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Greek Theater

Paola Cruz Santana, 405

What is "Deus ex machina"?
Deus ex Machina is now the phrase
used to describe any situation where
something unexpected or implausible is
brought in to the story line to resolve
situations or disentangle a plot. The
resolution could come from a new
character, device, or event.
Which are the parts of the greek
theater building?
The Greek theater is composed of the
seating area (theatron), a circular space
for the chorus to perform (orchestra),
and the stage (skene). Tiered seats in
the theatron provided space for
spectators. Two side aisles (parados, pl.
paradoi) provided access to the
Who was God Dyonisus?
Dionysus, also spelled Dionysos, also called Bacchus or (in Rome) Liber
Pater, in Greco-Roman religion, a nature god of fruitfulness and
vegetation, especially known as a god of wine and ecstasy.
Comedies tend to parody authority.
Tragedies often arise in warrior cultures.
Tend to call into question warrior values: Better to lose
And its values are those of the good
your dignity and save your life.
soldier--duty, honor, commitment.
In comedies, forgiveness, even friendship among
Offending a tragic hero often results in a
former enemies, happens.
cycle of vengeance.
Comedies tend to include all classes of people. The
Tragedies tend to stress the upper-class,
lower classes are often the butt of the jokes, but they
the noble few, royalty, and leaders.
also tend to triumph in unexpected ways.
Tragedies are often male-dominated.
Comedies, while often sexist too, are sometimes less
Tragic heroes often uphold the accepted
so. Women play a larger, more active role.
order or champion one tradition against
Comic heroes tend to make up the rules as they go
along or at least be wary of generalizations.
The tragic vision tends to stress the
Comedies tend to focus on the larger community and
consequences of disobeying the
spend more time paying attention to the interaction
accepted order of things.
Tragedies tend to stress the individual and the consequences of the individual's actions.

between groups.

What are the characteristics of Tragedy and Comedy?

Who was not allowed to engage
in acting in ancient greece?
Women were not allowed to be on
the stage because it was
considered "dangerous." Men
played male characters as well as
female characters! "The Greeks
believed that allowing women to
perform publicly would be too
dangerous and that having men
portray them neutralized the
The End

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