family and friends)? Have you explored the mountains,
hills, caves, forests or hidden falls in/near your community? If your answer is no, then
think again. Maybe you are still a stranger in your own place.
Consider some outdoor recreational activities that bring you closer to nature. It
is very relaxing to hear the sound of singing birds and bubbling brooks; very soothing
when you feel the breath of fresh air on your face and smell the divine fragrance of
flowers. A line in an energy beverage commercial says, “Great things start from small
beginning.” So, start your recreational activities with hiking and/or jogging even within
your compound this season.
To fully understand, the following terms related to mountaineering are defined

Recreational Activity Definition

It is an outdoor activity where there are clear paths to follow.
Paths are usually beautifully charted with signs so that
Hiking hikers won’t get lost along the trails. Natural hiking trails
serve as guides of the hikers to their destinations. It is
usually shorter than trekking.
This outdoor activity is a longer journey on foot compared to
hiking. The activity is quite challenging, allowing the
trekkers to pass through an uncharted paths. Sometimes,
this will take within a few days or weeks. Usually,
undeveloped places are explored in trekking where there
is a close-up view of the wonders of nature.
Camping is an enjoyable outdoor activity that allows you to
experience simple adventures outside your homes. It
allows a lot of moving since it involves activities like
Camping carrying backpacks, hiking and most of all pitching of
tents. This activity lets you experience interaction and
bonding with others while engaging in different
educational activities.
It is an outdoor activity that requires you to follow a specific
sequence of pre-set course with the help of navigating
devices, specifically maps and compass to go through an
unfamiliar terrain. Aside from physical, this activity
requires mental toughness to be able to reach the
expected destination.

You can always make your own version of these recreational activities at home.
Just be creative and innovative. Even a simple household chore can be converted
into something that will give you and your loved ones an avenue to enjoy, relax and
bond with one another during quarantine period.
What’s More?


1. Have you gone to camping, whether in school, in church or with family? Share
your experience.
2. Did you find enjoyment in the activity? What lesson/s did you learn from this
activity? Write your observations below.


Notes To The Teacher

Use this rubric to evaluate the output of Activity 2. You may also require them to paste a picture
that supports their explanation about the activity. (Rubric may be changed depending on the agreement
between the teacher/facilitator and the learner).
Rubric for Essay
Criteria Rating
The answer relates entirely to the
assigned topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The answer conveys a genuine personal
view regarding the topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The work is original. 5 4 3 2 1

1. Put up a tent on your lawn on a starry night. Allow the whole family to suggest
activities and participate in your organized camping. Suggested activities may include
but not limited to story-telling, eating dinner together, stargazing or making hand
shadows. How would you evaluate this activity? Does it support relaxation, enjoyment
and family bonding? How? Briefly discuss your answer below. (You may use blanket
as a substitute if camping tent is not available).

Notes To The Teacher

*You may use blanket as a substitute of a camping tent.

*To the teacher/facilitator. Use this rubric to evaluate the output of Activity 3. You may also require them
to paste a picture that supports their explanation about the activity. (Rubric may be changed depending
on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the learner).

Rubric for Essay

Criteria Rating
The answer relates entirely to the
assigned topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The answer conveys a genuine personal
view regarding the topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The work is original. 5 4 3 2 1
What I Have Learned?


1. Write a reflection on the importance of your participation in outdoor recreational

activities to yourself and to your family. How is doing outdoor recreational
activity with your loved ones contribute significant changes to you as an
individual. Write your answer below

What I Can Do?

2. In times of crisis, food is our most essential basic need. Considering the many
challenges, to include finances, faced by your breadwinners, you can always help
them bring nutritious food on the table to eat. How? Cultivate your vacant lot
into a vegetable garden. If you are living in an urban community, make an
innovation by cultivating an urban garden using recyclable materials as your
pots/plots. In your little ways, you can bring joy to their hearts and at the same
time, keep yourself fit through this physical activity.
• Any activity that takes place during your free time is referred to as recreation. It
does not follow standard rules; it can be done anywhere; and most of all, it gives
enjoyment and self-satisfaction.

• Recreation is derived from the Latin word, “recreare” which means to be refreshed
(mapasigla), to relax or to enjoy.

• Participation in recreational activities varies from one person to another depending

on one’s intention, reason or belief.

• Recreation is categorized into active recreation and passive recreation. Active

recreational activities include jogging, swimming, hiking, biking or gardening while
passive recreational activities include watching television, listening to music or
reading books.

• Active recreational activities can be done indoor or outdoor.

• Our country has many places to explore and to start many recreational activities,
whether on land, in air or on water.

• Water or aqua provides environments that are beneficial to you. An array of

recreational activities can be done in rivers, beaches, swimming pools, and the like.

• Common aquatic recreational activities in the Philippines include swimming, surfing,

boating, rafting and fishing.

• Mountaineering is another outdoor recreational activity that brings you closer to


• Some terms related to mountaineering are hiking, trekking, camping and




Test I. Multiple Choice. Direction: Choose and encircle the letter of the correct

1. Recreation comes from the Latin word recreare which means


A. to be refreshed B. to eat C. to play D. to work

2. Which of the following is an example of passive recreation?

A. hiking B. playing rugby C. reading books D. swimming

3. Which of the following is an example of outdoor recreation?

A. biking B. playing scrabble C. reading books D. watching TV

4. It is a sport or activity of propelling oneself through water using the limbs

A. boating B. fishing C. rafting D. swimming

5. It is the activity of being moved quickly in a raft (small boat filled with air) along
rivers where the current is very strong

A. boating B. fishing C. rafting D. swimming

6. It is a sport or pastime of riding a wave toward the shore while standing or lying
on a surfboard

A. boating B. fishing C. surfing D. swimming

7. It is the activity of catching fish, either for food or as a sport.

A. boating B. fishing C. surfing D. swimming

8. It is an activity of rowing or sailing in boats as a sport or form of recreation.

A. boating B. fishing C. surfing D. swimming

9. This activity is quite challenging, allowing the trekkers to pass through an

uncharted paths.

A. camping B. hiking C. orienteering D. trekking

10. It is an outdoor activity that requires you to follow a specific sequence of pre-
set course with the help of navigating devices, specifically maps and compass
to go through an unfamiliar terrain.

A. camping B. hiking C. orienteering D. trekking

Test II. Matching Type. Match the picture with the different recreational activities
. Write the letter only.

Column A Column B
_________ 11. a. Swimming

_________ 12. b. Surfing

c. Fishing
_________ 13.

d. Boating
_________ 14.

e. Bamboo Rafting
_________ 15.

Aparato, C.R., Talaroc-Brebante, Z., Fernando-Callo, L. &Dajime, P.F.Physical

Education and Health Vol. 2. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc., 2017

Mangubat, A.S., Tolotol, M.B., Urbiztondo, S.M. & Vergara, L.A. HOPE Health-
Optimizing Physical Education – Recreational Activities, Quezon City:
Vibal Group, Inc., 2016

Physical Education and Health - Grade 9 (Learner’s Material)
Senior High School

Physical Education and

Health (H.O.P.E. 4)
Quarter 3 – Module 3:
Optimizing Energy System
(Nutrition, Hydration and Relaxation)
Physical Education and Health (H.O.P.E. 4) Grade 12
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 3: Optimizing Energy System (Nutrition, Hydration and Relaxation)
First Edition, 2020

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in anywork of
the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or
office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit.
Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalty.

Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks, etc.) included in this book are owned by their respective copyright holders. Every
effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their
respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership
over them.

Published by the Department of Education – Division of Cagayan de OroCity

Schools Division Superintendent: Dr. Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, CESO V

Development Team of the Module

Writer/s: Melody Fair C. Jomuad, MSPE

Reviewer/s: Welyn B. Ragasi, MAED-TPE, Manuel L. Lincaro Jr., Liza G. Perez
Illustrator/s and Layout Artist/s: Ryan Boyd M. Pahapay

Management Team
Chairperson: Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, PhD, CESO V
Schools Division Superintendent

Co-Chairperson: Rowena H. Para-on, PhD

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Lorebina C. Carrasco, OIC-CID Chief
Sylvio C. Carciller, PhD, EPS-MAPEH
Joel D. Potane, LRMDS Manager
Lanie O. Signo, Librarian II
Gemma Pajayon, PDO II
Evelyn Q. Sumanda, School Head
Cely B. Labadan, School Head

Printed in the Philippines by Department of Education – Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

Office Address: Fr. William F. Masterson Ave., Upper Balulang Cagayan de Oro City
Telefax: (08822)855-0048
E-mail Address:
Senior High School

Physical Education
and Health (H.O.P.E. 4)
Quarter 3 – Module 3:
Optimizing Energy System
(Nutrition, Hydration and Relaxation)

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed

by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and or/universities. We
encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their feedback,
comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education at action@

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

FAIR USE AND CONTENT DISCLAIMER: This SLM (Self Learning Module) is for
educational purposes only. Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems,
pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks, etc.) included in these modules are
owned by their respective copyright holders. The publisher and authors do not
represent nor claim ownership over them. Sincerest appreciation to those who
have made significant contributions to these modules.
What This Module is About

This module deals with the importance of optimizing one’s energy system
through proper nutrition, hydration and complete relaxation (rest). The food serves as
the fuel of our body to keep us going. We need also water to keep us hydrated and to
avoid dehydration and hyperthermia during moderate to vigorous physical activity
participation. Equally important is a well-rested body in order to improve concentration
and productivity and at the same time, maximize athletic performance and maintain

The following are the lessons contained in this module:

3. Lesson 1: Get Refreshed: Your Food and You
4. Lesson 2: Quenching Your Thirst
5. Lesson 3: Sleep Tight, Wake Up Right

What I Need to Know

➢ At the end of this module, you should be able to:

8. Explain how to optimize the energy systems for safe and improved
performance (PEH12FH-IIb-c-2);
9. Engage in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at least 60
minutes most days of the week in a variety of settings in- and out-of school
(PEH12FH-IIa-t-8); and
10. Demonstrate proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and equipment

How to Learn from this Module

✓ For the Learner:
The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
15. Follow closely the instructions in every activity.
16. Be honest in answering and checking your exercises.
17. Answer the pre-test before going over the material to find out what you already
18. Answer the exercises at the end of every lesson.
19. Review the lesson that you find difficult to understand.
20. Seek assistance from your teacher if you need help.
21. Ask permission from your parents/guardians whenever you have research and
requirements to be conducted outside your home.

✓ For the Teacher/Facilitator:
The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
7. Communicate with parents and students regularly for updates and feedback
2. Make sure that all activities are complied before accepting them. .
3. You may contextualize or localize your activity as long as it is still within the bound
of the learning competency.

✓ For the Parents/Guardian:

The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
1. Closely monitor your child’s progress.
2. Do not answer the activities for your child. Just guide them in doing it.
3. Support your child. Talk to him/her about his/her journey with this module

Components in Each Lesson

This part contains
learning objectives that
What I Need to Know
are set for you to learn as
Learning Objectives
you go along the
This is an assessment as
to your level of
knowledge to the subject
What I Know?
matter at hand,
meant specifically to
gauge prior related

This part connects

What’s In?
previous lesson with that
Review Activity
of the current one.

An introduction of the
new lesson through
What’s New? various activities, before
Motivational Activity it will be presented
to you

These are discussions of

the activities as a
What is It?
way to deepen your
Lesson Proper
discovery and under-
standing of the concept.
These are follow-up
activities that are in-
What’s More?
tended for you to practice
Performance Task
further in order to
master the competencies.

Activities designed to
What I Have Learned? process what you
Generalization have learned from the
These are tasks that are
designed to show-
What I Can Do? case your skills and
Application knowledge gained, and
applied into real-life
concerns and situations.
This evaluates your level
Assessment of mastery in achieving
Post-Assessment the learning objectives of
the lesson.

What I Know


Multiple Choice. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following is an energy-giving food?

A. Glow B. Go C. Grow D. All of the above

2. Which of the following food group is full of vitamins and minerals to keep our skin,
hair and eyes bright and glowing?
A. Glow B. Go C. Grow D. All of the above

3. Which of the following food groups is responsible for building our bones, teeth
and muscles?
A. Glow B. Go C. Grow D. All of the above

4. Stella is planning to go on hiking in the next few hours. What would be the best
choice of foods is she going to prepare?
A. Carbo-loaded B. Oily C. Salty D. Sweets and Dried

5. Eating too much may lead to serious health problems. Which of the following is
NOT considered as a chronic disease?
A. Cancer B. Cardiovascular disease C. Diabetes D. Flu

6. How many glasses of water our body needs in order to stay hydrated?
A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8

7. Why do you need to drink plenty of water?
A. It is essential nutrient for your body.
B. Your neighbours are doing the same.
C. Your teacher tells you to do so.
D. You have sufficient supply of water at home.

8. Which of the following is NOT true about drinking water?

A. It is an essential element that helps regulate your body temperature.
B. It lubricates our joints.
C. It makes us smart and sexy.
D. It flushes our waste through urine.

9. When is the best time to drink water?

A. After the thirst is felt C. During the time when the thirst is felt
B. Before the thirst is felt D. All of the above

10. While exercising, most people should break for water every ___ minutes.
A. 5 B. 20 C. 40 D. 60

11. It is an activity that gives you the ability to learn, focus and process memory
A. Eating B. Hiking C. Sleeping D. Swimming

12. After a day of trekking, James is advised by his guide to sleep for 7-9 hours on
the day before the final trek. Which of the following aspects can recover if James
will follow the advice?
A. Psychological B. Physiological C. Physical D. All of the above

13. Which of the following is TRUE about sleep and performance?

A. Getting enough sleep is important to athletic performance.
B. Good sleep can improve performance in athletes.
C. Sleep is the time when your body repairs itself.
D. All of the above

14. Which of these will help promote better sleep?

A. Changing bed times C. Reading or listening to music
B. Having a late dinner D. Drinking coffee

15. Which of these lifestyle factors can affect the quality of your sleep?
A. Drinking alcohol B. Exercise C. Smoking D. All of the above

Getting Refreshed:
Your Food and You

What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Name and differentiate the three basic food groups;
2. Apply tool that help one make wise food choices
3. Recognize the value of optimizing one’s health through nutrition.

What’s New


In previous years, you were taught about the three basic food groups. In this
activity, classify the foods into GO, GROW or GLOW.

Food Group Food Group

1. Corn 6. Malunggay
1. 2. Orange 22. 7. Banana
2. 3. Fish 23. 8. Squash
3. 4. Egg 9. Mango
4. 5. Rice 10.Milk

What Is It?

Are you eating right? What do you consider as “right food”? Do you eat
regularly? Do you binge eat? Do you eat when you have a problem? In a day, how
many times do you eat? Three? Four? Nth Times? Oh, come on. You need to double
check your eating habit. For you to know if you have taken in the foods needed by
your body, consider first remembering the three basic food groups.
These are the grow foods, go foods and glow foods that your body needs in

order to get you going in your day to day activity and to keep you healthy.

Group Definition Examples

Go Foods Go Foods are the kind of food that give
fuel and help us keep going. These bread, rice, pasta, cereals
nourishments give our muscles fuel to and potato.
run, swim, jump and our brain to stay
Grow Foods Grow Foods help our body grow bigger Eggs, meat, fish milk,
and stronger. ‘Grow’ foods help build our cheese and yoghurt
body’s bones, teeth and muscles.
Glow Foods Glow Foods are full of vitamins and
minerals to keep our skin, hair and eyes
bright and glowing. ‘Glow’ foods can keep all fruits and vegetables.
our immune system strong so that we can
fight bugs and viruses.

The food that the body takes in is essential for a person to be fit. Your eating habit,
which includes correct eating behaviour and pattern has to be established especially when
you are going to carry out a task in the next few hours. Doing outdoor recreational
activities require you to eat the right amount and right choice of food. Be reminded as
well that in doing moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs), you need to fuel up
and to keep your energy up throughout the day.
In the Philippines, we have a food guide called Pinggang Pinoy (Figure 1.1). this helps
us make informed choices about the food we eat and to help us achieved a balanced diet.
Unhealthy food may lead us to not performing well in any of the physical activities because
of its adverse effect to our body.


Figure 1.1
Pinggang Pinoy

What’s More?

Activity 2. WHAT I EAT TODAY

1. Recall what you have eaten in a given day. Keep a record of your food intake.
Classify it into go, grow or glow foods.

Meal, Snack or Go Grow Glow


Morning Snack


Afternoon Snack


After Dinner


1. Consider yourself doing an outdoor recreational activity. Following the Pinggang

Pinoy idea, draw on the plate below the food and drinks you plan to take regularly
in preparation for your adventure.
2. Make your work presentable.


Notes To The Teacher

Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 3. (Rubric may be
changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the learner).
Rubric for Drawing
Criteria Rating
The drawing clearly expresses the
information and message. 5 4 3 2 1

The drawing is creative and artistic. 5 4 3 2 1

The drawing highlights important
information relevant to the topic. 5 4 3 2 1

What I Have Learned

1. Summarize your learning about the importance of proper nutrition and balanced


What I Can Do

1. As a student, what can you do to keep yourself healthy? How are you going to
introduce Pinggang Pinoy to your family?

Quenching Your Thirst
What’s In

Eating the right amount and right choice of food is very important in keeping
a fit body. A fit body is an essential part of planning for outdoor recreational
activities, especially those that are moderate or vigorous in nature. Take note that
the amount of food to be taken in largely depends on the nature of the adventure
you are going to consider. Always keep in mind that on top of the list of things, you
need to plan for the fuel that your body needs – food.

What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Explain the importance of water to one’s body especially during one’s participation
to outdoor recreational activities;
2. Interpret one’s hydration status
3. Recognize the value of optimizing one’s health through proper hydration.

What’s New?

Activity 1: WATER PLEASE.

1. Observe the picture closely.


2. What can you say about the picture? Describe it physically. Why is it withered?
What could have been done?

3. Write your observation on the blank provided.


What Is It?

Like any other living things in the world, your body needs water. You need
water to survive. It is an essential element that helps regulate your body
temperature and lubricates tour joints. It also flushes our waste through urine. Your
body needs at least 8 glasses of water every day. Can you consume that much?
Aside from the tap or bottled, water can be obtained from the food and
beverages you consume every day. Water consumption depends also on the kind
of food you are taking in. If you eat more dehydrated or dried and salted foods, the
more you need water to keep your body hydrated. If you are drinking at least the
minimum volume of fluids in a day, then you are adequately hydrated.
When you do moderate to vigorous physical activities out of door, you have
to deal with temperature. The hotter the temperature, the more your body sweats.
When you sweat out, it means you have started losing fluid in your body. It is
important to know that you should drink before you get thirsty because by the time
you will feel it, your body is already dehydrating. Aside from sweating fluids are lost
also when urinating, defecating and breathing.
The more you are exposed to high temperature, especially when doing
vigorous activities that you do not normally do, the more you easily get dehydrated.
Always bring water with you. Replace the fluid loss as much as needed in order to
function properly. Let us check your hydration status.


What’s More?

Activity 2. OMG!

5. Early in the morning, check the color of your urine and know your hydration status
based on the Hydration Status Chart above.
6. Continue observing and record the status after urination. Are there any changes in
the color?
7. Use the table below for this activity.

Time Hydration Status Intervention
Ex. Ex. Ex.
(5:00 A.M.) (Severely Dehydrated) (Drink one glass of water)

8. Describe how you feel about knowing your hydration status. You may also include the
whole family in this assessment. What lesson did you learn from this activity? Write
your observations below.

Notes To The Teacher

Use this rubric to evaluate the output of Activity 2. You may also require them
to paste a picture that supports their explanation about the activity. (Rubric may be
changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the learner).
Rubric for Essay
Criteria Rating
The paper relates entirely to the
assigned topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The paper conveys a genuine
personal view regarding the topic or 5 4 3 2 1
The work is original.
5 4 3 2 1


1. Write an essay about the importance of water to your life.


Notes To The Teacher

Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 3. (Rubric may be
changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the learner).

Rubric for Essay

Criteria Rating
The paper relates entirely to the
assigned topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The paper conveys a genuine personal
view regarding the topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The work is original.
5 4 3 2 1

What I Have Learned

1. Summarizeyour learning about the importance of keeping hydrated. How

important is the water to your health?

What I Can Do

1. As a student, what can you do to keep hydrated? How are you

going to impart to your family the knowledge you learned from this

Sleep Tight, Wake Up Right
What’s In

After learning things in the previous lessons, are you now conscious about
eating the right food and drinking plenty of water to stay fit and to perform your daily
routine efficiently and effectively? Eating nutritious and balanced diet is a big YES in
fuelling your body and in getting ready for the day’s big challenge. But don’t forget that
proper hydration is equally important in providing fuel to provide lasting energy
throughout the day. Keep it up!

What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1. Explain the importance of enough sleep/rest to one’s participation in outdoor
recreational activities ;
2. Recognize the value of optimizing one’s health through enough rest/sleep.

What’s New?

Activity 1: GOOD NIGHT

2. The picture shows different sleeping positions.




3. Which among the positions are you doing while asleep? Why?


What Is It?

Enough sleep is essential for your body. Getting the right amount of quality
sleep gives you the ability to learn, focus and process memory. Lack of sleep leads to
poor concentration and your effectiveness and level of energy decline. Relaxing and
getting enough rest will help you do better and enjoy life more. How much sleep do
you get every night?
Your body requires enough time to rest from the hustle world you live in.
Accordingly, the amount of sleep you need depends on your age. The National Heart,
Lung and Blood Institute recommends at least 11-12 hours for preschool-aged
children, 10 hours for school-aged children, 9-10 hours for teens and 7-8 hours for
Doing moderate to vigorous physical activities in your free time compensates
you for the unpleasant practices you do to your body. Your performance in outdoor
activity, for example, will greatly be affected by how your body is well-rested prior to
the planned activity. Take time to relax and keep yourself well-rested.

What’s More?

Activity 2. WHAT TIME IS IT?

1. For one week, observe your sleep pattern.

2. Record the times you go to bed and wake up.
3. Use the table below for this activity.

Day Time of Going to Bed Time of Waking Up Number of Hours

4. Describe your sleeping pattern. Are there any improvement? What lessons did you
learn from this activity? Write your observations below.


Notes To The Teacher

Use this rubric to evaluate the output of Activity 2. You may also require them
to paste a picture that supports their explanation about the activity. (Rubric may be
changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the learner).

Rubric for Essay

Criteria Rating
The paper relates entirely to the assigned
topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The paper conveys a genuine personal
view regarding the topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The work is original.
5 4 3 2 1

Activity 3. #SWEET DREAMS

1. Write an essay about the importance of getting enough sleep.


Notes To The Teacher

Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 3. (Rubric may
be changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the

Rubric for Essay

Criteria Rating
The paper relates entirely to the assigned
topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The paper conveys a genuine personal view
regarding the topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The work is original.
5 4 3 2 1

What I Have Learned?


1. Write a reflection on how nutrition, hydration and relaxation play vital roles in your life
especially when doing recreational activities with your loved ones. Write your answer


What I Can Do?

In times like this, you need to stay fit and healthy. Your strong
immune system is protecting you around the clock. Boost it. Practice a health living. Eat a
balanced diet. Keep yourself hydrated. Get correct amount of good sleep. Exercise
regularly. Invite your family to join you in your Staying Fit Challenge. Instead of daily or
weekly monitoring of your nutrition, hydration and sleep pattern, make it a challenge for a
month. Good luck!

• Your eating habit, which includes correct eating behaviour and pattern has to be
established especially when you are going to carry out a task in the next few hours.

• Doing outdoor recreational activities require you to eat the right amount and right
choice of food

• In the Philippines, we have a food guide called Pinggang Pinoy (Figure 1.1), this
helps us make informed choices about the food we eat and to help us achieved a
balanced diet.

• Unhealthy food may lead us to not performing well in any of the physical activities
because of its adverse effect to our body.

• Water is an essential element that helps regulate your body temperature and lubricates
tour joints. It also flushes our waste through urine. Your body needs at least 8 glasses
of water every day.

• Aside from the tap or bottled, water can be obtained from the food and beverages you
consume every day.

• Water consumption depends also on the kind of food you are taking in. If you eat more
dehydrated or dried and salted foods, the more you need water to keep your body

• If you are drinking at least the minimum volume of fluids in a day, then you are
adequately hydrated.

• It is important to know that you should drink before you get thirsty because by the time
you will feel it, your body is already dehydrating.

• The more you are exposed to high temperature, especially when doing vigorous
activities that you do not normally do, the more you easily get dehydrated.

• Always bring water with you. Replace the fluid loss as much as needed in order to
function properly.

• Getting the right amount of quality sleep gives you the ability to learn, focus and
process memory.

• Lack of sleep leads to poor concentration and your effectiveness and level of energy
decline. Relaxing and getting enough rest will help you do better and enjoy life more.

• Accordingly, the amount of sleep you need depends on your age. The National Heart,
Lung and Blood Institute recommends at least 11-12 hours for preschool-aged
children, 10 hours for school-aged children, 9-10 hours for teens and 7-8 hours for



Test I. Multiple Choice. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write
your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following is an energy-giving food?

A. Glow B. Go C. Grow D. All of the above

2. Which of the following food group is full of vitamins and minerals to keep our skin, hair
and eyes bright and glowing?
A. Glow B. Go C. Grow D. All of the above

3. Which of the following food groups is responsible for building our bones, teeth and
A. Glow B. Go C. Grow D. All of the above

4. Stella is planning to go on hiking in the next few hours. What would be the best
choice of foods is she going to prepare?
A. Carbo-loaded B. Oily C. Salty D. Sweets and Dried

5. Eating too much may lead to serious health problems. Which of the following is NOT
considered as a chronic disease?
A. Cancer B. Cardiovascular disease C. Diabetes D. Flu

6. How many glasses of water our body needs in order to stay hydrated?
A. 2 B.4 C. 6 D. 8

7. Why do you need to drink plenty of water?

A. It is essential nutrient for your body.
B. Your neighbours are doing the same.
C. Your teacher tells you to do so.
D. You have sufficient supply of water at home.

8. Which of the following is NOT true about drinking water?
A. It is an essential element that helps regulate your body temperature.
B. It lubricates our joints.
C. It makes us smart and sexy.
D. It flushes our waste through urine.

9. When is the best time to drink water?

A. After the thirst is felt C. During the time when the thirst is felt
B. Before the thirst is felt D. All of the above

10. While exercising, most people should break for water every ___ minutes.
A. 5 B. 20 C. 40 D. 60

11. It is an activity that gives you the ability to learn, focus and process memory
A. Eating B. Hiking C. Sleeping D. Swimming

12. After a day of trekking, James is advised by his guide to sleep for 7-9 hours on
the day before the final trek. Which of the following aspects can recover if
James will follow the advice?
A. Psychological B. Physiological C. Physical D. All of the above

13. Which of the following is TRUE about sleep and performance?

A. Getting enough sleep is important to athletic performance.
B. Good sleep can improve performance in athletes.
C. Sleep is the time when your body repairs itself.
D. All of the above

14. Which of these will help promote better sleep?

A. Changing bedtimes C. Reading or listening to music
B. Having a late dinner D. Drinking coffee

15. Which of these lifestyle factors can affect the quality of your sleep?
A. Drinking alcohol B. Exercise C. Smoking D. All of the above


Aparato, C.R., Talaroc-Brebante, Z., Fernando-Callo, L. & Dajime, P.F.Physical Education

and Health Vol. 2. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc., 2017

Mangubat, A.S., Tolotol, M.B., Urbiztondo, S.M. & Vergara, L.A. HOPE Health-
Optimizing Physical Education – Recreational Activities, Quezon City: Vibal Group,
Inc., 2016

Physical Education and Health - Grade 9 (Learner’s Material)

Senior High School

Physical Education
and Health (H.O.P.E. 4)
Quarter 3 – Module 4:
Managing Stress Through
Physical Activities
Physical Education and Health (H.O.P.E. 4) Grade 12
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 4: Managing Stress Through Physical Activities
First Edition, 2020

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of
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Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalty.

Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks, etc.) included in this book are owned by their respective copyright holders. Every
effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their
respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership
over them.

Published by the Department of Education – Division of Cagayan de Oro City

Schools Division Superintendent: Dr. Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, CESO V

Development Team of the Module

Writer/s: Melody Fair C. Jomuad, MSPE

Reviewer/s: Alfredo C.Tongco Jr., Welyn B. Ragasi, Jason O. Damulo
Illustrator/s and Layout Artist/s: Ryan Boyd M. Pahapay

Management Team
Chairperson: Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, PhD, CESO V
Schools Division Superintendent

Co-Chairperson: Rowena H. Para-on, PhD

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Lorebina C. Carrasco, OIC-CID Chief
Sylvio C. Carciller, PhD, EPS-MAPEH
Joel D. Potane, LRMDS Manager
Lanie O. Signo, Librarian II
Gemma Pajayon, PDO II
Evelyn Q. Sumanda, School Head
Cely B. Labadan, School Head

Printed in the Philippines by Department of Education – Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

Office Address: Fr. William F. Masterson Ave., Upper Balulang Cagayan de Oro City
Telefax: (08822)855-0048
E-mail Address:
Senior High School

Physical Education
and Health (H.O.P.E. 4)
Quarter 3 – Module 4:
Managing Stress Through
Physical Activities

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed

by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and or/universities. We
encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their feedback,
comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education at action@

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

FAIR USE AND CONTENT DISCLAIMER: This SLM (Self Learning Module) is for
educational purposes only. Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems,
pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks, etc.) included in these modules are
owned by their respective copyright holders. The publisher and authors do not
represent nor claim ownership over them. Sincerest appreciation to those who
have made significant contributions to these modules.
What This Module is About

This module deals with the roles of physical activity assessments in

managing one’s stress. Lessons focus on the benefits of recreational activities as
health-enhancing physical activities. It also focuses on how these activities serve
as a guide in becoming more physically active and in handling stress.

The following are the lessons contained in this module:

6. Lesson 1: Benefits of Outdoor Recreational Activities
7. Lesson 2: Breathe In, Breathe Out

What I Need to Know

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

11. Describe the role of physical activity assessments in managing

one’s stress (PEH12FH-IIf-5);
12. Engage in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at
least 60 minutes most days of the week in a variety of settings in-
and out-of school (PEH12FH-IIa-t-8); and
13. Demonstrate proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and
equipment (PEH12FH-IIaa-t-12)
14. Recognizes the value of optimizing one’s health through
participation in physical activities (PEH12FH-IId-t-14)

How to Learn from this Module

✓ For the Learner:

The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
24. Follow closely the instructions in every activity.
25. Be honest in answering and checking your exercises.
26. Answer the pre-test before going over the material to find out what you
already know.
27. Answer the exercises at the end of every lesson.
28. Review the lesson that you find difficult to understand.
29. Seek assistance from your teacher if you need help.
30. Ask permission from your parents/guardians whenever you have
research and requirements to be conducted outside your home.
✓ For the Teacher/Facilitator:

The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
8. Communicate with parents and students regularly for updates and
9. Make sure that all activities are complied before accepting them. .
10. You may contextualize or localize your activity as long as it is still within
the bound of the learning competency.

✓ For the Parents/Guardian:

The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
7. Closely monitor your child’s progress.
8. Do not answer the activities for your child. Just guide them in doing it.
9. Support your child. Talk to him/her about his/her journey with this module

Components in Each Lesson

This part contains
learning objectives that
What I Need to Know
are set for you to learn as
Learning Objectives you go along the
This is an assessment as
to your level of knowledge
What I Know? to the subject matter at
Pre-Assessment hand, meant specifically
to gauge prior related

This part connects

What’s In?
previous lesson with that
Review Activity of the current one.

An introduction of the new

What’s New? lesson through
various activities, before it
Motivational Activity will be presented to you

These are discussions of
the activities as a way to
What is It?
deepen your discovery
Lesson Proper and understanding of the
These are follow-up
activities that are intended
What’s More?
for you to practice further
Performance Task in order to
master the competencies.

Activities designed to
What I Have Learned?
process what you have
Generalization learned from the lesson

These are tasks that are

designed to showcase
What I Can Do? your skills and knowledge
Application gained, and applied into
real-life concerns and
This evaluates your level
Assessment of mastery in achieving the
Post-Assessment learning objectives of the

What I Know


Test I. Multiple Choice. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

11. It refers to a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused

by excessive and prolonged stress.
A. Burnout B. Negativity C. Problem D. Stress
12. Which of the following is a benefit of participating in physical activity?
A. Boredom B. Fun C. Illness D. Stress
13. Who is the right person to turn to when you are weary and stressed?
A. Enemy B. Family C. Neighbor D. School mates
14. When you are stressed, the following are the things you are going to
A. Meditate B. Relax C. Unwind D. Work more
15. Which of the following may cause you to burnout as a student?
A. Assignments B. Exams C. Projects D. All of the above

Test II. Classify the following into PHYSICAL, PSYCHO-EMOTIONAL,


16. 6. Meeting new 11.Stirs up spiritual
17. friends values
18. 7. Soothes the 12.Families
19. body and spirit become
8. Helps people to 13. More productive
be on move at work
9.Create more jobs 14.Promotes
muscular fitness
10. Helps people to 15. Improves self-
unwind esteem and

Benefits of Outdoor
Recreational Activities

What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

3. Identify the different benefits of outdoor recreation;
4. Participate in activities that make you more aware of your surroundings.

What’s New

Activity 1: WORD LOOPING

1. Encircle the first word you see that is related to physical activities.


2. Write your answer on the blank provided below and briefly

describe/discuss your answer

What Is It?
Think of an outdoor activity you experienced before. What benefits did
you get out of doing it? Maybe you will immediately answer “fun” because you
enjoyed a lot. But your experience is not only all about fun! Unconsciously, you
were able to breathe the fresh air by the woods and saw the amazing sight of
nature. It is a healthy experience. Having a close contact with nature brings so
much positive effects to you as a person. Feeling well contributes to a better
quality of life.

The following are the benefits of outdoor recreational activities:

Being outdoors allows you to move your body

freely. You have a lot of activities to choose
from – walking, running, jogging, biking,
Physical Health Benefits swimming, boating and the like. If you are
stuck to gadget now, put it down. You are
having a sedentary life but it is never too late to
start it right.
This is where your answer comes in – fun.
Doing outdoor recreational activities allows you
to relax and feel renewed. Looking at the green
environment makes you feel good and helps
reduce stress.
Doing outdoor activities allows you to have a
strong family bonding and to meet other
Social Benefits people. Say hi and hello to the people you
meet is a good start of having new friends and
it helps develop a community.
When you are at a relax mood, you tend to love
to work and become efficient and productive in
your work place. In addition, recreational
Economic Benefits
activities create more jobs and economic
activities, thus contributing to economic growth
of your community.
Close your eyes. Feel the cool breeze of
Spiritual Benefit nature. It brings certain calmness in you. It
heals and soothes your body and soul.

Even if you are staying at home, you can always experience the different
benefits that recreational activities bring. Have you started your gardening
activity which I instructed you to do in Module 2? Perhaps at this point in time,
you already see the plants grow. You can clearly see the green space in your
garden. How do you feel about seeing them grow healthily? Are you benefited
from it? Feel free to briefly share your experiences below.


What’s More?

Activity 2. HI! HELLO!

2. Visit your garden. List down the activities that you are doing for 1 week
and discuss the benefits (if there is any) that you have experienced from
the activity.

Day Physical Psycho- Social Economic Spiritual








3. Describe how you feel upon visiting your garden. You may also include
the whole family in this task. What lesson did you learn from this activity?
Write your observations below.

Notes To The Teacher

Use this rubric to evaluate the output of Activity 2. You may also require
them to paste a picture that supports their explanation about the activity. (Rubric
may be changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator
and the learner).

Rubric for Essay

Criteria Rating
The paper relates entirely to the
assigned topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The paper conveys a genuine
personal view regarding the topic or 5 4 3 2 1
The work is original.
5 4 3 2 1


2. Take a walk within your compound/lawn or around the house.

3. Search for as many shades of green as you can find (dark green,
leaf green, light green).
4. List them below.
Shade of Green Object of Nature

5. What recreational benefits did you get out of doing the task? Discuss

Notes To The Teacher

Use this rubric to evaluate the output of Activity 3. You may also require
them to paste a picture that supports their explanation about the activity. (Rubric
may be changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator
and the learner).

Rubric for Essay

Criteria Rating
The paper relates entirely to the
assigned topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The paper conveys a genuine
personal view regarding the topic or 5 4 3 2 1
The work is original.
5 4 3 2 1

What I Have Learned

1. Based on the lesson, why is it important for you to participate in different

recreational activities?

What I Can Do

1. How are you going to promote recreational activities at home? List some
activities you think can be more beneficial to you and your loved ones.

Breathe In, Breathe Out
What’s In

You participate in outdoor recreational activities for many reasons.

Whatever reason it may be, what is important is that you have not lived a
sedentary life. Congratulate yourself for a job well done. This is just a beginning
of your healthy and amazing journey towards staying fit and calm as you enjoy
your bond with the nature through outdoor recreational activities. Keep it up!

What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Identify the common stressors experienced by the learners;
2. Explain how outdoor recreation can improve mental health;

What’s New?


4. Assess our feeling today how you are feeling today may influence your
health and may affect your capacity as a student to think, remember,
process information and learn.
5. Rate yourself using the following scale by checking the corresponding

(1 - Rarely 2 – Sometimes 3- Most of the time 4- Always)

Stress Management 1 2 3 4
I feel stress when I am in school
I feel stress when I am not in school.
When I feel stress, I worry all the time.

When I feel stress, I have difficulty sleeping.
When I feel stress, I have difficulty concentrating.
When I feel stress, my appetite is affected.
I’d rather be alone when I feel stress.
I have someone to talk to about my private feelings.
I have faith in a greater power of being (God)

Based on the results of your assessment, identify the areas where you
feel are problematic. Write them on the space below.

What Is It?

As a student, a pile of activities, quizzes and assignments in school can

lead you to a feeling of being “burnout”. Burnout is a state of emotional,
physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It
occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet
constant demands. Imagine yourself like this.


As the stress continues, you begin to lose the interest and motivation that
led you to take on a certain role in the first place. Sometimes, busy schedules
takeover your calm mood because you are beating the red light just to meet the

deadlines of the output or projects. Brownouts, unavailability of materials are
just some of the “add-ons” of your struggle. The worse scenario is negativities
sometimes are like COVID-19 that spills without your knowledge. Aside from
your home and school, your social life might be affected as well.
Because of such experience, your immunity is at stake. You will become
vulnerable to illness. Sometimes, you have that feeling as if you are suffocated,
as if you can hardly breathe.
Hey, relax! You can do it. Do not ever forget that there is still a chance
to get out of that nightmare. Still remember the outdoor recreational activities?
In your previous lesson, you learned about the benefits of participating in outdoor
recreational activities. If you have forgotten it, this is the right time to recheck.
Turn negativity into positive and worthwhile activities. Positive thoughts
create positive results. In this crisis, where you are told to just stay at home,
make every moment a memorable one. Spend more quality time with your
family. Share your thoughts and feelings. Allow them to help solve your
problems and worries. Only then, you will have peace of mind and feel the
serenity within you. Breathe in, breathe out.


What’s More?

Activity 2. AWIT NG BUHAY KO

1. Listen to your favourite song in the radio. You may close your eyes to
remain focused.
2. Give emphasis to the line/s that touch/es you most. What makes this
song special to you? Share how listening to this song drives away your
worries and problems.
3. Write your thoughts inside the box.

Title of the song: ___________________________

Artist/Band: _______________________________
Favorite line/s or stanza:


Share your thoughts:

Notes To The Teacher

Use this rubric to evaluate the output of Activity 2. You may also
require them to paste a picture that supports their explanation about the activity.
(Rubric may be changed depending on the agreement between the
teacher/facilitator and the learner).

Rubric for Essay

Criteria Rating
The paper relates entirely to the
assigned topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The paper conveys a genuine
personal view regarding the topic or 5 4 3 2 1
The work is original. 5 4 3 2 1

Activity 3. QUIET PLACE

“Everyone needs to have some downtime in a quiet place. It is healthy

to have your own space to simply reflect, think, imagine, wonder, and be alone.
You are able to sort through your thoughts and feel calm. When you have found
your own quiet space, just sit and enjoy the solitude”.
(Adapted from Ward, J. (2008)

2. Find the ideal outdoor thinking space. Spend time testing different
spots such as under the tree, next to a window or in your garden.
3. Write the thoughts and feelings you have at the moment.


Notes To The Teacher

Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 3. (Rubric

may be changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator
and the learner).

Rubric for Essay

Criteria Rating
The paper relates entirely to the
assigned topic or issue. 5 4 3 2 1
The paper conveys a genuine
personal view regarding the topic or 5 4 3 2 1
The work is original.
5 4 3 2 1

What I Have Learned?


2. Think of the times when you feel so stressful/burnout. Think also of the
ways you did in order to cope with the situation. Based on your
experience, write a reflection on how doing recreational activities with
your loved ones contribute significant changes to you as an individual.
Write your answer below.


What I Can Do?

3. In times like this, you need to stay calm and focused. Free yourself from
stressful thoughts and feelings. Your family is with you in all your ups
and downs. Look for recreational activities to keep you charged
physically, mentally-emotionally, socially, economically and most of all
spiritually. Remember your garden. Cultivate it. Relax and have fun.


• Having a close contact with nature brings so much positive effects to you
as a person.

• Feeling well contributes to a better quality of life.

• The benefits of outdoor recreational activities include physical health,

psycho-emotional, social, economic and spiritual benefits.

• Even if you are staying at home, you can always experience the different
benefits that recreational activities bring.

• As a student, a pile of activities, quizzes and assignments in school can

lead you to a feeling of being “burnout”.

• Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused

by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed,
emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands.

• Because of such experience, your immunity is at stake. You will become

vulnerable to illness. Sometimes, you have that feeling as if you are
suffocated, as if you can hardly breathe.

• Turn negativity into positive and worthwhile activities. Positive thoughts

create positive results.

• Spend more quality time with your family. Share your thoughts and
feelings. Allow them to help solve your problems and worries.

• Breathe in, breathe out.



Test I. Multiple Choice. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. It refers to a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused

by excessive and prolonged stress.
A. Burnout B. Negativity C. Problem D. Stress

2. Which of the following is a benefit of participating in physical activity?

A. Boredom B. Fun C. Illness D. Stress

3. Who is the right person to turn to when you are weary and stressed?
A. Enemy B. Family C. Neighbor D. School mates

4. When you are stressed, the following are the things you are going to do,
A. Meditate B. Relax C. Unwind D. Work more

5. Which of the following may cause you to burnout as a student?

A. Assignments B. Exams C. Projects D. All of the above

Test II. Classify the following into PHYSICAL, PSYCHO-EMOTIONAL,



a. 6. Meeting new 11.Stirs up
b. friends spiritual values
c. 7. Soothes the 12.Families
d. body and spirit become closer
8. Helps people 13. More
e. to be on move productive at
f. 9. Create more 14.Promotes
g. jobs muscular
h. 10. Helps people 15. Improves self-
i. to unwind esteem and


Aparato, C.R., Talaroc-Brebante, Z., Fernando-Callo, L. & Dajime, P.F. Physical Education and
Health Vol. 2. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc., 2017

Mangubat, A.S., Tolotol, M.B., Urbiztondo, S.M. & Vergara, L.A. HOPE Health-Optimizing
Physical Education – Recreational Activities, Quezon City: Vibal Group, Inc., 2016

Senior High School

Physical Education
and Health (H.O.P.E. 4)
Quarter 4 – Module 5:
Going on Top
Physical Education and Health (H.O.P.E. 4) Grade 12
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 5 Going on Top
First Edition, 2020

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any
work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the
government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for
exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other things,
impose as a condition the payment of royalty.

Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand

names, trademarks, etc.) included in this book are owned by their respective
copyright holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to
use these materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and
authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them.

Published by the Department of Education – Division of Cagayan de Oro City

Schools Division Superintendent: Dr. Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, CESO V

Development Team of the Module

Writer/s: Jason O. Damulo

Reviewer/s: Welyn B. Ragasi
Illustrator/s and Layout Artist/s: Ryan Boyd M. Pahapay

Management Team
Chairperson: Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, PhD, CESO V
Schools Division Superintendent

Co-Chairperson: Rowena H. Para-on, PhD

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Lorebina C. Carrasco, OIC-CID Chief
Sylvio C. Carciller, PhD, EPS-MAPEH
Joel D. Potane, LRMDS Manager
Lanie O. Signo, Librarian II
Gemma Pajayon, PDO II
Evelyn Q. Sumanda, School Head
Cely B. Labadan, School Head

Printed in the Philippines by Department of Education – Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

Office Address: Fr. William F. Masterson Ave., Upper Balulang Cagayan de Oro City
Telefax: (08822)855-0048
E-mail Address:
Senior High School

Physical Education
and Health (H.O.P.E. 4)
Quarter 4 – Module 5:
Going on Top

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed

by educators from public schools, colleges, and or/universities. We
encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their
feedback, comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education
at action@

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

FAIR USE AND CONTENT DISCLAIMER: This SLM (Self Learning Module) is for
educational purposes only. Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures,
photos, brand names, trademarks, etc.) included in these modules are owned by their
respective copyright holders. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim
ownership over them. Sincerest appreciation to those who have made significant
contributions to these modules.
Table of Contents

What This Module is About ................................................................................................................. i

How to Learn from this Module.......................................................................................................... .i

Icons of this Module ............................................................................................................................. ii

What I Know (Pre-test) .................................................................................................... iii


What I Need to Know ................................................................................................ 9
What I know ................................................................................................................ 9
What’s In ...................................................................................................................... 9
What’s New ................................................................................................................. 9
What Is It ..................................................................................................................... 9
What’s More ................................................................................................................ 10
What I Have Learned ................................................................................................ 11
What I Can Do ............................................................................................................ 11


What I Need to Know ................................................................................................ 13
What I Know................................................................................................................ 13
What’s In............................................................................................................................13
What’s New.......................................................................................................................14
What is It............................................................................................................................14
What’s More ………………………………………………………………….......14
What I Have Learned....................................................................................................15
What I Can Do…………………………………………………………………….15

Assessment: (Post-Test) ………………………………………………………………………...16
Key to Answers .................................................................................................................................. .18
What This Module is About
This module focuses on the five (5) components of health-related fitness and the
impact of food to the body and in physical activity performance. It also describes the
relationship of the nutritional value of food and performance. Furthermore, it provides
students the ability to assess their own status of HRF and identify barriers to physical
activity participation and one’s diet.

The following are the lessons contained in this module:

1. Lesson 1: Health-Related Fitness Components
2. Lesson 2: Fuel-Up: Boosting One’s Performance

What I Need to Know

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

1. Self-assesses health-related fitness (HRF) status, barriers to physical activity
assessment participation and one’s diet PEH12FH-IIg-i-6
2. Sets FITT goals based on training principles to achieve and/or maintain HRF
3. Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at least 60
minutes most days of the week in a variety of settings in- and out-of school

How to Learn from this Module

For the Learner:
The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
1. Follow closely the instructions in every activity.
2. Be honest in answering and checking your exercises.
3. Answer the pre-test before going over the material to find out what you already
4. Answer the exercises at the end of every lesson.
5. Review the lesson that you find difficult to understand.
6. Seek assistance from your teacher if you need help.
7. Ask permission from your parents/guardians whenever you have research and
requirements to be conducted outside your home.

For the Teacher/Facilitator:

The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
1. Communicate with parents and students regularly for updates and feedback
2. Make sure that all activities are complied before accepting them.
3. You may contextualize or localize your activity as long as it is still within the bound
of the learning competency.

For the Parents/Guardian:

The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
1. Closely monitor your child’s progress.
2. Do not answer the activities for your child. Just guide them in doing it.
3. Support your child. Talk to him/her about his/her journey with this module.
Components in Each Lesson
This part contains
learning objectives that
What I Need to Know
are set for you to learn as
Learning Objectives
you go along the
This is an assessment as
to your level of
knowledge to the subject
What I Know?
matter at hand,
meant specifically to
gauge prior related

This part connects

What’s In?
previous lesson with that
Review Activity
of the current one.

An introduction of the
new lesson through
What’s New? various activities, before
Motivational Activity it will be presented
to you

These are discussions of

the activities as a
What is It?
way to deepen your
Lesson Proper
discovery and under-
standing of the concept.
These are follow-up
activities that are in-
What’s More?
tended for you to practice
Performance Task
further in order to
master the competencies.
Activities designed to
What I Have Learned? process what you
Generalization have learned from the
These are tasks that are
designed to show-
What I Can Do? case your skills and
Application knowledge gained, and
applied into real-life
concerns and situations.
This evaluates your level
Assessment of mastery in achieving
Post-Assessment the learning objectives of
the lesson.

Activity 1. Pre-Assessment

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Which component of health-related fitness involves the range of motion in and

around your joint?
A. Cardio-respiratory endurance C. Flexibility
B. Body Composition D. Muscular strength
2. The health-related component of fitness that covers what the body type is
composed of.
A. Muscular Endurance C. Cardio-respiratory endurance
B. Flexibility D. Body Composition
3. The ability of your muscles to exert force in a short period of time.
A. Muscular Strength C. Flexibility
B. Muscular Endurance D. Cardio-Respiratory endurance
4. The ability of your muscles to exert force for an extended period of time.
A. Muscular Strength C. Flexibility
B. Muscular Endurance D. Cardio-Respiratory endurance
5. The ability of your heart to pump blood and lungs to receive oxygen in order to
sustain in an activity for a long period of time.
A. Muscular Strength C. Flexibility
B. Muscular Endurance D. Cardio-Respiratory endurance
Health-Related Fitness

At the end of the week, students will be able to:

1. Identify the five (5) components of health-related fitness.

2. Describe the benefits of cardiovascular endurance.
3. Distinguish muscular endurance and muscular strength.
4. Develop a circuit training routine.


In previous lesson the students was able to identify the role of physical
activities in managing one’s stress.


Activity 1: Challenge Accepted!

Direction: Perform 10 push-ups and challenge any member of your family to

do the task.


The five (5) components of health-related fitness are often used in our school
curriculum, health clubs and fitness centers to gauge how physically fit we are. The
five (5) components that make up total fitness are:

 Cardiovascular Endurance
 Muscular Strength
 Muscular Endurance
 Flexibility
 Body Composition

Total fitness can be defined by how well the body performs in each one of the
components of physical fitness as a whole. It is not enough to be able to bench press
your body weight.
Cardiovascular Endurance- is the ability of the heart and lungs to work
together to provide the needed oxygen and fuel to the body during sustained

Muscular Strength- is the amount of force a muscle can produce. Examples

would be the bench press, leg press or bicep curl. The push-up test is most often
used to test muscular strength.

Muscular Endurance- is the ability of the muscles to perform continuous

without fatigue. Examples would be cycling, step machines. The sit-up test is most
often used to test muscular endurance.

Flexibility- is the ability of each joint to move through the available range of
motion for a specific joint. Examples would be stretching individual muscles or the
ability to perform certain functional movements such as the lunge. The sit and reach
test are most often used to test flexibility.

Body composition- is the amount of fat mass compared to lean muscle

mass, bone and organs. This can be measured using skin fold readings.

Activity 2. Heart Beats

A. The purpose of this activity is to gain understanding about what happens to

your heart rate when you perform cardiovascular, muscular endurance, muscular
strength, and flexibility exercises.

Component of Health- Number of Number of

Activity Time Related Fitness heartbeat heart beat
before the after the
activity activity
Step Test 3 minutes Cardiovascular
Push-ups 30 seconds Muscular Endurance
Sit-ups 30 seconds Muscular Endurance
Squat 1 minute Muscular Strength
Sit & Reach 3 times Flexibility

B. Explain briefly what happens to your heart rate before and after performing
the activity? Why does your heart rate change before and after performing the

Participating in regular health-related fitness activity helps you control your

weight, prevent diseases and illness, improve your mood, boost energy, and
promote better sleep. It is made up of five sections: cardiovascular endurance,
muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition.



Direction: Take a video or photos of you performing a circuit exercise with the
following five (5) health-related components. (To be submitted to your teacher.)
Number of
Station Components of Exercise(s) repetitions in Remarks
Fitness one minute
Station 1 Cardiovascular Jump rope
Station 2 Muscular Strength Push-ups
Station 3 Muscular Endurance Sit-ups
Station 4 Flexibility Sit & Reach
Station 5 Body Composition Body Mass Index

Notes to the Teacher

Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 4. (Rubric may be
changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the
Rubric for Individual Performance
Criteria Rating
5 4 3 2 1
Execution Showed Executed the Executed Executed Executed the
excellent routine the routine the routine routine
performance almost with with little incorrectly
accordingly average accuracy
but some accuracy
errors were
Mastery Showed Almost Showed Showed Performed
very high showed average little poorly the
level of mastery of mastery of mastery of routine
mastery of the routine the routine the routine
the routine but some
errors were
Choreography The routine The routine The routine The routine Failed to
was very was almost was little was poorly show the
impressive impressive impressive impressive choreography
Fuel-Up: Boosting One’s


At the end of the week, students will be able to:

1. Understand the meaning of nutrition and its importance to the body.

2. Identify the impact of nutrition on health and performance.
3. Develop a nutritious meal plan to increase performance.


Activity 1. Pre-Assessment

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. It promotes muscle growth and recovery, and increase muscle strength and
A. Vitamins and minerals C. Protein and exercise
B. Protein and energy D. Well-trained muscles
2. A mineral that works with calcium to maintain strong bones and teeth.
A. Carbohydrates C. Phosphorus
B. Cholesterol D. Magnesium
3. It is found in most process foods, contributes to high blood pressure and other
major diseases.
A. Vitamin C C. Calcium
B. Sodium D. Dietary Fiber
4. It is found in citrus fruits; helps promote a healthy immune system.
A. Vitamin C C. Calcium
B. Sodium D. Dietary Fiber
5. These are known as the micro nutrients.
A. Water soluble vitamins and fat-soluble C. Protein, carbohydrates, fats
B. Minerals and vitamins D. Starch, fiber, sugar


In previous lesson the students was able to learn the five (5) health-related
components and identify various exercises for each by performing a circuit training

Activity 1: Food Hub

Direction: Take photos of ten (10) affordable and readily available nutritious foods.
(To be submitted to your teacher.)


The food we eat plays a vital role in how we look and feel. Regular exercise is
important but according to research, nutrition has the largest impact on our fitness.
Using food as our medicine has become a popular theme for health improvement.
The trend is now to focus on healthy food intake as a primary fitness goal. When
healthy eating habits become a lifestyle, we are healthier and happier. Eating right
allows us to reduce body fat, lose a few pounds, feel more confident and reduce our
risk of illness.
Frequent studies are indicating healthy food intake as the most important part
of our fitness programs. Some physicians are teaching healthy eating habits and
lifestyle as a way to improve overall health by reducing obesity and related disease.
Nutrients-dense foods, or “super foods”, include lean proteins, healthy
carbohydrates, and fats essential to our health. Super foods are rich source of
vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.


Activity 2. Eating On-the-Go

Direction: Make a weekly healthy habit plan using the given format below.

Healthy Habit Day Date Remarks

Drink 8 glasses of water
Eat at least 1 fruit
Eat at least 1 vegetable
Drink 1 glass of milk
No soft drinks
No junk foods

Good nutrition can enhance performance. A well-planned, nutritious diet

should meet most of the vitamin and mineral needed by an individual and provide
enough protein to promote muscle growth and repair. Water is a great choice of fluid
to help performance and prevent dehydration.


Activity 4. Game-Day Nutrition

Direction: Prepare a sample of a healthy affordable meal from a local garden.

Present your meal through video coverage by giving emphasis on the nutritional
benefits of the ingredients used. (Submit your output to your teacher through his/her
FB messenger.)

Notes to the Teacher

Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 2. (Rubric may be
changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the
Rubric for Individual Performance
Criteria Rating
4 3 2 1
Content The student The student The student The student did not
/Information correctly correctly correctly identified correctly identify any
identified identified some healthy healthy food choices
excellent healthy food food choices
healthy food choices
Interpretation The student The student The student The student did not
(transferred created an created a good created create well-balanced
extremely well- well-balanced somewhat well- menu plan according
knowledge) balanced menu menu plan balanced menu to their
plan according according to plan according to recommended Food
to their their their Pyramid
recommended recommended recommended
Food Pyramid Food Pyramid Food Pyramid
Details The student The student The student The student did not
accurately described a described some describe the serving
described all good amount of correct serving sizes and correct
the serving correct serving sizes and correct food groups
sizes and sizes and food groups
correct food correct food
groups groups

This module aims to help the students to be health conscious and

being aware of their food choices. The knowledge in the components of
health-related fitness helps the students to remember what to focus on
in maintaining their level of health and wellness. Their understanding on
the impact of food in the body aids to develop healthy individuals and
healthy communities.


Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Which component of health-related fitness involves the range of motion in and

around your joint?
A. Cardio-respiratory endurance C. Flexibility
B. Body Composition D. Muscular strength
2. The health-related component of fitness that covers what the body type is
composed of.
A. Muscular Endurance C. Cardio-respiratory endurance
B. Flexibility D. Body Composition
3. The ability of your muscles to exert force in a short period of time.
A. Muscular Strength C. Flexibility
B. Muscular Endurance D. Cardio-Respiratory endurance
4. The ability of your muscles to exert force for an extended period of time.
A. Muscular Strength C. Flexibility
B. Muscular Endurance D. Cardio-Respiratory endurance
5. The ability of your heart to pump blood and lungs to receive oxygen in order
to sustain in an activity for a long period of time.
A. Muscular Strength C. Flexibility
B. Muscular Endurance D. Cardio-Respiratory endurance
6. It promotes muscle growth and recovery, and increase muscle strength and
A. Vitamins and minerals C. Protein and exercise
B. Protein and energy D. Well-trained muscles
7. A mineral that works with calcium to maintain strong bones and teeth.
A. Carbohydrates C. Phosphorus
B. Cholesterol D. Magnesium
8. It is found in most process foods, contributes to high blood pressure and other
major diseases.
A. Vitamin C C. Calcium
B. Sodium D. Dietary Fiber
9. It is found in citrus fruits; helps promote a healthy immune system.
A. Vitamin C C. Calcium
B. Sodium D. Dietary Fiber
10. These are known as the micro nutrients.
A. Water soluble vitamins and fat-soluble C. Protein, carbohydrates, fats
B. Minerals and vitamins D. Starch, fiber, sugar
Senior High School

Physical Education
and Health (H.O.P.E. 4)
Quarter 4 – Module 6:
Fit on the Go: “Adapting
the New Normal”
Physical Education and Health (H.O.P.E. 4) Grade 12
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 6: FIT on the Go
First Edition, 2020

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in
anywork of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the
government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for
exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other things,
impose as a condition the payment of royalty.

Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand

names, trademarks, etc.) included in this book are owned by their respective
copyright holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to
use these materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and
authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them.

Published by the Department of Education – Division of Cagayan de Oro City

Schools Division Superintendent: Dr. Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, CESO V

Development Team of the Module

Writer/s: Jason O. Damulo

Reviewer/s: Liza G. Perez, Welyn B. Ragasi
Illustrator/s and Layout Artist/s: Ryan Boyd M. Pahapay

Management Team
Chairperson: Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, PhD, CESO V
Schools Division Superintendent

Printed in the Philippines by Department

Co-Chairperson: Rowena of Para-on,– PhD
H.Education Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)
Office Address: Fr. William F. Masterson Ave., Upper Balulang Cagayan de Oro City
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
E-mail Address:
Lorebina C. Carrasco, OIC-CID Chief
Sylvio C. Carciller, PhD, EPS-MAPEH
Joel D. Potane, LRMDS Manager
Lanie O. Signo, Librarian II
Gemma Pajayon, PDO II
Evelyn Q. Sumanda, School Head
Cely B. Labadan, School Head

Printed in the Philippines by Department of Education – Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

Office Address: Fr. William F. Masterson Ave., Upper Balulang Cagayan de Oro City
Telefax: (08822)855-0048
E-mail Address:
Senior High School

Physical Education
and Health (H.O.P.E. 4)
Quarter 4 – Module 6:
Fit on the Go

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed

by educators from public schools, colleges, and or/universities. We
encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their
feedback, comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education
at action@

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

FAIR USE AND CONTENT DISCLAIMER: This SLM (Self Learning Module) is for
educational purposes only. Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures,
photos, brand names, trademarks, etc.) included in these modules are owned by their
respective copyright holders. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim
ownership over them. Sincerest appreciation to those who have made significant
contributions to these modules.
Table of Contents

What This Module is About ................................................................................................................. i

How to Learn from this Module.......................................................................................................... ii

Icons of this Module ............................................................................................................................. iii

Lesson 1: GETTING FIT: A Lifetime Choice

What I Need to Know ................................................................................................ 9
WhatI know.................................................................................................................. 9
What’s In ...................................................................................................................... 10
What’s New ................................................................................................................. 10
What Is It ..................................................................................................................... 11
What’s More ................................................................................................................ 11
What I Have Learned ................................................................................................ 12
What I Can Do ............................................................................................................ 12


What I Need to Know ................................................................................................ 14
What I Know................................................................................................................ 14
What’s In ................................................................................................................... ...15
What’s New .............................................................................................................. ...15
What is It .................................................................................................................... ..15
What’s More …………………………………………………………………….16
What I Have Learned ............................................................................................. ..17
What I Can Do…………………………………………………………………..18


What I Need to Know ................................................................................................ 19
What I know ................................................................................................................ 20
What’s In ...................................................................................................................... 21
What’s New ................................................................................................................. 21
What Is It ..................................................................................................................... 21
What’s More ................................................................................................................ 23
What I Have Learned ................................................................................................ 23
What I Can Do ............................................................................................................ 23
Lesson 4: START UP
What I Need to Know ................................................................................................ 25
What I know ................................................................................................................ 25
What’s In ...................................................................................................................... 26
What’s New ................................................................................................................. 26
What Is It ..................................................................................................................... 26
What’s More ................................................................................................................ 27
What I Have Learned ................................................................................................ 27
What I Can Do ............................................................................................................ 27


What I Need to Know ................................................................................................ 29
What I know ................................................................................................................ 30
What’s In ...................................................................................................................... 30
What’s New ................................................................................................................. 30
What Is It ..................................................................................................................... 30
What’s More ................................................................................................................ 31
What I Have Learned ................................................................................................ 31
What I Can Do ............................................................................................................ 32

Assessment: (Post-Test) ………………………………………………………………………...33
Key to Answers .................................................................................................................................. ...35
What This Module is About
This module is a total package in achieving the optimum fitness of the body,
health and wellness. Emphasized in this module are lifetime choices of getting fit,
understanding the principles of Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type (FITT) that will help
students maximize physical activities and exercise to gain desired results. Included in
this module is a modified training plan where students can refer to in order to create
their own physical fitness program that fit their needs. Students will design an individual
training program with specific exercise to achieve fitness goals and maintain their
health-related fitness. Activities, practice worksheets and learning assessment are
readily available and design accordingly to provide students the ease of learning with
less supervision from the teacher.

The following are the lessons contained in this module:

1. Lesson 1: Getting Fit: A Lifetime Choice
2. Lesson 2: FITT principles: Optimizing Your Best
3. Lesson 3: Customizing Your Training
4. Lesson 4: Start Up: Individual Training Design
5. Lesson 5: Fitness Goals

What I Need to Know

At the end of this module, you should be able to:
1. Analyzes physiological indicators such as heart rate, rate of perceived
exertion and pacing associated with MVPAs to monitor and/or adjust
2. Observes personal safety protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion,
hypo- and hyperthermia during MVPA participation PEH12FH-Ik-t-10
3. Demonstrates proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and
equipment PEH12FH-Ia-t-12

How to Learn from this Module

For the Learner:

The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
1. Follow closely the instructions in every activity.
2. Be honest in answering and checking your exercises.
3. Answer the pre-test before going over the material to find out what you
already know.
4. Answer the exercises at the end of every lesson.
5. Review the lesson that you find difficult to understand.
6. Seek assistance from your teacher if you need help.
7. Ask permission from your parents/guardians whenever you have research
and requirements to be conducted outside your home.
For the Teacher/Facilitator:
The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
1. Communicate with parents and students regularly for updates and feedback
2. Make sure that all activities are complied before accepting them.
3. You may contextualize or localize your activity as long as it is still within the
bound of the learning competency.

For the Parents/Guardian:

The following are your guides for the proper use of this module:
1. Closely monitor your child’s progress.
2. Do not answer the activities for your child. Just guide them in doing it.
3. Support your child. Talk to him/her about his/her journey with this module

Components in Each Lesson

This part contains learning objectives that

What I Need to Know
are set for you to learn as you go along the
Learning Objectives

This is an assessment as to your level of

What I Know? knowledge to the subject matter at hand,
Pre-Assessment meant specifically to gauge prior related

What’s In? This part connects previous lesson with that

Review Activity of the current one.

An introduction of the new lesson through

What’s New? various activities, before it will be presented
Motivational Activity to you

These are discussions of the activities as a

What is It?
way to deepen your discovery and under-
Lesson Proper
standing of the concept.

These are follow-up activities that are in-

What’s More?
tended for you to practice further in order to
Performance Task
master the competencies.

What I Have Learned? Activities designed to process what you

Generalization have learned from the lesson
These are tasks that are designed to show-
What I Can Do?
case your skills and knowledge gained, and
applied into real-life concerns and situations.

This evaluates your level of mastery in

achieving the learning objectives of the

Getting Fit: A Lifestyle Choice


At the end of the week, students will be able to:

1. Describe lifelong benefits of exercise;

2. Distinguish type of exercises in improving fitness;
3. Demonstrate aerobic and anaerobic exercise;
4. Categorize aerobic and anaerobic exercise.


Activity 1. Pre-Assessment

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on
a separate sheet of paper.
1. One way to measure an individual’s cardiovascular fitness is to measure the:
A. Good eating habits C. Resting Heart Rate
B. Energy enthusiasm D. Aerobic exercise
2. An exercise that requires the use of oxygen to produce energy.
A. Anaerobic C. Camping
B. Yoga D. Aerobic
3. In addition to nutrition, _______is an important means of maintaining your
A. Aerobic exercise C. Exercise
B. Anaerobic D. Mountain climbing
4. Exercise that does not require the use of oxygen to metabolize energy
A. Anaerobic C. Aerobic
B. Aerobic exercise D. Jumping
5. Regular exercise will enable you to perform daily tasks with an increased
amount of:
A. Good eating habits C. Aerobic exercise
B. Resting heart rate D. Energy and enthusiasm
6. How many minutes must the target heart rate be maintained in order for
aerobic exercise to be beneficial?
A. Twelve C. Twenty
B. Fifteen D. Ten
7. Amount of time needed to perform an exercise.
A. Strength C. Intensity
B. Duration D. Frequency
8. Which of the following exercises should be included during warm-up and cool
down times?
A. Cardiovascular fitness C. Walking and stretching
B. Circulatory and muscular D. Jumping
9. The ability of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to efficiently transfer
oxygen and nutrients to skeletal muscles is known as:
A. Adenosine triphosphate C. Circulatory, respiratory, muscular
B. Energy and enthusiasm D. Cardiovascular fitness
10. Your body composition can be changed by altering two factors, namely:
A. Energy and enthusiasm C. Lean, fat
B. Diet and exercise D. Adenosine triphosphate


In the previous lesson, the students was able to identify the importance of the
health-related fitness index for them to determine the status in engaging physical
activity with supplementary balance diet to achieve the desired amount of energy.


Activity 1: Name in Motion

Direction: Practice executing letters using your body in a creative way.


Health, vitality and long life are desirable goals for everyone. Being fit has
many advantages from helping individual to control weight to giving a better night’s
sleep. There is impressive evidence that people who exercise frequently, and in the
correct way are less prone to heart attacks, strokes and other life-threatening
conditions, and live longer than people whose existence is sedentary. You need to
exercise regularly all your life and should exercise more, not less as you get older.
The type of exercise that is most effective in improving fitness is an aerobic
exercise. The word aerobic means “with oxygen” and all aerobic exercise uses
oxygen. Aerobic exercise usually involves vigorous exercise sustained over a period
of several minutes and its effect is to increase the efficiency of the lungs, heart, and
blood circulation. Examples include swimming laps, running, or cycling. Involve quick
bursts of energy and are performed at maximum effort for a short time. Examples
include jumping, sprinting, or heavy weight lifting.

Activity 2. Alphabet Workouts

Direction: Spell out your FULL NAME and COMPLETE the activity listed for
each letter. For a greater challenge include your MIDDLE NAME and DO each one
TWICE. Take a photo of you performing the activities and submit to your teacher
through his/her a FB messenger.

A 30 Stationary jog K 30 Front kicks U 30 Stationary jog

B 30 Front kicks L 15 Stationary sprinting V 30 Front kicks
C 30 Jumping jack M 10 Push-ups W 30 Jumping jack
D 20 Mountain Climbing N 20 Mountain Climbing X 20 Mountain Climbing
E 15 Squat jumps O 30 Stationary jog Y 15 Squat jumps
F 30 Front kicks P 15 Lunge jumps Z 10 Push-ups
G 15 Lunge jumps Q 15 Lunge jumps
H 30 Stationary jog R 30 Stationary jog
I 15 Box jumps S 15 Box jumps
J 15 Stationary sprinting T 15 Stationary sprinting
Source: Adapted retrieved June 2, 2020.

Notes to the Teacher

Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 2. (Rubric may be
changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the
Rubric for Individual Fitness Exercise
Criteria Rating
5 4 3 2 1
Execution Showed Executed Executed Executed Executed the
excellent the routine the routine the routine routine
performance almost with with little incorrectly
accordingly average accuracy
but some accuracy
errors were
Mastery Showed Almost Showed Showed Performed
very high showed average little poorly the
level of mastery of mastery of mastery of routine
mastery of the routine the routine the routine
the routine but some
errors were
Choreography The routine The routine The routine The Failed to
was very was almost was little routine show the
impressive impressive impressive was poorly choreography

Activity 3. YOU’VE GOT MAIL

Direction: Categorize the exercises listed below whether it is aerobic or

anaerobic. (To be submitted to your teacher.)

No. Exercises Category

1. Jump Rope
2. Running/ jogging
3. Brisk walking
4. Swimming
5. Kickboxing
6. Zumba
7. Cycling/biking
8. Sprints
9. Heavy cleaning around the house
10. Gardening
11. Weightlifting
12. Isometrics
13. Plyometric
14. Interval training
15. Dancing
16. Push-ups
17. Bowling
18. Mountain climbing
19. Sit-ups
20. Treadmill



Direction: Perform an exercise routine for 20 minutes through video

coverage. The exercise design is a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercises.
Warm-up, stretching and cool down must be incorporated in the exercise routine. (To
be submitted to your teacher through his/her FB messenger.)
Notes to the Teacher

Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 4. (Rubric may be
changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the
Rubric for Individual Performance
Criteria Rating
5 4 3 2 1
Execution Showed Executed the Executed the Executed the Executed the
excellent routine almost routine with routine with routine
performance accordingly but average little accuracy incorrectly
some errors accuracy
were evident
Mastery Showed very Almost showed Showed Showed little Performed
high level of mastery of the average mastery of the poorly the
mastery of the routine but some mastery of the routine routine
routine errors were routine
Choreography The routine The routine was The routine The was Failed to show
was very almost was little poorly the
impressive impressive impressive impressive choreography

F.I.T.T. PRINCIPLES: Optimizing
Your Best


At the end of the week, students will be able to:

1. Define FITT Principles in exercise workout;

2. Recognize the importance of the principle;
3. Create a workout routine using FITT principle;
4. Categorize exercises for cardiovascular and strength training.


Activity 1. Pre-Assessment

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on
a separate sheet of paper.
1. In the F.I.T.T principle, the F stands for what?
A. Fast C. Frequency
B. Form D. Flexibility
2. In the F.I.T.T principle, the I stands for?
A. Individual C. Isometric
B. Intensity D. Instrument
3. In the F.I.T.T principle, the T’s stand for what?
A. Time & Temperature C. Type &Temperature
B. Time &Type D. Type & Tenseness
4. The kind of exercise that you do in order to achieve the results that you want.
A. Frequency C. Time
B. Intensity D. Type
5. It means to gradually increasing resistance, increasing repetitions, increasing
sets and intensity:
A. Progression C. Specificity
B. Overload D. Training
6. A muscle forced to operate beyond its customary intensity by increasing the
A. Frequency C. Progression
B. Specificity D. Overload
7. Exercising a particular muscle for a certain task .
A. Training C. Specificity
B. Overload D. Progression
8. In order to experience progression, you must gradually add intensity to _____
the body
A. Fatigue C. Exhaust
B. Relax D. Overload
9. Sports training should be adjusted according to each athlete’s characteristics
and needs, such as age, gender, rate of progress, and previous experience.
A. Reversibility Principle C. Recovery Principle
B. Individualization Principle D. Overload Principle
10. This principle dictates that athletes need adequate time to recuperate from
training and competition.
A. Balance Principle C. FITT Principle
B. Recovery Principle D. Specificity Principle


In the previous lesson, the students were able to use aerobic and anaerobic
exercises in improving fitness that will contribute to the total wellness of the person.


Activity 1: Selfie Mode

Direction: Take a photo of yourself performing the following exercises given.

(To be submitted to your teacher through his/her FB messenger.)

1. knee high position 6. jumping jack

2. lunges position 7. bicep curl
3. push-up position 8. squat position
4. curl-up position 9. plunk position
5. running position 10. mountain climbing


The FITT Principle is a great way of monitoring your exercise program. The
acronym FITT out lies the key components of an effective exercise program, and the
initials F.I.T.T, stand for:

F - Frequency which refers to how often you exercise per week.

I - Intensity which refers to how hard you exercise from moderate
to high.
T - Time which refers to how long you exercise for anywhere from
15 to 40 minutes.
T - Type which refers to the kind of exercise you undertakes.
The Components

Frequency- is a key component of the FITT principle. Remember that it is

important to know why you are exercising and what you wish to achieve before
rushing into any exercise program. Adjust the number of times you exercise per
week to reflect your current fitness level, the time you realistically have available, you
other commitments like family and work, and the goals you have to set for yourself.

Intensity- This is an extremely important aspect of the FITT Principle and

probably the hardest factor to monitor. The best way to gauge the intensity of your
exercise is to monitor your heart rate. Simply count your heart rate over a 15 second
period and then multiply by 4. This will give you your exercise heart rate in beats per

Time- The time you spend exercising is also an important part of the
FITT Principle. The time dedicated to exercise usually depends on the type of
exercise undertaken.

Type- like time, the type of exercise you choose will have a big effect
on the results you achieve. That is why it is important to know what you want to gain
from your efforts. For example, if you are looking to improve your cardiovascular
fitness, then exercises like walking, jogging, swimming, bike riding, stair climbing,
aerobics and rowing are very effective. For weight loss, any exercise using a majority
of your large muscle groups will be effective. To improve muscular strength, the best
exercises, includes the use of free weights, machine weights and body weight
exercises like push-ups, chin-ups and dip.


Activity 2. Kettlebell Arm Swing

Fill a medium size, dry pail with other

household items to give it a little
weight. Then, holding it with both
hands, swing it upward in front of you,
making sure to engage your hips,
glutes, thighs, and arms.

Perform it through video coverage and

submit to your teacher through his/her
FB messenger.
Notes to the Teacher

Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 2. (Rubric may be
changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the

Rubric for Individual Fitness Exercise

Criteria Rating
5 4 3 2 1
Execution Showed Executed the Executed the Executed the Executed the
excellent routine almost routine with routine with routine
performance accordingly but average little accuracy incorrectly
some errors accuracy
were evident
Mastery Showed very Almost showed Showed Showed little Performed
high level of mastery of the average mastery of the poorly the
mastery of the routine but some mastery of the routine routine
routine errors were routine
Choreography The routine The routine was The routine The routine Failed to show
was very almost was little was poorly the
impressive impressive impressive impressive choreography


Activity 3. YOU’VE GOT A MAIL

Direction: Choose at least three (3) of your favorite exercise/s to perform

using the FITT principle. Check the appropriate mode of your exercise in each

Activity F I T T
___ 1 day/week ___ Brisk ___ 10 min
___3days/week ___ Moderate ___ 15 min Cardio
___ 5 days/week ___ Vigorous ___ 20 min
___ 30 min
___ 1 day/week ___ Brisk ___ 10 min
___ 3 days/week ___ Moderate ___ 15 min Cardio
___ 5 days/week ___ Vigorous ___ 20 min
___ 30 min
___ 1 day/week ___ Brisk ___ 10 min
___ 3 days/week ___ Moderate ___ 15 min Cardio
___ 5 days/week ___ Vigorous ___ 20 min
___ 30 min


Direction: Create and perform an exercise routine for 30 minutes using the
FITT Principle. The exercise is based on your chosen favorite exercises that you
have listed in activity 3. Warm-up, stretching and cool down will be incorporated in
the exercise. (To be submitted to your teacher through his/her FB messenger.)

Notes to the Teacher

Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 4. (Rubric may be
changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the

Rubric for Individual Performance

Criteria Rating
5 4 3 2 1
Execution Showed Executed the Executed Executed Executed the
excellent routine the routine the routine routine
performance almost with with little incorrectly
accordingly average accuracy
but some accuracy
errors were
Mastery Showed Almost Showed Showed Performed
very high showed average little poorly the
level of mastery of mastery of mastery of routine
mastery of the routine the routine the routine
the routine but some
errors were
Choreography The routine The routine The routine The was Failed to
was very was almost was little poorly show the
impressive impressive impressive impressive choreography
Customizing Your Training



At the end of the week, students will be able to:

1. Identify the importance of training heart rate in improving fitness;

2. Classify the intensity levels of exercise;
3. Apply Karvonen’s formula in determining the fitness level;
4. Solve individual fitness level

Activity 1. Pre-Assessment

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer
on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What is a resting heart rate?

A. When your heart takes a break from working
B. When your heart rate is 175
C. When your heart is at its lowest beats per minute (bpm)
D. 220 minus your age
2. How do you get into your target heart rate zone?
A. 5 minutes of jogging slowly around the basketball court
B. 20-30 minutes of being physically active without much rest
C. Walking a mile with your parents or friends.
D. All of the above
3. During the exercise circuit, what component of fitness did we improve the
A. Cardiovascular endurance
B. Body composition
C. Muscular strength
D. Flexibility
4. If you drove in a car for 5 hours to see your family, what zone would your
heart rate be in?
A. Resting
B. Target
C. Maximum
D. None of the above
5. Your Target Heart Rate zone is _________________.
A. Working out as hard as you can for five minutes
B. Much like a school zone when driving your car
C. Has minimum number and a maximum number to help you identify if your
heart rate is in a safe zone
D. Should never be used when exercising
6. In terms of duration, heart rate is typically measured for how long?
A. One minute
B.30 seconds and multiply the number of beats by 4.
C.10 seconds and multiply the number of beats by 4.
D.15 seconds and multiply the number of beats by 4.
7. Maximum heart rate is typically calculated by _________________.
A. 200 minus your age
B. 220 minus your age
C. 60 plus your age
D. 320 minus your age
8. The lower your resting heart rate the more fit you are.
A. True
B. False
9. The resting heart of an average healthy person is typically?
A. 40-60 bpm
B. 90-100 bpm
C. 60-80 bpm
D.100-120 bpm
10. What is meant by a training zone?
A. A zone which defines upper and lower limits of training intensities
depending on what you aiming to achieving through training.
B. An area to work in whilst training
C. A zone which dictates how long we should train for intensity
D. All of the Above


In the previous lesson the students was able to fully understand and apply the
FITT principle to exercise.


Activity 1: Deep Clean

Direction: Do household tasks that will increase your heartbeat the same as
common exercise workouts.


According to Douglas (2018), Heart rate training entails keeping your heart
rate the number of times your heart beats in a minute within a set range during
workout. The range is expressed as a percentage of your maximum heart rate, which
is the greatest number of times your heart can beat in a minute. For example, a 30-
minute elliptical workout, you might aim to keep your heart rate between 70 and 80
percent of your maximum heart rate.
Heart rate training reflects the fact that the harder you run, cycle or do other
forms of exercise, the higher your heart rate is. The ideal heart rate range depends
on the cardiovascular goals of a workout.

Steps that will help you calculate your ideal heart rate training zone:
1. Take your pulse before you get up of bed in the morning in 30 seconds for
three (3) successive mornings to get the average of your resting pulse
2. Determine your training heart rate zone using this simple Karvonen

THR = RHR + PTI (%) (220-PA-RHR)


RHR - Resting Pulse Rate

PTI - Percentage Training Intensity
 60%-70% - Low Intensity Level
 70%-80% - Middle Intensity Level
 80%-90% - High Intensity Level
220 - Maximum Heart Rate (constant)
PA - Present Age

Present age = 45
RHR = 70

Solve the THR of Carlo in Low Intensity level.

(a) THR = RHR + % (220-PA-RHR)
= 70 + 60% (220-45-70)
= 70 + .6 (105)
= 70 + 63
= 133 beats per minute

(b) THR = RHR + % (220-PA-RHR)

= 70 + 70% (220-45-70)
= 70 + .7 (105)
= 70 + 73.5
= 143.5 beats per minute


Training Heart rate zone of Carlo in Low Intensity Level is;

THR = 133 – 143.5 beats per minute

In order to identify that your training heart rate zone is achieved during exercise, the
following procedure must be observed:

1. Get the Exercise Pulse rate (EPR) right after the exercise by locating your
pulse in any ways by radial or carotid.
2. Once the pulse is located, count the number of beats in 10 second then
multiply by 6.

EPR = 20 beats (in 10 seconds) x 6
= 120 bpm

3. ONCE your THR zone is achieved you may stop the exercise. And if NOT,
continue to work out until the desired training heart rate zone is achieved.


Activity 2. My Training Heart Rate Zone

Direction: Solve your training heart rate zone in Low, Middle and High
Intensity level using the Karvonen’s formula. Show your solution and submit to your


Training heart rate zone is a range that defines the lower and upper limits of
training intensities to achieve optimum fitness level and performance.



Direction: Perform an aerobic exercise routine that is based on their THR

zone (Low, Middle, High). Warm-up, stretching and cool down will be incorporated in
the exercise.
a. Brisk walking for at least 30 minutes or as desired
b. Zumba aerobic for at least 30 minutes or as desired
c. Aero-Kickboxing for at least 30 minutes or as desired
Notes to the Teacher

Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 4. (Rubric may be
changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the
Rubric for Individual Performance
Criteria Rating
5 4 3 2 1
Execution Showed Executed the Executed Executed Executed the
excellent routine the routine the routine routine
performance almost with with little incorrectly
accordingly average accuracy
but some accuracy
errors were
Mastery Showed Almost Showed Showed Performed
very high showed average little poorly the
level of mastery of mastery of mastery of routine
mastery of the routine the routine the routine
the routine but some
errors were
Choreography The routine The routine The routine The was Failed to
was very was almost was little poorly show the
impressive impressive impressive impressive choreography

Start Up: Individual Training


At the end of the week, students will be able to:

1. Recall FITT Principles in exercise workout;

2. Classify exercises under low, medium and high intensity workout;
3. Develop Individual fitness training program
4. Evaluate individual fitness level.


Activity 1. Pre-Assessment

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer
on a separate sheet of paper.

1. The F.I.T.T. principle details how to safely and effectively progress what style
of workout?
A. Cardio respiratory
B. Muscular strength
C. Muscular Endurance
D. All of the above
2. What are the 3 stages of exercise?
A. 1. Warm-up 2. Work-out 3. Warm-up
B. 1. Warm-up 2. Work-out 3. Cool down
C. 1. Cool-down 2. Work-out 3. Warm-up
D. 1. Cool down 2. Warm-up 3. Work-out
3. Which of the terms is not included when dealing with cardiovascular
A. Cardio
B. Pulmonary
D. Vascular
4. In F.I.T.T. principle, the T’s stand for what?
A. Time and Temperature
B. Time and Type
C. Time and Timing
D. Temperature and Trim
5. The health-related components of physical fitness are most associated with:
A. How fast you improve.
B. How well the systems of the body operate.
C. How well you perform in sports activities.
D. You level of athletic ability.


In the previous lesson, the student learned to compute the Training Heart
Rate (THR) using the Karvonen’s formula.


Activity 1: Hataw-Galaw

Direction: Take a photo of you performing Zumba dance work-out in 45

minutes. (To be submitted to your teacher).


Planning out good fitness programs is the key in promoting and maintaining
good health. Fitness programs are a great way to make sure that you are getting the
most out of your workouts and that you are targeting all your muscle groups as well
as getting a cardio workout. Many people exercise but are not getting the full benefits
that exercise can provide. By planning out some fitness programs you can make
sure that you are not wasting your time.
Fitness programs are basically a laid-out plan of what exercise you do on
what day and in what order. You get very complex fitness programs that can be
difficult to follow at first but once you get into the habit it is generally very easy. Some
people do a lot of cardio, but no weight training, or vice versa. It is very important to
get a bit of both, as cardio is wonderful for your heart and weight training is excellent
for bone density among other things.

5 Reasons Why You Need a Workout Plan:

1. Helps Prevent Under or Over Training

2. Provides Structure
3. Provide Goals
4. Provides Checklist
5. Prevents Burnout

Activity 2. My Fitness Program

Direction: Develop a fitness program suited to your physical need and

capacity to perform using the FITT principles. (To be submitted to your teacher.)

Components of Exercises Frequency Intensity Time Type

Fitness (how often) (how hard) (how (Aerobic/
Days Reps/sets long) Anaerobic)
1. Muscular
2. Flexibility
3. Muscular
4. Body


Great fitness programs are available if you spend some time looking for them.
Good health and proper fitness are important at any age. Consulting an exercise
professional when designing your fitness program can help you reduce injury and
customize your program to your needs, especially if you are new to exercise or you
haven’t done any physical activity for a while.



Direction: Take a video or photos of you performing an exercise routine

based on your design fitness program in activity 2. Warm-up, stretching and cool
down must be incorporated in the exercise. (To be submitted to your teacher.)
Notes to the Teacher

Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 4. (Rubric may be
changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the
Rubric for Individual Performance
Criteria Rating
5 4 3 2 1
Execution Showed Executed the Executed Executed Executed the
excellent routine the routine the routine routine
performance almost with with little incorrectly
accordingly average accuracy
but some accuracy
errors were
Mastery Showed Almost Showed Showed Performed
very high showed average little poorly the
level of mastery of mastery of mastery of routine
mastery of the routine the routine the routine
the routine but some
errors were
Choreography The routine The routine The routine The was Failed to
was very was almost was little poorly show the
impressive impressive impressive impressive choreography
Fitness Goals



At the end of the week, students will be able to:

1. Identify fitness goals;

2. Select goals that is attainable and accessible;
3. Prepare necessary equipment to be used in a minimal cost;
4. Categorize priority.

Activity 1. Pre-Assessment

Direction: Identify which fitness goal setting you aim to be accomplished.

Reduce Fat Build Muscle Mass

Increase Strength Improve Exercise Technique
Improve Sport Specific Skills Increase Motivation
Increase Flexibility Improve Health
Improve Cardiovascular fitness Improve Eating Habits
Improve Bone Density


In previous lesson the students was able to design and perform his/her
individual training program.


Activity 1: My Fitness Goal

Direction: Write a reflection about your fitness goals for the next 3-6 months
and determine the importance of your fitness goals.


Making any lifestyle change can be challenging. Many people find that having
a goal in mind gives them something to work towards, motivates them to stay on
track and provides a measure of how well they are doing. If you’re trying to become
more physically active, realistic, well-planned goals keep you focused and motivated.
Several key principles can be applied to help you set your physical activity
goals. These include:
1. Pinpoint your ultimate goal. It should be realistic, specific, meaningful and
important to you.
2. Find out how to achieve your ultimate goal.
3. Set small, specific mini goals.
4. Monitor your progress regularly
5. Adapt to changing circumstances.
6. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

Activity 2. Fitness Bucket List

Direction: Identify your 10-fitness bucket list that you wanted to perform this
month. Use available equipment with a minimal cost, improvised or modified. (To be
submitted to your teacher.)


10-fitness bucket list Proper Attire /Equipment Used

1. 5k Run Running shoes, shorts, watch


Activity 3. YOU’VE GOT MAIL

Direction: Based on the fitness goal mentioned in Activity 2, choose five (5)
exercises to perform following the FITT principle below.
Activity F I T T
___ 1 day/week ___ Brisk ___ 10 min
___3days/week ___ Moderate ___ 15 min
___ 5 days/week ___ Vigorous ___ 20 min
___ 30 min
___ 1 day/week ___ Brisk ___ 10 min
___ 3 days/week ___ Moderate ___ 15 min
___ 5 days/week ___ Vigorous ___ 20 min
___ 30 min
___ 1 day/week ___ Brisk ___ 10 min
___ 3 days/week ___ Moderate ___ 15 min
___ 5 days/week ___ Vigorous ___ 20 min
___ 30 min
___ 1 day/week ___ Brisk ___ 10 min
___ 3 days/week ___ Moderate ___ 15 min
___ 5 days/week ___ Vigorous ___ 20 min
___ 30 min
___ 1 day/week ___ Brisk ___ 10 min
___ 3 days/week ___ Moderate ___ 15 min
___ 5 days/week ___ Vigorous ___ 20 min
___ 30 min



Direction: Create and perform an exercise routine for 40-45 minutes using
the FITT Principle. The exercise is based on your chosen favorite bucket list written
in activity 3. Take a video or photos of you performing the exercise routine and
submit to your teacher.

Notes to the Teacher

Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 4. (Rubric may be
changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the

Rubric for Individual Performance

Criteria Rating
5 4 3 2 1
Execution Showed Executed the Executed Executed Executed the
excellent routine the routine the routine routine
performance almost with with little incorrectly
accordingly average accuracy
but some accuracy
errors were
Mastery Showed Almost Showed Showed Performed
very high showed average little poorly the
level of mastery of mastery of mastery of routine
mastery of the routine the routine the routine
the routine but some
errors were
Choreography The routine The routine The routine The was Failed to
was very was almost was little poorly show the
impressive impressive impressive impressive choreography

The lessons in this module equipped the students to completely

understand their body and take on their fitness goals seriously. The
appreciation and the fulfilment of having a body that can perform daily
activities without pain and combat sedentary lifestyle among our youth
are the underlying objectives of this module. This also hopes that
students acquire knowledge of the FITT principle, the importance of the
Karvonen’s formula, and creating an Individual Fitness Training Program
will prepare them to share what they learn to their family and the
community as a whole.


Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following is NOT a type of anaerobic exercise?

A. Boxing C. Biking sprints
B. Running sprints D. Weight training
2. What does aerobic refer to?
a. The absence of oxygen C. With little available oxygen
b. How your body uses oxygen D. No answer is correct
3. Which physical activity is NOT an aerobic exercise?
A. Jogging C. Yoga
B. Hip-hop dancing D. Jump roping
4. What does anaerobic means?
A. With oxygen C. The way your body uses oxygen
B. An abundance of oxygen D. less oxygen
5. Regular exercise will enable you to perform daily tasks with an increased
amount of:
A. Good eating habits C. Aerobic exercise
B. Resting heart rate D. Energy and enthusiasm
6. It means exercising a particular muscle for a certain task.
A. Training C. Specificity
B. Overload D. Progression
7. Sports training should be adjusted according to each athlete’s characteristics
and needs, such as age, gender, rate of progress, and previous experience.
A. Reversibility Principle C. Recovery Principle
B. Individualization Principle D. Overload Principle
8. How many minutes must the target heart rate is maintained in order for
aerobic exercise to be beneficial?
A. Twelve C. Twenty
B. Fifteen D. Ten
9. The amount of time needed to perform an exercise.
A. Strength C. Intensity
B. Duration D. Frequency
10. Which of the following exercises should be included during warm-up and cool
down times?
A. Cardiovascular fitness C. Walking and stretching
B. Circulatory and muscular D. Jumping




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