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What is the iZone?

Schools in the iZone are focused on meeting the needs, motivations and strengths of every student. The Innovation Zone (iZone) is a community of innovative New York City schools committed to personalizing learning. By meeting the needs, motivations and strengths of each child, students will be better prepared for success in K-12, college and career. Across the iZone, schools achieve personalization in a variety of ways based on which ideas, technology, and tools work best for their school community.

What is iLearnNYC?
iLearnNYC is an initiative to support schools in the implementation of online and blended learning models.
Blended learning refers to some combination of online and in classroom instruction. Successful blended learning requires an intentional and integrated approach, the methods of which depend upon the needs of the students and the school. Online learning consists of students and teachers leveraging online and digital resources, including our online learning platform, to personalize instruction.

What might you see in an iLearnNYC school?

Personalized Instruction Teachers can now manage personalized learning with online resources tailored to each students optimal learning style and pace. Expanded Opportunities Students can get access to courses not currently taught in their schools such as Advanced Placement, world languages, or credit recovery Increased Flexibility Students can complete their work anywhere, anytime, from any computer with Internet access, allowing for increased learning time and opportunities.

Ensuring that Innovations Work for Students

iZone is committed to understanding what innovations work best for students. The iZone research team will look at how the innovations impact on student achievement data, such as Regents scores, grades, AP performance, NYS test performance, and graduation rates. The iZone will also assess the impact of the innovations metrics that have been linked to college and career success, such as motivation, engagement, self-regulated learning, and cognitive traits.These analyses will be utilized by schools and iZone staff to consistently improve the school experience for students.

For more information, visit the iZone website:

What is the iZone? Schools in the iZone are focused on meeting the needs, motivations and strengths of every student. The Innovation Zone (iZone) is a community of innovative New York City schools committed to personalizing learning. By meeting the needs, motivations and strengths of each child, students will be better prepared for success in K-12, college and career. Across the iZone, schools achieve personalization in a variety of ways based on which ideas, technology, and tools work best for their school community. What is iZone360? iZone360 is an iZone initiative. Through iZone360, schools are reorganizing all aspects of their school, including budgets, staff, space, instruction, scheduling, and technology, around meeting the needs of individual students. Through a rigorous application process, iZone360 selected 26 schools to join its inaugural cohort which will begin in Fall 2012. Schools were selected based on their proven commitment to personalizing learning for their students. What might you see in an iZone360 school? Personalized learning tailored to each student Curriculum and assessments are aligned to college and career readiness standards and students receive credit by mastering concepts rather than for time simply spent in the classroom. Students work in ways that best suit their learning style, such as one-on-one with a teacher, in small groups, in teacher-led online environments, or through internships. Real-time data is used to support each student, evaluating their level at the start and charting their progress, so teachers may provide extra help, or new challenging opportunities, as needed. Increased collaboration between students, teachers and parents Teachers have more time to plan lessons alone and with fellow educators so they can identify and address each students needs. Through peer to peer learning, children who have mastered new information coach their peers, fostering leadership and socialization skills. Parents are actively engaged around their students academic goals and are given the resources to monitor their students progress and help their child succeed.

Access to a wide range of resources Partnerships: Support from worldwide experts that have proven personalization leads to greater student success. They include New Tech Network, Generation Schools, the Buck Institute, Kunskapsskolan, Reinventing Schools Coalition (RISC), Eskolta and more. iLearnNYC: Access to a complementary iZone initiative called iLearnNYC which leverages online and blended learning tools to personalize learning. Additional courses, including college-level, credit recovery, elective, and language courses, are offered using digital resources, with the guidance and support of a classroom teacher. Innovation Coaches: Support of designated coach to help schools implement the unique combination of resources it has designed. Policy Support: Support of iZone staff who help create a policies that allow schools to innovate and better meet student needs. Teachers Supports: Access to multiple professional development opportunities that enable teachers to effectively use new tools and strategies that personalize learning. Technology: Schools have access to additional technology resources (hardware and software) that facilitate persnalized learning. Ensuring that Innovations Work for Students iZone is committed to understanding what innovations work best for students. The iZone research team will look at how the innovations impact on student achievement data, such as Regents scores, grades, AP performance, NYS test performance, and graduation rates. The iZone will also assess the impact of the innovations metrics that have been linked to college and career success, such as: motivation, engagement, self-regulated learning, and cognitive traits These analyses will be utilized by schools and iZone staff to consistently improve the school experience for students. Where can I find more information on the iZone?

By acknowledging that different students learn at different rates and attending to those differences as part of the educational endeavor, we can ensure equal opportunity by customizing appropriately without sacrificing high expectations. -Nicholas C. Donohue, President and CEO, Nellie Mae Education Foundation

The iLearnNYC Partnership

Mission: iLearnNYC, an iZone initiative, expands access to high quality online and blended learning opportunities to meet the needs of individual students, thus increasing student achievement.

Supports from Office of Innovation

iLearnNYC Platform iLearnNYC schools have access to a state-of-the-art online and blended learning platform that aggregates content from 14 vendors, allows for authoring of online content, and facilitates cross-school collaboration around instruction and best practices. Implementation Managers The Implementation Manager (IM) will help ensure successful implementation by providing leadership, support, and guidance for iLearnNYC schools as they develop and undertake their implementation plans. Professional Development iLearnNYC provides schools with professional development based on individual school need assuring school leaders, teachers and staff are equipped to effectively use online and blended learning to increase student achievement. School Readiness iLearnNYC schools receive the hardware and infrastructure required for teachers, staff, and students to participate in the online and blended courses. This includes improvements to bandwidth, wireless, and electrical upgrades, based upon the schools iLearnNYC enrollment allocations. Technical Support iZone manages a 24/7 Help Desk to provide support with content, platform, hardware, and network connectivity issues that would have an effect on the iLearnNYC program. Digital Curriculum and Content A marketplace of fourteen vendors providing courses and supplemental resources aligned to the Common Core and NYS Standards. Collaborative, Online Portal All members of the iZone will be invited to join a collaborative, online portal to share information across and within schools in Fall 2011. Policy iZone has successfully advocated for credit accumulation based on online content and for freeing up textbook funding for digital learning resources. The iZone continues to strategize and advocate on behalf of schools to allow them to operate in a more flexible instructional environment.

Expectations of Schools
Commitment Schools will develop and execute a plan for using online and blended learning to personalize learning and increase student achievement. iLearnNYC schools will work with their CFN to integrate iZone gorals with DOE instructional expectations. Based on the schools professional development needs, school staff will attend opportunities put forth by iZone. Collaboration & Communication Schools will actively participate in ongoing opportunities to collaborate with Implementation Managers and other iLearnNYC schools. Schools will engage families and the community to better understand and support the implementation of iLearnNYC. Schools will contribute to the iZone and wider DOE community by sharing school practices, successes, challenges, and problems of practice. Resources iLearnNYC schools will provide a dedicated school-based technician who will support iLearnNYC technical and maintenance matters alongside iZones full-time technicians and Implementation Managers. Research Schools will reflect, share, and take part in research by participating in studies administered by iZone. Details forthcoming. Schools will monitor student, teacher and program performance and complete an internal program evaluation with support of the iLearnNYC Implementation Manager and the Network.

Expansion of iLearnNYC Schools iLearnNYC will accept up to 175 more schools for School Year 2012-2013. All schools will be eligible to apply. The application process will begin in late Fall with information sessions beginning in late September. Details forthcoming.

The iZone360 Partnership

Mission: iZone360, an iZone initiative, works to foster a community of schools who both individually and collectively develop school structures around the needs, strengths, and motivations of individual students.
Supports from Office of Innovation
In Network

Expectations of Schools
iZone360 Vision of Personalized, Mastery-Based Learning for Each Student

Collaboration iZone360 schools in each network will have opportunities to collaborate and share and reflect on implementation. Innovation Coaches (iCoach) The iCoach will help further the iZone vision by providing leadership, support, and guidance for iZone360 schools as they implement their future-state designs.

Aligning Practice iZone360 schools will work with their CFN to integrate iZone goals with DOE instructional expectations (Common Core and Teacher Effectiveness) and school accountability systems (PPR & CEP). Assessing Practice iZone360 schools will use the iZone Framework (SCLI) and their future-state designs themselves as a self-accountability tool for their progress toward personalized, mastery-based learning. Developing Practice In order to rapidly accelerate high school, college and career readiness, iZone360 schools will transform practices and structures in order to organize school around a personalized, mastery-based learning experience for all students.

Funds Each iZone360 school has funds to support teacher teams who are leading iZone work through per session, per diem and training rate.
Computers, carts & printers The first installment of each schools tech hardware will be in place for 2011-12 school year to better support personalization. Innovation Lab Sites iZone teachers and principals interested in collaborating on similar innovations will have opportunities to do so with schools from both within and across networks. Schools interested in working as a Lab Site will receive a stipend for their commitment. Details forthcoming. Collaborative, Online Portal All members of the iZone will be invited to join a collaborative, online portal to share information across and within schools in Fall 2011. Design Partnerships Design Partners offer customized consultation and products to support the creation and implementation of each schools future-state design. Partners will continue providing support through the end of November when contracts are up for renewal. There will be an opportunity this Fall to re-calibrate partnerships for 2012 support. Component Partnerships and Tools Component Partners, including iLearnNYC provide consultation, professional development and innovation products aligned to one or more of the iZone design principles. Online Credit accumulation - After 18 months of advocacy, the State Education Department has now allowed for credit to be obtained for online coursework NYSTL - textbook funds are now freed up to fund instructional technology Seat Time Waiver DOE submitted a waiver with four other NYS cities to allow credit accumulation based on mastery, not seat time. Awaiting decision. The iZone is continuing to strategize and advocate on behalf of schools to allow them to operate in a more flexible instructional environment.



Collaboration Schools will actively participate in ongoing opportunities to collaborate with their Innovation Coach, Partners, and other iZone360 schools (within and/or across network). Contributions Schools will contribute to the iZone and wider DOE community by sharing school practices, successes, challenges, and problems of practice. Communication Schools will provide opportunities for families and school communities to engage with the iZone vision.



Reflection Share artifacts and documentation to assess the level to which your school is working to personalize school for its students. Schools will be required to collect and share artifacts of implementation and works in progress at some point during the FY12. Outcomes Research - All iZone schools are asked to participate in research by having students and teachers complete pre and post surveys in the Fall and again in the Spring. Additionally, the research office will conduct focus interviews with teachers over the course of the year. Details forthcoming.

Policy Supports

Expansion of iZone360 Schools iZone360 will accept up to 25 more schools for School Year 2012-2013. Schools within existing Innovation Networks, as well as other interested schools/networks can apply. The application process will begin in late Fall with information sessions beginning in late September. Details forthcoming

iZone: Frequently Asked Questions Overview

What is the iZone?
The Innovation Zone (iZone) is a community of innovative New York City schools committed to personalizing learning to meet the needs, motivations and strengths of individual students.

How does the iZone measure success?

The iZone will gauge success based on: creating an environment that allows for innovation, organizing school practice and resources to enable personalization and, increasing student achievement and college and career readiness.

How are schools being innovative?

With these principles as a foundation, iZone schools select one or more strategies that allow them to design certain classrooms, grades or even the entire school around individual students: iZone360: Redesigning the whole school, including budgets, staff, space, scheduling, instruction and technology, around needs, motivations and strengths of individual students. iLearnNYC: Flexibly meeting the needs of individual students through online and blended learning. InnovateNYC: Piloting, evaluating and scaling innovations that meet school needs and accelerate student learning.

What schools are eligible to join the iZone?

All schools are eligible to apply. Selection is based primarily on a school's vision and commitment to personalizing learning. To apply, Principals should speak with their network leaders or email to learn more.

Why aren't all schools iZone schools?

The Department of Education is consistently creating a wide range of learning experiences and options that prepare students for college and career in a setting where they learn best. Schools in the iZone are all dedicated to designing, implementing and evaluating new school models rooted in personalization. For school year 2010-2011, 81 schools across all five boroughs of New York City joined the iZone community. And in school year 2011-2012, that number will more than double to over 160 schools. By 2014, the iZone community will grow to 400 schools.

How is the iZone funded?

iZone support to schools is primarily funded by Federal Race to the Top funds and private funds from Google, Cisco, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Ford Foundation. The Department of Education is investing in all schools' technology infrastructure, increasing network bandwidth and access to computers so that students can access rich, 21st century learning opportunities.

What are the core design principles at the core of iZone Innovations?
Globally Competitive Standards Student learning outcomes are aligned to rigorous standards and assessments, such as the Common Core, that define the knowledge, skills and habits of mind graduates need to be successful in college and career. Competency Based Learning and Assessment Students advance by demonstrating they have the skills, abilities and knowledge to be successful, rather than the traditional way of receiving credit based on simply spending time in the classroom. Personalized Learning Plans Teachers, advisors, students and parents manage a personalized learning plan that accounts for each student's preferred pace and learning style. Multiple Modes of Learning Students learn in the way they learn best be it independently, one-onone with a coach, collaboratively in small groups, online, or beyond school, in realworld contexts, such as internships or early college courses. New Staff and Student Roles School staff will adopt new roles as learning coaches, advisors, content and assessment experts. And students will be empowered to plan and manage their own studies in a variety of ways.

What new resources are available to iZone teachers and how are they prepared to use them?
In an iZone classroom, teachers are empowered to personalize learning for each of their students. Teachers participate in professional development throughout the year to help gain the knowledge and skills they need to teach effectively in technology-rich, student-centered learning environments. This includes analyzing student performance data to better personalize instruction and incorporating online content and collaboration tools into their regular classroom instruction. iZone staff and external partners support educators with technology tools and the infrastructure to effectively use it, as well as technical and programmatic support.

How are students graded and assessed?

Some schools are considering new ways of grading students. For example, some are incorporating competency-based grading which measures whether students are mastering concepts, rather than granting a single number grade based solely on right or wrong answers.

In what ways is the iZone committed to understanding what innovations work best for students?
The iZone research team will look at the innovations impact on student achievement data such as Regents scores, grades, AP performance, NYS test performance, and graduation rates. The iZone will also assess the impact of the innovative metrics that have been linked to college and career success, such as: motivation, engagement, self-regulated learning, and cognitive traits

Do iZone schools use the same schedule as non-iZone schools?

Each iZone school schedule is structured to best meet the needs of its students and teachers. iZone schools may allow students to learn outside the traditional school day, progress at a pace that works best for them and accelerate toward graduation. Teachers have more time to plan lessons alone and with fellow educators so they can identify and address each student's needs.

These analyses will be utilized by schools and iZone staff to consistently improve the school experience for students.

Do iZone students earn credit in the same way?

Currently, students in New York State can only obtain credit if they spend a certain amount of time physically in a class. The iZone is looking into ways to allow students to advance in school based on understanding content, no matter how long that takes. In order to do this, the New York City Department of Education has submitted a waiver to the New York State Education Department.

Technology offers an unparalleled, in-depth look at student progress. Real-time data evaluates each student's level at the start of a lesson and charts their progress allowing teachers to provide extra help, or new challenging opportunities, as needed. It also links students with world-renowned experts for insights not found in any textbook and enables collaboration with peers from around the world.

Does integrating technology into the classroom mean students are sitting alone in front of computers all day?
No; students in iZone schools interact with one another and peers throughout the world as much, if not more, than students in non-iZone schools. Students experience a variety of learning experiences, including solo work time, small group sessions, class discussions, and technology-facilitated learning with peers and experts.

Does the iZone mean more homework?

Schools in the iZone are thinking through how learning can happen anywhere and at anytime. This can mean during regular school day hours, before school, after school, or on weekends depending on each student's needs. This doesn't mean more homework, but it may mean more time learning outside of the traditional school day, based on each student's preferred learning style and pace.

Do computers replace the work of the teacher?

No; to quote Sonia Morgan, a teacher at P.S. 327 said, "Technology does not replace the teacher. That's what other teachers need to understand," she explained. "That will never change." A teacher still provides continual guidance and support to each student, helping set the direction and scope of a student's education. The strategies used by teachers in iZone schools are additional tools at educators' disposal.

Digital Learning
What is online and blended learning?
Blended learning refers to some combination of online and in classroom instruction. Successful blended learning requires an intentional and integrated approach, the methods of which depend upon the needs of the students and the school. Online learning consists of students and teachers leveraging online and digital resources, including our online learning platform, to personalize instruction.

What if a student doesn't have a computer at home?

iZone recognizes that not every student in New York City owns a computer or has access to the internet at home. To that end, some schools provide their students with laptops that they may bring home; others offer extra time during and outside of school hours for students to work on computers to complete their online assignments.

What are some of the benefits of increasing access to technology in the classroom?

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