Low Level

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Low-level programming languages are those that are closer to the hardware and provide

direct access to the system's resources. These languages are usually machine-dependent,
meaning that the code written in these languages can only run on a specific architecture or
processor. Low-level programming languages are generally harder to learn and use
compared to high-level languages.

One example of a low-level programming language is Assembly language. Assembly

language is a type of low-level language that provides a direct mapping between machine
instructions and human-readable code. It allows developers to write code that is executed
directly by the computer's processor without any additional processing.

Here's an example of Assembly language code that calculates the sum of two numbers and
stores the result in a register:

MOV AX, 5 ; Move 5 to AX register

MOV BX, 7 ; Move 7 to BX register

ADD AX, BX ; Add BX to AX

MOV CX, AX ; Move the result to CX register

On the other hand, high-level programming languages are those that are easier to learn and
use compared to low-level languages. They are usually machine-independent, meaning that
the code written in these languages can run on any system that has a compatible interpreter
or compiler. High-level programming languages provide a more abstract view of the system
and offer more powerful abstractions and constructs to solve complex problems.

One example of a high-level programming language is Python. Python is a popular high-

level programming language that is widely used in various domains such as web
development, data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

Here's an example of Python code that calculates the sum of the elements in a list:

numbers = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

sum = 0

for num in numbers:

sum += num

print("The sum of the numbers is:", sum)

In summary, low-level programming languages are closer to the hardware and provide
direct access to system resources, while high-level programming languages offer more
powerful abstractions and constructs to solve complex problems and are generally easier to
learn and use.

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