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E-cell, the Entrepreneurship Cell at IIFT pursues the endeavor of sensitizing and
fostering entrepreneurship amongst the students at IIFT. The student-run body
facilitates the process of knowledge expansion with a practical edge by exposing the
students to hands-on experience of entrepreneurship through events, competitions,
knowledge transfer sessions, alumni interactions and interactive sessions with
existing Entrepreneurs and Venture Capitalists. The cell is a facilitator for the
leaders on the campus to follow their dreams.

Problem Statement Skills

You are the CEO and founder of Unicorn Limited, a Familiarity with
startup in the hospitality sector. You had acquired your Startups and
last funding round of $15 million at a valuation of $100 Entrepreneurship
million couple of months back. As of today, you are PPT making
reported by the CFO that the economy is heading
towards a recession with little to no infusion of new VC
funds in the next year. You are also aware of the 1. Gift Vouchers for
following constraints in your business model. top 5 performers
of the Pre-
Monthly burn rate: $2 million Induction
Breakup of burn rate: assignments
Operational expenses: $1 million/month 2. PPIs for the top 3
Salary component - performers in JCC
CEO salary: $0.1 million/month selections
Other employees (100 employees) = $0.4
million/month Dated
Office rent: $0.2 million/month (3 months lock-in)
Other fixed overheads: $0.2 million/month 20th June 2022
Other variable overheads: $0.1 million/month
Loan interest = $0.1 million/month
(Loan: $10 million, Earlier interest rate: 6%, New 21st June 2022
interest rate (post central bank rate increase) = 12%) 5:59:59 pm

Submission Link

Expansion outlay = $0.8 million/month (This is the expense for adding 8
hotel/hotel chains into its portfolio)
Commissions = $0.1 million/month
Revenue over the last 3 months

Month March 2022 April 2022 May 2022

Revenue $0.5 million $0.6 million $0.7 million

Inflation: 8%
Company HR motto: The company believes in empowering the workforce and not
leave anyone behind in its growth story.

Looking at the macroeconomic conditions and your company’s business model,
strategize and chart out the best way to maximize returns and grow your business
for the next 3 years. For information not provided, you are free to make assumptions
with valid reasoning.

Submission Guidelines
Naming Convention: Name_Application Number_ECell
Submission format: PDF/PPT (maximum of 5 slides excluding Introduction and
Thank you slides)

All The Best!

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