Social Studies hw2

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AY 2022-23 Subject : SST HW NUMBER : 2

Term : 3 Week-2 Date of Issue : 23/03/2023 Due date of Submission : 23/03 -


Name of the student : Daffa kaindra Year/Division : 8 b

Marked By: Total Marks: ………./10

LESSON1- TOPIC1 (Page 92/93)

Qn Max
Questions: diagram based questions;
No Marks

Observe this diagram carefully and answer the following questions:

Name two greenhouse gas which we add to the air.

1 Carbon dioxide and methane 2

What is greenhouse gas? acts like a blanket to keep the earth warm
2 with out it earth temperature will be -18c 2

3 How does the methane increase in the atmosphere? 3

4 Why do we need greenhouse gases? 3

Q4. without green house gas earth temperature will decrease and its average will
be -18c too cold for anything to live

Q3. Methane is way more better in trapping heat

than carbon dioxide and hold more heat thus
making it a dangerous greenhouse gas
AY 2022-23 Subject : SST HW NUMBER : 2

Term : 3 Week-2 Date of Issue : 23/03/2023 Due date of Submission : 23/03 -


Name of the student : Year/Division : 8

Marked By: Total Marks: ………./10

LESSON2 – TOPIC1 (Page 92/93)

Qn Max
Questions: diagram based question
No Marks

Observe the diagram carefully and answer the questions given

What was the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in1750?
1 about 280 million 2

2 What is the amount of carbon dioxide emission in 1950? about 300 million
. State the amount of carbon dioxide emission in 2000. 400 million
3 2
Suggest any one reason for the growth of Carbon Dioxide in the
4 atmosphere. 2

the industrial revolution introduce factories which use fossil fuel to function and
thus creating alot of it
AY 2022-23 Subject : SST HW NUMBER : 2

Term : 3 Week-2 Date of Issue : 23/03/2023 Due date of Submission : 23/03 -


Name of the student : Year/Division : 8

Marked By: Total Marks: ………./10

5 Name any two fossil fuel.

coal and oil

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