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Indian Public School- Kuwait

Unit Test -III - Social Science


A. Tick [√] the correct answer:

1. The main occupation of people living in villages is:
a. Farming b. mining c. teaching
2. Poultry farming is rearing of:
a. Cattle b. wild animals c. hens and ducks
3. The main occupation of the people in the coastal areas is:
a. Mining b. fishing c. farming
4. The digging up of minerals from inside the earth is called:
a. Tilling b. mining c. harvesting
5. Pisciculture is rearing of :
a. Silkworms b. honeybees c. fish

B. Write “True or false”.

1. We need money to buy things. True
2. People do different jobs to earn money. True
3. We get many valuable things from forests. True
4. Fish is a good source of food. True
5. India is very poor in minerals. False

C. Answer the following:

Q1. What is an Occupation?
Ans: Any work that help us to earn money is called an occupation.

Q2. Why do we need money?

Ans: We need money to,
(i) buy food to eat
(ii) clothes to wear
(iii) house to live in.

Q3. What is mining? Write the names of any four minerals.

Ans: The digging up of minerals from inside the earth is called mining.
(i) Coal
(ii) Iron
(iii) Mica
(iv) Copper

D. Activity:
1. Match the pictures with the people. Do
2. Do puzzle

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