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Wedding Reception

On Sunday evening, a woman has been so busy for this past two weeks. Hanni Pham has
been really busy preparing for her special day, her wedding. She prepared for everything perfectly
but unfortunately she forgot to make reservation for her wedding reception. Though even Hanni
knows that the D-day is still three months away. So, right now, Hanni is walking around look for the
place she can celebrate her wedding. Until, she arrived at one place that really caught her eyes,
Plataran Hotel and Resort.

Receptionist: “good evening, Miss. Welcome to Plataran Hotel and Resort. May I help you?”

Hanni: “good evening too. Umm…I have heard a lot about this place. They say that this place
have nice ballrooms for wedding celebration.”

Receptionist: “yes, Miss. We have two kinds of ballrooms, include ballroom for wedding

Hanni: “may you explain it to me and tell how much it costs for a full day celebration?”

Receptionist: “sure, Miss. The first one is called Ballroom Extravaganza. This ballroom
normally used for show case, audition, dance competition and convention center because it has a
wide stage with good lightning and clear sound. Move to the next one, there is A Diamond Shinning
Ballroom which really suitable for every celebration, like wedding celebration. Both of the ballrooms
have the same costs. It is $600 per hour, include the decoration.”

Hanni: “okay, I have decided. I would like to reserve the Diamond Shinning Ballroom for a
full day on 2nd of July, three months from now.”

Receptionist: “how many people are the reservation for?”

Hanni: “there are 200 persons.”

Receptionist: okay, I have already made the reservation. May you fill this document and give
you hand sign? And don’t forget to leave your active number phone.”

Hanni: “sure. And for the cost, could I pay it with credit card?”

Receptionist: “yes, you can. We are accepted all the payment methods. Let me processes it
for you. So, the total is $14.400 and if there anything you would like to ask, you can call us.”

Hanni: “thank you so much.”

Receptionist: “your welcome, Miss. I wish the best for your wedding.”

And after everything is clear, Hanni leave the place and continue her wedding’s preparation.
Even though she has already made reservation for the celebration, doesn’t mean that all her works
has done. Hanni still has lots of things to do after all.

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