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Working with your group and product, you are to prepare a research report. Please do
not contact the company’s marketing offices directly for information. This is a national
(Canadian) research document. Secondary research will be used to support your paper.
All facts and figures must be sourced using APA.



Your Report is to include the following Sections and Information:

1. Professional cover page

 Be organized: title, group members’ name, dates etc.

Hint: Be creative, use images, logos, branding, graphics etc.

2. Table of Contents
Use sub-heads and page numbers to organize various sections of the report.

3. Industry Market Situation Analysis

You will do research to detail the following regarding your INDUSTRY as a
whole. Please ensure that you source your information appropriately within your
a. Market Profile
i. Yearly Sales / 1
ii. Market Share /1
iii. Industry Growth / 1
iv. Relevant Trends within the Industry / 2

b. Environmental Profile
This includes RELEVANT information pertaining to the macro
environmental influences affecting your INDUSTRY
i. Technology / 2
ii. Social factors / 2
iii. Political factors /2
iv. Economy / 2
v. Legal factors /2
4. Brand Analysis
Using secondary research, provide a detailed overview of your product
a. Product analysis (4 P’s) / 4
b. Brand positioning (USP) /4
c. Brand image and reputation /4
d. Brand advertising analysis /4 (what is the image portrayed in their
advertising messages?

5. Competitor Analysis
Using secondary research provide a detailed overview of your top 2
a. Competitive product analysis (4P’s) /2 /2
b. Competitive brand positioning (USP) /2 /2
c. Competitive image and reputation /2 /2
d. Competitive advertising analysis – what is the image portrayed in their
advertising messages? /1.5 /1.5

Hint: You may wish to include logos, screen shots or ads that showcase the
competitive brands.

6. Statement of the Main Issue

What is the main opportunity and threat facing the brand? What are 5 key
findings that can be addressed and how might these help shape your future

7. Conclusion
This section should be brief. A conclusion should sell home the key findings and
positioning of the brand for success based on the opportunities and threats
noted in the statement of the main issue

 All statements must be backed up with facts
 All facts must be properly sourced using APA
 Spelling and grammar count
 You should use graphics, charts and visuals to bring your report to life
 You are to include the following marking sheet with your plan
Marked out of
Cover page  Detailed 2
 Creative
Table of Contents  Organized with 2
sufficient sub-
heads and detail
Research Content  Industry Analysis 15
Market Profile-5
Environment Profile-

 Brand Analysis 16
Product Analysis -4
Brand Positioning -4
Brand image and
reputation -4
Advertising Analysis -

 Competitor 15
Product Analysis -4
Brand Positioning -4
Brand image and
reputation -4
Advertising Analysis -

Statement of the Main  Relevant and 5

Issue logical based on
research findings
Conclusion  Includes key 6
findings and
concludes the
opportunity and
threat that face
the brand
Facts & Sourcing (you  Each statement 9
will lose a mark for to be supported
each statement by facts and
missing facts or facts figures.
not sourced)  All facts to be
properly sourced
and documented
using APA
Style  Paragraphs and
Point Form Used 10
 Proper spelling,
 Use of Third
 Proper use of
headings and
Total Mark out of 80 Out of 80
Worth 20% of your
final mark

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