Acronyms Fo IP

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A = tortuosity exponent (fractional)

Alith = calculated neutron density lithology factor (fractional)

ALITH1 = neutron density lithology factor for 1st mineral (fractional)
ALITH2 = neutron density lithology factor for 2nd mineral (fractional)
ALITH3 = neutron density lithology factor for 3rd mineral (fractional)
API = oil gravity (API units)
AREA = area of reservoir (acres) 
Bg = gas formation volume factor (fractional)
BHT = bottom hole temperature (degrees F or degrees C)
BHTDEP = depth at which BHT was measured (ft or m)
Bo = oil formation volume factor
BVW = bulk volume of free water (fractional)
BVWm = bulk volume of moveable water (fractional)
BVI = bulk volume of irreducible water (fractional)
BVWir = bulk volume of irreducible water (fractional)
BVH = bulk volume of hydrocarbon (fractional)
BVHm = bulk volume of moveable hydrocarbon (fractional)
BVHr = bulk volume of residual hydrocarbon (fractional)
BVWsh = bulk volume of water bound to 100 % shale (fractional) 
C = intermediate term in Simandoux equation
CAL = caliper log reading, borehole diameter (mm or inches)
CBW = clay bound water (fractional)
Ccl = water salinity (ppm Cl)
CPERM = permeability constant (fractional) 
D = intermediate term in Simandoux equation
DTC = sonic log reading (usec/ft or usec/m)
DTCc = sonic log reading corrected for shale (usec/ft or usec/m)
DTCMA = sonic log reading in 100% matrix rock (usec/ft or usec/m)
DTCSH = sonic log reading in 100% shale (usec/ft or usec/m)
DTCW = sonic log reading in 100% water (usec/ft or usec/m)
DTC1 = sonic log reading in 1st mineral (usec/ft or usec/m)
DTC2 = sonic log reading in 2nd mineral (usec/ft or usec/m)
DTC3 = sonic log reading in 3rd mineral (usec/ft or usec/m)
DENS = density log reading (gm/cc or kg/m3)
DENSc = density log reading corrected for shale (gm/cc or kg/m3)
DENShy = calculated hydrocarbon density (gm/cc or kg/m3)
DENSMA = density log reading in 100% matrix rock (gm/cc or kg/m3)
DENSma = calculated matrix density (gm/cc or kg/m3)
DENSSH = density log reading in 100% shale (gm/cc or kg/m3)
DENSW = density log reading in 100% water (gm/cc or kg/m3)
DENS1 = density log reading in 1st mineral (gm/cc or kg/m3)
DENS2 = density log reading in 2nd mineral (gm/cc or kg/m3)
DENS3 = density log reading in 3rd mineral (gm/cc or kg/m3)
DEPTH = formation depth (ft or m)
DPERM = porosity exponent for permeability calculation (fractional)
DTC = compressional travel time (usec/ft or usec/m)
DTMA_C = matrix rock compressional travel time (usec/ft or usec/m)
DTMA_S = m atrix rock shear travel time (usec/ft or usec/m)
DTS = shear travel time (usec/ft or usec/m) 
E = intermediate term in Simandoux equation
EPERM = irreducible saturation exponent (fractional) 
F = formation factor (unitless)
FFI = free fluid index (fractional)
FT = formation temperature (degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius)
FT1 = formation temperature (degrees Fahrenheit)
GOR = gas oil ratio (cf/bbl or m3/m3)
GPERM = constant in Coates permeability equation
GR = gamma ray log reading (API units)
GR0 = gamma ray log reading in 100% clean zone (API units)
GR100 = gamma ray log reading in 100% shale (API units)
GRAD = temperature gradient (degrees F/ft or degrees C/m) 
HPV = HydH = hydrocarbon volume per unit area (ft or m)
HPERM = constant in permeability equation
I = formation resistivity index (unitless)
JPERM = exponent in permeability equation 
KBUCKL = Buckles number, porosity times water saturation product  (fractional)
KCP = sonic log compaction factor (fractional)
KD = gas correction factor for density porosity (fractional)
Kh = flow capacity or permeability-thickness product (md-ft or md-m)
Klith = calculated sonic density lithology factor (fractional)
KLITH1 = sonic density lithology factor for 1st mineral (fractional)
KLITH2 = sonic density lithology factor for 2nd mineral (fractional)
KLITH3 = sonic density lithology factor for 3rd mineral (fractional)
KN = gas correction factor for neutron porosity (fractional)
KPERM = permeability constant (fractional)
KS = gas correction factor for sonic porosity (fractional)
KSP = temperature factor for SP calculation (degrees F)
Krg = relative permeability to gas (fractional)
Kro = relative permeability to oil (fractional)
Krw = relative permeability to water (fractional)
KRwg = water to gas permeability ratio (fractional)
KRwo = water to oil permeability ratio (fractional) 
Lh = any log reading in 100% hydrocarbon
Li = any log reading in 100% of the ith component of matrix rock
LOG = any log reading
Lsh = any log reading in 100% shale
Lw = any log reading in 100% water
M = cementation exponent (fractional)
Min1,2,3 = relative volume of mineral 1, mineral 2, mineral 3, etc (fractional)
Mlith = calculated sonic density lithology factor (fractional)
MLITH1 = sonic density lithology factor for 1st mineral (fractional)
MLITH2 = sonic density lithology factor for 2nd mineral (fractional)
MLITH3 = sonic density lithology factor for 3rd mineral (fractional) 
N = saturation exponent (fractional)
NetH = net pay thickness (ft or m)
Nlith = calculated neutron density lithology factor (fractional)
NLITH1 = neutron density lithology factor for 1st mineral (fractional)
NLITH2 = neutron density lithology factor for 2nd mineral (fractional)
NLITH3 = neutron density lithology factor for 3rd mineral (fractional)
PE = effective photoelectric cross section (barns/cm3)
Perm = calculated permeability (millidarcies)
Permd = calculated permeability from Dumanoir method (md)
Permp = calculated permeability from porosity method (md)
Permw = calculated permeability from Wyllie method (md)
PEsh = photoelectric log reading in 100% shale (barns/electron)
PE1 = photoelectric log reading in 100% of 1st matrix component (barns/electron)
PE2 = photoelectric log reading in 100% of 2nd matrix component (barns/electron)
PF = formation pressure (psi or KPa)
PHIavg = average porosity (fractional)
PHIbvw = effective porosity from BVW method (fractional)
PHID = density log reading (fractional)
PHIdc = porosity from density log corrected for shale (fractional)
PHIDDC = density dry clay point (fractional)
PHIDm = density log reading corrected for matrix offset (fractional)
PHIDSH = density log reading in 100% shale (fractional)
PHIe = effective porosity (fractional)
PHIept = total porosity from electromagnetic log (fractional)
PhiH = pore volume per unit area (ft or m)
PHIMAX = maximum expected porosity in clean rock (fractional)
PHImx = effective porosity from PHIMAX method (fractional)
PHIN = neutron porosity log reading (fractional)
PHInc = neutron porosity corrected for shale (fractional)
PHINDC = neutron log dry clay point (fractional)
PHINm = neutron log reading corrected for matrix offset (fractional)
PHINMA = neutron log reading in 100% matrix rock (fractional)
PHInml = nuclear magnetic log reading (fractional)
PHINSH = neutron log reading in 100% shale (fractional)
PHINW = neutron log reading in 100% water (fractional)
PHIrt = porosity calculated from deep resistivity log (fractional)
PHIs = total porosity from sonic log (fractional)
PHIsc = porosity from sonic log corrected for shale (fractional)
PHIsec = secondary (vuggy) porosity from sonic log (fractional)
PHISSH = sonic porosity of 100% shale (fractional)
PHIt = total porosity from any log (fractional)
PHItrue = true porosity from core analysis or density neutron crossplot (fractional)
PHIuse = useful porosity (fractional)
PHIwtr = total porosity in a water zone, used to find RW@FT from R0 (fractional)
PHIx = intermediate result in density neutron porosity calculation
PHIxdn = porosity from density neutron crossplot (fractional)
PS = standard surface pressure (psi or KPa)
Pv = Pore Volume (ft or m)
Qg = calculated gas productivity (mcf/day)
Qo = calculated oil productivity (bbl/day) 
R0 = resistivity of rock filled with water (ohm-m)
RESD = deep resistivity log reading (ohm-m)
R0 = resistivity of rock filled with water (ohm-m)
RESD = deep resistivity log reading (ohm-m)
RESM = medium resistivity reading (ohm-m)
RESS = shallow resistivity log reading (ohm-m)
RF = recover factor (fractional)
Rgas = recoverable reserves of gas (mcf or m3)
RMFE = equivalent mud filtrate resistivity (ohm-m)
RMF@FT = mud filtrate resistivity (ohm-m)
RMF@TRMF = mud filtrate resistivity at measured temperature (ohm-m)
Ro = computed resistivity of rock filled with water (ohm-m)
Roil = recoverable reserves of oil (bbl or m3)
RSH = resistivity of shale (ohm-m)
RSP = RWE / RMFE in SP calculation (fractional)
RW@FT = water resistivity at formation temperatures (ohm-m)
RW@TRW = water resistivity at measured temperature (ohm-m)
RWa = apparent water resistivity (ohm-m)
RWai = apparent water resistivity of ith layer (ohm-m)
RWSH = water resistivity of water bound to shale (ohm-m) 
Smo = moved oil water saturation from any method (fractional)
SP = spontaneous potential log reading in zone of interest (mv)
SP0 = spontaneous potential log reading in 100% clean zone (mv)
SP100 = spontaneous potential log reading in 100% shale (mv)
Sro = residual oil water saturation from any method (fractional)
SUFT = surface temperature (degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius)
Sw = calculated water saturation from any method (fractional)
SWa = water saturation from Archie method (fractional)
SWavg = average water saturation (fractional)
SWd = water saturation from Dual Water method (fractional)
Swpt = invaded zone saturation from EPT method (fractional)
SWir = irreducible water saturation (fractional)
SWp = water saturation from porosity saturation product (fractional)
SWs = water saturation from Simandoux method (fractional)
SWt = total water saturation (fractional)
Sxo = water saturation in the invaded zone from any method (fractional) 
TARwt% = tar weight (percent)
THICK = zone or layer thickness (ft or m)
TRW = temperature at which RW was measured (deg F or deg C)
Uma = computed matrix photoelectric absorption cross section  (barns/cm3)
UMA1 = photoelectric absorption cross section of 1st mineral (barns/cm3)
UMA2 = photoelectric absorption cross section of 2nd mineral (barns/cm3)
UMA3 = photoelectric absorption cross section of 3rd mineral (barns/cm3)
USH = photoelectric absorption cross section in 100% shale (barns/cm3)
Vcl = bulk volume of clay (fractional)
VISd = viscosity of dead oil (cp)
VISg = viscosity of gas (cp)
VISo = viscosity of live oil (cp)
VISw = viscosity of water (cp)
Vi = bulk volume of ith component of matrix rock (fractional)
Vrock = bulk volume of rock matrix (fractional)
Vsh = shale volume from any method (fractional)
Vshc = shale volume corrected for non-linear effects (fractional)
Vshg = shale volume from gamma ray log (fractional)
Vshmin = shale volume from minimum method (fractional)
Vshs = shale volume from spontaneous potential log (fractional)
Vshx = shale volume from density neutron crossplot method (fractional)
Vsilt = volume of silt (fractional) 
WCg = water cut for gas well (fractional)
WCo = water cut for oil well (fractional)
WGr = water gas ratio (fractional)
WOr = water oil ratio (fractional)
WS = water salinity input constant (ppm NaCl)
WTrock = rock weight (tonnes/m2)
WTsh = shale weight (tonnes/m2)
WTsnd = sand weight (tonnes/m2)
WToil = oil weight (tonnes/m2)
WTwtr = water weight (tonnes/m2)
Woil = oil mass (fractional)

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