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First of all, thank God for the presence of Allah SWT,

because with the help of Allah SWT the writer was able
to finish writing a paper entitled "news about covid-19"
in the time that has been calculated.

The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the

assignment given by Mrs. Kartina Rahmadhani as a
lecturer in the English course.In compiling this paper, the
authors did encounter many challenges and obstacles,
but with the help of many parties, these obstacles could
be overcome. The writer also realizes that there are still
many mistakes in the process of writing this paper.

therefore the author would like to thank all those who

have helped in the process of writing this paper. may
allah repay all the help and bless you all. the author
realizes that this paper is still not perfect in structure and
content. then the authors hope that criticism from
readers can help writers in perfecting the next paper.
Finally, I hope this paper can help readers to increase
their knowledge of English.

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