Week 5 Avid Nonsmoker

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As an avid nonsmoker, I agree and sign countless petitions against smoking in public

places. I consider myself a very healthy person in my personal life, but I cannot continue
living a public life filled with people trying to harm themselves, others, and myself by
smoking in public. After seeing my grandparents smoke their lives away and die from lung
cancer. I took a vow to never start smoking or put myself in a position where I can be
harmed by the sickening effects of secondhand smoke. According to the CDC, “Tobacco
smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals, including hundreds that are toxic and about 70
that can cause cancer.” Who on Earth would willingly put not only myself but children and
others with respiratory problems in a cloud of 7,000 chemicals that could have harmful
effects? It’s one thing being at your own home and exposing your families, but now with
smoking sections in restaurants, bingo halls, and other establishments, it’s like businesses
are promoting it and its chemicals. Help me raise awareness of the harmful effects of
secondhand smoke, and by signing the petition below we take steps and progress in
stopping public smoking! Feel free to share the link below on social media too!

Secondhand Smoke (SHS) Facts. (2018, January 17). Retrieved September 25, 2020, from

Petition: https://www.change.org/p/strict-law-for-smoking-in-public-places-with-prompt-

Hello Avid Smoker,

I do agree with you in the aspect of everyone should have their personal lifestyle choice of
inhaling cancer sticks, but when doing so in a public place, it takes away the choice for those
who choose not to in their personal life. Secondhand smoke research from “back in the day” has
increased enormously, and just the harmful effects in general, have linked to cancer. When being
diagnosed with cancer, the only way to effectively get rid of it is by killing the cancer cells or
cutting it out. Like I believe we should do in society.

Legal Requirements to Protect Nonsmokers - American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation. (2018,

October 15). Retrieved September 25, 2020, from https://no-smoke.org/legal-requirements-

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