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LESSON 1 Introduction To Christian Morality 3.

Morality judges (what is) right and

wrong in the light of what humanity
Morality – Latin word mos, moris which is.
means custom
 This is the most important element
Custom – refers to a “more or less in Sertillange’s definition.
permanent moral behavior in
accordance with the precepts of the  Morality asks people to be the
natural moral law which is universally persons they are meant to be.
known and common to all men.”
 People vary widely on what they
Examples of such custom are: think is a proper definition of
1. Telling the truth
2. paying debts  Example: a Christian’s point of view;
3. honoring one’s parents an atheistic view
4. respecting the life
5. property of others
 Decision-making for a Christian is
morality greatly helped by asking:
 refers to the “rightness or  “What is the human thing to do?”
wrongness of an action in relation to  “How should I act as a child of
a standard or norm of conduct God?”
”  These are good questions before
 is “the science of what man ought to acting on something because as:
be by reason of what he is.”
 St. Ireneaus of Lyons says:
 Antonin Sertillanges – Dominican “The glory of God is man fully alive.”
and French theologian and
How can MORALITY be summed up
Michael Pennock- provides a brief according to Michael Pennock?
elaboration of these
three important elements:
 MORALITY can be summed in the
1. Morality is a science. word RESPONSIBILITY. Response
 The more human knowledge and ability.
expands, the more refined
mankind’s moral sense can  For Christians, morality
become. 1. is a response to God’s incredible,

 The more we learn about ourselves, 2. freely given love and his gift of
the more we learn about what is salvation offered to us through Jesus
right and wrong. Christ.
3. It is a YES to Jesus’ gift of himself to
2. Morality is concerned with what us.
ought to be.

 Morality is not content with how

things should be.
 It is interested in how people should
act; it asks persons to be better.
 Concerned with what is ideal (to
cooperate with the God-given help
available to them).
 living a morally upright life can be CHRISTIAN MORALITY
very challenging and difficult. AND
 The society has become so
permissive and contaminated with WHAT IS CHRISTIAN MORALITY?
ideologies that are opposite to the
values of Christ and the teachings
of the Church.  It is concerned with identifying
and explaining the principles that
 Sexual promiscuity determine the quality of human
 infidelity behaviour in the light of
 dishonesty Christian revelation.
 drug addiction
 pervasive acceptance of lying  It disposes the human person to
 Cheating pattern his behaviour to the life
 Bullying lived by Jesus.
 cursing

What has happened to the world, that

Ex: Christ’s life of loving and humble
people today appear so bereft of service to the Father and
values? humankind. His commandment is:
“To love God and to love one’s
MORALITY neighbor”
 is the ability to respond to God,
 the ability to love  Christian morality is a call of the
 the ability to say YES to God. human person to live a life of
 This ability is itself a gift of the Holy constantly following Jesus Christ.
Spirit to us at baptism. This is grace.
 Is it easy to become disciples
 God, our Father has given us the
of the Lord?
calling to love and at the same time
the power to respond.  Mark 10:17-31.

 “The love of God has been poured  It is never easy. The human
out in our hearts through the Holy person is always faced with
Spirit who has been given to us” different challenges. But Jesus
(Rom 5:5) never abandoned us. The Holy
Spirit was sent to be our Helper
 Living a morally upright life can be and Friend; will always inspire us
difficult and challenging. But it is not to live in unity with others; to
impossible. As Christians, we
believe that the grace of God is
support each other in order to
enough to help us overcome our attain our vision of living as
weakness. disciples of Jesus Christ and
 children of the Father.
 Human beings have an innate
 CATHOLIC MORALITY is sense of basic moral truth.
CHRISTIAN MORALITY guided  Using reason, man can deduce
by the Teachings of the Church. the principles of natural law.
 But because sin clouds our
 “A Catholic faithful believes that vision and truth, God has chosen
Jesus has entrusted his teaching to directly reveal the law to us.
authority to the Church, and the
Church has the responsibility to 4. CONSCIENCE
offer guidance, help and
direction in solving moral  We use our natural facility called
problems.” – Michael Pennock conscience to apply the general
principles of the law to specific
FUNCTIONS OF CATHOLIC situations, judging specific actions
to be right or wrong in accordance
MORALITY with objective law.
 The fundamental concepts of IMPORTANCE OF MORALITY
Catholic morality include
1. FREEDOM By: Fr. Michael Moga, SJ – Jesuit
2. TRUTH priest
4. CONSCIENCE  He briefly outlines the basic purpose
or importance of morality as a guide
to fullness of freedom,
 the entrance of the eternal into the
 God creates us in the state of life of man,
 We are at liberty to choose,  a guide to the fullness of human
 based on reason and will development,
 whether to act or not to act in a
specific situation.  a guide towards reality,
 We are RESPONSIBLE for our
choices! With our choices, we  and a guide toward meaning.
also choose our destiny: eternal
life with God or eternal
damnation. 1. a guide to fullness of freedom

2. the entrance of the eternal into the

2. TRUTH life of man
 We believe that moral truth is
objective,and not relative to the 3. a guide to the fullness of human
subjective whims of culture or development
 Moral truth is valid at all times 4. a guide towards reality
and everywhere because God is
its ultimate source. 5. a guide toward meaning
LESSON 2 II. Persons Are Redeemed By Jesus
 Our concept of ourselves as human
persons can influence our decisions How did Christ redeem us?
and behaviors as agents of morality.  It is through His blood that we have
been redeemed and our sins
 Knowing ourselves makes it easier forgiven.
for us to understand what Christian  His total self-giving on the cross
Morality is. reveals His immeasurable love for
all human persons. He does bring
 It will also help us realize that our sinners back to Himself.
moral character depends directly on
the answers we give to the question: III. PERSONS ARE SANCTIFIED BY
“Who am I as a person in a THE HOLY SPIRIT
community and as a disciple of
Jesus today?”  The presence of the Holy Spirit in
the human person sanctifies him
THREE BASIC WAYS BY WHICH WE and makes him the Temple of God.
PERSONS.”  “Are you not aware that you are the
temples of God, and that the Spirit
1. Nature of things – the way things of God dwells in you? If anyone
are (Natural Law) destroys God’s temple, God will
destroy him. For the temple of God
2. God’s Revelation – salvation history; is holy and you are that temple.” (1
Old Testament Cor. 3:16-17)

3. Word spoken to us by God IV. PERSONS ARE CALLED TO BE

through Jesus Christ CHILDREN OF GOD

 God created the human person, you

THE CHRISTIAN VIEW OF MAN and me. This truth reminds us that
God is our Father and we are His
I. Persons are created in God’s image children.
and likeness.
What does it mean to be a child of
 Gen 1:25 - “Let us make man in our God?
image and likeness.”
 This passage emphasize the  To be children of God and for God
following truths: to be our Father means to place our
complete trust and confidence in
a. Persons as created by God. God, allowing Him to guide us to the
b. Persons as images of God. truth and to bring us to honor and
c. Persons as the likeness of God. worship Him in our day to day life.
d. Persons as fundamentally good.
Gen 1:31 – “God looked at everything He had  Jesus Christ gives us an example of
made, and He found it very good.” what it is to be a child of God.

e. Persons as God’s partners.

Gen 1:28 “Be fertile and multiply, fill the
earth and subdue it”
V. PERSONS ARE DESTINED FOR  To be fully human, man must use
ETERNAL LIFE his rationality in rejecting evil and in
choosing good according to God’s
 The first man and woman destroyed will and commandment.
their access to God when they
sinned against Him.
 But God offered salvation through
His Incarnate Son Jesus Christ so C. PERSONS ARE EMBODIED
that all will be reconciled to God. SPIRITS.

 For man’s blessed destiny is to be in  God breathed life into man with
communion with God (Father, Son body and soul.
and Holy Spirit).  There’s unity between the body and
the soul.

THE NATURAL/EXPERIENTIAL  It is through the body that people

VIEW OF MAN interact with the world, and through
the body that the people worship
RELATIONAL  To be fully human, body and soul
cannot be dichotomized from each
 God created man as a social other; both body and soul must be
being. nourished and sanctified.
 He gave man a companion,  How did Jesus emphasize this in his
 the woman, in order not to be ministry?
 “No man is an island.”  The soul gives life to the body and
 To be fully human, it is not good for the body is the instrument that can
man to be alone and apart from lead the soul, after death, either to
people of God. eternal damnation or blissful union
 We live in a network of with God.
 St. Paul said that the “spirit is
willing but the body is weak”; but
he also emphasized that “the body
B. PERSONS ARE CONSCIOUS is the temple of the Holy Spirit.”
 Therefore, the body is an essential
 God created man with part of man’s being fully human and
intelligence and freewill: not merely an instrument of man
 to obey His commandments with according to his whim and caprice.
faith and understanding.

 Man is endowed with the power of

reasoning to distinguish good from
 He is conscious of his acts and is
therefore responsible for his

 Reason is part of how people can

know God and know what he wants
for this world .
D. PERSONS ARE HISTORICAL  Hedonism makes and glorifies
REALITIES. pleasure, a god and an ultimate end
of life.
 As a historical reality, man
undergoes the basic stages of B. HUMANISM
human growth and development.
 This philosophy is atheistic in nature
 Man’s fullness of his being human and materialistic in application.
also progresses as he continues his
journey as a pilgrim on earth toward  Man has no moral responsibility and
God’s kingdom. no eternal purpose.

 He may stumble and fall, but he has  Man is exalted as the highest
the capacity to stand up and being; God is dethroned, man is
continue the journey. deified.

 He is not stagnant; there is always  As the highest being, man’s

room for change and growth for thoughts and actions are always
man as a human person. right.

 Humanists advocate unbridled

E. PERSONS ARE UNIQUE, YET freedom and is a self-serving,
EQUAL. self-centered philosophy.

 As a human person, man is unique

and distinct from each other. C. MARXIAN-COMMUNISM
 No twin is identical. Man’s
uniqueness is manifested in  Man’s worth is only in so far as he
physical differences, attitude, helps the interest of the state;
character, talent, intellectual and
moral capacities.  he is an entity subordinated to the
society. Thus, individual rights such
 Yet, despite these differences, men as rights to worship, life, work as
are fundamentally equal when it one pleases, private ownership,
comes to human dignity, not for speech, education, etc, can only
what a person “has” but for what a exist if the state thinks them useful.
person “is” – the image and likeness
of God – with same origin, destiny

THE NON-CHRISTIAN VIEW OF  Believes that man is radically alone

MAN and separate from others and
believes that a person is born into
A. PLAYBOY PHILOSOPHY OF absurdity and feels nauseated as he
HEDONISM realizes this.

 Man is seen as an object whose  Man sees no meaning in life

purpose is to help others attain because no one can help him, even
happiness, especially of the God.
physical type.
 Life after all is void of meaning and
 Man escapes total commitment purpose.
which involves sacrifice or pain
because it diminishes pleasure.  There is no human nature, since
there is no God to conceive it.
 Not only is man what he conceives G. NIHILISM
himself to be, but he is also only
what he wills himself to be after this  Philosophy that denies the
thrust toward existence" existence of genuine moral truths
(Jean-Paul Sartre, Existentialism) and asserts the ultimate
meaninglessness of life or of the
 A nihilist believes that there aren't
 Exponents: absolutes - no absolute meaning or
1. Buddha purpose for life, no absolute moral
2. Lao Tzu standards. That does not exclude
3. Confucius belief in a god.

 Believes that man should live a life WHAT NOW?

of gentle submission to the cosmic
powers flowing in the universe –  Our concept of ourselves as human
powers that control man’s persons can influence our decisions
happiness and destiny in life. and behaviors as agents of morality.

 Knowing ourselves makes it easier

F. GREEK PHILOSOPHY for us to understand what Christian
Morality is.
 Proponents:
1. Socrates
2. Plato
3. Aristotle

 This view believes that man is a

knower (all-knowing) before his

 His soul pre-existed his body.

 His soul is pure and his mind knows

all things, but because of his exile in
the world of sense (earth) he blurred
or forget all or almost all of what he

 The solution to his ignorance is to

achieve all that he knew in his
former self. Evil is mostly due to
ignorance or the limitation of man’s
present knowledge.


 Acts of man as animal.  an act which proceeds from the

deliberate freewill of man.
 Not deliberately done nor voluntary
 They are actions which man
 Performed without the freewill of the performs knowingly, freely and
agent. voluntarily
(deliberate or intentional).
 Do not demand responsibility from
the agent.
 Each human act can be
 Amoral acts (not subject to classified as moral, indifferent
morality). (amoral) or immoral.

Example:  In the moral aspect, a human act

senses: can be considered as good, evil
1. Hearing and indifferent.
2. Sight
3. Smelling  Acts of man do not give the
4. Touch person the moral responsibility.
5. taste Actions that proceeds from
bodily tendencies that a man
blood circulation may perform the exercise of free
1. Perspiring choice.
2. Digestion
3. Feelings  Morality is not concerned with
4. Stomachache the acts of man but rather with
5. involuntary facial movements; human acts since it is in human
6. Heartbeat acts when man is deemed
7. circulations of body organs worthy to be punished or merited
or to be praised or blamed.
 Actions that proceed from these
bodily tendencies are not human
acts. They do not concern our
study about Christian Morality
1. It is a Christian Morality guided by the
teachings of the Church:
 Catholic Morality
 Awareness of the act man does. 2. We are at liberty to choose, based on
reason and will, whether to act or not to
 The doer must have an act in a specific situation. This speaks
awareness that he is doing about: Freedom
something and he has the
command of it and has it in mind. 3. How did Antonin Sertillanges define
2. FREEDOM  The science of what man
ought to be by reason of what he is
 A human act is always
determined by the will. 4. Discovering God in ourselves will
help us in understanding who we really
 Every act that comes from the are as human persons. This words are
will is called a free act. inspired by:
 Freedom therefore is an
essential element of human act.
5. The following speak about acts of
3. VOLUNTARINESS Demand responsibility from the
 Comes from the Latin word
voluntas which means will. For 6. It refers to the awareness or
an act to be voluntary, consciousness of the act that a man
 the human act must be a will-act. KNOWLEDGE

 For voluntariness to be present, 7. The following speak about person as

there must be both knowledge created in God's image and
and freedom in the agent. likeness EXCEPT:
 Man is endowed with absolute
freedom which he can use in
whatever way he wanted.

8. According to him, man's body is the

temple of the Holy Spirit:
 St. Paul

9. Which of the following set of

actions/acts describe human acts?
 b. Resting, yawning, walking,
10. Which of the following is the 19. Which of the following speaks about
meaning of man as homo viator? playboy philosophy of hedonism?
we are pilgrims toward the heavenly Man is an object whose purpose is
city to help others attain happiness

11. Believing that man’s life has no 20. Which of the following speak about
ultimate meaning is an example of Acts of Man?
Nihilism Hearing, seeing, feeling physical
12. Which of the following speaks about
Christian morality?
 principles that determine the 21. Which of the following is the basis of
quality of human behavior in the light our equality as human persons?
of Christian revelation  Dignity as children of God

22. Which of these was said by St.

13. Which of the following is one of the Irenaeus of Lyons?
proponents of Atheistic Existentialism? The glory of God is man fully alive.
Jean-Paul Sartre
23. This means that the person has the
14. How did Michael Pennock summed command of what he is doing and the
up the word morality? act is determined by his will.
Responsibility VOLUNTARINESS

15. The following speak about 24. Which of the following defines
the human acts EXCEPT: morality?
Does not require responsibility from the The rightness or wrongness of
person an action in relation to a standard or
norm of conduct

16. It refers to man's natural facility to 25. Which of these speak about Oriental
judge specific actions whether they are Philosophy?
right or wrong in accordance with the  Man should live a life of
objective law. gentle submission to the cosmic

17. As the highest being, man’s

thoughts and actions are always right.
This is the philosophy pushed by:

18. Which of the following is the

meaning of the Latin mos and moris?
PART 2 8. Actions which man perform
knowingly, freely and voluntarily are
1. Persons as historical realities mean called human acts.
that man is conscious of what he is  True
doing because he is gifted with the
faculty of reason and intellect. 9. The nihilists believe that man's final
False destiny is to be in communion with God
at the end of his earthly life.
2. Sarah is suffering from stomachache False
due to poor digestion. She took some
medicine from the kit to ease the pain 10. As God's children we are all called
that she felt. Sarah's stomachache is an to put our complete trust and
example of human act and taking the dependence on Him as our Father.
medicine is an example acts of man.  True
11. God made man both body and soul
3. The best example of how is it to live but it is only the soul that needs to be
as children of God is the person of Jesus nourished and sanctified.
Christ who entrusted everything to the False
will of the Father.
True 12. Christian Morality is concerned with
acts of man rather than human acts.
4. Using the faculty of reason man has False
the capacity to deduce the principles of
natural law but his vision of truth was 13. Conscience is the "inner voice" of
clouded due to the entrance of sin. God in each person's heart, telling him
True to do what is right and avoid what is
5. The Church has no authority to speak True
and teach about social concerns,
matters of faith, and morality because
She has no business meddling with the 14. As Catholics we believe that Jesus
affairs of the state. Christ has entrusted His teaching
False authority to the Church therefore the
Church has the responsibility to guide,
6. Persons as God's partners mean that help and direct her members in solving
we can use all the resources in the world moral problems.
according to our whims and fancies True
because God made them exactly for us
to use.
False 15. Man is the owner of his body so he
may use it in any manner that he wants
7. Atheistic existentialism believes that False
the ultimate purpose of man is to help
others achieved pleasure or happiness
especially of the physical type.

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