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This is a Casual Class

which focuses on
practicing your speaking
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skills with one another.
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Please note that these
classes are a bit larger to
ensure adequate partners send messages
to practice with.

audio setup
High Beginner Lesson

1.- She is playing with her dog

2.- Yes, It is a poodle

3.- My pet is white, is not friendly with people that not know, I soo much serius, Love to my son and can't see the
door open because inmedaitely go to street.

4.- His name is Rocco

Bird or Parakeets
Friendly quiet

Caring Not bark

eat little

The most important for me is that must be friendly

1.- Yes.

2.- For me are the dogs and horses

3.- Yes, the son of my neighbour, his parents diverced and it situation affeted the child and after some visits to the Phicologist
was recommened to buy a small dog.

avoid any inconvenience with

the neighbours or with the family.
1.- Yes, We are hairdressers, Differents kind of hotel for pets,
parks for play with other pets, special swuiming pool,

2.- Yes, is soo much popular, bacause you can see a lot of
around the city

3.- No, I never put my pet in a hotel because until today he can
stay with any family menber.
alguna vez



W o u l d y o u e v e r b u y a w e a r f o r y o u

W o u l d y o u e v e r h a s l o s t a p e t ?

w o u l d y o u e v e r h a s h a v e m o r e t h a n
I chooise the dogs

1.- The main characterictics for me is that

must be friendly

2.- Play, accompanying,



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