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It's Not Living (If It's Not With You)

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: ENHYPEN (Band)
Relationship: Lee Heeseung/Sim Jaeyun | Jake, Lee Heeseung & Sim Jaeyun | Jake
Character: Lee Heeseung, Sim Jaeyun | Jake, Park Sunghoon (ENHYPEN), Yang
Jungwon, Kim Sunoo (ENHYPEN), Park Jongseong | Jay, Nishimura
Riki | Ni-ki
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, heejake, a little bit of sunsun,
and wonki, jay is a social butterfly, idk how to tag, This is my first time,
anyway enjoy, It's not living (if it's not with you), Aged-Up Character(s),
Angst, Fluff
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-03-07 Completed: 2022-04-04 Chapters: 16/16 Words:

It's Not Living (If It's Not With You)

by ramyeonzie


Calloused hands, chapped lips, bruises all over his face and hands, red hair, black clothes,
and death glares are what make Lee Heeseung the scariest student in their school. Well,
based on the other students' stories.

He’s the complete opposite of the Student Council President, Sim Jaeyun, who has the
sweetest smile, soft eyes and voice, and a very approachable aura.

Despite their differences and attitudes that would always clash, Heeseung always made sure
that Jaeyun would be safe and away from all of the trouble that he had caused. But until
then, how long will he hide behind those scary glares?


tw // mention of blood , violence , drinking

I will add more warnings if needed. If you're uncomfortable with the mentioned warnings
above, please do not proceed.

Also, please excuse my typographical and grammatical errors, as I do not proofread my

See the end of the work for more notes

“Yah! Sim Jaeyun!” someone shouted from the back, making Jaeyun turn around only to see his
best friend, Park Sunghoon, with his boyfriend, Kim Sunoo.

“Why are you being so loud? It’s just 7 o'clock in the morning," Jaeyun complained as he waited
for the couple to come close.

“He’s being dumb again because he wants to eat outside for lunch,” Sunoo replied that made
Sunghoon pout.

“We could eat samgyup, you know?” he said.

“Yeah, no. I’m busy,” Jaeyun said while walking towards the SC Office with his friends.

“You’re always busy!” Sunghoon said and sighed as he sat down on Jaeyun’s swivel chair in the

“It’s something inevitable, Hoon. Especially because of my position,” he says.

Sunghoon rolled his eyes and made Sunoo and Jaeyun chuckle.

Sunghoon was always like that. Well, based on Jaeyun’s observation for the past 19 years that
they’ve been friends. The younger was loud and dumb, but in certain instances where he doesn’t
get his way, like today, he’ll be a brat.

“Just try to finish your work early so you can eat with us. You’ve been super busy the past few
weeks to the point you don’t eat or rest anymore,” Sunoo said, voice laced with concern.

“Yeah, I’ll try,” Jaeyun said before shooing Sunghoon from his chair.

“Well then, we’ll leave you alone.” Sunoo said before pulling Sunghoon out from the office.
Jaeyun just sighed and shook his head as he stared at his desk that was full of papers that he needed
to sign, review, revise, and make.


Jaeyun released a yawn when he finished typing his report for their research subject next week. He
got home at 5 PM as per Sunoo’s request for him to take a rest, and so he did comply, maybe.

He sighed and looked at the digital clock beside his bed. It was 9 PM already and he had forgotten
to eat dinner, despite his parents' calling him earlier. He got so caught up in schoolwork that he
didn’t even hear them.

He stood up and got his hoodie from his cabinet, as well as his wallet and keys, before heading out
of his room to go to the kitchen. As expected, everything was in the fridge already, so he just
decided to go out and buy some food at the convenience store.


He sighed once again while walking to the convenience store. He felt his tummy grumble due to
hunger, so he held it while pouting. He was about to turn right when he heard low groans from a
narrow aisle.

He wanted to ignore it because of fear, but this other voice in his head, the good side in him,
wanted him to turn and go down the narrow aisle and help the guy who seemed to be having a hard
time based on his loud breathing and groans.

He grunted and walked towards the narrow aisle. While he’s getting closer and closer, he feels an
unexplainable and painful beating in his heart. It was because he was nervous as hell. When he was
near enough, he faked a cough and spoke.

“Hi? Do you need some…” he asked, unsure. He didn’t really want to do this but he can’t
help it.

“Go away,” the guy said, which made Jaeyun’s forehead crease.
“Why would I? It seems like you need help,”

“I don’t so go,”

“Really?” he asked and took a step closer that made the guy from the dark and narrow aisle move

“Fuck. Just go. I don’t need your help,” he hissed.

“You clearly do,” Jaeyun said and stepped closer until he finally got to see the guy’s face. That
made him stop in his tracks. He felt like he stopped breathing for a second when he saw his face in
the light that was provided by the bright full moon.

“I don’t,” he said with gritted teeth. Red hair was messy and bruises all over his knuckles and face.

Jaeyun let out a very loud sigh before approaching the guy.

“Come on, get up. Let’s go to the convenience store. There’s also a pharmacy nearby. We need to
treat your bruises.” Jaeyun said and offered his shaky hands that received a glare.

“I said go. Fuck, don’t you understand that? I don’t need your fucking help.” he said.

“And leave you here to die? That’s not included in the choice, Lee.”

“You know me?”

Jaeyun raised one of his brows because of what he heard.

“Yeah, based on the student’s story, you're a notorious gangster. Plus, we were classmates two
years ago. Don’t tell me you don’t know me?” Jaeyun asked, shocked.
“I don’t…?”

“God! Lee Heeseung, we’ve been classmates since first grade and you don’t know me?!”

“I don’t pay attention to naggers and losers,” Jaeyun snorted because of what he heard.

“Fine. If you don’t want to come with me then freeze to death. I’m famished and I don’t have the
energy to deal with you,” Jaeyun said and was about to leave when he heard Heeseung’s voice.

“W…. wait,” he whispered but it was enough for Jaeyun to hear.

“What?” Jaeyun asked.

“I’ll….come,” he said.

“Okay, let’s go.” Jaeyun said and was about to come near him to help him when Heeseung stopped

“I can walk on my own. I’m not a 5 year old who needs to be assisted just because he has bruises,”
he said and it was obvious that he’s mad but that didn’t bother Jaeyun that much so he just rolled
his eyes.


When they reached the convenience store, he immediately faced Heeseung, only to be greeted by
his pale face with bruises and chapped lips with blood on the side. His hair was messy and his
clothes were dirty. He was also holding onto the side of his waist.

Jaeyun breathed in and out before looking at the taller guy who was already looking at him.

“Wait there and I’ll just go to the pharmacy beside this store. You can also get whatever you want
but please do wait for me,” he said before going out of the store again and ran towards the
pharmacy beside it.
“Good evening,” the lady standing beside the pharmacist greeted him.

“Hi, uhm, I would like some painkillers and wait here,” he said and went near one of the racks that
had alcohol, wipes, betadine, bandages and gauze. He even got cotton and ointments. “Here,”

The pharmacist and the lady eyed him curiously. It’s as if they’re judging him.

“I’m already 19. I need these because my friend hurt himself while cooking,” he reasoned , earning
a chuckle from the two ladies in front of him.

“You know how to use these, right?” the pharmacist asked while the other lady was packing the
things he bought.

“Yep. I’m a nursing student,” he said and smiled to which the pharmacist answered with a smile.

“That’s great! Here you go,” she said and exchanged with Jaeyun. He got the plastic and she got his
cash. “Thank you and please do tell your friend to be careful,”

“Will do! Thanks.” he said and ran out of the pharmacy and rushed to the convenience store where
he saw Heeseung waiting outside just like how he told him too.

“Come in,” he said and went inside the convenience store.

He rushed through the rack that had a lot of ramyeons. He got one and stared at the young lad
beside him.

“What do you want?” he asked, to which Heeseung answered with an action. He also got the same
ramyeon that Jaeyun got.

They then proceeded to the rack full of drinks that were in a sachet. Heeseung got the cucumber
drink while Jaeyun got the coffee one.

“Are you sure about that? Because if you don’t finish that one, I won’t drink it for you,” Jaeyun
said while chuckling.

“Cucumber is my favorite drink.” Heeseung deadpans. The former avoided the older’s gaze and
faked a cough.

“I…I want ice!” he said, and he went first to the freezer that was full of ice in a cup. “And,
chocolate mousse slices too! You should get one too!”

“Yeah,” Heeseung said and got one slice of ice cream that has mocha flavor.

Jaeyun then went to the counter to pay for their food. He was about to pull out his wallet when
Heeseung handed his card first.


“What?” Heeseung asked and looked at the smaller boy with nothing but boredom in his eyes.
Jaeyun sighed and pursed his lips before avoiding his gaze again.

They sat outside and silently opened and ate their food.

“I have to treat your wounds,” Jaeyun said as he placed his chopsticks on the container of the

“Later. After we ate,” Heeseung said but the former just shooked his head.

“I can see you wincing every time you put something in your mouth.”

“Treating it immediately won’t lessen the pain. Plus, I’m eating. The ointment will just spread.”

“Fine. You’re so hard headed.”

“You’re one to tell,”


“Stop moving!” Jaeyun said when Heeseung pulled his face again.

“It hurts, okay?” the younger sighed and placed his hands on his waist while looking at the older
with a raised eyebrow.

“Really? Because if it does, then you would’ve been smart enough to avoid the punches. Plus!
What’s that on your tummy?” he asked and pointed at Heeseung’s hand that had been holding his
waist since they arrived.


“Really? Then you would let me look at it, right?” he asked.

“What? No!”

Jaeyun didn’t listen and went straight ahead to Heeseung’s hand and removed it, which caught the
latter off guard.


“Oh my,” Jaeyun said as he stared at the big wound that Heeseung had been hiding.

“I just said no.” Heeseung grunted.

“Where’d you get that?”

“You don’t have to know.”

“I have to because I’m also going to clean that! Do you even see how much blood you have already
lost because of it?”

“I don’t care. Can I just go home?”

“Not until I clean that!”

Heeseung snorted and rolled his eyes before nodding. “Fine.”

And so Jaeyun continued what he was doing earlier. He cleaned Heeseung’s face and hands as he
treated his wounds and bruises, and when he finally reached the part where he had to clean his big
wound on his waist, he heaved a sigh.

“This will hurt,” he said.

“I don’t care,”

“Oh, yeah. Right. It’s because you let them hit you and even wound your tummy, so I guess it’s
alright if I don’t treat you with so much care, right?” Jaeyun sarcastically said that made Heeseung
roll his eyes again.

“Just do your thing, It’s getting uncomfortable. You know, displaying my waist here while waiting
for you to treat it.” Heeseung said, gritting his teeth

Jaeyun pouted but happily obliged as he slowly damped the cotton with betadine onto Heeseung’s
skin. Despite being irritated with the older guy’s attitude, he still tried his best to move with so
much care just to not hurt him.

“So, you’re a nursing student?” Heeseung asked, which made Jaeyun raise his head.

“Huh? Yeah. How’d you know?”

“It’s on your wallet a while ago. Your ID is on the picture pocket.” Jaeyun’s eyebrows were raised
because of the information he heard. He then nodded and threw a glance at the older guy that he
was treating.

“And you are a Chemical Engineering student, right?” he asked. Heeseung clicked his tongue and


“Done.” Jaeyun said as he tapped the side of Heeseung's wound.

“Ouch.” the older guy said that made the younger guy chuckle.

“Sorry,” he said as he cleaned the table. Heeseung stood up and helped him.

When they were done, Jaeyun faced the taller and older guy, hands in his pocket and was sunk in
his hoodie.

“Please be careful and don’t add any more bruises to your body, especially on your face.”

“I don’t really need your concern, but... thanks I guess?” Heeseung said and avoided the Jaeyun’s

“Well then, it’s nice to meet you, but I hope we don’t have to see each other again when you are in
that kind of state.”

Heeseung nodded as his lips started to form a small smile, "Sure."


Jaeyun couldn’t help but show his pout as he walked down the hallway of his school.

He got home around 11PM last night because of the ‘trouble’ he encountered while he was on his
way to the convenience store.

“Yun!” he heard someone shout. He quickly fixed his posture, clothes and hair before placing a
smile on his lips as he faced the guy who called him.

“Good morning, Seong.” he greeted his friend.

“Where were you yesterday? When our training finished, you weren’t at your office anymore. I
wanted to treat you and the other guys to dinner,” he said.

“Oh, what time did your team finish?” Jaeyun asked as he opens their office,

“Hmm, around 7 o’clock? Heeseung came home right after, so he wasn’t there, but some of our
friends were. Jungwon and Riki? They were there. I also invited Sunoo and Sunghoon, actually,”

“Oh. I was home by then,” Jaeyun said. Jongseong’s forehead creased and his brows furrowed.

“Where were you?!” he asked again, as if he wanted to make sure that he heard Jaeyun well. .

“At home. Making our report.” Jaeyun said and showed a shy smile as he sat down on his swivel
chair. The older guy followed and sat in the chair in front of his desk.

“Why?” he asked.

“Huh? What do you mean why?” Jaeyun asked.

“You never go home early. Our training finishes at 6:30 and I always wait for you until 8PM.”
Jongseong said that made Jaeyun chuckle.

“Okay, so what’s your point then? You always wait for me when I go home late and I didn’t wait
for you? What do you want me to do? Treat you?” he asked while smiling at his friend but
Jongseong just frowned.

“No! My question is why did you go home early?”

“Oh, Sunoo begged. He said that I should go home early or else he and Sunghoon would pull me
out of here and force me.” Jaeyun said and giggled that’s why Jongseong shooked his head while

“How about today? Let’s eat ramen! I’ll call my friends and you call Sunghoon and Sunoo.”

“Lunch?” Jaeyun asked while he’s fixing his things on his desk, that's why Jongseong nodded and
stood up to help him.

“Yeah. If you’re available.”

“Yeah, sure.” Jaeyun answered with a smile.

“It’s settled then! See you later,” Jongseong said as he left the office.

Jaeyun just nodded and turned his back from the door as he was finding some files on their drawer
when he suddenly heard the door open again.

“Seong? Why? Did you forget some—oh,” he wasn’t able to finish his sentence when he saw the
same cold stare and red hair from the guy that he was with last night.

“You’re with Jongseong.” it wasn’t a question, but a statement.

“Yeah,” Jaeyun answered as Heeseung walked closer to him. “What are you doing here?”
“I, uhm,” the older guy sighed and held his nape as he looked at his shoes. “I don’t wanna be rude
so I just wanted to say thank you for helping me last night. I was just a little bit drunk so I was

“You’re always rude.” Jaeyun suddenly said that’s why Heeseung raised his head. Amusement was
visible from his face. He smirked and nodded.

“Well, yeah but still, thank you.” he said.

Jaeyun was about to answer when the door suddenly opened loudly, even hitting the drawer beside
it. This caused Jaeyun to jolt because of surprise and fear, while Heeseung just laughed.

“Oh God. So it's true?!” Sunoo asked, which made Jaeyun’s brow furrow because of confusion.

“What? And how many times do I have to tell you to open the door carefully?” Jaeyun said as he
sat down on his chair to calm down his surprised heart.

“I—you know that I can’t calm down when I have so many questions in my head!” Sunoo shouted
as he threw his bag at Jaeyun’s desk that’s why he received a glare from the latter. “Sorry,”

“Well then, I’ll leave the two of you alone. Thanks again, Sim.” Heeseung said without throwing a
glance at Sunoo and left the office.

Sunoo looked at Jaeyun, shocked, as he sat down and started rambling about random things that he
could think of.

“Why is he here? What is he doing here? Why are you together? Why is he saying "thank you"?
He didn’t look at me, but he showed you a smile! Oh God, what’s happening? What’s with the two
of—” Sunoo wasn’t able to finish his sentence when Jaeyun suddenly hushed him using his index
finger while his other hand continued to scroll on the mouse and he was still on the screen of his

“Shut up and calm down,” he said. Sunoo pursed his lips and nodded.
“I will but you have to tell me everything,” Jaeyun sighed and nodded as he looked at the younger

“We were together last night,” he started.

“You were what?! Oh God, what did you guys do?” Sunoo asked, eyes widened because of

“Oh God! Sunoo! We were just together. We ate, and I treated his wounds. That's all! Why do you
make it sound like we did something else? God, the guy didn’t even know I existed until last
night!” Jaeyun said that’s why Sunoo calmed down.

He sat down again and stared at his friend, whom he had met because of Sunghoon.

“Sure?” Sunoo asked. Jaeyun sighed and face-palmed.

“Sunoo, we are not even close. I just happened to be there when he needed help. That’s all,”

Sunoo pouted and nodded as he started a new topic that made Jaeyun smile.

He loves it whenever Sunoo and Sunghoon are like this to him, despite being a snob with different
people. They would be sweet and soft just to match his energy.


“So, we are going to eat with him?!” Sunoo asked again as he, Sunghoon, and Jaeyun walked
toward the ramen place that Jongseong had told them about.

“Yes.” Jaeyun answered.

“Since when did they become close again?” Sunghoon asked again.
“Babe, I already told you the whole story, right?” Sunoo answered but Sunghoon just frowned.

“I don’t really get why you are so excited about meeting him. What’s the big deal?”

“The big deal here is that Heeseung and Jaeyun talked! Heeseung never talks to students unless
they’re Jongseong, Jungwon, or Riki, or his team mates!” Sunoo exaggeratedly said.

“Stop stressing over it. We’re here,” Jaeyun said before opening the door to the ramen place.

The three of them sighed in a very satisfied way when they inhaled the scent of the very delicious
ramen as they entered.

“Yun!” Jaeyun tried to find Jongseong after hearing his voice.

“Seong!” he shouted back when he saw him sitting at the corner together with his friends.


Jaeyun slowed down from walking when he saw a familiar head with bright red hair. He sighed as
he reached the table.

“Hi,” Sunoo greeted.

“Oh, I bet you guys already know each other. I mean, we were schoolmates and classmates before
college, so you guys should know each other.” Jongseong said.

“Yeah, we do. Go on, sit down.” Jungwon, the guy with blue hair and very deep dimples, said.

“Thanks.” Sunghoon said as he sat down beside Riki, followed by Sunoo and Jake.

“So, like I promised, this is my treat,” Jongseong said.

“Ey! That’s so nice of you, Seong,” Riki said while showing his smile.

“Stop smiling, Riki. I know that you don’t really care if I waste my money as long as you get to
eat,” and with that, Riki immediately removed the smile from his face, earning a chain of laughter
from his friends.

Well, except for Heeseung, of course.

“So, how’s school?” Jongseong suddenly asked after they ordered.

“You talk as if you are our dad,” Jungwon said as he sipped on his water.

“I’m just curious!”

“Shhh,” Heeseung suddenly said, that's why everyone became silent. He put his phone into his ear.

“Hello? Yes. What? Right now? But we just did it last night. No, I’m not. But I have training after
class. Uh-huh. Fine, I’ll come. Yep, on the way,” he said and closed his phone so everyone looked
at him. He sighed and tapped Jongseong’s back. “Just treat me next time.”

“Oh, is it what I think it is?” Jongseong asked.


“Are you sure you’re gonna be okay?” Jungwon asked.

“Do you want us to come with you?” Riki asked.

“No. I can manage,”

“Are you sure?”


“Please take care of your face,” because of what Jungwon said, Heeseung threw a glance at Jaeyun.
He also said the same thing last night.

“Will do,” he said before leaving.

Jongseong sighed and smiled as he faced the others.

“Where were we?” he asked.

“Oh my God! I have something to tell you,” Sunoo said as he showed a very mischievous smile
and looked at Jaeyun.

The latter sighed as he shocked his head. He knows it's about him. Oh, he’s fucked.

“About what?”

‘Oooh, I’m fucked.’ he thought.

“About Heeseung and Jaeyun.”

Chapter Notes

tw // mentions of death

Things might be going a little too fast because I don't really want to make this fic too
long lmao I hope you understand

It’s been a week since they ate at the ramen place near their school. Since then, they haven’t heard
anything from Heeseung. Not like Jaeyun cares.

He’s currently walking towards the far end of the school. There’s a garden there where he could
spend some time relaxing as he waits for his next class. He would’ve loved to stay at the library,
but since it was a time where most of the students didn't have any classes and were staying at the
library, he didn’t want to stress himself by finding a good and quiet place inside. He would’ve
stayed in the SC office too if only Soobin and his friends weren’t there, plus he really needed fresh
air after locking himself up in his room all week after going home just to finish all of his pending

He sighed as he sat down under one of the big trees and found a very comfortable position on the
grass. He took out his small speaker and played a song by one of his favorite bands, The 1975. He
also opened a book and made himself comfortable as he waited for his next class.


Jaeyun furrowed his brows that made his forehead crease when he heard a loud thud near him. He
stretched his arms and put his things back into his bag before standing up to check the place where
he heard the thud.

“Is someone there?” he asked in a hushed tone, afraid that he might have to deal with someone

He heard someone whispering and some movements, so he gulped and tried to walk carefully.
When he reached the back of the building where he heard the thud, he saw Heeseung sitting while
holding his waist again and wincing because of the pain.
As if his bruises and wounds from last week weren’t enough, he has more now. Jaeyun gasped,
which caused the older guy to look at him.

“Oh God, what happened?” he asked and walked closer to Heeseung who just closed his eyes to
endure the pain that’s starting to engulf his whole body.

“Nothing. I’ll be fine. Just go to your classes,”

“And leave you here? No.”

“Why are you so hard headed? This is the second time that you’ll ignore my command.”

“You’re not my boss, so I'm not following you.”

Heeseung sighed as he stomped his feet out of frustration. That made Jaeyun laugh.

“So, let’s go?”

“Where are we even gonna go?” Heeseung asked, and irritation could be heard in his voice.

“Anywhere but here, duh! Do you want them to see you in that state? You didn’t go to school for a
week and then you’ll show up with your face and whole body full of bruises? I mean, are you

Heeseung released a heavy sigh and nodded.

“Fine but this is the last time that I’ll let you help me,”

“If this is the last time that I’ll see you this weak,”

Jaeyun sighed as soon as he let go of Heeseung.

“I’m never going to assist you ever again while walking,” Jaeyun said, in between his breaths as he
sat down beside Heeseung, who was still wincing because of the pain.

“I didn’t ask you to assist me, you know?”

“You were having a hard time walking, what do you want me to do?!” Jaeyun shouted so
Heeseung scoffed.

“I can manage, you know?”

“Oh God, your pride is higher than my height and yours combined.”

Jaeyun slowly turned his head to look at Heeseung, who was now laughing. He sighed and pursed
his lips to stop himself from laughing, but failed to do so. He just laughed louder this time while
wiping the side of his eyes.

“How many times have you hurt your head already? What’s with you?” Jaeyun asked while
furrowing his brows to appear more upset, but deep inside, he finds this side of Heeseung cute.

“I’m sorry, I— I just find you funny.” Heeseung said as he smiled and fixed himself before looking
at the younger guy who was now looking at him amusingly.

“Me? Funny?”


Jaeyun just shrugged his shoulders and brought out his medicine kit that was in his bag.

“What happened? I thought I already told you that we shouldn’t meet when your face is like that?”
Jaeyun asks as he prepares all of the things that he’s going to need when he treats Heeseung.
The latter sighed and looked at the view in front of them. They went out of school, and Jaeyun
brought him to a more peaceful place. It's close to their university, but it's on a higher level, so you
can see the entire campus as well as some of the houses nearby. It’s like a cliff, per se. Despite the
sun shining at their place, it wasn’t too hot because of the cold and fresh wind, thanks to the trees
around them.

“Shit happened,” Heeseung answered.

“Plus, Jungwon already reminded you to take care of your face!” Jaeyun said again to avoid the sad
aura he just sensed.

“Can you tell me more about what the other students think of me?”

“Huh?” Jaeyun asked as he approached Heeseung and treated his knuckles first.

“I want to know what they think of me.”

“Are you sure?”

“Is it that bad?”

“Not really. There are just some rumors that I don’t think are true.”

“Like what?”

“You know that we have been classmates or schoolmates since first grade, right?” Jaeyun asked.

Heeseung nodded. “Yeah,”

“So you are probably aware that all of us haven’t met your family, right? Only Jongseong,
Jungwon, and Riki. When there are events that our family needs to attend, you only join
Jongseong’s family. Right?” Jaeyun asked again to make sure and for the second time, Heeseung

“So, uhm, two years ago, before college, there was a rumor that started to spread,”

“What rumor?”

“They said that you have a younger sister and that her name is Harper, and she’s two years younger
than us. They said that you interfered and caused a mess within the kidnappers' group, so in return
they recruited and blackmailed you in order for you to join.” Jaeyun said softly, as if he was scared
of hitting a spot somewhere in Heeseung’s emotional bin.

“Then?” Heeseung asked if he was giving permission for Jaeyun to continue, and so the younger
one did.

“We weren’t close back then, but we all noticed your change after college started. You were less
smiley and you started to glare all the time. You also ditch school. You’re always absent. You
always come to school with bruises. You weren’t the same Lee Heeseung with doe eyes and a
gummy smile in high school. You were scarier than ever, and students started to fear for their lives
whenever they were about to talk to you.”

Heeseung chuckled, “Why are they scared of me? I don’t bite.”

“Well, you always look like you are about to bite us!” Jaeyun exclaimed that made Heeseung

“Is that all?” he asked when he calmed down.

Jaeyun nodded. “Uh-huh.”

“And you don’t believe that?” Heeseung asked while raising his brows at the busy Jaeyun.


“Because I know that you know the difference between right and wrong. You’re Heeseung. For
sure, if you really have a younger sister, you would’ve reported that to the police.”

“But you called me a gangster.”

“It’s because you look like one!”

“Where do you think I got these bruises from?” Heeseung asked. Jaeyun stopped moving and
looked at the former’s eyes.

“Huh?” he asked. He retrieved his hand from Heeseung’s body. The latter’s eyes narrowed because
of that. Jaeyun sighed and licked his lips as his hand started to pull his hair. “So, it's true?”

Heeseung shrugged and nodded, “Maybe.”

“What do you mean maybe?!” Jaeyun asked. He wasn’t annoyed. He was scared as hell.

“What will you do if it's true? Will you distance yourself from me?” Heeseung asked, his brows
still raised as if he was challenging Jaeyun.

“No….yeah, no. I won’t,” Jaeyun said, after five minutes of silence.


“I mean, if you aren’t going to hurt me, then no, I won’t distance myself from you. You are still
kind. ”

“What makes you say that?”

“Because if you aren’t kind, then you shouldn’t have these bruises. You should be the one beating
people up, not vice versa.” Jaeyun said as he continued treating Heeseung’s wound.

The older guy bit his lips to stop himself from smiling.

“Why do I get the feeling that you won’t leave me alone?” he asked.

“It’s because I’m a future nurse and it’s my duty to help those in need, and it seems like you need
my help every time they beat you up.” Jaeyun said.

“Thank you,”

“If you are really thankful then you should tell me more about your sister,” Jaeyun said, which
made Heeseung look up at the sky. “Oh, is she? Oh. Sorry,”

Heeseung looked back at him with a confused face, but his lips slowly turned into a smile that
became a laugh when he realized what Jaeyun said.

“God, no!” he said and laughed. “She’s alive and she’s okay. Jongseong hired bodyguards for her.
She’s actually busy studying so she can apply for her dream school in college.”

“Oh, sorry,”

Heeseung smiled and shook his head, “I was looking at the sky because I remembered our


“They died when I was in sixth grade.” Heeseung said.

“So who took care of you and Harper?” Jaeyun asked as he fixed his things.
“Our aunt. She’s nice, but we never told her about what happened to Harper because she has a
weak heart and we couldn’t bear to see her weak and blaming herself for what happened,”

“Do you miss your parents?” Jaeyun asked as he sat beside Heeseung again and stared at the sky so
the latter did the same.

“Of course,”

“I’m sorry again,”

“It’s okay. Anyway, don’t you have classes?”

“I actually do,” Jaeyun said and smiled sheepishly as he looked at Heeseung.

“Then why the fuck are you here?” Heeseung asked, and disbelief could be sensed in his voice.

“It’s because you need me!” Jaeyun defended himself.

“God, Jaeyun!” Heeseung said that made Jaeyun blush.

“This is the first time that I heard you calling me by my name,” Jaeyun said while fidgeting his

“Really? You ditched your classes and that’s what you’re going to say?”

“Hey! You ditched your classes too!”

“That’s me! That’s not you. You don’t do what I do,”

“I don’t really care so shut up,” Jaeyun said as he stared at the view.

Heeseung sighed and stared at the view.

“You’re so hardheaded.”

“You too.”

“Hoon!” Jaeyun shouted when he saw his friend walking alone along the corridors.

“Oh, Jaeyun,” Sunghoon greeted.

“Where’s Sunoo?” Jaeyun asked.

“Oh, his classroom.”

Jaeyun tilted his head because of what he heard. Sunghoon wasn’t in his usual state wherein he
would be loud and tease Jaeyun nonstop. Today he is rather quiet and composed, which is new.

“Okay, to be honest. I don’t know where he is. The last time we talked was last night. I was trying
to call him this morning and even went to their house, but he didn’t want to see me or talk to me.
He’s mad. I made him mad. God, I’m so dumb!” Sunghoon rambled and pulled his hair as he sat
down on the bench in the corridor.

Jaeyun bit his lower lip as he sat down beside his best friend. He knew that Sunghoon would talk
about it sooner or later because he couldn’t keep a secret. Especially to Jaeyun. That’s how their
friendship works.

“Why did the two of you fight?” he asked softly.

Sunghoon and Sunoo have always been sensitive after having a fight, that's why as the only referee
in the group, Jaeyun always sees to it that he listens to both sides and gives advice when the three
of them meet. He also makes sure that he talks in a very soft tone because he might trigger their
tear glands.

“It’s actually because of you and Heeseung,” Sunghoon said, which made Jaeyun’s forehead

It’s been four days since Jaeyun helped Heeseung. They haven’t gotten the chance to talk again,
but they do see each other at school, especially now that Heeseung is attending his classes again. It
seems like he’s serious with his football training too.

“Because of us? Why?”

Sunghoon sighed and held his nape.

“Well, you see, After the ramen place incident where Sun exposed your friendship with Heeseung
to the other guys, he kept on talking about you two and kept on mentioning how he feels like
Heeseung will fall first and stuff like that. Then last night, I got mad and told him that he should
shut it because if it’s true that you and Heeseung are friends, then we should stay out of it. We
wouldn't want things to be awkward and weird between the two of you,” Sunghoon explained.

Jaeyun licked his lips and averted his gaze. He should be uncomfortable because of what Sunghoon
said, but instead he felt okay with it.


“I know. It’s wrong, and I was too rude to my boyfriend. I was just concerned, you know? He was
getting too invested in your love life, and I wanted him to just focus on us. Plus, you’re my best
friend. As much as possible, I don’t want to interfere with your love life like what you do with
ours. Even though I don’t really like Heeseung for you, I won’t have a choice but to approve your
relationship with him because it’s your life and you get to decide.”

Jaeyun chuckled as he wrapped his arms on his best friend’s shoulder.

“Thanks, Hoon.”


“I’ll find Sunoo for you,”

“You don’t have to do that anymore,” Sunghoon said. Jaeyun pouted and creased his forehead.
“He’s here. With Heeseung.”

Jaeyun turned around to look in the direction where Sunghoon was looking and saw Sunoo
laughing with Heeseung, who had this small smile on his face. He raised his brows as he stood up
to go closer to them.

“Sunghoon was worried. You weren’t answering his calls. Are you okay?” he immediately asked.

Sunoo smiled and hugged him before nodding.

“I’m okay. Heeseung saw me awhile ago while I was crying in the garden. We talked for a little bit
and he told me that I should fix my problem with Hoon, so here I am.” Sunoo said and pulled
himself from the hug. Jaeyun sighed and smiled at him.

“Fix it, okay? And then the three of us will talk.”

“Okay, Yunie.”

Jaeyun sighed as he let Sunoo walk towards the sulking Sunghoon. He was about to leave when his
tummy suddenly growled, letting the guy beside him hear it.

“You haven’t eaten?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Jaeyun answered.

“Let’s go,” Heeseung said that’s why Jaeyun looked at him.


“Just follow me.”



Jaeyun looked at the whole place in awe when he saw how it was filled with expensive things.

“Here’s your table, Sir. Enjoy.” the waitress said before leaving and smiled.

“Come here,” Heeseung said when he noticed how Jaeyun stopped walking while staring at the
beautiful portrait near their table.

“Oh, yeah.”

He wasn’t ignorant when it came to these places, as he and his family always went to expensive
restaurants, but he just didn’t expect Heeseung to bring him into one.

“My parents own this,” Heeseung said, which made Jaeyun look at him.

“Oh, really? It’s nice. I’ll tell my parents that we should go eat here sometime.”

“YYeah, My aunt handles it while Harper is not yet done with her studies as she’s the one who’s
going to handle this while I make my own perfume. Also, that painting that you were staring at
awhile ago? My aunt made that,” he said. Jaeyun’s eyes grew wide because of that.

“She paints?!”


“You know, my mom used to paint too.”

“Really? Can I see some of her paintings and show it to my aunt?”

“Uh,” Jaeyun said and looked around before sighing and looking at Heeseung. “She, uhm, left us
way before I started first grade. My mom right now was my father’s girlfriend before my mom

“Oh, sorry.”

“But I kept some of her paintings in my room. I’ll take a picture and show it to you,”

“Yeah, sure. I would love that.”

Jaeyun just nodded and stared outside as Heeseung ordered their food.

“Do you miss her?” Heeseung suddenly asked that’s why Jaeyun looked at him.


“Do you miss your mom?”

“Everyday, Hee.” Jaeyun answered and smiled. “I understand why she left, but I hope she took me
with her.”


“Living with only your aunt must be hard. You know, she’s alone and she’s raising two kids.
Living with my stepmom and stepbrother is also hard. She’s nice, but sometimes I feel like I don’t

Heeseung smiled and held Jaeyun’s hand. He caressed his hand using his thumb.

“You could talk to her and tell her how you feel. For sure, in the past years that the two of you
lived together, she started caring for you as her own son at some point. I know that she won’t mind
if you tell her about this,” he said.
Jaeyun pouted to hide his smile and looked at Heeseung, who was looking at him intently.

“Thank you,”

Chapter Notes

im screaming hahaha there will be a part 2 for this that might be posted next week .
have a great weekend <3

“This will be the third time that you’ll call today, Park Jongseong.” Jaeyun said as he answered his

“I can hear you nagging from here,” Jongseong said as soon as he heard Jaeyun answer.

“What do you want? I already gave you Kai’s number because you said he’s your classmate and
you don’t know what to do with your cases. I also called Sunghoon for you and told him you're
inviting him to play with you, Heeseung, and Riki next week as part of your bonding activities.
Now what?” Jaeyun said, without stopping or breathing.

“Breathe,” and as soon as Jongseong said that, Jaeyun felt his chest tightening, which made him
blow out some air in his mouth.

“Proceed,” Jaeyun said and sat down in front of his study table in his room.

“Can I get your number?” Jaeyun felt like his blood suddenly rose in his head because of what he

“Park Jongseong, we’re literally on call right now!? Oh God, what do you want?! Stop ruining my
night, I beg you!” Jaeyun exclaimed as he leaned his back in his swivel chair.

Jongseong laughed out loud and even snorted when he heard the irritation in Jaeyun’s voice.

“God, I wish I could see your face!” Jongseong said in between his laughs.

“I hate you.” Jaeyun said and pouted before sitting properly again. “What do you want?”
“I’m asking for your number.”

“We’re on a call right now!”

“Not for me.”


“Someone’s asking for your number.”


“It’s a secret.”

“Then why did you even inform me, Park Jongseong?!”

“Stop saying my whole name. You sound like my mom.”

“I don’t care?”

“Okay so here’s the thing. I told him that I w—”

“So, it’s a guy?” Jaeyun asked and bit his lower lip as if expecting Jongseong to say "someone’s"

“Yeah,” Jongseong carefully said, as if thinking if there was a weird tone in Jaeyun’s voice.

“Proceed,” Jaeyun said.

“So yeah. I told him that I would just give him your number and that he should just message you,
but then he said that it would scare the shit out of you, so he said I should ask for permission first
and here I am,” Jongseong said and Jaeyun could sense his friend smiling.

Jaeyun bit his lower lip to stop himself from smiling because he thinks he has a clue now.

“He really said that?”

“Uh-huh. He’s a good guy, yeah?”

“Yeah,” Jaeyun said and stopped himself from squealing, so he stood up and fanned himself as he
felt his cheeks flush.

“So, should I give him your number or not?”

“Yeah, go,” Jaeyun said.

“Okay. That's all for today. Good night and enjoy the rest of your day,” Jongseong teasingly said
that’s why Jaeyun snorted.

“Bye, dumbass.”

Jaeyun sighed as he closed his phone. He dived into his bed and looked at his floor-to-ceiling
sliding door. He smiled when he saw how the moon shone brightly. It was bright, and it was
comforting. He was about to close his eyes when his phone suddenly beeped, indicating that he had
received a message. His forehead creased when he saw an unfamiliar number.

Unknown: hey

Jaeyun: who tf are you

Unknown: language, baby

Jaeyun: okay, you’re creepy.

Unknown: am i? Really?
Jaeyun: yeah. Who are you.

Unknown: jungwon

Jaeyun: riki’s bae?

Unknown: oh, are they together now?

Jaeyun: uh, yeah. Jongseong said it’s been two months since they

got together. Anyway, who are you?

Unknown: uh, renjun?

Jaeyun couldn’t help but frown as he read the message. He bit his lip and messaged Jongseong.

Jaeyun: who tf is renjun

Jongseong: who ?

Jaeyun: did you just give my number to some random asshole because if its a

yes then i hate you a thousand times

Jongseong: i—

Jongseong: okay calm tf down what the fuck is happening

Jaeyun: someone’s messing with me

Jaeyun: he said he’s jungwon at first but when I asked if it’s

riki’s bae then he asked me if they’re together now

Jongseong: then?

Jaeyun: then he said he’s renjun so now who tf is renjun

Jongseong: Oh God

Jongseong: lee heeseung you stupid mf

Jongseong: why is he like this

Jaeyun: wait who

Jongseong: heeseung

Jongseong: he was the one who asked for your number. I thought

you already knew that based on your voice earlier?

Jaeyun: wait fr?

Jongseong: uh yeah?

Jaeyun: Oh God wait

Jaeyun hurriedly exited his convo with Jongseong and opened his convo with the unknown person
awhile ago that he has now identified as Lee Heeseung, the red-haired ‘gangster’ that he has treated
two times now.

Jaeyun: heeseung?

Unknown: yeah?

Unknown: oh wait fuck

Jaeyun: you’re funny

Unknown: huh?

Jaeyun: you could’ve told me right away that it was you hahaha

Unknown: i uhm

Unknown: i got shy

Jaeyun: you? Shy? Why?

Unknown: because it was you whom I was talking to

Jaeyun felt like his cheeks blushed because of what he read. He sat properly and fixed his hair
before replying.

Jaeyun: ey, you’re so cheesy ~

Jaeyun: anyway, you don’t really know that won and riki are

together now?

Unknown: yeah

Unknown: anyway, are you free?

Jaeyun: right now?

Unknown: uh-huh
Unknown: go outside of your balcony

Jaeyun stood up to look outside, and there he saw Heeseung wearing a black jacket and cap while
leaning on his big motorbike.

Jaeyun: what are you doing here?

Unknown: to fetch you

Jaeyun: why

Unknown: let’s go out and eat ramen

Unknown: my treat this time

Jaeyun: i—

Jaeyun: who told you i love ramen too?

Unknown: own discovery, baby

“God! Stop calling me baby,” Jaeyun whispered as he stared at his screen.

Jaeyun: okay fine. Will be down in 10.


The next thing Jaeyun knew was that he was now standing in front of Heeseung’s big motorbike,
gulping as he saw how big it really was and how small he would probably look while riding it.

“Have you tried riding a motorcycle?” Heeseung asked as he played one of the helmets using his

“I—no. Sunghoon doesn’t use his motorbike when he’s with me because he said I’m clumsy and I
might fall off. Sunoo doesn’t let me ride whenever he’s borrowing Hoon’s motorbike either,
because he said he’s still not good with it, and lastly, Jongseong always uses his Ferrari. ”

Heeseung couldn’t help but smile when he saw how Jaeyun pouted while the wind ruined his
perfectly fixed hair. He walked closer and put some of the strands behind Jaeyun’s now flushed

“Don’t worry. I’m here.” Heeseung said and smiled.

Jaeyun sighed and nodded as he smiled at Heeseung. He was about to take the helmet from the
hands of the taller guy, but instead, he went closer and put it on the smaller guy’s head. He
carefully locked it as he showed him the way towards his big motorbike.

“I’ll sit first so you can hold onto my shoulders while riding. Is that good for you?” Heeseung
asked him. Jaeyun, whose mind was still on cloud 9 because of what the former did, just nodded.

Heeseung sat on the motorbike first, followed by the shaking Jaeyun, who put one of his hands on
Heeseung’s shoulder.

“Careful, babe.”

Jaeyun felt like his body shook more because of what Heeseung called him, only if that was

“Done…” he whispered after he positioned himself behind Heeseung’s back.

“Are you sure you’re comfortable enough already?” he asked.


“Okay then. You should hold on to something, you know?” Heeseung said that’s why Jaeyun’s eye
grew wide.

“Oh! Here.” he said and held Heeseung’s shoulder as the latter looked back at him and smiled.

“You might fall,”

“Uh, I won’t.”

“Suit yourself.”

Heeseung started the engine and even made a loud noise that made him earn a not-so-painful spank
from the younger guy.

“Not so loud, Mr. Lee. My parents don't know that I’m sneaking out again.”

“Oh, you just made it sound like we’re eloping,” Heeseung said and laughed.

Jaeyun’s face went crimson red because of what Heeseung said.


“Language, babe.” Heeseung said as he started driving his motorbike at a high speed that made
Jaeyun hug him.

“Oh God, slow down, Lee Heeseung!”


“Wow,” Jaeyun said as soon as he got off of Heeseung’s motorbike.

Heeseung brought him to a similar place where Jaeyun treated him the second time, only this time
the hill/cliff where he brought him was higher, which made them see all of the beautiful
skyscrapers and lights in the whole city.

“Hey, come here.” Heeseung said that’s why Jaeyun looked at him and saw a beautiful tall tree.

It was old, but it appears to be sturdy and has seen a lot of hardships based on the wrinkles on its
trunk. Above was a not-so-small treehouse. It was big enough to fit five small people and three
large people. Jaeyun thinks it’s also high enough to fit Heeseung.

“Are you sure we can go in there?” he asked.

Heeseung chuckled and smiled, “We own this treehouse, Yun . We can also fit in there. That’s
where we’ll cook,”

Jaeyun felt like his cheeks blushed because of what Heeseung called him. Yun . His friends also
call him that, but it feels different when it’s Heeseung who’s calling him that.

“Okay…” he answered and climbed up the ladder after Heeseung.

When he saw the whole treehouse, he couldn’t help but wander around while his mouth was
forming a big O.

“Wow,” he said again.

“You like it here?” Heeseung asked, so Jaeyun quickly nodded.

“Yes! The whole view is heaven! Then, this treehouse? It looks so comfy and warm, and it feels
like home,” Jaeyun rambled as he went near the kitchen, then the two bedrooms, the comfort room,
and now the big balcony that makes it feel like they’re closer to the moon.

Heeseung chuckled and walked towards the younger guy who was feeling giddy and excited
because of the unexplainable feeling that he had right now because of the treehouse.

“Then let’s go here always,” he said. Jaeyun turned around to look at the former but stopped when
he was surprised by Heeseung’s face.

The older guy was leaning down so they could see each other in the eyes, and for Jaeyun, it was
too close. It was too close for him to even breathe. It was too close for him to stare at Heeseung's
face without the former noticing. Too close for him to lick at his lips without sending any weird
signal to the former, and too close to avoid Heeseung’s deep, knee-wobbling, and sweet gaze.
Jaeyun gulped.

“What do you think?” Heeseung whispered and went even closer, so Jaeyun stepped back.

“I—,” Jaeyun stopped and gulped even more when he noticed how Heeseung’s gaze went from his
eyes to his now wet lips. He chewed on it for a while before answering the older guy’s question. “I
like that.”

Heeseung then looked him in the eye again. He smiled.

“Then let's always eat ramen here. Together.”

“Together,” Jaeyun unconsciously said because he was way too distracted by how Heeseung licked
his lips, biting them to hide his precious and drool-worthy smile, and how the former licked the
inside of his cheeks using his tongue, and Jaeyun wondered what it would feel like if Heeseung
kissed him using those sweet and soft lips.

‘Fuck. I’m fucking doomed. Sim Jaeyun, you’re fucked,’ he thought.

“So, let’s go?” Jaeyun creased his forehead because of what he heard.

“Inside, Jaeyun. Stop being preoccupied, please.” then stop being hot . Jaeyun wanted to reply but
instead, he smiled and nodded.

“Sorry,” Heeseung only smiled as he turned his back and went inside first, but stopped before he
entered the small kitchen, so Jaeyun stopped walking too.

“I think I forgot to tell you how pretty you are today, Jaeyun.”

And for the umpteenth time! Jaeyun’s face turned crimson red again because of the red-haired guy
named Lee Heeseung.


“So, your father built this when he and your mother just started dating?” Jaeyun asked again as he
fixed the utensils on the short-legged table in the Lee’s treehouse living room.

Since it was just a treehouse, they weren’t able to put a big dining table on it. That's why there is a
short-legged table in their living room that also serves as their dining room. There’s a big table
below the treehouse where they could eat if there were a lot of people.

Ever since they got inside after what happened on the balcony, Heeseung started to cook the
packed ramen in the small kitchen beside the living room. The former also started to tell stories
about the reason why there is a treehouse on public property.

Heeseung said that his father made his parents buy this when they were still in college as a birthday
gift because he discovered that his mom loved the night sky and wanted to go to the moon, and this
was the closest that they could get. Then, he built a treehouse above the only tree on the cliff. After
graduating, when Heeseung’s mom answered his father, he showed her this place. After a few
years, when they got married, they lived here for a while while still saving up some money for
their future restaurant and house.

“So, your mother gave birth to you when they were still living here?” Jaeyun asked as Heeseung
put down the hot pot of ramen at the table.

“Uh-huh. Both Harper and I, actually.” he said and chuckled.

After giving birth to their youngest, Heeseung said that they finally bought a house. It was just a
little bit bigger than the treehouse, but it was definitely better, especially since they now have two
kids. When their restaurant grew famous within the area, they finally got the chance to buy a
bigger house, and as their business grew, they got the chance to buy a bigger house too, and even
got the chance to buy some lots and farms as a form of investment that they named after Heeseung
and Harper.

“Wow. Your parents are hard-working,”

“My dad grew up with a gold spoon in his mouth. My dad got used to telling people what to do and
never did it on his own unless it came to his studies or personal things, but my mom was the
breadwinner of her family. Her older brother got married a little too early, and she had to earn some
money while studying just to feed her two little brothers. It's a good thing that Granny and Grandpa
were nice and helped her. Dad was the only child, so it was understandable.”


“Mom taught Dad how to work hard and earn everything good on his own. That's why after they
got married, they both refused to accept my grandparents' help. They wanted to thrive and build
everything on their own because they said it’s their family and they were willing to go through
anything as long as they were together, and they did. They just left a little too early after receiving
everything they worked hard for.” Heeseung said and let out a small smile while getting some
ramen for Jaeyun, which the latter quickly received.

“Thanks,” he said. “Your parents must be nice and sweet.”

“They are. I wish they were also here to support me and Harper,”

“Oh, by the way, you said your father was an only child and your mother only had brothers. So, is
your aunt right now your adoptive mother or what? Sorry, you don’t have to answer if you’re
uncomfortable.” Heeseung chuckled.

“My aunt was Mom’s best friend in college. She just showed up one day and told us she’d be
taking care of us after mom and dad’s funeral. She said that she was our legal guardian already and
that was true when we asked Granny and Grandpa.”
Jaeyun nodded and focused on his noodles. Heeseung was just staring at him while he was eating,
and when the latter noticed that, he looked up and saw how the side of Heeseung’s lips slowly
formed a smile.

“What?” he asked.

“You have a…” Heeseung paused and went closer to remove the red marks on the side of Jaeyun’s
lips because of the soup of the ramen. “There.”

Jaeyun gulped and averted his gaze. He counted 1 to 10 in his head before lowering his gaze to the
noodles again when he heard Heeseung slurping his.

He was about to speak when they suddenly heard the phone ringing. They both looked at each
other in the eyes and then at the phones that were placed beside them. It was Heeseung’s.

“I’m sorry, I have to—”

“Go on,” Jaeyun said and smiled to assure Heeseung that it was okay. The latter smiled and nodded
as he answered the phone.

“Hello? What do you mean? Who? So, what about him? Goddamnit, don’t touch him, Hwang.
He’s out of it. He and Harper should be out of it. That was our deal, Hwang Hyunjin. He’s just a
friend, I promise….” Heeseung almost whispered and looked at Jaeyun, who was looking at him
using his soft, puppy eyes. He was also grinning, as a golden retriever does when he sees his
master. Heeseung smiled because of that.

“Don’t touch him, Hwang. I swear to God, I won’t back down if you ever do something to him.
He’s just a friend, but he’s special to me, so watch your move, Hwang.” he said through gritted
teeth. Jaeyun raised his brow and creased his forehead as if asking the older guy what’s happening.

“I’m glad that you got it, Hwang. Fine. I’ll go there tomorrow.” Heeseung said and turned off his
phone before looking back at Jaeyun who was still looking at him with concern in his eyes.

“Is everything okay?” he asked softly. Heeseung smiled and nodded.

“Yeah, you're done eating?” he asked.

“Yes. I’ll fix it,” Jaeyun said and was about to stand up to clean the table when Heeseung held his
wrist and motioned him to sit down.

“Just sit down. Let me handle it,” he said, which made Jaeyun nod. He pouted as he stared at the
older guy’s back that’s slowly making his way to the small kitchen.

“I can do house chores too, you know? I was also born with a silver spoon in my mouth, but I
wasn’t clueless about house chores.” he said, sulking. Heeseung chuckled because of that.

“I know but I was the one who brought you here so it’s my duty to take care of you.” Jaeyun only
nodded but looked at Heeseung, who was already wiping his hands on a kitchen towel when he
remembered something.

“You aren’t bad.”


“I thought you were a menace and rude, but you are not. You’re sweet and you act like a baby too,
especially when you pout when you talk. I just wonder, how long are you planning to hide behind
those scary death glares and that so-called rude attitude of yours?” Heeseung was taken aback
when he heard Jaeyun’s question.


“Sorry, I shouldn’t have asked that.” Jaeyun said when he realized how insensitive his question

“It’s okay. Let’s get you home?” Heeseung asked. Jaeyun nodded and smiled as he stood up and
went down the treehouse first.

Heeseung could only sigh as he stared at Jaeyun’s back. He wonders when he will stop hiding too.
base ? car ?

“Yow, Jaeyun!” Riki shouted when he saw the former walking towards their place here in the

“Oh? What are you doing here, Jaeyunie?” Jungwon asked as he stood up to walk closer to the
older guy.

“Uhm, Jongseong asked me to bring some food for you guys since you can’t leave the training. I,
uhm, cooked these. Sunoo and Sunghoon helped me.” he said and smiled as he put down the bag
full of lunch boxes on the bleacher.

“Wow! They smell so nice.” Riki said and even opened one of them.

“Is that for me?” the newly arrived Jongseong asked as he tried to snatch away the bag that Jaeyun
was holding, but the latter was quicker to avoid Jongseong’s hand that made him trip on his own


“Got you.” Heeseung whispered when he caught Jaeyun. The latter opened his eyes and saw
Heeseung’s beautiful brown orbs.

“Thank you,” Jaeyun said and stood properly before handing Heeseung the lunch box harshly.

“Oh? Thanks.” he said and smiled as he sat down beside Jungwon, who was eyeing Jaeyun

“I’m going to leave already. They need me on the council,”

“What time are you going home?” Jongseong asked. Jaeyun shrugged.

“I don’t know. Maybe 7 again?”

“Okay, I’ll wait for you.”

“Okay, thanks.”

Jaeyun said before quickly turning away to hide his face from the football team because of


“Go home and rest. You’ve been sleepless for a week now.” Yeonjun said as he draped his arms
over Soobin’s shoulder.

“I’m fine.”

“You’re pale. Your tummy has been rumbling since lunch. You’re shaking and you haven’t left
your seat since you arrived at 9 a.m.” Beomgyu, who just came out of the pantry, stated the

“I’ll just wait for Jongseong to finish his training, and we’ll go home soon.” Jaeyun said as he
flipped through another page.

“Then at least order some food while waiting for him,” Taehyun said as he picked up his bag.

“I left some medicines in your pantry already. Please eat, Jaeyun.” Kai said as he left with the older

Jaeyun could only nod and offer them a small smile as they left the office. He sighed and stood up
to close the lights in the other officer’s cubicle and left the light on in his cubicle only. He sat down
and fidgeted with his fingers for a little while before deciding to stand up and lie down on the only
couch in the office.

He knows Jongseong will most likely barge into the office before leaving to check on Jaeyun.The
guards or janitors won’t lock the rooms either unless it’s already 10 PM. It was just 6 PM and it
was still early, so Jaeyun was comfortable as he closed his eyes to take a nap.

“Yun?” Jaeyun moved his head.

“Yunie?” Jaeyun yawned.


“Hee?” he asked as soon as he opened his eyes. He creased his forehead when he noticed that he
was already wearing a hoodie and was even covered with Yeji and Winter’s blankets here in the
office. He also felt a cold towel on his forehead.

“You’re finally awake.” Heeseung, who was sitting on the floor and was holding Jaeyun’s hand,
said with a smile.

“What’s happening? Why are you here? Where’s Jongseong?” Jaeyun asked and sat with
Heeseung’s help.

“Uh, he went home…”

“He what?! Without me?!”

“He said they had an emergency at home and he had to go first.”

“Oh….” Jaeyun said. Heeseung only smiled and stood up.

“Uh, I already ordered some food. Soobin and the other guys stopped by the field a while ago to
tell Jongseong that you haven’t eaten since lunch, so here.” Heeseung said and went to the pantry,
where he had just finished reheating everything.

He carefully placed the soup with rice and dumplings on the table in front of the couch. He then
pulled out a swivel chair and sat in front of Jaeyun.

“When I arrived, you were shivering and hot. I figured that you were sick, so I bought some soup. I
made you wear my hoodie and borrow some blankets that I saw here. I hope that’s okay with you?”

He stopped eating when he heard the genuine concern in Heeseung’s voice. He looked at the older
guy as a smile slowly crept into his beautiful face.

“Thank you for taking care of me. I tend to forget to eat and take care of myself whenever I get too
caught up with my responsibilities as the student council president, so thank you.” he said and
smiled. Heeseung nodded as he continued on eating too.

They were just quietly eating when Jaeyun decided to talk.

“Where did you get that?” he asked and pointed at Heeseung’s jaw where he had a small scratch
using his mouth.

“Oh, I just scratched it unconsciously while sleeping.”

“I’m a nursing student, Hee.”

“Okay fine. I got it when I went to the base.” he said and looked at Jaeyun meaningfully.

Jaeyun then let out a short laugh as he smiled and nodded. He got what Heeseung meant.

“Is that our code name for it whenever they ask you to come and be a gangster? If so, then okay.”
Jaeyun said.

“Thank you.”

“But the next time they try to hurt your face, please do tell me.” Jaeyun said.
“What? Why?”

“I’ll be punching them too. One bruise is equal to one punch.” Heeseung burst out laughing.


“What? I’m not joking!” he said and chuckled as Heeseung laughed louder.

Heeseung only shook his head as a smile fell on his lips while staring at the talkative Jaeyun.


“Thanks for bringing me home using your jeep wrangler, but I wished you were using your
motorbike.” Jaeyun said when he hopped off of Heeseung’s big car.

For the past week, Heeseung constantly fetched Jaeyun at night using his motorbike and stayed at
the treehouse. This would be the first time that Heeseung would use his car.

“How can I send you home with my motorcycle if you are sick?” he asked.

“You have a point. Anyway, I also love this car.”

“Take a rest, Jaeyun. You need to rest.”

“I will,” Jaeyun said and chuckled when he saw Heeseung’s serious face.

“I’m serious.”

“I am too!” he said. Heeseung shook his head and smiled.

“I’ll go first.”

“Good bye and take care, Hee.”

The older guy just nodded and smiled as he left Jaeyun alone outside his house. The latter sighed
and went inside.

“Oh,” he stopped when he saw his stepmom and dad in the living room watching TV. Usually,
when the clock strikes 9 PM, the couple would be upstairs already and would take a rest, but today
was rather different.

“You’ve been going home late a lot these days, Jaeyun.” his father said.

“Oh, I was just busy with the council, Dad.” he said as he walked towards the stairs.

“Have you eaten, son? Do you want me to reheat the food?” his stepmom asked.

“I’m fine, Elaine. Thanks.”

“Who was that guy?” He stopped when he heard his father’s question.


“Who was that guy? You’ve been sneaking out at night with him, right?” Jaeyun gulped as he
faced his father, who was just looking straight at the TV while his stepmother was looking at him
with pure fondness in her eyes.

“I—yeah,” he surrendered. There was no point in hiding already.

“Do you think he’s a good guy?” his father asked Elaine.
“Huh?” she asked and looked back at Jaeyun, who was already staring at her.

“Do you think he’ll be good for Jaeyunie?”

“Yes. I mean, for the past years that I’ve lived with you and Jaeyun, this is the first time that I saw
Jaeyun grinning on his phone, laughing like there is no tomorrow whenever his little brother and
sister would joke about something. And this is the most carefree Jaeyun. I like this version of our
son, Joseph.” she said and smiled at Jaeyun who was trying to stop his tears. His father sighed and

“I want to meet him soon, son.” he said and smiled. Jaeyun bit his lips and ran towards his parents
to hug them.

“Thank you,” he said.

“You’re hot,” Elaine said and cupped Jaeyun’s face but he just shook his head and smiled.

“Thank you,” he repeated. His parents smiled and hugged him again.

“Anything for my baby,” his father said.


Jaeyun: how’s your house?

Jongseong: it’s still a house ?????

Jaeyun: dumbass

Jaeyun: hee said you had an emergency that’s why he

was the one who waited for me

Jongseong: he said I had what?

Jaeyun: an emergency? You didn’t?

Jongseong: well, I had? I think?

Jaeyun: what?
Jongseong: my mom’s dog had an emergency yeah

Jaeyun: aunt melissa had a dog? Since when?

Jongseong: uh today?

Jaeyun: mf

Jongseong: anyway, how are you? I heard you’re sick. So you

rode Hee’s motorcycle while you were in that state?

Jaeyun: what motorbike? He was riding his jeep wrangler

Jongseong: WHAT?!

Jaeyun: why do u sound so surprised today lol

Jongseong: that little shit!?

Jaeyun: okay you know what? Sleep.

Jaeyun sighed as he closed his phone. He bit his lip and stared at his ceiling.

“Ah, Lee Heeseung! Get out of my head.” he said as he pulled his hair.

He keeps on remembering Heeseung’s face when they first went to the treehouse and the concern
on Heeseung’s face a while ago.

He grabbed the pillow and covered his face as he screamed. He doesn’t know why, but just the
thought of seeing Heeseung the next morning was enough to make him feel giddy and excited and
make his face as red as a tomato.

He sighed and fixed his hair when he removed the pillow. He fixed his position on the bed and
closed his eyes.

“Good night, Hee.”


“Good morn—what happened to your face?!” Sunoo asked as soon as he saw the dark circles
around Jaeyun’s eyes.

“I just didn’t sleep well,” he answered and rested his head on his desk.

“You didn’t what?!” Sunghoon asked.

“One more question and I will ban the two of you from here.” he grunted.

“Did he bump his head yesterday or something?” Jaeyun heard Sunghoon and Sunoo asked his
fellow officers.

“Or something,” Soobin answered and giggled with Beomgyu that’s why Jaeyun raised his head.

“You know something, right?” he asked. The two guys only shrugged and laughed again.


“We know something you don’t,” Beomgyu teased and went out with Soobin.

Jaeyun sighed and shook his head as he rested it again on the desk.

“We heard from Aunt Elaine that you were sick last night. Are you sure you're okay now?” Sunoo

“Yeah. The headache is still there, but I’m not as hot anymore.” Jaeyun said.

“You were never hot, mate.” Sunghoon unconsciously said that made him earn a smack in the head
from Sunoo. Jaeyun also threw his 1000-page book at him. Sunghoon immediately stood up and
held his head.

“That hurts!”

“Get out!”

“I don’t want to?!”

“Get out or detention?!”

“That's an abuse of your power, Jaeyun!”

I can do whatever it is that I want. Now get out!”

“I just said I d—”

“Ehem.” Jaeyun and Sunghoon stopped shouting at each other when they heard someone at their

Both of them looked at Sunoo, but he was just pouting while looking at the two of them. It was a
sign that he didn’t want them to stop and that he was enjoying it, so they looked at their other side
and saw Jungwon standing near the door holding a bag.

“Hi?” he greeted.

“Won, hello. Come. Sit here,” Jaeyun offered so the younger immediately walked towards their
direction. “Go. shoo.”

Sunghoon frowned because of what Jaeyun mouthed to him.

“Asshole.” Sunghoon said that’s why he felt another book hit his nape. “That fucking hurts!”
“Shut up.” Sunoo told him as he left first.

“Shoo! Go away.” Jaeyun said so, Sunghoon just shook his head and left the office.

“Sorry about that. Why are you here?” Jaeyun asked Jungwon.

“Oh, uhm, Heeseung wanted to bring you some food because he said that he was sure that you
wouldn’t eat it again. He wanted to bring it to you himself, but he was called by Hyunjin. You
know? To the under—”

“Base,” Jaeyun corrected him. Jungwon bit his lips and nodded.

“Hwang Hyunjin called him to the base so he asked us to bring this to you.” he said and gave
Jaeyun the bag. The latter opened it and saw a three-layer lunch box. The first was filled with
kimchi fried rice, the second was filled with kimbap and meat, and the last one was filled with
fruits. There was also an insulated tumbler filled with beef bone soup. Jaeyun bit his lip to suppress
his smile.

“Did he make this?”

“Yes.” Jungwon said and smiled.

“Thank you for bringing this to me. I’ll just call him later to say thanks,” Jungwon nodded and
stood up.

“Sure. I'll leave then.”

“Oh, okay. Thanks, Won.” Jaeyun said.

Jungwon was about to leave when he stopped and turned around to look at Jaeyun.

“Be careful, Yun.”


“I know that you are aware of how dangerous Heeseung’s situation is. He just couldn’t be seen
with new friends because they had to be guarded just like what Hyunjin did to us. Thankfully,
Jongseong was rich and was able to hire some bodyguards for us three and Harper too, but not you,
Jaeyun. Hwang and the other guys already know how close you are to Hee, so I don't want to scare
you or anything, but sooner or later, you'll be in danger as well.” Jungwon said.

Jaeyun gulped and smiled to hide his fear, “I’ll be fine, Won. I know that Heeseung will do his
best to protect me.”

“That’s true. Anyway, he said he’d come back after lunch, so eat well. Bye, Yun.”

“Bye.” he said and sighed. He sat down on his chair and stared at the food that Jungwon brought.

The fear of being part of Heeseung’s messy world scared the shit out of him. He was scared that
his family might be dragged into it just like how Heeseung’s friend and sister got into it too. He
was scared for Sunghoon and Sunoo’s lives. He was scared, but at the same time, confident. He
was confident that Heeseung knew what he was doing. He’s confident that Heeseung would do his
best to protect him and the people around him, just like how he protects his family and friends.
He’s confident that Heeseung won’t go further than he already is in the organization.

He trusted Heeseung so much that no matter how scary Jungwon’s word was or how scary this
"underground" might be, he was willing to risk it all because Heeseung showed him that no matter
how flawed and scary a person is, if he’s willing to show you his best attributes, then he would
definitely. With Heeseung, Jaeyun was suddenly ready to risk it all.


“Where are you going?” Soobin asked and eyed Jaeyun suspiciously when he saw the latter getting
up from his seat.

“Outside. Will just wait for someone.” he said and smiled.

“Is that someone the one who borrowed our blankets last night?” Winter asked Jaeyun as she
nudged the laughing Yeji beside her. Jaeyun’s face went crimson red because of that.

“Just finish your tasks,” he said this to divert the topic.

“How did you guys even get home last night?” Yeji asked.

“We rode his car,” Jaeyun casually said.

“Car? But he was using his motorbike?” Winter asked.


“Actually, when we told Jongseong that you hadn’t eaten yet and that you were waiting for him, he
kind of looked at Heeseung. The latter then told Jongseong that he was going home with you, and
so we said that you couldn’t ride a motorcycle since you looked like you were sick.” Beomgyu

“Don’t tell me he went home just to get his car?!” Winter exclaimed.

“He did. He rushed out of the field and told us that he’d be back. After less than an hour, I think?
He came back and was already using his car.” Soobin continued.

“So, Jongseong never had an emergency?” Jaeyun asked.


“And Heeseung came here using his motorbike but came home when he knew that I was sick just
to get his car?”

“Uh-huh. He even brought some lunch boxes.”

“And he didn’t order our dinner last night but cooked it?!”

“I think?”

Jaeyun sighed as he held his head. It was aching and he thinks it's because of too much thinking
and stress because of Lee Heeseung.

“I’m gonna go out to get some fresh air.” he said and left the office.

He went straight to the field where the soccer players were playing. He sat on one of the bleachers
and sighed as he felt his heart beating so fast. He held it and closed his eyes.

“What’s the meaning of this? What are you doing to me?” he mumbled. “1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6—”

“7, 8, 9 and 10! Why are you counting?” Jaeyun suddenly opened his eyes and saw Heeseung’s
face near him with his confused doe eyes, brows furrowed, and head tilted.

“You’re….near,” Heeseung grinned and drew himself away. He then sat beside Jaeyun and faced
the younger man with pure concern in his eyes.

“Is there something wrong? Did something happen? Did someone bother you?” he asked. Jaeyun
smiled and shook his head.

“Nothing. I was just thinking,” Jaeyun said and smiled at the older guy.

Heeseung was suspicious, but he still nodded and smiled at the younger guy. He then looked in
front of them and watched the players play. That’s when Jaeyun noticed the cuts on Heeseung’s
knuckles. He pouted and held it, which caught the older guy by surprise.


“You don’t have any wounds on your face, so I guess they didn’t hurt you this time?” Jaeyun softly
“Yeah,” Heeseung answered.

“So they asked you to hurt someone else?” Jaeyun asked and looked at Heeseung. The latter
couldn’t tell if Jaeyun was concerned or disgusted because of what he did, but he still smiled to
hide his fear.

“Remember the big wound on my tummy?” he asked.


“I got that after refusing to hurt someone in their stead. Despite getting that wound, I didn’t feel any
regret. They wanted me to hurt a kid, Yun. an 11-year old kid. I didn’t want to hurt him. But then
the guy a while ago, Jaeyun, hurt a lot of girls. He abused them and tried to sell them, and Hyunjin
didn’t want him in the group anymore because he stole all of the money that was supposed to go to
our fund. They asked me to hurt him with a different intention, but I hurt him because I was mad
that he did that to girls and some boys too.” Heeseung explained. It was as if he was trying to make
Jaeyun understand that he was not a bad guy. He was shaking and he wanted to cry and hug the
younger guy until he felt clean again, but Jaeyun just smiled and nodded and held his hand tighter,
and that made Heeseung somehow happy.

“I understand, Hee. Like I said the last time, you are kind. You are good, and I know that you just
can’t hit people randomly. I know you have your reasons,” he said and smiled. Heeseung nodded
and smiled when he felt like a burden was suddenly removed from his chest.

“Thank you,”

“And I also know why you lied last night,” Jaeyun said. Heeseung’s eyes grew wide.

“You what?!”

“You could’ve told me that you wanted to stay with me instead of lying.” he teased. Heeseung’s
face went crimson red. It was as if his hair and face became one.

“Jaeyun, I—”
“It’s okay. I understand.”

Because for Jaeyun, no matter what Heeseung did and how badly it affected him, everything would
still be okay. He would always be understanding because he’s aware of how Heeseung must’ve felt
when they lost their parents and how he must’ve blamed himself when Harper was almost

No matter how funny it would make Jaeyun look, he would still try his best to understand
Heeseung because he deserves another chance in life. He deserves to have someone who makes
him feel safe and secure, just as he makes others feel safe.

Heeseung smiled and patted Jaeyun’s head.

“Is it your free time? Want me to treat you?”

“Yeah. you should.” Jaeyun said while grinning.

“Let’s go?” Heeseung asked and laid his hand in front of Jaeyun. The latter bit his lips to stop
himself from smiling and nodded.

“Let’s go!”
my yun
Chapter Summary

“Any news?” a mysterious guy asked.

“Yeah. They always go out at night.”

“Bring him to me.”

“Right now?”

“If not now then when are we gonna make a move?”

“Right away, Sir.”

“Oooh, you’re fucked, Lee Heeseung. You’re going down.”

Chapter Notes

okay i didn't proofread it this time (real) so if ever u see typos or grammatical errors
please do ignore them plus this chapter was written on heeseung's pov. i think this fic
would be 15 chapters max lol

“Any news?” a mysterious guy asked.

“Yeah. They always go out at night.”

“Bring him to me.”

“Right now?”

“If not now then when are we gonna make a move?”

“Right away, Sir.”

“Oooh, you’re fucked, Lee Heeseung. You’re going down.”


“Pass the ball!” Jongseong shouted.

“Lee!” one of the players shouted.

“Fuck! Heeseung!”

“Hee!” Riki shouted and before everyone could call him again, a ball suddenly hit his head making
him hold it and whine.

“Fuck, that hurts!” he shouted as he let himself settle on the bench near the field where they put
their things.

“Okay, 20 minutes break. Park, talk to your friend, please!” the couch shouted.

“Who the fuck threw the ball?” Heeseung asked when Riki and Jongseong finally arrived in front
of me.

“Me.” Jungwon said that’s why they suddenly looked at him. He wasn’t part of the team but
because he was Riki’s boyfriend, he had a free pass to watch them every training. He closed his
book and stood up to face Heeseung.

“Why would you throw the ball? God! This is football, Won not volleyball.” Heeseung hissed that
made him earn a pinch from the younger.

“What the fuck is happening with you?” Jungwon suddenly asked while his brows were furrowed
and arms on his waist.

“You’ve been preoccupied since yesterday, Hee. But today was rather different. You were just out
of it! You can’t hit a goal, your mind is literally floating. You can’t look us in the eye, can’t answer
and you keep on looking at your phone!” Riki said.

“What’s wrong, bud?” Jongseong asked and sat beside Heeseung.

The latter sighed and placed his face on his palm while his elbows were on the top of his knees.

“I’m confused…” he started. “And scared.”

“Of what?” Jongseong asked, voice was laced with concern and a little bit of annoyance as he
couldn’t guess what Heeseung was thinking. All of them couldn’t and it frustrates them so much
because they’ve been friends with Heeseung for a long time already but up until now they couldn’t
go pass through his mind or emotions as the former hides it well. They just feel like they’re failing
as a friend.

“Of what could happened,”

“To?” Riki asked and sat beside Heeseung. Jungwon was just standing in front of them. Looking at
Heeseung’s face.

“Jaeyun,” he said and sighed. Jungwon sighed too and massaged the bridge of his nose.

“This is what I’m talking about! I knew it!” he said.

“Love,” Riki called him.

“No, shut up. Hee, we already talked about this, right? We already told you that this life of yours
could be dangerous to Jaeyun! The three of us would be fine because of Jongseong and because of
Riki’s family. They won’t touch us but how about Jaeyun? His family doesn’t even know about
this, I’m one hundred percent sure!”

Flashback to the night where they went to the ramen place (Chapter Two)

Heeseung sighed as he rested his back on the couch in their living area when he suddenly heard a
series of voices in the kitchen. He slowly stood up and held the golf that he saw at the side of the
stairs. He tiptoed and controlled his breathing as he approached the kitchen.

“Who’s the—what the fuck?!” he said when he saw who was in the kitchen. It was his friends.
They were eating pizza while chatting.

“Lower your damn voice. We don’t want to wake up Auntie!” Jongseong said as he tapped the seat
beside him. Heeseung sighed and walked towards it.

“What the fuck are you gonna do with the golf? You plan to hurt the burglar with that?” Riki
asked and even used air quotations while a smile was on the side of his lips.

“I got nervous, okay? I was tired but Auntie and Harper are here. I don’t want to cause a scene.”
he said and ate.

“So? What happened?” Jungwon asked Heeseung as he ate his own pizza.

“Hwang said he knows that we have new friends. He also knows that Jaeyun treated my wounds
the last time.” Heeseung said and smiled before averting his gaze.

“So what are your plans now?” Jungwon asked again.

“What do you mean?”

“They’re in danger now, Hee.” Jongseong said as he looked at his friend.

“No.” Heeseung said.

“They are,” Riki said. “You know how much Hwang hates it when you have new friends. When
you are happy.”
“I won’t let them touch Jaeyun and his friends.”

“We know, Hee but you can’t stop them.”

“I’ll leave the organization.”

“You know you can’t, Hee. You’ll put your sister’s life in danger again.” Jungwon said so,
Heeseung frustratingly held his hair and closed his eyes.


“It seems like you liked Jaeyun even if you guys only met for a couple of times.” Jongseong said
while eating but stopped when he noticed Heeseung, Riki and Jungwon looked at him like he just
said something ridiculous. “What?”

“You don’t know, you fucker?” Heeseung cursed at him and that made him feel more confused
than he already was.

“Heeseung was about to confess to Jaeyun after we entered college but the gang happened.”
Jungwon said as if it was nothing, that's why Jongseong’s eyes widened.

“He was about to do what?!”

“He has liked Jaeyun since we were in high school, I think?” Riki said.

“He what?!”

“Just eat. Fucking eat.” Heeseung said and stuffed Jongseong’s mouth with pizza.

He chewed the food first before looking at his friends like they betrayed him even though he was
supposed to know about it already.
“I hate you all. You hid this from me for years!”

“Correction. Heeseung didn’t tell us. He was just obvious.” Jungwon said.

“Yeah, who the fuck stares at someone for an hour and then say ‘he’s beautiful, right?’ He's
whipped.” Riki added.

“You stare at Jungwon for hours.” Heeseung that made Riki’s cheek turn red.

“That’s besides the point. Our topic here is you.”

“Wait so remember that time during our foundation week when Jaeyun and his friends failed to do
their performance properly?” Jongseong asked. All of them nodded.


“He cried, right? And he was nowhere to be found and you went missing too! Where did you go
that time?” Jongseong asked again but this time, his whole attention was on Heeseung as if he was
demanding an answer from the older.

“To Jaeyun,” Heeseung said as if it was nothing.

“Close your mouth.” Jungwon said and this time, it was his turn to stuff Jongseong’s mouth with
the pizza.

“You went chu who?!” he asked, mouth was still full.

“Disgusting,” Riki said, that's why Jongseong immediately raised his middle finger at him that
made them laugh. Heeseung drank his coke first before looking at Jongseong.

“To Jaeyun. I bought him some sweets and bought some wipes for him because they had paint on
their faces and for sure, his face paint had already spread since he was crying. I left it outside of
the cubicle he was staying at and hid myself outside the restroom. He never knew that it was me.”
Heeseung told them.

“Wow,” was all Jongseong could say.

“Oh! Also, remember that one time when Jaeyun failed a test for the first time and he was left all
alone in the field?” Jungwon asked.

“Yeah. It suddenly rained and we left school late because of a project,” Jongseong answered.

“Then Heeseung left with his umbrella and when he came back, he was wet and was only wearing
his hoodie?” Riki added.

“What the fuck, dude?! Don’t tell me?!” Jongseong asked, shock was evident on his face.

“Yeah. I left the umbrella on his side.”

“You’re whipped.” Jongseong said. It wasn’t a question but a statement, if ever, it was also a


“I’m serious about what I said. I’ll protect him as much as I can.”

“You can’t do that forever.”

“I will. I have to. I can if I want to, Jungwon. I'll do everything that I can to protect Jaeyun.To
protect my yun. ”

Jongseong, Jungwon and Riki sighed because of what they heard. At this state, no one would be
able to stop Heeseung unless you’re his Jaeyun.

“Heeseung, you ca—”

“Even if I have to sacrifice my life. I brought him into this mess so I’ll do my best to protect him.”
he said before standing up and picking his things.

“Dude, where are you going?!”

“To pick up my yun,” Heeseung shouted back before closing the door to the locker room loudly.
Chapter Notes

next update would be on monday. enjoy the weekend <3

“Please put your phones on silent.” the professor said before glaring at Jaeyun. His phone has been
ringing for the past 20 minutes since he entered his class, nonstop.

“Sorry,” he whispered to his seatmates.

The professor then proceeded to discuss the lesson when it hadn't been 5 minutes yet and Jaeyun’s
phone rang again.

“Mr. Sim! Get out of my class!” Jaeyun bit his lips and nodded.

“Sorry, Ma’am.” he said and went out.

He sighed as soon as he left the classroom. He sat at the bench in front of their building and eyed
his phone, which had been ringing since this morning. The calls were from an unknown number.
He doesn’t know if this caller is aware of the statement "don’t talk to strangers". That’s why they
still call Jaeyun, or if they’re just plain dumb to waste their calls on someone who doesn’t want to

“Uh, Jaeyun?” he raised his head when someone called him. He smiled when he saw Jeongin. He
was the representative of the College of Architecture.

“Hey,” he said. The former sat beside him and smiled.

“Are you busy?” he asked.

“No. Why? Do you need help with something?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Jeongin answered and smiled.

“Okay, where?” Jaeyun asked.

“Just there behind the dentistry building.” Jeongin said and smiled.

“Oh, behind Sunoo’s building?”


“Okay,” Jaeyun said and smiled.

When they arrived at the building, they saw Sunghoon.

“Hey,” Jaeyun greeted him.

“Where to?” he asked.

“Oh, behind the building. Jeongin asked for my help.” Sunghoon raised his eyebrows because of
that. He also eyed the guy behind his friend. He was smiling, but Sunghoon could sense

“Can I come?”

“Oh su—”

“Sorry, dude but we only need Jaeyun.” Jeongin said with a smile and even wrapped his arms on
Jaeyun’s shoulder.
“Oh, is that so? Then maybe next time, Hoon.” Jaeyun said and even grinned.

Sunghoon bit his lips and slowly nodded.

“Sure. Take care, Jae.” he said and smiled.

“Bye~” Jaeyun said and even hopped with Jeongin while walking towards the back of the building.

“Babe! Is that Jaeyun?” Sunghoon faced his boyfriend when he heard him. “Why is he going to the
back of the building and why the fuck is he with Jeongin?”

“You’re close with Jungwon, right Babe?” the former asked. Sunoo bit his lips and nodded as
concern slowly creeped into his system.

“Yeah. Why? Do we need some help?” he asked as he held his boyfriend’s elbow.

“We need Heeseung.”

“On it.”


“Wow. I didn’t know there was a place like this in here.” Jaeyun said as he roamed his eyes

Jeongin brought him to the back of the dentistry building, and then, they went to the abandoned
storage room, where, to his shock, there was another passageway below it. It was big and there was
a living room area too! He counted the doors and there were six. The whole interior of the
underground passage was amazing and elegant too, but it screams authority.

‘Underground’ , he thought.
He then faced the paintings that he had seen a while ago. There were different paintings of animals
that had different colors, and there were names under them. He then walked towards a very
familiar animal. A deer.

It was just a normal painting of a deer, but the background of it was red with flames, but what
made Jaeyun more nervous than he already was was the name under it. Lee Heeseung

He gulped and faced Jeongin, who was only smiling at him, but this time, he found the latter very

“Why, Jaeyun? Are you scared?” he asked and walked towards him.

Jaeyun shook his head and walked backwards to distance himself from the older guy. His shoulders
were going up and down very fast because of his breathing. It was very obvious that he was
nervous. He took another step back, but his back hit the wall already, and Jeongin was still walking
towards him. He closed his eyes and lowered his head when Jeongin was already near him.

“Answer me, Sim.”

“Yang!” someone shouted, so they both looked at it and if Jaeyun’s guess was right, it was the
Hwang Hyunjin that Riki showed him when he asked what he looked like.

“Sir,” Jeongin said and stepped back.

“Come on now, Jeongin. Be nice to our visitor. Show him the place, make him sit, and offer him
some food. I didn’t teach you to be disrespectful.” Hyunjin said with a smile.

“Sorry, Sir.”

“Hi, Jaeyun.” Hyunjin said and smiled at him. Jaeyun chewed on his lower lips more and averted
his gaze. His whole body was shaking because of fear. He’s scared and he wants to go home

“Aw. Our visitor is shy. Come on here. We have a lot of things to talk about.” Hyunjin said and
smiled as he offered one of the seats in the living room. He immediately walked towards it to calm
his shaking knees.

“Can’t I go home already? It seems like Jeongin doesn’t really need my help.” he said.

“Oh, Jeongin doesn’t but I do. We have a lot of things that we need to talk about.” Hyunjin said
and smirked.

Jaeyun sighed and nodded as he lowered his gaze again. He fidgeted with his fingers when he
heard the guy before him chuckle.

“So, is this the guy Lee likes?” he asked the man beside him.

“Yes, Sir.”

“He’s pretty,” Hyunjin said as if Jaeyun wasn’t there. “And smart too, I believe?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Hmm, let’s see. What should we do to scare Lee? He’s becoming more and more confident.” he
said and chuckled again. Jaeyun clenched his fist and bit his lips.

“Oooh, Lee’s boyfriend is getting mad here. Why? You’re mad that he’s being a slave here while
outside of here he’s a boss?”

“Can’t you just leave him alone?” Jaeyun asked in a small voice.

“We can but…” Hyunjin said and leaned closer to whisper something. “You have to join.”

Jaeyun’s breathing hitched when he heard a loud thud. They all looked at the door that was now
open because of Heeseung. Behind him were their friends. All of them were mad.
“You fucker! What did you do to my best friend?!” Sunoo shouted as soon as he saw the smirk on
Hyunjin’s face. Sunghoon immediately stopped him but he still kept on shouting.

Jungwon then went towards Jeongin and slapped his face that left everyone in shock.

“Love!” Riki called him and pulled him back. Jeongin just chuckled and smiled.

“God, why are these people so violent?” Jongseong asked as he folded his sleeves up to his elbows
and to everyone’s surprise, he punched the guy beside Hyunjin. “Fucking idiots.”

But despite all of the commotion, Jaeyun’s eyes remained on the person who didn’t move. The
person whose eyes were laced with concern The person who was shaking as he looked at the
shaking hands of Jaeyun. The person who slowly walked towards him and knelt down to level with
Jaeyun’s eyes

“Did they hurt you?” he asked, softly.


“Are you scared?” Heeseung asked. Jaeyun didn’t have to answer because the way his whole body
shook was enough for Heeseung to know that he was scared. So so so scared.

“Wow. The notorious gangster of the campus is a softie when it comes to his boyfriend.” Hyunjin
said and laughed. A series of laughs from the guys he was with followed.

Heeseung smiled at Jaeyun and held his hand.

“Go with them.”

“No. I won’t leave you here,” Jaeyun said as panic started to engulf his whole body.

“Jongseong,” Heeseung said and stood up.

“Jaeyun.” Jongseong called him.

“No, I won’t leave him here!”

“It’s better if we leave now.” Sunghoon added.


“Come on, Jae!” Jungwon said and pulled him out of there. The last thing that everyone heard was
curses from both Heeseung and Hyunjin.


Jaeyun couldn’t help but bite his fingers as they waited for Heeseung at the bench in front of the
building housing the dentistry department. Their friends even bought food and water for him, but
he couldn’t eat. Not when he knows someone’s life might be in danger because of him.

“Hee!” he raised his head immediately when he heard Riki shouting Heeseung’s name.

His tears fell like a waterfall when he saw the crumple on Heeseung’s clothes. When he saw the
wounds on his knuckles, when he saw how he limped just to get to them, when he saw his
beautiful face full of bruises, when he saw the smile on his chapped lips, they became red.

He ran towards him when Heeseung spread his arms as if expecting a hug from Jaeyun. The latter
buried his face in Heeseung’s chest and sobbed.

“I’m sorry,” he said. Heeseung hugged him and kissed the top of his head.

“It’s not your fault.”

“It is! If only I wasn't so gullible, then this wouldn’t have happened. I thought Jeongin didn—”
“Shh. It’s fine. I’m fine. You don’t have to worry.”

“But, your bru—”

“Hyunjin and I already talked, Yun. We settled everything. Everything’s gonna be fine.” Heeseung
said as he smiled at the concerned Jaeyun.

“Hee,” Jaeyun said and sobbed so Heeseung chuckled as he hugged the younger tighter.

Their friends were just looking at them while tears were in their eyes.

“Trust me, okay? Just trust me and I’ll protect you. I will do my very best to protect you,”

Jaeyun bit his lips and nodded.

“I trust you. So much so, please don’t ever let yourself be hurt just because of me.”

“Jaeyun, you k—”

“Promise?” Jaeyun asked as he looked at Heeseung’s eyes. He saw how much he tried to say no
but he smiled and nodded.


But Jaeyun knew damn well that promises are meant to be broken.
Chapter Notes

tw // mention of death

organization and gang may sound the same to you guys but i'll explain it in the next
chapter that would be posted tomorrow. thanks <3

It’s been a few months since that incident happened. So far, Heeseung has been able to keep his
promise to Jaeyun. Whenever they would meet after class or late at night, Heeseung wouldn’t have
anything plastered on his face aside from the beautiful smile that Jaeyun had always loved.

Now, they’re on their way to the cliff that had been their semi-home for the past few months.
Jaeyun’s parents never scold him whenever he goes home late or sleeps over at Heeseung’s
treehouse. But they have repeatedly told him their wish to meet their son’s friend.

“We’re here.” Heeseung said as he turned off the motor bike’s engine.

“Can you like….” Jaeyun paused when he hopped off of the motor bike and removed his helmet.
That’s why Heeseung was able to see Jaeyun with messy hair, brows furrowed, and lips twitching
as if contemplating whatever it is he wanted to say. “Can you like fucking slow down next time?”

“Language, my love.” Heeseung said as he hopped off of the motorbike too. He snatched the
helmet away from Jaeyun’s frozen hand and walked towards the ladder.

“Hey! Stop calling me with different endearments!”

“Then choose one,” Heeseung said as he faced Jaeyun, now he’s walking backwards. Both hands
are still holding the helmet while a beautiful and teasing smile is plastered on his beautiful and
manly face.

“Why the fuck would I ch—”

“Stop cursing, love.” Heeseung stopped him again. Jaeyun gulped and even hiccupped as his eyes
caught Heeseung’s soft and doe-eyed ones.
“Okay, I choose love. Now, can I talk?” he asked as annoyance started to creep back into his body
again. Heeseung smiled and looked down to avoid chuckling because of Jaeyun’s cute face. He

“Go on,”

“Okay, can you please stop driving so fast? We’re not in a hurry, okay?” he said.

“But that wouldn’t be fun,” Heeseung blurted out even before he could stop himself. Jaeyun raised
his brows.

“So, you’re having fun whenever you drive fast? Why? Is it fun to see me crying, begging for my
life?” Jaeyun asked. Tears were threatening to fall. “Is it fun making fun of me?”

Heeseung gulped when he saw Jaeyun’s shaking hand.

“Yun,” Heeseung said and put the helmet on the table below the tree. He sighed and smiled when
he was finally able to cup Jaeyun’s cheek. “I would never make fun of you in that way. I’m not
insensitive to make fun of someone else’s fear.”

“Then what?” Jaeyun asked and pouted as he lowered his head, but Heeseung brought it up again
so the former would be able to look him in the eye.

“Because I love the warmth that you bring against the cold breeze at night whenever you hug me
tight. I love that instead of butterflies, all I feel whenever you’re close to me is peace. Because
you're peace, Jaeyun. You are the peace in my chaotic world. You bring peace and warmth to me.
Jaeyun, my love, you’re my home.”

Because of what Heeseung said, Jaeyun's breathing became difficult.He felt like crying because of
all the nice words that he had heard. He felt like jumping out of joy because of how he made the
older guy feel, and he felt like running towards him and hugging him tight while kissing him until
they were out of breath because Jaeyun, oh pretty Jaeyun likes the red-haired guy with calloused
hands, wounds, and bruises all over his body. He likes Lee Heeseung, and he’s ready to admit that
“So, that means?”

“Yes, Jaeyun. I like you.” Heeseung said and smiled warmly at the younger guy.

Jaeyun smiled, chuckled, and laughed. When he was finally out of breath, he sobbed. Heeseung
worriedly looked at him.

“Hey, hey, calm down, please?”

“I hate you,” Jaeyun said, as he sobbed. He even punched Heeseung’s chest, but for the latter, that
didn’t hurt. What hurts him the most right now is what Jaeyun said. He hates him.

“Oh,” Heeseung said and slowly removed his hands from Jaeyun’s cheeks. He figured he might
make the young man uncomfortable.

Jaeyun furrowed his eyebrows, creased his forehead and stared at Heeseung, confused. He didn’t
understand why the older guy suddenly distanced himself from him. Did he say something wrong?

“Aren’t you gonna hug me? I’m crying!” Jaeyun said in between sobs, and when he noticed that
Heeseung didn’t move, his sobs became louder. He actually looks like a kid right now who had his
lollipop stolen, and Heeseung wanted to pinch his cheeks, but he stopped himself.

“I’m afraid that I might make you uncomfortable, Yun. I guess you hate me because of the fact that
I used to be a gangster, right?” Heeseung said that it felt like a puzzle to Jaeyun. When did he ever
say that he hated him?

‘Oh. I just did.’ Jaeyun thought.

“Hee, I don’t hate you,” Jaeyun said as a smile threatened to leave his lips.

“I—what?” Heeseung asked.

“Lee Heeseung, of the Chemical Engineering Department, the notorious gangster and red-haired
guy of the university, I like you too.” Jaeyun said with a chuckle that made Heeseung’s eyes grow

“Are you for real?!”

“Yes, Heeseung, my love.” Jaeyun said with a smile. Heeseung chuckled as he cupped Jaeyun’s
cheek again.

“Oh God, you’re so beautiful, love.”

“Thank you,”

Heeseung sighed and smiled as he hugged the now giggling Jaeyun. “I like you. So so so so so

“I like you too,” Jaeyun said as he hugged the older guy tighter.

“Oh God, you’re going to get a cold. Let’s go upstairs already!” Heeseung said as he pulled

Normally, Jaeyun would go up first and make himself at home in the four corners of the living
room, and Heeseung would follow shortly after bringing the food that they had purchased, but
today was different.

Heeseung creased his forehead when he noticed that Jaeyun wasn’t moving when he reached the
door of the treehouse. He was about to ask the latter what was wrong when he heard a scream.


“What are you even doing here, Harper?”

“This is my house too!”

“I never said it wasn’t! I was just asking, why are you here?” Heeseung asked his sister.

It turns out Harper Lee was also there. She had just come from the kitchen when she saw Jaeyun,
and because of panic and because she didn’t know the guy, she screamed. She’s been there since
her dismissal from her class earlier today.

On the other hand, Jaeyun was just sitting in front of the two Lee’s, watching them bicker while
eating chips, and he was just there, sitting quietly despite being hungry since lunch today.

“Why don’t you buy us food?” Harper asked her brother.

“Why the fuck would I bu—”

“Hee.” Jaeyun stopped him so Heeseung sighed and looked at his sister who was smiling at him

“What do you want?” he asked.

“Burgers and fries!”

“Okay. One burg—”

“I said burgers and fries. Plural! Burgers and fries,” Harper repeated, earning a face palm from
Heeseung and a chuckle from Jaeyun.

“Fine. You’re such a big eater. How about you, Yun?”

“Oh, anything. You know what I like.” he said with a smile so Heeseung nodded and stood up.

“Okay. I’ll leave the two of you here so take care.” Heeseung said.

“Bye, big bro.”

“Bye, love.” Jaeyun said with a smile and the redness of Heeseung’s ears didn’t go unnoticed by
the younger girl with them.

“Oh my God, Heedeungie! You’re blushing!” she said.

“Shut up!” he said and ran outside.

Harper couldn’t stop laughing even after Heeseung left, so Jaeyun couldn’t help but smile at the
girl sitting in front of him.

“Oh, sorry,” Harper said and even snorted while trying to stop herself from laughing.

“It’s okay.” Jaeyun said with a smile so Harper smiled back and fixed herself.

“Actually, Auntie just wanted me to see how Hee was doing. The last time he went home was a
few weeks ago. He’s been sleeping here since then, and it looks like you’re staying here too.”

“Oh, no. I sometimes sleep here but I go home everyday.” Jaeyun assured her so she smiled.

“If that is so, you probably know what happened to me, right? And how Heeseung is in a bind with
that organization because of me.”

Jaeyun stopped drinking when he heard what Harper said. He bit his lips as he gave the girl a small

“Uh, yeah. Your brother didn’t mean to tell me. It’s just that I caught him two times already with
bruises so there,” Jaeyun explained that made Harper smile.

“It’s okay. My brother trusts you, so I trust you too,” Harper said with a smile before leaning on the
table and asking Jaeyun a question he didn’t expect. “So, you’re okay with my brother being a
“It doesn’t really matter, Harper. Also, he left the gang already.”

Harper’s forehead creased when she heard what Jaeyun said. She shook her head and smiled softly.

“Jae, Heeseung never left the gang. The organization even.” she said softly as if making sure she
won’t hit an imaginary wall with Jaeyun.


"He can’t leave the gang unless he’s a big name or has a lot of money that could sponsor the
organization before he leaves, or unless he could recruit someone else in his place, or unless he’ll
….” Harper paused and looked at Jaeyun’s eye. “Die.”

Jaeyun felt like crying because of what he heard. He wanted to throw things and break them. He
wanted to sob until he ran out of breath. He wanted to just cry and ruin himself because of what he
heard. Even just the idea of losing Heeseung because of some dumb organization made him feel

“But we all doubt the organization would let him go unless they were arrested. He did great while
working for them. He’s even up for promotion in the gang that he’s in, but he didn’t want to go
deeper than he already was. That’s why Hyunjin was promoted first. Heeseung is not selfish, so he
would rather put us first than himself and his freedom. That’s why I’m scared.” Jaeyun raised his
head when he heard what Harper said.

“Scared?” he asked, almost a whisper.

Harper nodded and smiled, “Because they finally found Heeseung’s weakness. You .”
Chapter Summary

“Auntie! I’m here. I brought a visitor.”

“Really? Who is it? Is it your brother’s boyfriend?”


Jaeyun stopped walking when he heard that voice. It was familiar. Too familiar that it
sent an unexplainable pain in his heart. He raised his head to look at the woman that
Harper was calling Auntie. Her smile faded when she saw him. She gulped and
walked slowly towards him.

Chapter Notes

did not proofread this lmao (╥﹏╥)

“You okay?” Heeseung asked as he dropped Jaeyun off in front of the latter’s house.

“Yeah,” Jaeyun answered without throwing a glance to the older guy.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. Uh, take care.” Jaeyun said and ran inside.

When he reached his room, he couldn’t help but cry. He crawled to his bed and covered himself
with his blanket and sobbed.

He was wondering why. Why is this happening to the love of his life? Why is this happening to
Heeseung? Why must they experience this at a young age? Why must Heeseung suffer because of
someone else’s greed? Why should their love be caught up in this mess?
Jaeyun sighed and stared at the bright moon outside. It looks like the same moon that he saw when
Heeseung first brought him to the treehouse. The only difference was he was closer to the moon
that time and was happier, and today, he was feeling off because of what he learned today.

Heeseung lied to him. When he said that he had settled everything with Hyunjin and he already left
the organization, he was lying. He lied to Jaeyun. To his Yun. To his Love and nothing hurts more
than that.

Jaeyun fished his phone out of his pocket and sent a message to the number Harper gave him
earlier while waiting for Heeseung to come back.

Jaeyun : Hey, are you still awake?

Harper : oh, jae. Yes. why?

Jaeyun : Can we meet? Tomorrow?

Harper : oh, sure. After your classes?

Jaeyun : after your classes.

Harper : but I heard you tell Hee a while ago that your classes won’t finish until 8PM.

Jaeyun : Can we just please meet?

Harper : Sure, jae.

Jaeyun : Thank you.

Jaeyun sighed again as he closed his phone after replying to Harper. He closed his eyes and drifted
to sleep.


“Where are you going?” Sunghoon asked when Jaeyun suddenly got up from his seat and fixed his

“Somewhere,” Jaeyun answered.

“Where?” Sunoo asked. Jaeyun sighed and looked at his friends. They were concerned.

“Just there.”

“Does Heeseung know? He was supposed to pick you up, right?”

“I told him I have a class until 8PM.”

“You lied?!” Sunoo shouted so Jaeyun quickly covered his mouth.

“Stop shouting!”

“Your classes are done and it’s just 3PM. Is there something wrong?” Sunghoon asked.

“Nothing. “

“So where are you going?”

“I’m just gonna meet with someone,”

“Do you want us to go with you?” Sunoo asked.

“I’ll be fine.” Jaeyun said as he sighed.

Sunoo and Sunghoon sighed too and nodded. “Fine but please message us so we know where you

“I will.”

“Take care.”

When Jaeyun was finally out of their sight, Sunghoon quickly fished his phone out of his pocket.

“Babe? What are you doing?” Sunoo asked him.

“Heeseung needs to know about this,”


“I’m worried, babe. You know what happened months ago.” Sunghoon said. Sunoo sighed and

“Okay, let’s tell him.”


“Jae!” Harper called him. Jaeyun smiled when he saw her.

“I’m sorry. It took me some time to escape my friends.” he said as he sat down in front of Harper.

“It’s okay. What do you want to talk about anyway?” she asked.

“You said last night that uhm, your brother can’t leave the organization. What if he already settled
some things with Hyunjin?”

“Oh,” Harper said and smiled as she put down her drink. “If he settled things with Hyunjin then he
probably left the gang that he was in but he can’t leave the whole organization that’s sponsoring
the gang. He’ll be handling a different job that he was doing in the gang but, Jae, he never left the
gang because if the gang that he’s in right now does bad deeds then what more if he stayed at the
organization? He might even have to drop out.”
“Harper, what should we do?” Jaeyun asked.

“We could talk to Auntie. She knows a lot of big names that could help Heeseung. I also want him
to leave that organization, Jae. It also hurts me to see my brother’s beautiful face full of bruises.”
Harper said and let out a sad smile. Jaeyun nodded and held her hand.

“Let’s do our best and get him out of there.”

“Let’s meet Auntie?”

“Let’s do that.” Jaeyun said and stood up with her.

If he wants to have a peaceful life with Heeseung then he must do his best to get him out of that
hell. It’s the least that he could do.


“Auntie! I’m here. I brought a visitor.”

“Really? Who is it? Is it your brother’s boyfriend?”


Jaeyun stopped walking when he heard that voice. It was familiar. Too familiar that it sent an
unexplainable pain in his heart. He raised his head to look at the woman that Harper was calling
Auntie. Her smile faded when she saw him. She gulped and walked slowly towards him.

“Jaeyun?” she called. Jaeyun bit his inner cheeks and shook his head as he took a step back. Tears
were threatening to fall but he didn’t care. Not when his Mom was standing in front of him. White
hairs were starting to blend in her beautiful and natural long brown hair. Even though she was
already nearing her 50’s, her face didn’t have any wrinkles and only had a hint of a smile. The one
trait that Jaeyun got from his mom. She was always smiling and kind and Jaeyun hated that.
“Don’t…come near me. Please….” he whispered. He looked at her and saw tears on her cheeks.
He wanted to wipe them but he was afraid that he might cross an invincible boundary between him
and his mom.

“Son, please?” she said.

“Son?” he heard Harper say.

“Don’t…” Jaeyun said again when his mom attempted to come near him for the second time.

“Yun?” he looked back when he heard that familiar voice. His tears started to fall when he saw


“Why are you crying?” Heeseung asked as concern and panic started to engulf his whole body.

“Hee,” he heard Harper called.

“Why is Auntie crying? What’s happening?” he asked. Jaeyun shook his head and smiled.

“I’ll go home already….”

“Jaeyun, please, no. Let’s talk son, please.” Jaeyun felt like his whole body shook when his Mother
held the hem of his shirt. He faced her and saw the desperation in her eyes.

“I can’t. Not yet.”

“But….can I hug you?” she asked again. Jaeyun wanted to say no but the feeling of him missing his
mom was stronger so he nodded.
She sighed and smiled as she ran towards Jaeyun. She hugged him so tight, as if it would suddenly
repay all of those years that she wasn’t there and for Jaeyun, it did. His Mother’s hug was enough
to fill in for those years that she wasn’t there.

“I’m so sorry that I left you, Jaeyun. I didn’t want to. I wanted to bring you with me but your father
threatened me. He said that he would throw me to jail if I did and even though I also had a lot of
connections, I didn’t want to risk it. I don’t want to give you a trauma so I left. I’m sorry,” she
whispered as she sobbed within Jaeyun’s arm. The latter couldn’t help but hug her tighter because
of her sobs.

“When I tried getting you years later, you were living peacefully already. You were having fun
with Elaine and even if it pains me to see you that happy with someone else’s arms, I endured it. I
had to because it was for your sake, son.” Jaeyun nodded.

“Auntie?” he heard Harper’s voice that’s why he pulled himself from the hug and saw his mom
clenching her chest.

“ Mommy?! Mom!” Jaeyun shouted. He was shaking. He was panicking.

“Fuck, let’s bring her inside!” Heeseung shouted as he carried her inside. Harper immediately went
to Jaeyun and caressed his back.

“She’ll be fine. Aunt is a strong woman.” she said and smiled as they followed Heeseung.
Chapter Notes

did not proofread this again lmao

also sorry for the short update . this might be longer than 15 chapters because of this

“Hey, stop crying already.” Heeseung said as he hugged Jaeyun tighter.

They’re sitting outside Rachel’s room. Harper is inside talking to her aunt. It’s been two hours and
the doctor left already. Heeseung just stayed with Jaeyun the whole time, even asking him if he
wanted to go inside already but Jaeyun would just shake his head and snuggle closer to Heeseung
while crying.

“I made my Mom cry,” Jaeyun whispered. He is not sobbing anymore but tears are still falling
down like how an unending waterfall would. He can’t stop them.

“Shh. It’s not your fault.” Heeseung assured him.

“It is. She just wanted to talk to me but I pushed her away.” Jaeyun said again.

“Aunt Rachel understands that, Love. She doesn’t want to force herself on you too.”

“I badly want to shout at her and ask her why she left me but I can’t. I just want to stay by her side
and hug her until I fall asleep just like how we did it when I was younger.” Heeseung smiled and
combed Jaeyun’s hair when he heard what he said.

“We knew that she had a son even before she came and took care of us. Mom said Aunt Rachel
was sick that’s why she left her son to her husband. She tried to work hard so she could get him
back but because of her condition, she was having a hard time. Then, my parents died. She became
our legal guardian and she would always tell us about her son. How he would grin like a puppy or
jump whenever he gets excited. How he would crease his forehead whenever he gets annoyed. She
misses her son more than anyone else.” Heeseung said. Jaeyun looked at him using his puppy eyes
so the former smiled.
“She missed you, Jaeyun and she did try her best to get you.”

Jaeyun sighed and faced the door in front of them when it opened. It revealed Harper and the tray
that was full of food awhile ago.

“She’s done eating,” she said.

“Can I talk to her?” Jaeyun whispered.

“Go on,” Heeseung said with a smile so Jaeyun quickly stood up and went to the door.

“Good luck, Jae.” Harper told him with a smile before turning around to go down.

Jaeyun sighed again and finally opened the door. It was clean. There was a couch beside the door
and then a dresser and then the TV in front of the bed. The whole room was painted in cream and
there were brown accents too. It looks calm. And then his eye reached the bed where his mother
was laying. Beside her was an oxygen tank because she used it a while ago.

“Jaeyun,” she greeted and smiled.

“Hey, Mom.” he greeted back and bit his lip as he walked closer.

“Oh, wow. It feels nice to hear your son call you Mom again.” she said and even held her chest as
if wanting to contain all the excitement and warmth in her body to avoid making her son feel

“And it feels nice to call you my Mom again,” Jaeyun replied. Rachel smiled and offered her hand
to which Jaeyun immediately grabbed. She then tapped the space beside her so Jaeyun quickly got
in the bed and snuggled beside his Mom.

“I missed you, son.” she whispered.

“I missed you too, Mom.”

“My condition isn’t getting any better, my baby. Everyday, I would wake up feeling weak and I feel
sorry for you because I can’t even take care of you.” she said after a while.

“It’s okay, Mom. I understand now.”

“Your father doesn’t know….” she slowly said so Jaeyun looked up to her with curious eyes. She
smiled and cupped her son’s face.

“I was about to tell him but then he gave me the divorce papers. He said he really loves Elaine and
that he wants to be with her. I asked him if I could get you but he said no. He said how would I
support your lifestyle if I was only gonna paint. I tried so hard to get you, my baby.” she said.

“It’s okay now.” Jaeyun whispered and snuggled closer to his mom.

“Now, tell me. What does my baby want?”


“You didn’t come here for nothing. I know.” she said.

Jaeyun sighed and sat properly before facing his mom. He let out a small smile before holding his
Mom’s hand.

“Mommy, I need your help and Harper said you’re the only one who could help us,” he said.

“What’s the problem, son?” she asked.

“We want to help Heeseung,”

“Is this what I think it is?”

“Yes, Mom. We want to help him get out of that organization.”


Jaeyun sighed as his back hit the soft foam of his bed. He just got home and thankfully, his Mom
agreed to their plan.

She said she’ll see what she can do and if she can, she would also talk to Jaeyun’s father as he has
more connections than her and that made Jaeyun nervous.

If his father knew what kind of person Heeseung was, he would be fuming mad. No matter how
soft or kind of a person Heeseung really is, Jaeyun’s father would still base everything on what
Heeseung does and he’s a gangster so what kind of parent would let their child be involved in a
gangster’s life?

Jaeyun sighed for the umpteenth time and buried his face on the pillow. He involuntarily blushed
when he remembered his conversation with Heeseung a while ago.


“Did you know?” Jaeyun asked Heeseung as they walked out of Heeseung’s village.


“Did you know that I was her son?” Jaeyun asked again. Heeseung smiled and shook his head.

“No. We always ask her about it but for some reason, she never answers us.” he replied. Jaeyun
nodded and smiled.

“Thank you for taking care of her. Don’t worry, I’ll take her back when I can.” he said. Jaeyun
looked up at Heeseung when the older guy held his hand and intertwined their fingers. Heeseung
gave him a warm smile.
“She also took care of us, my love. It’s only right that we also try our best to make her
comfortable. Also, you could live with us if you want. Just so you could see her always.”

“Oh my, really!?”


Jaeyun couldn’t help but hug Heeseung because of what he heard. He smiled.

“Thank you so much, Hee.”

“This is nothing, Jaeyun.”


“I promise I’ll do my best to free you from that organization, love.” Jaeyun whispered.

“I’ll do my best to give you back the years that you weren’t able to have because of that dumb
Chapter Summary

“It’s time,” he whispered.

“Sir, everything’s ready.”

“Great. Make sure Sim and Lee are in one place later, okay?”

“Noted, Sir.”

‘I’m sure this will be successful.’ he thought.

Chapter Notes

cw // gun , knife
tw // mention of death

did not proofread this again please do forgive me T-T i'm too busy with school works
i'm just trying to fit this into my schedule thanks lmao

“Love!” Jaeyun raised his head when he heard that voice. He smiled and waved when he saw a tall,
red-haired guy among the sea of students in the field.

He waited for the guy to come near him. Heeseung was having a hard time walking because of the
students who were blocking his way so he just calmly and slowly walked through them to avoid
hitting someone.

Jaeyun and everyone in the council was busy these past few weeks because of their responsibilities,
especially now that they have an event for the school’s anniversary.

“Hey,” Jaeyun greeted when Heeseung finally reached his place.

“Harper said she’ll be coming with her friends later.” Heeseung said.

“Really? I’m sure that she’ll love all of the artists that will perform later.” Jaeyun said as he pulled
Heeseung to the nearby tent that’s full of culinary students. “What do you like?”
“Corn Dog.” Heeseung answered. Jaeyun smiled and nodded as he bought corn dogs, fries and
drinks for both Heeseung and him.

“Done,” he cutely said when he went out of the tent so Heeseung quickly got some of the food in
his hands and told him they should sit somewhere quiet.

When they reached the gym, Jaeyun quickly ran towards the bleachers and sat down so Heeseung
laughed at him.

“Tired?” the older guy asked. Jaeyun pouted as he showed him a nod.

“Yes! They’re making all of us do the work.” he ranted.

Heeseung smiled and put his food down as he reached for Jaeyun’s head and ruffled the latter’s

“That’s why I told you to call me whenever you’re tired.”

“You’re busy with your training too,” Jaeyun said with a pout.

“I can manage, love.”

“I know but I just don’t want you to get tired,” Jaeyun said. Heeseung smiled and shook his head.

“I’ll never get tired of doing things for you, Yun.”

“Oh God, get a room!” They both looked at the entrance of the Gym and saw Jongseong with their
friends so Jaeyun chuckled.

“Why are you here?” Heeseung asked, annoyance was evident in his voice.
“We wanted to play basketball.” Riki answered.

“You wanted to be alone with my best friend, didn't you?” Sunghoon asked with a teasing smile
displayed on his beautiful face.

“Stop teasing them, babe. Look at Jaeyun’s face.” Sunoo said with a chuckle while pointing at
Jaeyun. And when they threw him a glance, he was as red as a tomato.

“Play with them. Jaeyun won’t go anywhere, you know?” Jungwon said as he pushed Heeseung out
of his place and sat on his seat, followed by Sunoo. The laughing Jaeyun was now sitting in the

“Go, love.” he said with a smile.

Heeseung sighed and even pouted but still went with his friends when Sunghoon wrapped his arms
on his shoulders and pulled him towards the court.

“Does Coach Jang know about this? He’ll get mad again if he knew that the football players
played here again without his consent.” Heeseung asked him as they started to pass the ball. His
teammate is Riki while Jongseong and Sunghoon are together.

“Don’t worry. We have Sunghoon.” Jongseong that made Heeseung’s forehead crease.


“He’s part of the basketball team,” Riki answered with a smile.

“He’s part of what?!”

“Basketball team,” Sunghoon said with a chuckle.

“Then why is he gonna play with us? He’s good and we’re just…average?” Heeseung slowed
down when he noticed the amusement in his friend’s eyes.
“He’s good, you’re good and Jongseong and I are average so shut up and team up with me,” Riki
said that earned a whine from Jongseong and a chuckle from both Sunghoon and Heeseung.

“Just start playing already!” Jungwon shouted at them.

“God! These boys and their pride,” Sunoo said as he rolled his eyes.

“They’re just trying to show off,” Jaeyun added. That's why all of the guys that were standing at
the court whined.

“We’re not?!”

“Just start the game, Park Sunghoon!”

“Riki, pass the ball to me!”

“Jongseong, you’re dumb!”


The gym that was filled with laughter was once again enveloped by silence when the group left it.

“I’m so tired.” Sunghoon said as he wiped his face with the towel he got from his locker.

“Drink first,” Jungwon said as he gave Riki a bottle of water. “You guys should rest first. We still
have an hour before the event starts,”

“Jungwon’s right,” Jaeyun said as he dried Heeseung’s hair with a towel while the latter was

“But I’ll fetch Harper from the gate,” he said.

“We can do that for you,” Sunoo said and smiled at him.

“Yeah, then we can find a seat for us already.” Riki suggested.

“Let’s do that?” Jongseong asked.

“Okay,” Heeseung replied. “Take care, okay?”

“God! He won’t go missing, you know?” Jungwon said and rolled his eyes as he pulled Jaeyun and
Sunoo away from them.

Jaeyun just laughed as the two younger guys pulled him.

“He’s whipped.” Sunoo said as they walked towards the gate.

“Jeez! He can’t leave you alone. He can’t even stop talking about you,” Jungwon added.

“Oh God! Jaeyun is like that too.”

“Really?! Heeseung would often tell us stories about Jaeyun even though we’re not asking about
him. No offense, Yun.”

Jaeyun chuckled. “None taken, Won.”

“Jaeyun would do that too! He would talk about how pretty Heeseung’s red hair is or how he is
super nice even though he looks like a snob,”

Jaeyun just smiled while the two still bickered and told stories about how whipped Jaeyun and
Heeseung are to each other when Jaeyun saw someone familiar at the entrance.
“Jae!” she said and waved.

“Harper!” He greeted back and waved.

When they reached the younger’s place, Sunoo immediately said his greetings and introduced
himself while Jungwon teased Harper and her friends nonstop.

“Let’s go inside. Your brother is waiting for you already,” Jaeyun said after a while.

“Can you go first? I’ll buy some food first,” Harper asked the three guys.

“Oh, I’ll stay with you,” Jaeyun said.

“Really? Okay!” she said and pulled him to the tents where they sell foods.

“What are you gonna buy?” Jaeyun asked.

“Anything!” Harper excitedly replied.

While buying food, Jaeyun felt someone staring at him. He looked around but to no avail, he
couldn't find that person. He sighed and faced Harper when he noticed she wasn’t there anymore.
His forehead creased as he went out of the tent to look for the girl.

He even walked ‘till the end of the tents but what he saw sent shivers down his spine. It was
Harper’s bag.

“Harper?!” he shouted but no one answered. He bit his lips and was about to come back to the field
when he felt someone covering his nose and mouth with a handkerchief.

“Shhh, this will be short if you won’t move.” and before he could even process everything,
everything went black.


Jaeyun woke up feeling light. His head and whole body hurts. His feet feel numb too. When he
opened his eyes, it took him a while to get used to the bright light.

“Huh?” he said when he noticed the place where he’s in. Rooftop?

“Finally!” a voice said. He looked at it and was shocked when he saw who he was holding.


“Jae,” she cried.

“What? Why?” he asked the guy.

“Bring Heeseung back to the organization, Jaeyun.”

“Do I look dumb to you? Why would I let my boyfriend go back to that dumb organization?!” he

“You’ll let him come back or…” his eyes grew wide when he saw how Hyunjin pointed a gun on
Harper’s head and how he felt a cold metal on his neck. “You both die ?”
Chapter Notes

cw // curses , blood
tw // guns , knife , attempted act of violence

will post the epilogue on sunday or monday ig

“Where are they?” Heeseung asked. He was calm, but his veins were starting to pop out because of
irritation. Authority was also evident in his voice. He was also clenching the scarf that Jaeyun was
wearing a while ago.

“I really don’t know. They asked us to go first because Harper said she’d buy some food first.”
Sunoo said, his tears starting to form.

“Shhh, we’ll find them, don’t worry.” Sunghoon whispered as he hugged his boyfriend.

“What if they took them?” Jungwon suddenly asked. After they lost Jaeyun and Harper in the
crowd, he’s been fidgeting with his fingers nonstop—a sign that he’s super nervous and is racking
his brains for answers.

“Love, no. That’s impossible.” Riki said as he held his boyfriend’s hand.

“No. That’s actually possible,” Jongseong said as he looked at Heeseung.

“Fucking Hwang Hyunjin. Oh, today will be bloody.” Heeseung said as he cracked his knuckles
and even chuckled as he stood up and went straight to the Dentistry building.

“Fuck!” Sunghoon cursed and quickly followed the older guy.

“He’s calling,” Seungmin informed Hyunjin.

“Oh, this will be bloody.” Hyunjin said and laughed as he stared at the two hostages before
answering the call.

“Hello, Lee?”

“Fuck you, Hwang.”

Hyunjin chuckled. “Ooooh, scary.”

“Where are they?”

“Did you think we’d be staying there in the underground? How dumb of you, Heeseung.” Hyunjin
said with a smile. He even scratched his head with the gun he was holding, and that made Jaeyun
and Harper more nervous.

“Where are you, you fucker.” Heeseung asked through gritted teeth. Hyunjin could also hear the
shuffling in the background.

“Why the fuck would I tell you?” Hyunjin teased.

“Fuck you, Hwang. Where’s my sister?!” Heeseung shouted.

Hyunjin smiled and approached Jaeyun and pointed the gun at him.

“No! Not Jaeyun, please!” Harper shouted as she sobbed so Jaeyun shook his head.

“Shhh, I’ll be okay.” he assured her.

“Choose, Lee. You could only choose one.”

“We’re here on the rooftop, Hee!” Harper shouted again, so out of instinct, Jeongin punched her

“Fuck you! She’s a girl!” Jaeyun shouted as he tried to scoot closer at the coughing and crying

“Then, should we hurt you instead?” Jisung asked and smiled wickedly. Felix laughed like
someone who lost his sanity and punched Jaeyun’s stomach.

“We should,” He answered, and with that, everyone shared their laughter and wicked gazes as the
two hostages cried for help.

“Quick, Lee. Come here quickly before they die .” Hyunjin said and ended the call.


“Fuck!” Riki shouted as they reached the last step before the door to the rooftop.

“I fucking hate this school. They’re rich but don't have any elevators? What the fuck?” Sunoo
ranted as he held his knees.

“Fuck!” Heeseung hissed when he tried opening the knob.

“Why?” Jongseong asked and walked closer to his friend.

“It’s fucking locked!”

“This fucking witch!” Jungwon shouted as he walked closer to the door and kicked it.

“Fuck you, Hyunjin!” Sunghoon shouted as he hit the door with his arms.
“Open the fucking door, you fucker!” Jongseong shouted and tried breaking the knob using the
wood he saw at the side.

“Harper? Jaeyun? I’m here! Don’t worry! We’ll get you out of there!” Heeseung shouted as he
tried hitting the door again using his body.

“Move!” Riki and Sunoo shouted that’s why they looked at them.

They were both holding something big that could actually break the door with force. The other
guys helped them carry it.

“In three, okay?” Jungwon said. All of them nodded and looked at the door with so much fire in
their eyes as if they could actually burn it. “One, two.”

“Fuck, three!” Jongseong shouted and they all ran towards it and hit the door with force.

“Aww! Your friends just arrived! How sweet!” Hyunjin said with a laugh.

Heeseung was about to attack when Jongseong and Sunghoon held him.

“I’m gonna punch this fucker, let me go!” he said.

“Stay still, fuck!” Sunghoon shouted at him.

“Yun,” and when he heard the fear and the trembling voice of Sunoo, that’s the only time he
noticed his sister and boyfriend tied to a chair.

“Love! Harper.” He said as fear started to creep into his body when he saw how Jeongin pointed a
gun at his sister’s head and how Seungmin smiled creepily as he pointed a knife at Jaeyun’s neck.

“Ooooh, is our red-haired gangster here scared?” Hyunjin teased.

Heeseung gulped and formed his hand into a fist before looking at Hyunjin, but the latter just
smiled and pointed at his sister and boyfriend.

“One move and they’ll die .” he said and laughed like a maniac.

Heeseung sighed and bit his lips as he stared at the wet faces of his loved ones.

“Save her,” Jaeyun mouthed and even smiled. Heeseung felt the side of his eyes water so he shook
his head.

“No. I can save the two of you,” he said.

Jaeyun smiled and shook his head. “You can’t, love.”

“You can’t be greedy, Lee. You can only save one.” Hyunjin said and laughed again, together with
his friends.

“Fuck you,” was the only thing Heeseung could say.

“Save Harper.” Jaeyun said again, louder this time so everyone looked at him.

“Love, no.” Heeseung said and was about to walk to him when Felix pressed the knife on Jaeyun’s
neck. That’s why the blood has started to drip already. Jaeyun’s scream echoed on the rooftop.

“Just choose one.” Hyunjin said and smiled.

“Hee,” Harper started as fear crept into her body when Jeongin pressed the gun on her head. She
gulped and smiled even though her whole body was now trembling and her eyes were now blurry.

“Harper,” Heeseung said and shook his head.

“Save him and leave the organization.”

“No, Harper. He sho—” Harper cut Jaeyun off and smiled when she looked at him.

“It’s the right thing to do. I was the one who started this, so it’s only right that I fix this too. If it
weren’t for me, we wouldn’t be here. All of you wouldn’t be here.” she said.

“I will save you.” Heeseung said.

“Are you a fucking deaf, Lee Heeseung?! I told you! Stop being greedy and just cho—”

Everyone screamed and was frozen in their spots when Heeseung, Jongseong, and Sunghoon
suddenly pulled out a gun.

“Shut the fuck up, Hwang! I’m not talking to you!” Heeseung shouted.

“Hee, stop this and just take Harper, please!” Jaeyun shouted as tears streamed down his face.

“I told you! I’m gonna save the bo—”

“And I told you that you should just save her! She has yet to experience a lot of things! Her life
shouldn’t end like this!”

“And what about you, Jaeyun?! Should I end yours like this?”

“Fucking yes, baby! Leave me and take her! Take your sister and not your boyfriend!”

“I love the both of you so why the fuck would I leave you?!”

“For once, Lee Heeseung, listen to me!” Jaeyun shouted and sobbed.
Heeseung looked at him and saw tiredness, fear, and love in his eyes all at once, and what hurt him
the most was Jaeyun’s smile.

“Save her for the second time and tell my mom I love her,” he said before sighing and doing
something leaving everyone in shock.


i love you
Chapter Notes

i'm super sorry if it took me a while to upload this one T-T i had a writers block last
week and was just not feeling it so i took a rest and i just rushed this one because today
is my exam so please bare with me

did not proofread this one btw im super sorry

enjoy <3

See the end of the chapter for more notes


“Yun, wake up!”



Jaeyun abruptly opened his eyes when he heard those voices. Instead of the glow in the dark
stickers that he used to see in the ceiling when he opened his eyes, what he saw was a plain white
ceiling with bright blinding lights.

“He’s awake!” he heard Sunoo say.

“Son?” Jaeyun turned his head to the side when he heard that voice. It was his Mom. His tears
started to fall as he saw his Mom smiling at him as if she’s telling him that ‘everything is finally
okay. I’m here now and I won’t leave you ever again.’

“,” Jaeyun said and sobbed. She stood up and hugged him as her tears fell in sync with

“Shhh. It’s okay, Jaeyun. I’m here. You’re safe, okay? Nothing’s gonna happen anymore.”
Jaeyun nodded and roamed his eyes around the room. He saw his Dad, his brother, Sunghoon and
Sunoo. He creased his forehead but this immediately went away when he remembered something.

“Where’s Harper? Is she okay?” Jaeyun’s mom pulled away from the hug and smiled.

“She’s okay, Yun. Thank you for not leaving her,”

“How about Jungwon? Riki? Jongseong?” he asked again.

“They’re fine. Still alive and kicking,” Sunghoon even joked but Jaeyun started sobbing.

“Hey, why are you crying?” his father asked as he approached him.

“You’re ugly when you cry,” his little brother said.

“Kids don’t lie, Yunie.” Sunoo said with a smile as he held Jaeyun’s step brother.

“Jaeyun? Stop crying, please.” his Mom said.

“Where is he?” he asked.


“Where is Heeseung?” Jaeyun shouted when no one answered him.

“He’s, uhm, safe.” his Mom said with a smile but it wasn’t enough for him.

“I want to see him, please.” he said and was about to stand up but his father and Sunghoon were
“Son, no!”

“Jaeyun, wait! You can’t stand up. Not yet!”

“I want to see him! Please!” he shouted as he sobbed.

“Okay. Okay… we’ll go to him.” his Mom said and cupped his cheeks. “But calm down first. Is
that okay?” she asked.

Jaeyun bit his lips to stop himself from sobbing and nodded.

They let the Doctors and Nurses to check Jaeyun first before giving them a go signal that he could
finally stand up and sit on a wheelchair.

“Are you ready?” Jaeyun’s father asked as he pushed the wheelchair. He nodded and held his
Mom’s hand who was walking beside him. At the back was Sunghoon, Sunoo and his brother.

It didn’t take them too long until they reached a room with a chair outside and people waiting in

“Jaeyun!” Jungwon shouted and immediately ran towards him and hugged him. Behind him was
Riki who was smiling at him. Jongseong fixed his posture by leaning on the wall. Then, Jaeyun’s
eyes transferred to the two ladies sitting on the chair in front of the room. It was Elaine and she was
hugging the crying Harper.

“Jae,” Harper said and immediately went to Jaeyun to hug him. Jaeyun hugged her and caressed her

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Jaeyun asked. Harper pulled from the hug and looked at Jaeyun with so
much worry and…pity.

“I’m sorry you had to go through all of that because of me. They ruined your neck and gave you
bruises, I’m sorry.” she said and sobbed so Jaeyun smiled and shook his head.
“It’s okay, Harper. As long as we’re all safe and okay. You don’t have to worry that much, baby,”
Jaeyun said to assure the little girl.

“M-my brother,” Harper started and that’s the only time Jaeyun remembered why he’s there. His
smile faded.

“Where is he by the way?” he asked.

Harper smiled and pointed at the door.

“He’s resting,” she whispered as Jaeyun’s father started pushing him towards the door.

“I….I can manage, dad.” he said.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, thank you.”

Jaeyun sighed as he opened the door. He peeked and saw a sleeping Heeseung. He closed the door
and brought the wheelchair closer to the guy he treasures the most. The guy he loves the most.

He smiled sadly as he held Heeseung’s hands and tears pooled in his eyes. He intertwined their
fingers and chuckled.

“I’m sorry,” Jaeyun said, voice hoarse because of crying too much since he woke up.

“I’m sorry if I acted out too much. Maybe if I waited for your plan, then you wouldn’t be here but I
just got so scared, my love. The desire to save you and Harper was so strong that I acted out of
adrenaline. Please wake up now. Wake up and hug me like you always do. I miss you so much.” he
whispered and rested his cheeks on Heeseung’s hand that he was holding.

He just sobbed and closed his eyes when he flinched because he felt Heeseung’s finger move.
“Love?” he called as anticipation slowly creeped in his body.

Heeseung slowly opened his eyes. He squinted it to take a good look at his surroundings when his
eyes caught Jaeyun’s teary ones.

“Heeseung?” Jaeyun called.

“Love…?” Heeseung said and that made Jaeyun sob more.

“Hee!” he said and bawled his eyes out, which earned a chuckle from the older guy. He sat down
and patted Jaeyun’s head.

“Love, why are you crying?” Heeseung asked and chuckled, which made Jaeyun irritated.

“Why the fuck are you laughing?!”

“Language, babe.” Heeseung said and squished Jaeyun’s face. He smiled. “I’m laughing because I
find you cute. Why are you crying?”

“Because you’re awake!”

“Babe, I should be the one crying. I woke up before you. I even went to your room last night and
you were just sleeping peacefully while I was overthinking. I thought you wouldn’t open your eyes

“Hee, you were the one who got shot. Not me.” Jaeyun said nonchalantly as he started to wipe his
face when Heeseung chuckled again and held Jaeyun’s wrist to stop him and instead, he used his
own thumb to wipe his boyfriend’s face.

“Still. I was so worried when Felix pressed the knife on your beautiful neck,” Heeseung said as he
caressed Jaeyun’s neck. He smiled and cupped Jaeyun’s cheek.

“I’m fine now, okay? How about you?” Jaeyun asked and pouted so Heeseung smiled.
“I’m fine. This is nothing. This will heal in a few weeks or months but why are you here? You’re
supposed to be resting.”

“I got worried about you.” Jaeyun said so, Heeseung smiled and shook his head.

“I’ll never leave you, okay?”

“Promise?” Jaeyun asked and stared at Heeseung. The latter smiled and leaned forward as he
cupped Jaeyun’s cheeks.

“Promise.” he said and gave him a peck.

Jaeyun smiled and gave Heeseung another peck before looking at the latter’s eyes.

“I love you, my Heeseung.”

“I love you more, my love.”

Chapter End Notes

thank you so much for reading this and tuning in on heeseung and jaeyun's story. it
may seem short and fast paced to all of you but tbh i don't see them anymore in another
setting aside from this T-T

anyway, again, thank you so much <3

End Notes

I hope you enjoyed it! There will be no specific time or day for updates as I do not want to
force myself to update, so please be patient with me. Thank you!
Please drop by the archive and comment to let the author know if you enjoyed their work!

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