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Algebra 2 Syllabus

What Works 1. Respect. Please respect people. Everyone has something valuable to add to our

2. Please be on time. If you are late, a gnome will walk out from underneath my desk and stab
you in the shin with a plastic spoon. It wont hurt, but its really annoying so dont be late. Seriously, you will serve a lunch detention on the same day (periods 1 5), or the following day (periods 6 -7). You will also receive a parent phone call.

3. Be prepared: bring your math notebook/binder, pencil, homework, your brain, and
enthusiasm to class every day. 4. Participate and have fun!

Organization and Supplies

Bring a notebook or binder devoted to precalculus and all its glory, an awesome TI-83 graphing calculator, and pencils. Not pens. P-E-N-C-I-L-S. The gnome under the desk does not like pens, so either bring pencils or shin guards. Every student needs a graphing calculator. If you cannot obtain a calculator, you may rent one from the school for a fee that is refunded upon the safe return of the calculator. Please see Mr. Frank for a rental form. But be careful when passing by his desk.

Homework is for your benefit in order to practice, make mistakes, and learn from those mistakes. That is all I have to say on the matter.

Absent: Students who are absent should check the class blog for missed notes, assignments, etc. Grading Policy Ok this is going to be weird. But here are the basics. 90% of your grade is called assessments and will be based on the standards for the course. Each standard will be based on a 4 point scale. Each standard will be assessed at a minimum of two times. Your score will work on a decaying average. Your most current grade counts for 65% of your score, 35% will be from the previous score. 10% of your grade will be based on homework completion.

Reassessments: You can reassess each standard one time (cough), but you must fill out an application for reassessment online 48 hours prior to the reassessment date. I will decide based on your application whether you are ready for the reassessment, and if not I will let you know what you need to do to show me you are ready to reassess. You must also have hard evidence of effort to master the objective. For example, you came in for re-teaching with me, you performed quiz corrections, you worked out homework problems, you came in for extra tutoring, you explained the concept to me, etc. If you use the word retake instead of reassess your application will automatically be denied.
Extra Help

I am available for help in room E 213 from 6:45AM 7:15AM Monday Friday, and from 2:20 3:00 (maybe longer) Monday through Thursday. I will also be available during lunch. If I am not in my room during lunch please look for me in the math office, I know I seem pretty invincible, but I actually need food to survive as well .
All students and parents should have access to our online grade system, Edline, at Grades will be posted regularly.

Class Blog Our class blog is located at Please visit often and make meaningful contributions. Please ask and answer questions for each other. Have fun, be respectful and ethical. Please do not post pictures or full names of yourself or other students. Remember, once you post something on the internet, it is there forever even if you delete it.

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