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Name – Govind Maheshwari

Reg No. – 20BCE2802

Lab Digital Assignment 1

Information security management (CSE3502)

Name – Govind Maheshwari

Reg No. – 20BCE2802
Slot – L25+26

Aim – To an Analyse the file using PcapXray.
Procedure –
Step1. Install PcapXray by cloning it from GitHub
Name – Govind Maheshwari
Reg No. – 20BCE2802

Step2. Install python3-pip

Step3. Install the python3-tk package:

Name – Govind Maheshwari
Reg No. – 20BCE2802

Step4. Install the Graph Visualization Software (graphviz)

Step5. Install the final Python dependency :

Name – Govind Maheshwari
Reg No. – 20BCE2802

Step6. Change to the PcapXray directory and show the contents of the directory:

Step7. Install certain requirements :

Name – Govind Maheshwari
Reg No. – 20BCE2802

Step8. Run PcapXray :

Step9. Download the given file and then add the location in the file path by extracting it and
then analyse it.

Step10. After analysing, visualize it :

Name – Govind Maheshwari
Reg No. – 20BCE2802

Step11. Use InteractiveMagic button

Name – Govind Maheshwari
Reg No. – 20BCE2802

Step12. Narrow down your view by clicking on the All button in the menu above the traffic
visualization and selecting malicious and then click visualize :

Observations : It was observed that the given file was analysed using the tools required.

Inferences :The result was successfully implemented using the given data.
Name – Govind Maheshwari
Reg No. – 20BCE2802

Aim – To Prepare an experimental report along with your observations and inferences for
Hancitor with Ficker Stealer and Cobalt Strike.
Procedure –
Step1. Download the zip file form the given location

Step2. After setting up Wireshark :

Name – Govind Maheshwari
Reg No. – 20BCE2802

Step3. Two URLs ending in .php that deliver a malicious Word document for Hancitor.

Step4. Filtering specifically for the two URLs :

Step5. Following HTTP stream for traffic to somdeeppalace[.]com.

Name – Govind Maheshwari
Reg No. – 20BCE2802

Step6. HTTP stream should show saveAs function followed by base64 text.
Step7. Script should show file name for the malicious Word document and refreshing the
browser to a different URL.
Step8.Using Wireshark we will export HTTP objects from the pcap

Step9. Now we will save the second entry for sickness.php from the HTTP object list.
Step10. Now we will view our saved HTML page in a web browser.

Observation : : It was observed that the given file was analysed using the tools required.

Inferences :The result was successfully implemented using the given data.
Name – Govind Maheshwari
Reg No. – 20BCE2802

Aim - To prepare an experimental report along with your observations and inferences for Part
1: Hancitor with Ficker Stealer and Cobalt Strike.
Procedure –
Step1. Traffic from part one, filtered in Wireshark using a basic web filter.

Step2. IP address checks and Hancitor C2 traffic.

Step3. 6. Hancitor sends follow-up malware for Cobalt Strike and Ficker Stealer.
Name – Govind Maheshwari
Reg No. – 20BCE2802

Step4. Menu path for the Decode As window.

Step5. Now we will create a new entry in the Decode As window to decode TCP port 1080
as HTTP.

Step6. Traffic caused by Cobalt Strike :

Name – Govind Maheshwari
Reg No. – 20BCE2802

Step7. TCP stream of the initial HTTP GET request to 104.160.190[.]114:8080.

Step8. First HTTP request for Cobalt Strike C2 traffic returned 48 bytes of data.

Observation : : It was observed that the given file was analysed using the tools required.

Inferences :The result was successfully implemented using the given data
Name – Govind Maheshwari
Reg No. – 20BCE2802

d) C
Aim - To prepare an experimental report along with your observations and inferences for
Part 2: Hancitor C2, Cobalt Strike C2 and Send-Safe Spambot Malware.
Procedure –
Step1. Traffic from part two of our second example filtered in Wireshark using a basic web

Step2. Hancitor retrieves Windows executable for Send-Safe spambot malware

Step3. Export the Send-Safe spambot EXE from the pcap.

Name – Govind Maheshwari
Reg No. – 20BCE2802

Step4. UDP traffic caused by Send-Safe-based spambot malware.

Step5. HTTPS and spambot traffic caused by Send-Safe-based malware.

Step6. Send-Safe-specific certificate issuer data in HTTPS traffic caused by Send-Safe

Name – Govind Maheshwari
Reg No. – 20BCE2802

Step7. Export mails caused by the Send-Safe spambot malware.

Observation : : It was observed that the given file was analysed using the tools required.

Inferences :The result was successfully implemented using the given data.
Name – Govind Maheshwari
Reg No. – 20BCE2802

e) C
Aim: Prepare an experimental report along with your observations and inferences for
Hancitor with Ficker Stealer, Cobalt Strike and a Network Ping Tool.

Procedure :
Step1. Traffic from the fourth pcap filtered in Wireshark using our basic web filter.

Step2. ICMP traffic from a network ping tool sent through Cobalt Strike.

Observation : : It was observed that the given file was analysed using the tools required.

Inferences :The result was successfully implemented using the given data.
Name – Govind Maheshwari
Reg No. – 20BCE2802

Aim: To prepare an experimental report along with your observations and inferences for
Hancitor with Ficker Stealer, Cobalt Strike and NetSupport Manager RAT.

Procedure :
Step1. Traffic from the fifth pcap filtered in Wireshark using our basic web filter.

Step2. Traffic generated by NetSupport Manager RAT.

Name – Govind Maheshwari
Reg No. – 20BCE2802

Step3. TCP stream of NetSupport Manager RAT C2 traffic.

Observation : : It was observed that the given file was analysed using the tools required.

Inferences :The result was successfully implemented using the given data.

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