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Chapter 5 Reading Guide

Equal Protection Clause- a provision of the Fourteenth Amendment that requires the states to treat all

residents equally under the law

What is the difference between Civil Rights vs Civil Liberties?

Civil rights are the guarantees by the government that it will treat people equally, particularly people
belonging to groups that have historically been denied the same rights and opportunities as others.


Civil Liberties are limitations on government power designed to protect our fundamental freedoms

Rational Basis Test- the standard used by the courts to decide most forms of discrimination; the
burden of proof is on those challenging the law or action to demonstrate there is no good reason for
treating them differently from other citizens

What are three things we, as Americans, can use to determine if it is considered discrimination?

Strict scrutiny, intermediate scrutiny, and affirmative action.

Chapter 6 Reading Guide

Where do our opinions come from?

People form their political opinions based on their beliefs, attitude, family, friends, media, events, and

Political Socialization- the process of learning the norms and practices of a political system through

others and societal institutions

Diffuse Support-the widespread belief that a country and its legal system are legitimate

Explain the US Political Spectrum as it relates to this picture: (207-208)

People who have left-wing ideologies in the United States identify with beliefs on the left side of the
spectrum that prioritize equality, whereas those on the right side of the spectrum emphasize control.

Define the two types of polls and how are they different.

A favorability poll is a public opinion poll that measures a public’s positive feelings about a candidate or


A push poll is politically biased campaign information presented as a poll in order to change minds.

They are different because one’s purpose is to influence public opinion, while the other’s purpose is to
measure it.

What are three problems with polls?

1: Timing

2: Human nature

3: Voters’ lack of knowledge

Political Culture- the prevailing political attitudes and beliefs within a society or region
Bandwagon Effect-increased media coverage of candidates who poll high

Page 230. Read “Finding a Middle Ground” Answer the following question: Should exit polls be banned?
Why or Why not?

I think that exit polls should be banned because they can affect voter turnout and can be untruthful.
They can also report on it early and influence peoples votes.

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