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Homework / Questionaire (D10707809)

2/25/2019 (submit your work to Moodle by 3/12)

1. What is Cloud limitation?


Various kinds of advantages and limitations of Cloud Computing, the biggest issue is when
a Cloud Computing is used for processes that require speed of response or called Network

For example for IoT applications with features other than monitoring and also control.
Based on the lecture material and I read from several sources there are several aspects
that affect the distance between Client and Server. This is due to the ability of internet
network speed due to remote locations. Especially when using satellite channels that are
very dependent on weather conditions and the atmosphere. Cloud Cumulus and the
delay factor of data communication via satellite, in cloudy weather signals from signal
transmitters to satellites will experience interference to penetrate these dense clouds.
Next is due to Radio Frequency interference, this is local from the use of cellphones to
BTS operators can be disturbed by other signal frequencies such as Wi-Fi signals, and
others. And the last is Network and Server Configuration, it can also affect latency factors,
for example too many Hop or Point of Presence that must be passed in a network route
path is very possible for network latency.

Besides these main factors, there are also other factors currently caused by Control of
data security from hacking or phishing attacks.

2. Depict Fog Computing "Six Dimensions"


Based on the following picture, the following will be explained about the concept of Fog

Fog Computing
Dimension Attribute Fog Computing Use Case
Decision Latency Low latency (Milliseconds or Autonomous vehicles,
seconds). automation industry (not
tight), location-based
So moving from Cloud Computing services, anomaly
technology purely to Fog Computing detection.
will ensure that it will reduce the
latency time.

Basically, all data communications

through local computer networks,
wide areas and the internet
experience latency or lag delay. It's
just that if it is less than 10
milliseconds it can be called "low
network latency" but if more than 10
seconds and less than 1000 seconds
it can be called a medium latency
and if more than 1000 milliseconds
can be called high network latency.
Distance Edge close to user and user closer to Public transport
server. entertainment (Fog
Computing deployed
That means physical distance of Fog inside a bus to deliver
Computing or also called edge services like onboard
should be close to mobile or fix user. video streaming, gaming,
And so too communication distance and can also be an
of mobile or fix user should be close example of a previous
to the computing server (edge). dimension.
Area Local control component (edge) Energy: within a lage
wind farm (city-wide) to
Usually for applications that are shutting down a specific
limited area, for example, wind turbine (local
monitoring or controlling the area of component) to prevent
a factory. damage. Previously I did
predictive maintenance
of Gas Turbine
Generator (GTG) of
Pertamina (Indonesia)
based on temperature
and vibration sensors of
GTG to prevent
unplanned loss of power
Geograpical Scale Distributed applications and systems. RTK GPS for ground level
measurement, Smart
Applications and systems are placed grid, and connected rail.
evenly geographically so that the
system is well maintained and
Context Personalized location based services. Retail: shopping malls
(indoor navigation, real
Usually for applications that are time ads)
locally area of spesific purpose.
Communication Machine to machine and machine to Transportaion: urgent
human. alarm to approaching
vehicles when collision
with crossing pedestrians
is anticipated.

3. What does “API” means?


The API is short from Application Programming Interface, and allows developers to
integrate two parts of the application or with different applications simultaneously. The
API consists of various elements such as functions, protocols, and other tools that allow
developers to create applications. The purpose of using the API is to speed up the
development process by providing functions separately so that developers do not need
to make similar features. The application of the API will be felt if the desired feature is
very complex, of course, takes time to create something similar to it. For example:
integration with IoT or payment gateways. There are various types of API systems that
can be used, including operating systems, libraries, and the web
4. Depict the cloud computing infrastructure and give a briefing to each of them.


Based on the type of service, the Cloud Computing infrastructure is divided into the

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Is one of the services of Cloud Computing where we use software (software) that has
been provided. Users only know that software can run and can be used properly. For
example, public e-mail services (Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail), social networks (Facebook,
Twitter, LinkedIn) instant messaging (Yahoo Messenger, Skype, Line, WhatsApp) and
many others. In its development, many of the software that we only enjoyed before by
installing the application on our computer (on-premise) from now on we can enjoy it
through Cloud Computing. The advantage, we don't need to buy a license and just
connect to the internet to use it. For example, Microsoft Office which we can now enjoy
through Office 365.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Is a service from Cloud Computing if we analogize where we rent "home" and its
environment (operating system, network, database engine, application framework, etc.),
to run the application that we make. We do not need to bother to prepare a "house" and
maintain the "house". The important thing is the application that we make can run well
in the "house". Maintenance of "houses" is the responsibility of the service provider. As
an analogy, for example we rent a hotel room, we just sleep in the room we have rented,
regardless of how "care" is from the room and its environment. What is important, we
can be comfortable living in that room, if one day we are made uncomfortable, just pull
out and move to another hotel with better service. Examples of these PaaS service
providers are: Amazon Web Service, Windows Azure, even traditional hosting is also an
example of PaaS. The advantage of PaaS is that we as developers can focus on the
applications we make, no need to think of operations from "home" to the applications
we make.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Is a service from Cloud Computing where we can "rent" IT infrastructure (computing,

storage, memory, network). We can define how much the computing unit (CPU), data
storage (storage), memory (RAM), bandwidth, and other configurations that we will rent.
It's easy, IaaS is hiring a virtual computer that is still empty, where after this computer is
rented we can use it up to our needs. We can install any operating system and
applications above it. Examples of these IaaS service providers are: Amazon EC2,
Windows Azure (soon), TelkomCloud, BizNetCloud, and so on. The advantage of IaaS is
that we don't need to buy a physical computer, and we can change the configuration of
the virtual computer (scale up / scale down) easily. For example, when the virtual
computer is overloaded, we can add CPU, RAM, Storage and more immediately.
5. Common cloud-based IoT architecture includes "four tiers," please list them.


Applications Tier

Applications may come in multiple forms. In many cases, the application is the user
interface that leverages information coming from the analytics tier and presented to the
user in a meaningful way. In other cases, the application may be an automation routine
that interfaces with other applications as part of a larger function. Interestingly, the
application may reside on the device itself (ie: wearable).

Cloud Tier

The data tier is where data from gateways is collected and managed. Depending on the
type of data, different structures may be called for. The management, hygiene and
physical storage of data is a whole classification onto itself simply due to the four V’s of
data (Volume, Variety, Velocity, Veracity). IoT and connected devices use different
communication and messaging protocols at different layers. While developing an IoT
device, the selection of the protocol largely depends on the type, layer and function to
be performed by the device. MQTT, XMPP, DDS, AMQP, and CoAP are a few of the widely
used communication protocols for the IoT application layer.
Network Tier

The sheer number of devices and interconnection options creates a web of complexity
to connect the different devices and their data streams. Depending on the streams, they
may come in such diverse forms as mechanical signals or IP-based data streams. On the
surface, these streams are completely incompatible. However, when correlating data, a
common denominator is needed. Hence, the need for a gateway to collect and
homogenize the streams into manageable data.

Device Tier

The device tier is the physical device that collects data. The device is a piece of hardware
that collects telemetry (data) about a given situation. Devices can range from small
sensors to wearables to large machines. The data itself may be presented in many forms
from electrical signals to IP-data. For examples are RFID, temperature sensor, and motor
or actuator.

6. Advantages of using the cloud for IoT?



Cloud instances are usually based on virtualized physical hardware in datacenters.

Recources are pooled and can be used in on-demand fashion, often with a pay-as-you-go
pricing model, where only resources actually used are billed. This enables on-demand
resource provisioning matcing the constantly changing requarements of IoT applications.


Intra- and inter-datacenter reduandancy can used to be create scalable and reliable
services, such as distributed object storage. The basic services of distribution, storage,
and processing can be easily realized using a cloud-based insfrastructure.
7. Advantages of using the fog for IoT?


• Minimizing Latency

• Improving Reliability

• Addressing Privacy Concerns

• Conserving Bandwidth

8. What do you think of the usage of "OpenStack" in fog computing? Address your ideas
about utilizing one or more components on PBL projects


The first use case is SmartCity project of a small city Pisek located in Czech Republic. The
SmarCity concept and architecture will deploy over 3,000 endpoints and approximately
300 IoT gateways that run in high-vailability mode in Kubernetes driven containers. Part
of the solution is an open data portal and data API available for third party companies
that provides information about:

Traffic flow, routing, parking

Monitoring, management, energy saving

E-commerce, marketing, tourist information

Environmental analysis

Lifestyle, social services, social networks

Target solution uses IoT gateways based on RaspberryPi 2 serving as IoT gateways. Data
from gateways is stored in Graphite and processed by custom datamining applications
and results are displayed in City citizens portal based on Leonardo CMS, which is web
service allowing mixing complex visualizations with arbitrary content. This Open Data
portal enables data access through dashboard visualizations or API.

The following screen shows sample output from crossroad Kollarova x Zizkova with
Vehicle and Pedestrian passages for specific period.

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