TCW 5006 Solid Waste Management - Course Otline

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TCW 5006 Solid Waste Management

Introduction- Evolution of solid waste management. Regulatory framework and
management agencies. Sources and types of solid wastes. Diseases and pollution.
Classification. Physical, chemical and biological properties... Generation and collection rates.
Handling, separation and recovery. Transformation and recovery. Storage and processing at
source. Collection and transportation of wastes. Disposal of wastes. Hazardous wastes and
their disposal. Sanitary landfill design and operation practice. Compositing. Scavenging and
its negative and positive impacts. Environmental issues-lactates, odours and gases. Control
and monitoring of negative impacts. Restoration and rehabilitation of landfills.
Environmental impact assessments of landfills.

Learning Outcome
Waste management knowledge
Local, provincial, national and global familiarity
• Determine principal features of waste management
• Recognize and describe global and historical context for barriers and solutions
• Propose individual and integrated solutions

Learning Modes:
lectures, tutorial exercises and field trip

Field Trip:
Richmond Municipal landfill - this very popular field trip features visiting the Bulawayo

Course content
What is waste?
Operating definitions, legal definitions of municipal solid, hazardous and nuclear wastes
Social stigmas.

Waste Composition – Western versus Developing Nations

Waste Auditing/Characterization Procedures

A “Life Cycle Analysis” Approach To Waste Management

McDonald’s Corporation - A Tale of Two Arches

Waste Disposal Technologies 1

- Sanitary Landfill
– Incineration
Integrated Waste Management Planning –
Site Selection Processes and NIMBY

Field Trip – lecture day off in lieu

Reduction and Reuse – The First 2 Rs
Consumerism, Materialism and our Ecological Footprint
Recycling and Composting – The Third R

EIA of landfill - introduction

Learning Outcomes:
Learning Outcome

Waste management knowledge

Local, provincial, national and global familiarity
• Determine principal features of waste management
• Recognize and describe global and historical context for barriers and solutions
• Propose individual and integrated solutions

Shaw, Kanti L. 2000. Basics of Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Technology, New
Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Temmemagi, Hans. 1999. The Waste Crisis: Landfills, Incinerators and the Search for a
Sustainable Future. New York
Melosi, Martin V. 2005. Garbage in the Cities: Refuse, Reform and the Environment.
University of Pittsburgh Press.

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