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Name : Neha Das

Roll No.: 12676175

Year : 2021-2022 Term: Term II

School : Delhi Public School, Ruby Park


Teacher in Charge
I have chosen the theme of the poem, “Aunt Jennifer’s Tiger”,
by Adrienne Rich. Just like the poem talks about the marital
oppression that Aunt Jennifer is subjected to, I have tried to
take a deeper dig into the society. How the 21st century
society is treating women??? Has the social outlook of people
really changed towards a woman ??? Are women really able
to enjoy the basic fundamental rights???

These are the questions I have tried to raise in this

little presentation. The main purpose for which I chose the
topic is to hold a true picture of our society in reference to the
This is to certify that Neha Das successfully completed the research on the project
Aunt Jennifer’s Tiger under the guidance of Mrs. Anuradha Sen, English Teacher during the
year 2021-2022 in fulfilment of the practical examination.
For completing the project first and foremost is that I had to understand the poem for the better
portrayal of the theme in the presentation. Then I have proceeded with the collection of
information and pictures for the completion of the project.
Patriarchy- a society where men rule; the epitome
of women oppression. Even in this 20th century
women ruled society or matriarchy is not accepted.

Can anyone guess why?

A person’s life runs on myths rather than on facts. As
Myth says “Men are more powerful than Women”;
“Men are the breadwinner of the family”.

Why we can’t replace the question with Women?

“Women are more powerful than men”;
“Women are the breadwinner of the family”.

Basically it’s not the question we should change,

It’s the mindset of people we need to change which
will automatically change the myths to facts. Even
today, the society lives on those age-old myths and
don’t even try to overcome…..Because that’s what is
infused in their blood since born.
We have all come a long way in terms of innovation, technology but
has there been an evolution in the mindset of people’s minds?
Today also in many families, girls are not allowed to wear dresses,
they are asked not to show off their skin.
Today also many families consider a girl child as their burden
which they get rid off by getting them married. But does this marriage
always happens at the girl’s will….are they asked if they want to
marry or do they really feel for the so-called suitable bridegroom?
If a woman marries a man who is younger to her, why is it always
seen as a societal-breaking norm? Why people can’t make it normal?
Things don’t come to a halt over here. Women are even asked to
adjust in a toxic relationship because in our society the woman is
always at the fault. Nobody asks her what she had to face in that
toxic relationship.
The extent of oppression has gone so far that people even
distinguish sports, colors, movies between men and women. As we
have recently seen how women in Afghanistan have been oppressed
by Talibans to wear only burkhas, not to wear nail polish and that one
should go out only with men.
Why the slogan is always “Save the girl child”,
“Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” when the boys should be taught
“Respect the Girls, Respect their decision”.
As the saying goes
“Change is the only Constant”.
Women have stood up for women
against oppressions and has raised their
voice against the age-old societal norms.

Let’s take a look at few of

these examples.
Malala Yousafzai, who was shot at the head at the tender
age of 15 just for raising voice against the Pakistani Talibans
put up the restriction on women's education.
After recovering, she became an activist for
women's education and started raising her voice against the
oppression of women.
She started activism at an early age….and became
the first Pakistani girl to get herself nominated for the
“International Children’s Peace Prize”. In 2014, at the age of
17, she won the Noble Peace Prize, for her fight for women’s
education and became the youngest recipient of Noble.
This award was the answer to all the harassment,
tortures, oppressions that Malala had to face as a child.
She did not raise her voice against those men who
try to snatch away women’s voice but she became the voice
for thousands of women who are afraid to speak up for
their rights. The voice which the Talibans once tried to crush
down became the voice of thousands of women.
Laxmi Agarwal, a survivor of an acid attack.
Wondering why I have used the word “survivor”
and not “victim”? Well, Laxmi has already answered
the question.
She had to face an acid attack at the tender
age of 15 for rejecting the marriage proposal given to
her by a 32-year man, Naeem Khan. The most
surprising fact is that acid was thrown on her face by
another woman. The reality is harsh, but the truth is
“Women are women’s greatest enemies”. After
undergoing plastic surgeries, her face was restored.
After fighting for many years, she
got justice and the acid attacker life imprisonment.
In 2014, she received the International Women of
Courage award at the hands of the First Lady
Michelle Obama.
The attack completely changed her life only
for saying “NO” to a man’s marriage proposal. That is
how our society works. We have known few incidents
only, where thousands are becoming victims daily.
Now, just like her name, she is bringing prosperity back
to thousands of acid attack survivors.
At the end of the presentation, the only thing that I would
like to finish with is that “A NO MEANS NO”.
NO is itself a complete sentence, it does not mean
next opportunity. If a girl says no to a relationship, no to a
proposal, no to a marriage….that means she does not want
to get entangled in that relationship. It does not mean to
oppress her by following unconventional ways.
Female rights are also human rights. They also have
the full freedom to decide what they want to wear, where
they want to go and with whom they want to go. They
have the rights to decide their way of lifestyle. No one has
the right to rule a girl’s life.
A girl is not a puppet to anybody. It’s completely
her right to decide how to lead her life. It’s now high time
for the society to accept the fact that a girl can also say
NO to a man. Partiality is no longer acceptable.

• Aunt Jennifer’s Tiger by Adrienne Rich, Flamingos

• Wikipedia

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