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IT (9626) – AS Level

Theory Notes

Direct and indirect data sources

Direct Data Source

Data collected from a direct data source (primary source) must be used for the same
purpose for which it was collected.

It is often the case that the data will have been collected or requested by the person who
intends to use the data. The data must not already exist for another purpose though.

When collecting the data, the person collecting should know for what purpose they intend
to use the data.

Indirect Data Source

Data collected from an indirect data source (secondary source) already existed for another

Although it can still be collected by the person who intends to use it, it was often collected
by a different person or organization.

Example 1: Online shop

An online shop stores your email address and details of

items you have bought. They use this data to help with
their stock control and to send you an order
confirmation. This is direct or original source data.

But then they might sell your data (email address) to a

similar company (with your permission).

This second company might then email you with a list of

related items you might be interested in (indirect data).

For example, you buy a computer game from one online company, then an email arrives
from a different company asking if you would like to buy a strategy book for the game. +92 3008460713

IT (9626) – AS Level
Theory Notes

Example 2: Weather data

Data loggers are set up all over the country to measure local
weather conditions.

All this data is gathered together by the 'Met office' to allow

weather forecasts to be made. (Direct or original source data)

But this 'data set' may also be purchased by a local business

who wants to see how sales of their ice-cream relates to the

This information is used to plan ice-cream production ahead of time. (indirect data)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Gathering Data from Direct and Indirect Data

Direct Data Source Indirect Data Source

The data will be relevant because what is Additional data that is not required will
needed has been collected. exist that may take time to sort through
and some data that is required may not
The original source is known and so can be The original source may not be known and
trusted. so it can’t be assumed that it is reliable.
It can take a long time to gather original The data is immediately available.
data rather than use data that already
A large sample of statistical data can be If statistical analysis is required, then there
difficult to collect for one-off purposes. are more likely to be large samples
The data is likely to be up to date because Data may be out of date because it was
it has been collected recently. collected at a different time.
Bias can be eliminated by asking specific Original data may be biased due to its
questions. source.
The data can be collected and presented in The data is unlikely to be in the format
the format required. required, which may make extracting the
data difficult. +92 3008460713

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