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Basic Electronics Laboratory

Experiment 5 / Characteristics of the n-

Channel Enhancement MOSFET

Talal Aloushan

Section number : 32075

Date of submission : 2023/1/28
 To be get acquainted with the basic principles of operation of the enhancement n-channel
.MOS transistor
 To experimentally obtain the necessary measurements to plot the iD-vDS characteristics for a
. sample n-channel MOS transistor
.  To learn how to calculate important parameters from the experimentally-obtained data


: Measurement Methods and Equipment

Materials : plug-in panel , NMOS transistor(IRF620) , resistor(1kohm) , dc power supply , DMM
. , wires
First I assembled the circuit in figure (a) , then using a dc power supply I kept increasing the
power (VDD) until VRD became 0.25V which gave me a drain current equal to 250*10^-6 A ,
then using a DMM i measured the value of VGS which approximately be equal to threshold
voltage Vt , then in procedure B I set and fixed VGS at Vt+0.2 , then using another dc power
supply I did vary the first power supply ( VDD ) to obtain the VDS valued shown in table 5.1
below ( using a DMM on VDS ) , then I did the same procedure for VGS = Vt+0.3 and Vt+0.4 .

Measurement Data and Post-Lab Plots and Calculations :


VGS = Vt = 3.33 v


ro = vds/id = 1/1.53m = 0.65kohm , ro = 3/3.54m = 0.84kohm

rds = vds/id = 0/1 = 0 , rds = 0.05/2.29m = 0.02kohm

ro and rds have a positive relationship

Observations :
I observed that whenever we increase the threshold voltage the VDS increases also by a lot , also
observed that if VGS is less than Vt then the NMOS is said to be cutoff , but if VGS is more then
Vt then the device is said to be either in triode or in saturation

Discussion of Observations :
VDS increase with Vt because they have a positive relationship they varies eachother , it is said
to be cutoff because the NMOS is operating in the positive side and the Vt should be Positive ,
that explains why is it in triode and saturation mode also .

Conclusion :

Findings :
I understood the relationship between the gate , drain and source , how the NMOS works , which
region or operation the nmos in , how the vgs controls the current flowing in the drain , how to
obtain the Vt and what does it mean and do , how to get additonal data from an obtained data.
Meeting the objectives :

To be get acquainted with the basic principles of operation of the enhancement n-channel
MOS transistor :
I understood ho the cutoff , triode , saturation operations works .
To experimentally obtain the necessary measurements to plot the iD-vDS characteristics
for a sample n-channel MOS transistor :
I did it in procedure A when i measured the Vt .
To learn how to calculate important parameters from the experimentally-obtained data :
I met this objective at procedure B when calculated VRD and ID .

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