Karnopp 1977

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Lagrange's Equations for Complex Bond

Graph Systems
The standard means of imposing causality to extract state equations for bond graph
DEAN KARNOPP models of physical systems can be inconvenient when algebraic loops and derivative
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
causality in combination with nonlinear constraints are present. This paper presents
University of California, an alternative means of writing system differential equations using energy and coenergy
Davis, Calif. state functions and Lagrange's equations. For certain types of systems, particularly
mechanical and electromechanical systems, this indirect means of finding state equa-
tions turns out to be very convenient. In this technique, causality is used in a new way
to establish generalized coordinates and generalized efforts for nonconservative elements.
Finally, it is shown that in some cases in which a Lagrangian can be written by inspec-
tion for a complex mechanism, a detailed bond graph for this component is unnecessary
and yet the equations of the mechanism can be easily coupled to the bond graph equations
for the remainder of the system.

1 introduction energy domains, the distinction between energies and coener-

gies is crucial. The distinction has been made between energies
Lagrange's equations often provide the fastest route to equa- and coenergies in electromechanical systems [1], [2], and is
tions of motion for mechanical systems composed of particles required for the multiple energy domain systems describable
and rigid bodies constrained by workless constraint elements. by the use of bond graphs.
They are also very useful for electromechanical systems since
Once the distinction between energies and coenergies is ac-
a proper expression of the stored energy state functions will
cepted, it becomes clear that there are in fact a great many
guarantee that the equations of motion properly express the
possible sets of Lagrange's equations for a given system de-
energy transduction process. Since a bond graph model treats
pending upon the choice of generalized coordinates. We dis-
all forms of energetic systems uniformly, it is clear that La-
cuss here the traditional equations in which positions and ve-
grange's equations can be used for any system represented by a
locities are used for mechanical systems. We will use the bond
bond graph. It is the purpose of this paper to show how to set
graph variables displacement, q, and flow, / = q, as generalized
up state functions for use in Lagrange's equations using the
coordinates and generalized velocities. This means that the
mechanics of bond graph causality in a new way. We will be
generalized coordinates will be positions for mechanical systems,
concerned with setting up Lagrange's equations giving a bond
charges for electrical systems, volumes for hydraulic systems,
graph model but one can also do the reverse as indicated in
magnetic flux for magnetic systems, entropy for thermal systems,
reference [5].1 The differences between these two techniques
etc. Bond graphs are completely presented in reference [3].
are briefly discussed at the end of the paper.
This choice of generalized coordinate corresponds with tra-
Most derivations of Lagrange's equations are for exclusively dition and seems natural. However, one can use the analogs
mechanical systems and are faulty in that the state function of impulse and force variables. In bond graphs this "dual
called "kinetic energy" should really be called "kinetic coenergy" formulation" would be in terms of momentum, p, and effort,
since it is a Legendre transformation of" the energy. For me- e = p. For certain mechanical systems, this dual formulation
chanical systems, this distinction is of little practical importance, is not possible, [1], because the constraints may not be ex-
since the Newtonian mass law is linear and the kinetic energy pressible in terms of impulse variables alone. (In bond graph
and coenergy are numerically equal. The state function used terms we need displacement modulated transformers so we can't
is simply misnamed. However, when systems involve several write state functions in terms of momentum variables alone,
[3].) It is also possible to consider various mixed formulations
in which displacements are used in part of the system and
momenta in other parts. Examples of mixed formulations are
'Numbers in brackets designate References at end of paper.
given in Chapter 6 of [1]. The bond graph techniques dis-
Contributed by the Automatic Control Division for publication in the cussed below would aid in formulating mixed sets of generalized
received at ASME Headquarters, September 26, 1977. coordinates, but here we concentrate on one particular choice

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of generalized coordinate type. pression for the effort as a function of the displacement.
To set up the state functions for use in Lagrange's equations,
we seek a set of displacements, qi, q2, qz, • • •, g», and corre- dV(q)
= e(q). U)
sponding flows qi = fi, q2 = f2, q3 — fa, . . ., qn = /„ which are dq
complete and independent, [1], s 2 - 10. For the holonomic
systems to be discussed here such a set can be found which Similarly, for a cne-port I-element, the derivative of the kinetic
means t h a t every flow in t h e system can be expressed as a func- energy yields the constitutive law:
tion of qi, . . . , q„, qi, . . . , qn, and the <ji, .. ., q„ could be varied
independently without violating any constraints. Techniques dT(y)
involving the application of causal strokes will allow us to choose dp
= f(P)- (2)
t h e proper number of generalized coordinates.
However, if we intend to use displacements as generalized coor-
dinates, we need to invert t h e form of the constitutive law.
II State Functions This is accomplished through the use of the Legendre trans-
True stored energies are always expressed in terms of p formation of T{p) yielding the coenergy T*{f), [1]. The de-
(momentum) or q (displacement) variables, [3]. For traditional rivative of T* yields the constitutive law in inverse form
Lagrange equation formulations we need potential energies,
y(9i; 2»> •••) Qn) an -d kinetic coenergies T*{qh q2, ..., q„, qt, dT*
= PC/). (3)
qi, .. ., ?»). We retain these traditional names although for df
nonmechanical systems they are not always t h e most descrip-
tive of the type of energy involved. Potential energies are Lagrange's equations represent effort balances for the choice
associated with C-elements; kinetic coenergies are associated of displacements as generalized coordinates, so equation (3) is
with /-elements, I-C elements and sometimes with gyrators time-differentiated to yield the constitutive law in the proper
(junction structure elements can have coenergies even though form
they store no energy, [1], pp. 299-300). As a mnemonic de- d_ dT*(f) dp _
vice, we use a star to indicate coenergies as in [1]. eU> »(*)• (4)
dt df dt
T h e state functions needed for traditional Lagrange equa-
tions formulations are given in Table 1. The derivation and Similarly, the stored energy E(qip2) for the /C-field in Table 1
significance of these functions are basically given in [1] and would yield the constitutive laws as follows:
simply generalized through the use of the bond graph symbols
and variables. The state functions for the first three elements dffigi, Pi)
= ei(?i, pi), (5)
are explicitly discussed in [3], so only a cursory discussion need dqi
be given here.
dE(qi, Pi)
Energy and coenergy state functions can be used for con- Mqi, Pt)- (6)
servative elements in Lagrange's equations because derivatives
of these functions yield expressions representing the constitu- However, to recover efforts as functions of displacements and
tive laws of the elements in proper form. For example, for a flows, one needs to use T*(qi, f2) as given in Table 1. For this
one-port C, the derivative of the potential energy is an ex- coenergy
Table 1 State functions
Element Constitutive Relation State Functions

e = e(q) V(q) =f edq

f = g

Linear e = q/C 7(g) = q*/2C

f = f(p) T(p) = / fdp

T*(f) -fr- T(p)

Linear f = pn T(p) = p>/21
T*(f) = If/2

/ i = fi(Pi, q%) E(pi, qi) =

h f% = ?s
e2 = e2{ph q2) f fidpi + e2dq2
T*(fi, ?.) = /iPi ~ E{Vl, qi)

e\ = rf2 #(gi, p%) = / ei<*3i - fidpi,

= 0
rfi = e% E{pi, q%) = f fidpi — e%dqit
or = 0
Pi = {rq% + K2) r*(gi, /») = Pih ~ E(qi, p»)
(rqi + isTi) = p2 = (rgi + Ki)ft
K\, K2 arbitrary T*(Ji, a,) = Pi/i - E(.Pi, qi)
constants of
integration = {rq% + Ki)fi

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ar»(ai, /.) = ~ ei(qi,fi) (7)
3. Apply the required causality to t h e Artificial Source and
extend t h e causality as far as possible into t h e bond graph
using junction structure elements as in t h e normal causality
dT*(qhf,) assignment procedure, [3].
= pi(gi, A) (8)
dft 4. Return to 2, and continue until all bonds have been
causally oriented.
5. Label t h e flows on the artificial sources qi, qt, >.., qn
d dT*(qh g2)j d and use gi, g2, . . ., qn as generalized coordinates. At'this point
(9) every flow is determined as a function of t h e generalized veloc-
ities gi, g2, . . . , q„ and, for systems containing displacement
Thus we see that this T* will yield effort expressions as modulated transformers, as functions of the generalized coor-
functions of q, ^'variables. A similar coenergy is sometimes useful dinates also. (As we shall see in the examples to follow, certain
when gyrators are present in a system. An example of such a co- choices of sites for the artificial flow sources are particularly
energy for a voice-coil electromechanical transducer is shown natural.)
in [1], p . 299. Table 1 gives two Coenergies which m a y be 6. For the elements listed in Table 1, write the appropriate
used interchangeably. They are based on two formal expres- state functions in terms of gi, .. ., g„ and gi, . . . , g„ by reading
sions for stored energy both of which actually .vanish since a the causal marks.
gyrator is energy conservative b u t stores no energy. For the 7. For elements such as Se-^, R-*- write generalized effort
first listed coenergy we have expressions by reading causal marks and computing the parts
of t h e effort at the ith. artificial source due t o each noncon-
dT*(qi, /,) dE(qh ft)
ei(qi,fi) = rft. (10) servative element. For resistors, the causal marks indicate
dqi dqi how t o express the flow inputs as functions of the generalized
dT*(qi> ft) variables.
Pi = rqi + Kh (ID 8. Now apply the operations of Lagrange's equations to
generate equations of motion. This procedure is best illustrated
by means of a series of examples.
d dr*(4i,/i)
= pi = et rqs (12)
dt dft •Y Example Systems
Similar expressions for ei and e2 can be derived using the A A Simple Mechanical System. In Fig. 1, a mechanical sys-
second form for T* listed in Table 1. tem is shown which is easily analyzed by any method. The
bond graph of Fig. 1(6) has had the artificial flow sources added
ill Lagrange's Equations sequentially according to the procedure outlined above. Note
t h a t the bonds from the artificial sources are shown dashed
Given n independent and complete displacement generalized and with the sign half-arrow pointing into the source, (this
coordinates, gi, g2, ., ., g„, for a bond graph system, Lagrange's provides the correct sign for the generalized efforts). This
equations can be written in t h e following form: system has two flow degrees of freedom and the generalized
coordinates can be qi and g 2 a s indicated. The state functions
= Ei, i = 1, 2, (13) are evaluated as follows by observing the causal marks which
dt dqi dqi show how to relate various velocities to gi and g2:
where t h e Lagrangian L(gi, g2, . . . , q„, q\, g2, ., g„, i) is
V(qi, qt,t) = V»feige2+ V> W
L = T*(qu qt, ..., q„, qi, qt, in, t)
- V(qi, qt, ..., qn, t) (14)

and T* and V are t h e sums of all kinetic coenergies and po-

tential energies in t h e system. T h e quantities Ei are generalized
efforts corresponding t o g,- and accounting for effort components
from all elements which cannot be represented b y T* or V
s t a t e functions. These equations are stated without proof since
any bond graph could be interpreted as a mechanical system so
t h a t the standard direct or variational proofs apply. (See [1],
p . 132 for example.) Fig. 1(a) Schematic diagram
T h e main problem is to devise techniques for finding suit-
able generalized coordinates, expressing state functions correctly,
and for extracting generalized efforts. All this can be accom-
plished with the aid of a variation on t h e standard causality .fit
assignment procedure for bond graphs. T h e procedure is as R C R
1. Apply the required causality a t all effort and flow sources,
and use t h e junction structure elements t o extend causality
as far as possible within the bond graph. If causal conflicts
arise a t this stage, there is a fundamental contradiction within
1* ia i" i"
the bond graph model and it must be reformulated t o remove
t h e contradiction.
2. Choose a one-junction for which the flow is not yet causally
determined or insert a one-junction into any causally undeter- Fig. 1(b) Bond graph with artificial flow sources
mined bond, and attach an Artificial Flow Source to the one-
junction. Fig. 1 Example system

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= V2 hiqt2 + V J htqw2 = 1/i fcoi(?s - qiY where N is the effective number of turns, / is the current, and
2 2
X is the flux linkage variable (X = voltage).
+ V J fefe - 313) = VJ M « O ( 0 - gi) Combining equations (21) and (22) we have a variable in-
+ V J AIJ(?I - qzY- (15) ductance relation for t h e magnet.
r*(gi, 92, 3i, &,*) = V J mi/a + V J WJ/I4 2 2S
/ = (23)
2 2 Us) HoAN2
= V J mi?i + VJ OT2?2 . (16)
where L is the inductance.
Note t h a t the effects of real flow sources are included in the
computation of state functions. This is illustrated by the role Using the techniques of reference [3], we compute the stored
of 3o(0 in equation (15) for example. Effort sources and re- energy as
sistors enter into the determination of the generalized efforts. X2 2S
The effort on the artificial flow source for gi is determined E(s, X) = Vi (24)
2L(S) HoAN*
partly by the C- and /-elements and by Rt, and Rn. The C-
and /-elements are taken care of by T* and V so we need only The kinetic coenergy in terms of displacement and flow vari-
compute the part of ei due to Re and Ru as follows: ables according to Table 1 is, in this case
Ei = e7 — eg = e4 — eio = ee — en, T*(s, I) = IX - E(S, X) (25)
= boi/e — 6 i i / u = 601/4 — &12/10, 2
= V J L(S)P = VJ P
= 601 (/• — fi) — &u(/» — fit), 2S

= &oi(*o(0 - gi) - &n(gi - g»). (17) In Fig. 2(c) the basic bond graph is shown with some of the
physical variable symbols from reference [4]. In Fig. 2(d),
This determination of Ei proceeds exactly in the way one uses
the artificial flow sources have been added, and the bonds are
to write state equations for bond graphs which have causality
applied normally, [3], except one must simply neglect effort
components from elements already represented by state func-
In a similar way, E% is found. AAIL
Refe t-ence Line- 3
Ei = eiB + en = E0(t) + eM = Ea(t) + en,

= E0(f) + W u = E0(t) + bafw,

= E0(t) + ba(J» - /is) = #o(0 + Mil - «»)•

Substituting equations (15), (16), (17), and (18) into equations
(13) and (14), the equations of motion are

TOig'i + foi(qi — «o(0) = &oi(*o(0 — 3i) — 612(31 — 32), (19)

Wkgj + kii(qt — 31) = E„(f) + ba(qi — g2). (20)
Fig. 2(a) Schematic diagram
These two equations m a y be arranged as two second-order
equations with forcing terms on the right-hand side or as four
first-order state equations using 31, /1, g2, / 2 as the state variables.
M. 3.
B Magnetic Suspension Example. An idealized model of the
suspension system of a high speed train is shown schematically /
in Fig. 2(a). This model is taken from reference [4] as is most Fig. 2(b) Development of IC-field
of the notation shown on the figure. For concreteness, an
idealized analytical model of the magnet will be discussed in
which only t h e reluctance of the two air gaps are considered.
By fitting parameters to experimental data, a mors realistic m
model can be made, [4].
Using techniques outlined in reference [3], Chapter 9, one
U(i). Y
V s •A
may either consider the flux-magnetomotive force variables or 9
c Tn 6 „ try-tE^
represent the magnet as an electromechanical /C-field as shown
in Fig. 2(6). Here, we outline briefly the computation of t h e
Tf 3 I a
• / K
¥0 4
/C-field state function as presented in Table 1. Fig. 2(c) Bond graph with physical variables and parameters

The constitutive law of the magnet, considering only the

reluctance of the two air gaps is

M = ^<t> (21)

where M is the magnetomotive force, /xo the permittivity of

free space, A the fluxpath area, 8 the air gap and 0 the flux
[3]. The constitutive laws of the electromagnetic gyrator are

NI = M Fig. 2(d) Bond graph with artificial sources

X = N<}> (22) Fig. 2 Magnetic suspension example

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referred to by numbers only. Using the causality shown, one
may write state functions and generalized efforts as follows:

1 ft J. 1/ [ti°AN2~\ /a 2

, ., r I*AN* "I 2
A m?22 + Va ?i , (26)
|_ 2(g, - gift)) _
T^i - /""=• force
7 = 0, (27) Fig. 3(a) Schematic diagram
Bi = e» - e^ = U(t) - Rqi, (28)

Et = eio = mg + E.(t) (29)

We are now in a position to write the equations of motion
using Lagrange's equations.
d / noAN* \ HoAN2
dt \ 2{q, - 9,(0) ) * ~ 2(g2 - q,(t))
_ poANtqijqs - qijt))
= 17«) - Rqi, (30)
2fe - <M0)2 \fi \h.
HoAN*qi 2 1 1
= mg + E,{t). (31)
(g» - 91(f))1 Fig. 3(b) Bond graph with artificial flow sources
These equations may be rewritten in physical variables by
substituting I for qi, z for gr2, and ft for q7. The equations corre- Fig. 3 Voice coil example
spond to those given in reference [4].
C Voice Coil Transducer Example. The example system of Pig.
3 is taken from reference [1] Section 6.3 and illustrates the use
of the gyrator entries in Table 1. The bond graph of Fig. 3(6)
has two artificial sources and the causal marks already applied.
The two efforts e6 and e7 must either come from a coenergy
state function or be included in the computation of the gen-
eralized efforts Ei and E2. Here the former approach is illus-
trated. The state functions are
moineni of
= V> i/a 2 + V. m/s2 + T(q7 + K)f, iner-fta, J

= 'A Lqf + V» mtf + T(g» + K)qi (32)

where T is the gyrator transduction constant and the constant
K will disappear upon differentiation. The gyrator coenergy Fig. 4(a) Schematic diagram
corresponds to the final entry in Table 1.
7 = »/» k(qa - z„)2 = V» *(?» - z0)2. (33)
The generalized efforts are
Ei = E,(t) - Rft = E,(t) - Rqr, (34) •X = -r stti B
y = r cose
E2 = - eio = - 6/to = - bqt. (35)
LyJ {.cosO -rsin6i\.dl
Lagrange's equations are
Fig. 4(b) Kinematic relationships
Lq\ + Ren + Tq% = E,(t), (36)
mq\ + bq2 - Tqi + k(qi - x0) = 0, (37)
in which the typical form for gyroscopic coupling in Lagrange's
equations appears.
" stnS
D Example With Displacement Modulated Transformers. In
Fig. 4, a system is shown in which the type of geometric non-
linearity typical for mechanical systems appears. The mass m L

is representable by two /-elements if the inertial coordinates x, I

y are used, but because of the construction of the device, r,
0 coordinates are convenient. The displacement modulated
multiport transformer law relating x, y to r, 6, r, 0 is derived
V r V 1 fcS\ GY-^i\
in Fig. 4(6) and represented in the bond graph of Fig. 4(c).
(See [3].)
Although the bond graph is quite easily found by using r Fig. 4(c) Bond graph with artificial sources
and 6 as natural variables to describe the geometry and then
translating into the inertial coordinates x, y, the attempt to Fig. 4 Example with displacement modulated transformers

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derive state equations using the standard procedure generates
7o*y«tf from
an unpleasant nonlinear algebraic loop. This is because the Hydraulic
state variables for m will be the x and y momenta, and one must
solve for r and 6 in terms of x and y, i.e., the algebraic loop
essentially inverts the matrix appearing in Fig. 4(b). In other
cases, derivative causality can appear in combination with alge-
braic loops which means t h a t while the normal equation writing
techniques for bond graphs m a y still be applied, the operations
can be exceedingly complex.
On t h e other hand, Lagrange's equations using displacements
as generalized coordinates are particularly suitable for such (a) HA,V>
systems. The bond graph of Fig. 4(c) has had artificial sources Fig. 5(a) Sketch of mechanism
attached and the causality applied according to the procedure
of Section I I I . With some experience, it is possible to follow
the causal marks without numbering all the bonds and to use
the physical variable names rather than the bond graph gen- s
eralized variable names. We illustrate this by writing the state f ** T l?r
functions and generalized efforts directly from Fig. 4(c).
T* = '/» LqS + V, Jtf + (Tqi + K)q2 + V, mx' + V, my*
= V J Lqi* + V, JB^ + (Tqi + K)k + V, m(r sin 0 s ^" r J> ,
+ Br cos 6y + y 2 m(r cos 8 - Br sin 8)K (38) 5K-; 1 I GY H %3*r
* (i)
V = V> Wi - BY + V* kr(r - r„)». (39) Fig. 5(b) Bond graph with 3-port representation of mechanism

Ei = E(t) - Rqi. (40) Fig. 5 Example with rigid bodies

E% = - bq, = - bd\. (41)

E, = 0. (42)

Ei = 0. (43)
T* = 'A hfr + »A h(<i> cos 6 - i/02
The equations of motion are then
Lqi - T6y = E(t) - Rqi, (44)
/ih6* + iuh{<l> sin ey
+ V> M {(Ldy + (L • sin <M) 2 ]. (48)
J&i + Tqi + kt(6i - 6) = - b0i, (45)
V = mg(- LcoaB), (49)
mr'B + ImrrB + kt(8 - 0i) = 0, (46)
which takes care of t h e gravity force. The bond graph does aid
mf — mrB2 + k,(r — r 0 ) = 0, (47)
in writing the generalized efforts associated with friction at the
where the derivation can be simplified by recognizing t h a t the 6 and § joints. The remainder of the state functions and the
kinetic coenergy terms in equation (38) naay be reduced to generalized efforts are derived from the bond graph exactly as
Vs m(r* -f r2$2) by the use of trigonometric identities. in the previous examples. Using equations (48) and (49), the
complex nonlinear equations due to the three-dimensional rigid
E Example With Rigid Bodies. The algebraic difficulties which body motion are readily found by applying the mechanics of
arise even in plane motion of a particle as in the previous ex- Lagrange's equations.
ample are compounded when rigid bodies can move in three
dimensions. Fig. 5 shows a system in which the lower disk
can move in a complicated way. A detailed bond graph can be
V Conclusions and a Word of Caution
made for this system (see reference [3], p. 393 for a similar Lagrange's equations which were originally derived for me-
example) but when causality is applied in the normal manner, chanical systems can be usefully applied t o any system anal-
derivative causality and nonlinear algebraic loops complicate ogous t o a mechanical system. As demonstrated, bond graphs
the writing of the state equations to such a degree t h a t an easier provide a convenient way to establish generalized coordinates,
alternative method is highly desirable. generalized forces and to compute state functions for a wide
As was perhaps obvious in the previous example, it may be variety of physical systems. T h e normal techniques for writing
possible to write state functions for the mechanical part of a first-order state equations from bond graphs are occasionally
system without using the bond graph at all. Thus, in Fig. 5(6), awkward due to algebraic difficulties and t h e quite different
the mechanical part of the system has simply been represented causalities associated with Lagrange's equations often provide
by the word "Mechanism" and three ports representing inter- a more convenient alternative route to system equations. These
actions associated with the three generalized coordinates, 6, $ , equations will be n second-order equations and for some pur-
and x. The remainder of t h e system, which is hard to show in a poses will need to be converted to first-order equations.
sketch, is readily represented by normal bond graph elements. There are many possible sets of generalized coordinates, dis-
In order to write the equations of motion for such a system placements, momenta, and mixtures of displacements and mo-
it is convenient to write Lagrange's equations for the entire menta. We have only discussed the traditional displacement
system. As the bond graph of Fig. 5(6) shows, artificial sources coordinates since they will work for geometrically nonlinear
are readily added as in previous examples and Lagrange's equa- mechanical systems. The idea of representing the complicated
tions will apply without difficulty. T h e only skill required mechanical parts of a system by means of a sketch and energy
beyond t h a t exhibited in previous examples is the ability to and coenergy expressions and the rest by conventional bond
write T* and V for the mechanical system components directly graph elements as in Fig. 5 is particularly attractive. There is
from the sketch in Fig. 5(a). In this case the results are as probably no better way to derive equations of motion for such
follows: a system although one pays for this convenience by t h e lack

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of expressions for workless constraint forces. given Lagrangian, [5]. Using such techniques one could create
One should be aware, however, that not all conceivable power- a bond graph representation for "Mechanism" in Fig. 5. jf
conservative elements have co-energy expressions. If one tries ones only goal is the writing of the equations of motion, there
to generalize the T* expressions for — OY — in Table 1 to a is no need to do this, however.
modulated OY (as would be required for example for a sep-
arately excited d-c motor) one finds that r cannot simply be References
considered to be a function of time. One simply has no inte-
grated relation between p\ and q% or between q\ and p2 unless r 1 Crandall, S. H., Karnopp, D. C, Kurtz, E. F., Pridmore-
Brown, D. C , Dynamics of Mechanical and Electromechanical
is constant. This means that if the gyiators in Fig. 3 or Fig. 4 Systems, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1968.
were not constant, one would need to put the gyrator effort 2 White, D. C , and Woodson, H. H., Electromechanical
contributions in the generalized forces rather than to include Energy Conversion, Wiley, New York, 1959.
them in T*. In fact, the effort contributions of any and all 3 Karnopp, D. C , and Rosenberg, R. C, System Dynamics:
A Unified Approach, Wiley, New York, 1975.
elements can be put into the generalized efforts, but it is norm- 4 Gottzein, E., and Lange, B., "Magnetic Suspension Control
ally much better to use T* and V expressions when possible. Systems for the MBB High Speed Train," Automatica, Vol 11
Finally, it should be pointed out that we have here emphasized 1975, pp. 271-284.
5 Brown, F. T., "Lagrangian Bond Graphs," JOURNAL OP
the writing of Lagrange's equations for given bond graphs. DYNAMIC SYSTEMS, MEASUREMENT, AND CONTROL, TRANS
It is also possible to construct bond graphs consistent with a ASME, Series G, Vol. 94, No. 3, Sept. 1972, pp. 213-221.

306 / DECEMBER 1977 Transactions of the ASME

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