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Define Management

State the functions/roles of Manager

Define Productivity.
Write the meaning for Entrepreneur
What is Effectiveness &Efficiency?
List out the roles played by managers in an organization.
What is an organization culture?
What is decentralization?
What is centralization?
What is Esprit-de-corps?
Enumerate on Modern principles of management with suitable examples.
Explain about the environmental factors affecting management policy making
Explain the Henry Fayol’s principles of management
Explain the various types of business organization also mention each types merits and demerits of the same
Differentiate a strong cultured organization from a weak cultured organization. Also explain how to
establish and maintain a strong organizational culture?
Is Management art or science? Discuss.
Explain the contributions of FW Taylor
Describe the distinction between administration and management.
Define planning.
What are the types of planning?
Define Budget.
What is MBO?
Define Strategy Planning.
What are Policies?
Define Planning Premises.
Explain the term decision making.
List the planning tools in business management.
Distinguish between policy and strategy.
Analyze the importance of planning and also explain the steps involved in it
Explain in detail about the classification of planning practices
Explain the various techniques of decision making.
Define MBO. Explain the process of MBO and steps involved in it
Explain the Planning process and types of strategies
Elucidate the types of decisions and explain the process of decision making.
Explain various tools and techniques in Strategic planning.
Discuss elaborately the purpose, process and types of planning
Define Organizing.
What are the types of departmentation?
State the advantages of departmentation by function.
Define authority
What is Performance Appraisal? What are the different methods/techniques of Performance appraisal?
What is delegation of authority?
Distinguish between authority and Power?
What is human Resource management?
What is the meaning of Formal Organisation?
Mention the different stages in career planning.
Explain Human resource management activities in business organization?

Describe six key elements in Organizational design

Discuss the tasks associated with identifying and selecting competent employees
Explain line and staff organization. List down its merits and demerits
Illustrate the steps involved in Recruitment process
Define span of management? Explain the factors that influence the effective span of management.
Explain any four methods of performance appraisal.
Explain the importance of career development.
Define Group dynamics
Define Motivation
What are the Styles of Leadership?
Define Job Enrichment.
What are the various types of communication?
Define Incentives.
Define Brainstorming.
What is job satisfaction?
What is the meaning of leadership?
What do you mean by job enrichment?
Explain the motivation theories
Explain the various types of leadership with its different styles
What are the various barriers to communication? How will you overcome them?
What are budgetary and non- budgetary control techniques? Discuss the types and benefits of Non-budgetary
control techniques.
Define Productivity. Discuss how productivity is measured and problems in measuring productivity of
knowledge workers
Describe theory X and theory y.
What are the computer – based communications in the modern business era?
Identify barriers to effective interpersonal communication and how to overcome them.
Differentiate budgetary and non-budgetary control techniques
Interpret the meaning of Controlling.
Define Budget.
Write the objectives of budgetary control.
What are classifications of budget?
What is preventive control in management?
What are the uses of computers in management control?
What are the characteristics of control function?
Name at least four budgetary control techniques.
What is the purpose of PERT.
Discuss the various budgetary and non - budgetary control techniques?
Explain the following: (i) Purchase control (ii) Maintenance Control and (iii) Quality Control.
What is productivity? Explain the methods of improving productivity in IT industry.
Explain the uses of computers and IT in management control?

Explain the process of controlling with a flow diagram

Explain the economic order quantity.
Explain in brief about Just in Time (JIT) inventory system.
Explain the concept of MIS and the stages involved in establishing MIS.
“Management is the art of getting work done through people”. Explain the various function of management in
the light of the statement.
Policy making is guide to action in Organisation–Demonstrate with examples.
Production is essential but productivity is indispensable–Comment. Highlight the tools and techniques to
measure productivity

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