GED Code of Conduct For Online Classes - 210913 - 120822

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Roshan Code of Conduct GED Students:

As a Roshan GED student, you are central to building a supportive community with fellow students,
volunteers, and leadership. You are not simply part of a school to learn, but a contributing part of a diverse
community where each member does their part to ensure the safety and inclusion of all members. Respect
and an open mind are key to making Roshan welcoming to students and teachers of all backgrounds.

As a Roshan GED student, I agree to:

Behavior and Expectations
● I agree to ensure that my behavior does not threaten the safety of others in Roshan.
● I agree to follow Roshan’s rules and regulations.
● I agree to follow partner rules and regulations.
● I agree to cooperate with and respect the Roshan Leadership team to ensure a well-run, quality
● I agree to refrain from smoking, taking illegal drugs, or consuming alcohol during online classes.
● I agree to pay for additional copies of materials and resources should I lose the first copy which is
provided by Roshan.

Attendance and Participation

● I agree to attend at least 85% of all classes each term. If my attendance is lower than 85% then a
meeting with the GED program manager and the team will be called for.
● I agree to attend all online classes as assigned by the GED program manager on time (joining the
class 5 minutes before the online class begins. Even 1 minute after start time is considered late).
Continuously late attendance will result in a meeting with the GED program manager and team.
● I agree to attend all classes at Roshan if the GED classes become in-person. If I won’t then I will
reimburse the costs of copy and testing fees which are covered by Roshan.
● I agree to pay for the second round of official and ready tests if I previously failed because of any
● I agree to complete all assignments and homework on time for each subject and from all mentors. If
assignments are repeatedly turned in late, then a meeting with the GED program manager and the
team will be called for.
● I agree to be prepared with my GED student materials (such as textbooks/notebooks, pens/pencils,
bottle/tumblers) for the related subjects with me before joining the class.
● I agree to always work hard to learn based on my own level.
● I agree to use my own name when joining the online classes.
● I agree to commit and show up to extracurricular events and programs that I sign up for.
● I agree to let the GED program manager know if I need to study with another tutor outside of
● I acknowledge that turning on my video is highly encouraged but not required.
● During class, my mic will remain muted unless engaging with the teacher.
● When called upon by the teacher, I will do my best to provide a verbal response.
Roshan Code of Conduct GED Students:

As a Roshan GED Student…

I, ___________________, have read and agreed to the Roshan GED Student Code of Conduct and commit
to meeting all expectations and being a role model to the whole Roshan community. I understand that
failure to comply/follow the Roshan Code of conduct will result in consequences including, but not limited
to, warning letters and expulsion from Roshan.

Name:______________________________ Signature:___________________________

Witness:____________________________ Date:______________________________

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