Starting Out Workbook 5

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1 Present Continuous tense (affirmative) UNIT 5 Grammar Practice This.s the spoken form. This is the writen form. Say these sentences. Read these sentences. Tm [smoking | [1 |am | smoking Youre | eating. | | You eating Wore |anmking. | | Wo | are | drinkn, Theyre | sleeping. | | They | | sleeping How | creaming. | He reaming | Shes [thinking || BE, |, | thinking ts [raining | Hy ate We use the Present Continuous tense for actions which are happening now, at the same time as we are speaking Look at Arthur! He's smoking a pipe! LstentoMrSteele! He's singing! =| I'scold. Thats why I'm wearing a coat. | Exercise 1 Lookat this picture and fine spaces in the sontences. Say the sentences fist (use the spoken form), then white them (use the writen form). Its Sunday morning. I's a lovely day; the birds .. 46... 5114/9, 3 Present Continuous tense (interragative) and the sun = butone old man warm coat. Arthut some boys; they football. Two gis under the toes; they tothe radio. Mr Steele ear them; he a book Alitle git an ice-cream; she home, Read and say these questions and answers. ‘Ami—[ smoking? | [—]ram—] [~~] tmnot you | eating? | | |youare. | | | youarent we fe | srnking? ||| wore | We aren't They | sleeping? | | Yes, | they are. | | No, | they arent creaming? new | hover ts [She ining? || eis shes trang —] (Ls _J |_[atem Exercise 2a Do this with @ friend. Ask and answer questions about the picture on page 31 Example Ls.Arthur, playing, football? No, he int. Exercise 2b Do this witha friend. You are taking to your friend on the telephone. You ask questions about what he/she is doing, Here are some ideas: ‘a book? homework? television? ameal? radio? acupoftea? Are. you. reading, 2 book? No, ia not- Example 2 3. Present Continuous This s the spoken form. - This is the written form. tense Say these sentences ead those sentonces. (negative) pa eee ree Fmnot | smoking. ] [Tam smoking You eating. | | You eating. | We | arent | drinking. | | We | are drinking, They sleeping. | | They not | sleeping, THe reaming. | Fe ‘dreaming, She _|ient | tinkina: | | She_|is thinking, i raining | [tt raining. | Exercise 3 Look atthe picture on page 31 again and make negative sentences about it Say the sentences fist, then wete them. Use the spoken form. Wh BME... raining, The old man an umbrella, AMhUT 0 football and the boys cricket. The twa girls sleeping. Mr Steele tothe radio, The litle git orange squash and she to school. 4 What... doing? Read and say this question. What am What are What's Exercise 4 Look atthe picture on page 92 of your course book. Ask and answer the what ... doing question about these people, Use the spoken form. Ahr ane Mary; Artur Mary: the children the peoplein the sea, a) Whatcave, Arthow. and..Mary daing? Theatre. Lying on the beach: b) °) a) e) 3 Words and Phrases radio reidiou television telivign record rreko:d postcard ‘pouska:d day det afternoon arfta'nun ‘Sunday ‘sand arm (of a chai) ‘armchair azm'tfea" ‘sitting-room ‘sitigrom eye wrist nist back bek hair hea" ball boxl cricket “krtkat football fotbasl vesch or ons a oa seeside caty ean Eo bikint bvki:m ‘swimming trunks “swum tranks pair (of trousers) peo" child, children ‘fail, ‘tfildran mother ‘mada ‘Mummy darling ‘dai girlfriend ‘gailfrend boyfriend ‘bofrend disc jockey “aisk dgokr Uibravian lavbrearion. bird bard song son dream rim lee-cream askrism tea ti: title al blonde blond lovely ‘avlt sweet swict wonderful wandafl brave brew unconscious anvkonfas English ‘inglif hard hard next to niekst t9 to 0,0 together taigedo" too tu: Iso) do ae at ie drinic rink smoke Smovk sit “ lie tet sleep sip learn im listen (to) ‘inns look at Tokat watch wots read td think Ook dream im Wordgame 1 Wordgame 2 90 garry goo ‘ert goin wear gevin wes" ‘come back hit kam bck hit drive play draty plet walk swim wark swim run breathe fan bri:d TheTViseon,butMaryisnt on watching it The steakis very good. Butit's soexpensive sav Yes, its £6.50, Good heavens! god 'hevnz drown ‘dean shine fan rain sing sin switch ...on sswitf on We're going tothe seaside, thanks to Bruce. “Dagksto Thankyou, Bruce. Oh, itsnothing atall. ‘nag ot 2:1 Helen “hetin ‘Make other words from the letters ofthis word, There are at least 30! Write as many ‘as possible, wo|n|o down EA ii) 1 Theyre swimming in the 2 What's the ofthis? 3 your supper, children! 4 There's lots of sand on the 5 She's eating an ice 6 Itisnt expensive, its. 7 Ini Arthur is atthe seaside. 8 A___ina restaurant. 9 She's unconscious but she's as >[>l>|>l>|>[>|>|> Communication Practice Activity 1 Record requests Write this postcard. Lew dise Tockey, Pease plows” ‘ go fee Retora. Requests m CBB Lae because Londen glen Yous Now exchange postcards with a partner and read your partner's request, lke this: ‘And the next record is"...." by... 'm playing this record for..... because Sohere's for Activity 2 Sports Connect the sport withthe equipment. pelota tennis @ tb show-jumping Footbal hockey gymnastics cycling baseball rugby snooker 36

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