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i 4 Autobiography


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Autobiography trnstructions

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fnside each of you is a book waiting to be written. trt is the story of you-your life, your family, your first steps and words, your talents, your hopes, and your dreams In order to simplify this daunting task, I have decided to divide the assignment into 5 chapters. Several weeks before your chapter is due, I will provide you with a page of suggestions and questions to get you started on that chapter. Some of you may wonder that the questions in the guidelines seem kind of nosey. I did not write them with that intention. The purpose of this assignment is to improve your writing skills by having you write about the subject you know most about...yourself. If there is ANYTHING that you consider too personal to talk about or that your family considers too private, do NOT include that in your chapter For each chapter, the guidelines provide many questions and topics that you can explore You can safely omit a sensitive topic if necessary. Remember that I have an alternative assignment if you prefer. Research will be required. You must talk to your family. They will have the information about your name, your ancestors, and your early years that you do not rernember Many families have done genealogical studies already, and you rnay have access to more information than you can possibly use. Fick the most interesting farnily stories. Talk to Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Suzie. Use this opportunity to reeord and preserve your family's special tales.


Chapter Two Chapter

Origins---Climbing the Family Tree

My Arrival and Early Years

School and Other Life Experiences Career Aspirat ions Self Evaluation and Projection of the Future


Chapter Four Chapter Five



1. All chapters must

be accompanied by a topic outline.


The first page of each chapter must have a title and complete heading. You do not have to have a cover page or to place the chapters in folders.
Each chapter must have an introductory paragraph and a concluding paragraph. Introductory paragraphs should set the reader's expectations for the material to follow, and concluding paragraphs should summarize or state the significance of the preceding information.


Organnation within each chapter must be logical and follow either a chronological or a topical pattern.
Each paragraph must have a topic sentences, and the following sentences within the paragraph must relate to the topic sentence and adjacent e sentences.

Outlines count as a daily grade. Each chapter counts as two major test grades-one for content and one for fonn.


Engiistr 4 Autobiography rny_ efq(L:".

CFIAPT'ER ONE Origins-Climbing the Famiiy Tree
[Jse these questions and ideas to focus your research on your famiiy history and name

Use good organizational skills and fully develop eachparagraph of your chapter. DO NOT simply answer the questions. Tell your f,amily's stories so that they will be

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What's in a name?
Surnarne. what language was it originally? it been changed since it came to this country? What was your mother's surname? Its origin, etc.

Given names. what do they mean? Tell the story of how your name was chosen. When? Where? Why? trs there any family history connected to your name? Do you live up to your names? (Consider definitions and relatives with the same

Nicknarnes. Teil the story of how you got your nicknames. W&o gave them to you and why? What were/are your reactions to your nickname?

If you could change your name what would you change it to? \trIhy? F{ow do you feel about hyphenating your last name with your spouse's when you marry?

2. 3 4.

Tell the story of the ancestors on both your mother's and father's sides of the family. What state or country did they live in? What were their names?

Tell the story of an especially colorful ancestor. Examples: someone who fought in a war, searched for gold, ran for office, told whopping lies, raised a two-headed chicken, played professional football, etc.
Tell the story of your ancestors' migration to this country Did they come by boat? what port did they enter? what was rhe trip like for them? If they came in poverty, like many of our ancestors did, what hardships did they suffer during the trip and after they arrived?

Tell how you carry on family traditions that stem from your ancestors' beliefs or experiences. Describe any heirlooms that have been passed down in your family From whom did they come, and how is it deterrnined who in each generation gets
the heirloom?

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