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Vanesah Roberts

Junior Paper- Capstone


The courses I am taking at Seton Hill are focused on my major, two minors, and a liberal

arts curriculum. I am a transfer from Westmoreland County Community College where I did not

have an ending pathway and very little guidance. There, I was taking unnecessary courses and

wasting my time on things that were not going to pave my future. Here, at Seton Hill, that is not

the case. I have great guidance and am taking exactly the correct courses that I need to obtain

my degree.

My current courses consist of programming, math, religion, probability and statistics, and

finance. A course that I believe is going to stay with me into the future is Financial Mathematics.

This course is something that I will be tested on when it comes to the actuary exams. It was a

very formula-based course with memorization and mathematics. The formulas learned in this

course are going to be used in my career as an actuary. My calculus 3 course has given me a

better understanding of math and has gotten me ready for probability and statistics courses,

which heavily use calculus. The probability and statistics course teaches me the theories and

formulas of probability. This course will set the foundation for what I need to take the Probability

exam on my path to becoming an actuary. The programming course will be efficient in my career

because it will teach me how to organize and analyze data with a basic understanding of

programming. My corporate finance class has taught me how to understand the world of

business. This will put me above my degree in actuary because I will have more knowledge and

understanding of what it takes to run a business financially.

I believe that an appropriate internship or research experience would be essential for my

life as an actuary. It would give me a head start on work experience while building my skills and

knowledge. An internship or research study would also allow me to gain experience not learned

in a classroom setting and give me the opportunity to meet potential employers. For my senior
year I will be putting my time into two Seton Hill based internships. Both internships are based

on data analytics which will allow me to learn more about sorting and reading data. It gives me

the capability to dig deeper into what an actuary is going to see when looking at data and the

appreciation of how a data analyst handles it. Due to my workload I have put off scheduling my

first exam in my actuary journey until I am confident enough to know I will pass. However, I

continue my studies for the exam using a study website and former test takers notes.

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